Failed Confession

Who's the Man?

Your phone rang, 

"Minwoo?" you asked.

"Hey noona, the guys were just asking if we could like meet up together or something, . .you know, just dinner at the usual place at six ." he said. But you noticed that there was a slight shakiness in his voice, like he was nervous.


"Ah! that'd be awesome!" you replied, trying not to mention the edge in his voice.


You plopped onto your bed. And raised your phone above your head, the chain of the teddy bear clanging, you smiled.  looking at your "wedding ring"

what kind of marriage has a key chain for a wedding ring?  well it's already messed up as it is, so why not? lol

But you tried to forget about your wedding and Ljoe, all you wanted to do was bond with the boys during dinner, maybe beat up some thugs if you get the chance. OHYEAH! this is gunna be awesome! all sorts of thoughts of going karaoke with your friends, fighting over the last yakiniku, or even fighting to fight the last criminal, things you miss, because all you've been doing is dress shopping and going on dates with that wierdo. You couldn't help but get giddy with excitement. 

You changed into your signature fighting attire. A grey  hoodie, loose black pants and blue high cut sneakers. You looked at the mirror, and a sudden clang of curiosity hit you. You looked at the paper bags with dresses, suddenly wanting to wear them. 

ooohh! i-is this one of those rare girly girl moments of mine?? I'm so proud of myself!!

You quickly  changed into that white dress, . You twirled in front of the mirror, eye glued at your own reflection. Running your fingers through the flowy satiny fabric. Adjusting carefully the hem to be perfectly aligned

. . . 

*sigh* Naah..  .I guess not


You changed back to your old attire.



You meet at your favorite barbeque restaurant. This was because whenever you ate there, you could always see some thugs hanging around in the nearby alleys, so it was easy finding prey. buwahahha


You saw Boyfriend hanging over at the entrance. They were like huddled together, like they were planning something confidential, not even noticing you. You came closer, trying to eavesdrop on their conversation. But Donghyun saw you.

"Ahh. .R-Rinji"

"Hyung.  .what are you talking about?" you asked in curiosity. And yes, you call them hyung. Calling them oppa seems to weird for you.

"Nothing, we were just. .talking about "guy stuff", you wouldn't understand." Jeongmin jumpily said., making you even more curious. They never used that excuse before, they treated me as a guy all these years. .o.0

"O. .kaay" you said

As you went inside the restaurant. Kwangmin's phone rang. 

"Erm. excuse me."

He conversed with the person for a bit and bowed slightly. "Heheh, sorry, Youngmin and I need to go." 

"Eeeh? why?" you say a bit frustrated. 

"Family stuff" he said while dragging Youngmin and started running in the sidewalk. "Byee!" Younmin yelled in order for you to hear. Then Hyunseong called out to them. "Hey guys! how're you going to get home?" 

The boys stopped. "I don't know, maybe walk or something."

"That's too dangerous for fifteen year olds at this hour" he said concerned. "I'll drive you home"

Ehhh?? but NOTHING"S too dangerous for both of them. You should see their tae kwon do combo skills. 

The twin's eyes lit up. "Thank you Hyung!" they said in sync. 

So the three of them left.

The shadiness continued when you entered the restaurant. You rented a small room so you could talk freely and eat freely. But things started turning wierd. Jeongmin had a tummy ache ang had to go home, and Donghyun suddenly burst out crying after recieving a phone call telling us his goldfish Pocchi died and he had to be there for the ceremonial flushing in the toilet. For a leader he's such a wuss :p


So. .now, the only poeple in the room was you and Minwoo.

There was silence,. .awkward silence

The WORST possible scenario, since he seemed angry at you, and apparently still is because he never once spoke a word to you ever since you guys gathered. But at least, with this set up, you could ask him what's the matter.

"Y-yah Minwoo. .you angry at me or something?"

He dropped his head and looked at the table. "No" he said softly.

You held his hand, he was a bit startled at your action.  "Aw come on, you know were bro's just spill it. I won't hold it against you."

He looked up, a bit hesitant in telling you. "Promise?"

You beamed him a smile and ruffled his hair. "yeah, promise."

Then the look in his eye changed, it looked grave and serious. "Okay, first, I hate you calling me "bro" " he said. You were confused.  He came closer towards you from across the table. "You know why?" he said slowly. Making you a but uncomfortable. 

You shook your head.

"Because that's the only thing you treat me as.: a little brother. I want you to see me as something more. Something more.  .special. Do you get it?"  he said slowly, as if talking to a child

He looked at you, curious of your reaction. You chuckled. "Ahh, so that's it, Minwoo, if you didn't want to be treated as a kid, just ask."

Instead of looking happy, he looked a bit hurt? Then that hurt turned into anger. He developed an unreadable expression, it was wild and sharp, totally different from his usual smiling eyes.

He put his knee on the table and started going across the table, over to your side. You backed up. "M-minwoo, Don't worry, as I said, I won't treat you as a child anymore." 

At your words, he moved faster. Your back hit the wall. Your eyes widened. He was now only inches away from you. His hand placed on one side of the wall beside your head.

He looked at you gravely and started moving towards your head. "Minwo--mmf!" he covered your mouth with his hand. "Don't talk" he said sternly. This side of Minwoo was never seen by you before.

He closed his eyes. Advancing even further, his lips only centimeters, away from your covered ones. He kissed the back of the hand that was covering your lips, like an indirect kiss, his eyes still clammed shut. Your eyes widened.

He let go of your mouth. You inhaled deeply, heart beating a hundred miles an hour. "Yah! Minwoo stop with the pranks."

At your words, he looked pained. He backed away from you, hands on his lap. He looked at you straight. You were shocked  to see that his eyes were watery and his entire face was red. Wait.  .h-he's blushing? he's crying?

He clenched his hoodie nervously. "noona." he said meekly, he bit his lip in order to suppress a tear. "You being that dense is hurtful you know?"


You didn't understand, but you saw that he was on the brink of tears. So you came towards him and gave him a hug. "Ah ..I don't get it, but I'm sorry. Just don't cry neh?" you say trying to fix the odd situation.

He pulled away from the hug and wiped his eyes. He stood up and immediately went for the door. Before he went out he said. "Heheh, noona. forget everything that happened okay?" 

His voice was trying to sound cheerful, but you could spot the pained quiver in his voice.

The sliding door shut completely.

So there you were, alone, guilty for some reason. . and confused. again.

AHHHH!!! what's up? I don't get it


As Minwoo left the room. Boyfriend immediately pulled away from the walls. They were apparently eavesdropping. 

"Heheh, Minwoo, hey." Jeongmin said, trying to smile. They heard everything apparently. They didn't have to do that. I knew she wasn't ready.

"I tried to confess, you all happy now?" Minwoo said, a hint of anger in his voice.

"S-sorry Minwoo" Hyunseong apologized as he gave Minwoo a pat in the back. Boyfriend looked at him sympathetically. He hated sympathy.

Minwoo, wanted to breakdown. He waited for five years, and he still picked the wrong time. 

"I'm fine hyung, I'm the one who's sorry, It's not you guys' fault. I just need some time alone okay?" he said, trying to add his usual cheerfulness in his voice. 

He left the restaurant. 


Minwoo walked towards his apartment. Depressed. He hated living in his house. It was too. . well big.  

While walking hee was having flashbacks of the first time you guys met. He was just eleven and was playing in a public playground. He looked to his side. Hoping to see his mom looking over him. But to his dismay it was only his nannies/bodyguards. They always terrified him, with their slick ponytails and muscular arms and out-of-place maid outfits. He hated manly women, they were just as scary as men but had sharper tongues.

Minwoo was a very quiet child, usually, he preferred being alone in his room, reading a good book or something. But his parents urged him to at least play once in a while and have fun. He glanced towards his nannyguards. Yeah, I'll REALLY have fun. .  =/

He was swinging in a swing with a blank expression, wishing to return in his room. When somebody swung the swing so hard from behind that he fell face-first to the ground. Just his luck, the nannyguards were busy chatting with each other that they didn't see that.

He wiped the dirt off his face and looked at the person, furious. 

"Hey!" he scolded.

The person just smirked. When he looked at the person closer. The person was actually a girl. She IS a girl. . right?

She wore a cap that was turned backwards and had shoulder length hair. She had on a loose shirt and loose shorts. Her knees were full of band-aids and scratches. Ahhh. . so this is what they call "Bullies". 

He stood up and screamed. "Just because your a girl, doesn't mean I'm gunna go easy on you if you keep on doing that."

At his words, she seemed almost touched. Probably cuz i recognized that she's a girl. .

But then she gave a cheeky smirk. "I don't care, hit me if you want." 

"I'm not going to hit a girl" 

Without warning, she punched Minwoo in the gut, making him tumble to the ground in pain. "Urk!"

"How 'bout now?" she said cheekily, opening her arms to give Minwoo an easy shot. Minwoo got so angry that he couldn't refuse the offer. He charged at her and tried to tackle her. But the girl was VERY agile. She was able to dodge the tackle by tumbling backwards and grabbed Minwoo's arm and twisted it behind his back, using it to pin him to the ground face-down.

Minwoo almost drowned with humiliation. . I HATE manly women. He couldn't help it, but tears were streaming down his face.

"Buwahahaha! remember my name weakling! Go Rinji!" she laughed like a maniac.

After that incident, he always followed you around, challenging you to random battles (not violent ones though, like boardgames and stuff, because he hated fighting). But he always lost. Because of you, Minwoo lost his shyness a bit and became more outgoing, even gained a new hobby: dancing. Even though your relationship started as enemies, you started warming up to each other. Minwoo, instead of feeling hate, admired you instead. He loved the way you fought, brave and direct. 

You both developed a group of friends called "boyfriend".

He knew your secret. He knew that you were a gang and were fighting criminals and other trouble-making gangs. 

It kind of hurt him, that he was the only on being left out. But later on, he realized that he didn't feel hurt because he was left-out, but because you still thought of him as that sniffly 11 year old child that would immediately cry whenever in a fight.

He wanted you to see him as a man. And that's when he realized his feelings. .


That maybe manly women aren't so bad after all. .


BUT DANG! she's so dense.  .-.-




Awwww. . Minwooso sad. =((

Rinji you are so dense.

Haahah i know this is random but at first, while writing this story. Ljoe was actually supposed to be the innocent one and Minwoo was supposed to be the slight . xD but  i think i like the set up better this way, because I just can't picture Minwoo all UNinnocent like that heheh. So i guess its pretty obvious that Minwoo is also rich. So its like they're hiding their identities to  other.



Minwooo!!!! when I first heard of boyfriend, my eyes IMMEDIATELY went to Minwoo. .*sigh* so Kuhyuuuuut!!! hahah

 need some proof??





<<<<"Kiss you!">>>>>


    SURE! hahaha xD


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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8