The Game Commences

Who's the Man?

You plopped on your belly on your huge bed. And propped your face on your hands. You kept deciphering on what could possibly be the reason that Minwoo was angry at you. You were completely clueless on how to fix this, because you've never experienced a time when Minwoo was really angry at you. Your complete anger for L.joe was quickly replaced by your complete concern over Minwoo. 


What is it? You don't remember doing something inexplicably bad.


Whatever, you just felt depressed. and like your usual depressed self, you head out the kitchen and grab a tub of  ice cream. You quickly stuff yourself on the frozen creaminess. Making you lose your problems for a bit. Then suddenly, you felt hands snake slowly around your waist. You freeze.


You slowly turn around. Seeing a chuckling L.joe. 

"Hey, couldn't have you forgetting about me." 


Crap, you completely forgot that he was even here. Your house was so huge that you didn't even run into each other the whole day. 


Usually, you turn his lights out after even touching you, but with what had happened yesterday, you realize that that's a waste of effort. So you just it up and toughen up. If you were just going to act all squeamish like yesterday, then you'll just be giving this freak something to laugh about.


"Shouldn't you be home already?" 

"I wanted to stay here a bit longer."

"Ah, okay, can you like, let go of me before i rip your wrists off?" you say bluntly yet nonchalantly

he chuckled. "No." he said mischievously. Propping his head on your shoulder. AISH! please, just let me snap his neck, just this once. .T.T


Then, an idea popped into your head. It was probably a VERY bad one. But you just couldn't take him running all over you, and you still couldn't think logically after all the worrying about Minwoo.

Ah what the heck. What have I got to lose?


You lovingly grab the the hands that were around your waist. You could feel L.joe jolt a bit, apparently shocked at your affectionate  action. You looked at him, he was wide eyed. You smirked, Have a taste of your OWN medicine pabo! >:)


You turn around, making you face-to-face with him. Making him stagger a bit backwards in surprise.


You move on closer to him. Making his eyes widen even more. "Wh-what are you d-doing? do you REALLY want me th-that much?" he said in feign confidence. But you could see that he was a bit uncomfortable at your actions.

Buwahaha!, looks like if he's not the one teasing, L.joe's squeamish himself.


"What if I say 'yes' ?" you say mischievously wrapping your arms around his neck. He was speechless. You could see red flecks forming at the base of his cheeks. He apparently had no idea how to handle this situation.


"I-I. ." he stuttered.

Then, you laughed hysterically and pulled away. "LOL! you should've seen your face! hahahah! what are you? a girl?" you teased.


Then, you could see L.joe registering what happened. That you were trying to give him a taste of his own medicine. His shock completely disappeared and turned into fury.


"YOU!" he grumbled. You grinned triumphantly. Happy that YOU were the one annoying HIM.


You suddenly come closer at him and whispered into his ear.


"Your not the only one who can play games"

Making him speechless again. You used that as an opportunity to walk away and leave him.


You hurriedly make your way back to your room. Even forgetting about your precious ice cream. You bury your face on your pillow and see that your cheeks were burning. Probably with embarrassment.


Jesus, WHAT DID I JUST DO??. You had NO idea that you were even CAPABLE of doing that.

You felt your heartbeat go a gazillion times faster. But then, You remembered Ljoe's priceless face, making you laugh hysterically again

Lol. But it was worth it xD



You were with L.joe and your mom at the exit of your house. A long stark white limo parked outside the gate. 


L.joe, (Byunghun) timidly bowed at your mom and then to you. Making his glasses fall a bit. Using this as an opportunity to annoy him even more. You adjust his glasses for him, slightly caressing his pale cheek in the process. His face twitched. You could see him wanting to slap your hand away, but he couldn't because he was still in character


"Aaaaaw! you guys are so cute together already." your mom said giddily.

You smirk at him secretly. I can pretend too. . >:D


His eye flinched in annoyance, but then the mischievous glint in his eyes return. He hugged you suddenly and beamed you a smile.


"Bye Rinji! I had a great time." he said in his fake innocent tone.


He then grabs your hand gently and kissed the back of it. Making you automatically blush. You weren't the corny type or anything, but you couldn't help it, it the scene looked like it came out of romance comic. 


You looked toward your mom and she was holding her cheek like a schoolgirl. 


. . darn, he's good


"Awwwww!" she admired. "Rinji, aren't you so lucky to have Byunghun?"


You plastically smiled. "Yes,. . I sure am." trying to hide your urge to gag.  Making Ljoe silently chuckle evilly inside


Then you hugged him one last time. Of course, you had an ulterior motive in doing so, you secretly dig your nails on his back. Making him wince in pain and anger. But he recomposed himself and smiled at you fakely again


"OHO! you're so adorable." he said pretending to  lovingly pat your cheek. But that "pat" hurt like hell.

OW. . 


You rub your cheek, trying to hide how much it hurt. He smirked.


He came towards you and whispered. "Sure, you can play if you want, but I'll still win."




WOOOOO!! Now the tables have turned. Go Rinji! L.joe's not backing down either

hahah please comment and stuff. I don't know if I'm good at writing lovey-dovey things xD

please give me advice and stuff on how to make it better. ^^


please do comment and subscribe =D


L.JOOOEEEEE!! <33 lol how many different hair colors has he had already?




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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8