Two Confessions and A Pending one.

Who's the Man?

You slumped tiredly on the immaculate bed on your room, guessing that there might be some kind of secret housekeeping going on since you left the bed undone and everything else the same way.

You buried your face in one of the stark white fluffy pillows. "I wonder how come we never see the housekeeping." you say mildly rubbing your cheeks in the fabric.

"Y-yeah" Ljoe said with a slight edge in his voice. It was actually him who did all the cleaning. But his pride couldn't handle it if you found out that his cleaning addiction made him almost go into a cleaning frenzy whenever he had the chance to go in this room alone.

Ljoe skimmed through the expanse of the room stretching his arms out therapeutically, a small yawn surfacing in his features. You noticed that when he did this a small dimple showed itself on his left cheek. You couldn't help but find this. .endearing. Yep, endearing, that's the right word. Definately not cute. Right?


You rubbed your eyes as you rolled yourself to turn away form Ljoe. THANK GOD Panta finally dissolved the whole "eye-contact" policy. Because everytime that you look at Ljoe, the kiss resurfaces in your memory. Ugh, . here it comes again,. .the blush. You didn't want to think about the small sliver of a possibility that you might actually be falling for the split-personalitied idiot. OK, judging from the fact that you automatically blush at the remembrance of the kiss. That sliver of a possibility might be bigger than you hoped.

"Whew, my eyes were going to fall off if I had to spend at least another more minute looking at your face." you say.

You were turned away from him, so you couldn't see the slight smirk tugging the left corner of his lip upwards. 

Your spine tingled when you felt the sensation of the bed dipping ever so slowly, signifying that Ljoe climbed in right behind you. Your everything tingled when you felt the sensation of him snaking his arms around your waist. Your heart almost exploded when you felt the sensation of him propping his chin on your bony shoulder. The distance between both of you making it possible for you to feel his warm breathes on your neck.  They felt like sharp electrical currents spreading around you which made you tremble a bit. 

You hoped. Prayed to God that he didn't feel that. But he did

He let out a teasing chuckle. "What? couldn't handle all the blushing?" he said while burying his face deeper into your shoulder.

You tensed at his statement. You tensed because it was so darn true. You knew that the was a small sliver of a possiblity that you might be falling for this split-personalitied idiot definately, exists. And as of this moment, it's slowly getting bigger. You knew that you should have just let out the "ew" or "yuck" that was forming at the back of your throat. But instead you did something that both showed your true feelings and something that you will probably regret in the near future, you nodded.

You couldn't see him, but you could just feel that he was shocked and startled that you responded to his teasing with a serious and almost confession-like answer. he looked up and saw you nervously chewing on your lower lip, waiting on how he will respond to that answer. He saw you try to pat away the redness from your cheeks from admitting to something so embarassing.

"Rinji,. .look at  me." he said in a firm voice, but you could feel that there was a slight, almost non-existent quiver in his voice.

You didn't want to, you couldn't even dare to imagine what his reaction would be seeing you in your very flustered self. But then a palm of his gently cupped one your cheeks and turned you towards him, making the rest of you follow. You were now both facing towards each other, his arms were still tied loosely around you waist.

You expected him to be smirking with a smug look on his face, but it was the opposite, he was beet red, just like you. 

He gave out a tight smile "As you can see, . .me too." he said while drawing his lips into a thin line, making a small dimple on his right cheek resurface again.

what's up with me and dimples?. .

You wondered how the hell he could be so jerky one minute and be so endearingly freakin cute and innocent on another. You realized at how vocal Ljoe was with his feelings. You felt a bit stupid for lying to yourself by repeatedly saying that you hated him.

Suddenly, Ljoe slowly grabbed the back of your head and lead it towards his chest. You were stiff, skeptical on what he was planning to do. But when you laid your head down on his chest you heard the rapid beating of his heart. A pace that matched your own.

"You know that I hate you." he said with a tired chuckle. "You're the only one that  does this to me."

You tried to supress the rebelious smile that was trying to surface in your face. You felt exactly the same. He was the only guy, only person, That made you tremble just by his touch and make you blush just by the sight of him. The warmth seeping out from his embrace  and his now ryrthmically paced heartbeat was so calming that left  you wanting more of that warmth. You did something involuntary that shocked both you and Ljoe. You buried your face deeper in his chest and mildly nuzzled like a child. Your head slighty tucked under his chin. Him being forced to inhale the fresh scent of your mint shampoo.

At your action, you heard Ljoe's heart rate paced up, and then slowed again.

God, why is she so-

"Darn cute." Ljoe mentally slapped himself for thinking aloud. You stiffened, you've never been called cute before. Well seriously for that matter. He thinks I'm cute?. . .like in a girly way?

You lift up one or your arms and use it to pinch Ljoe's nose. "Stop saying such embarassing things, pabo." you say, burying your face deeper in embarassment. Ljoe chuckled at your awkward reaction and muttered amusingly things like "well you started it.". Ljoe used this light-hearted moment as an opportinity to say something that he has been constantly debating with himself to say ever since the day of that cursed kiss.

"H-hey" he stammered. "I like you."

You quickly peel off your cheek from his chest and stare up at him wide-eyed. Your mouth agape in shock. With something like disbelief in your eyes. Did he really just say that?? You absolutely had no idea how to handle this situation.You opened your mouth to say something like "no", but quickly closed it again with the thought that maybe that that sliver of a possibility was big enough for you to respond with a "yes". But no words come out. You just stare at him for five whole excruciatingly long seconds. At your silence you saw a brief flicker of pain in Ljoe's expression, but then he tried to cover that up with a nervous laugh as he sat up, releasing you from his embrace.

He mowed through his orange hair, clearly regretting what he said with an I'm-so-stupid look on his face.

"Um. .haha. j-just forget that I said that."

Oh God. .please don't make that face. At his hurt face, you immediately felt guilty. This was actually the first time the great Ljoe made the confession. Only to be met with awkward silence in return. You were about to say something, but then he looked at you, trying to hide him being upset. "I understand." he said with a tight smile. Not allowing you to say anymore potentially hurtful words.

"I'll just go outside for a moment, my um. .stomach is rumbling. Want me to get you some?" he said as casually as he could. But you were positive he was lying. You shook your head. 

As he turned around to go for the door. You felt scared. Kind of like the metaphoric feeling that if he leaves through that door, so will his feelings for you. You didn't want that. You knew that you also had feelings for him. But were clueless on as to how strong they were. He was now only inches away from the doorknob.


You sprung from the bed, almost clumsily tripping over your own foot and latched your arm around his wrist. Making him turn towards your direction. You lightly bonk him on the forehead with your knuckle.

"Yah! who told you to make wild assumptions? you didn't even allow me to answer." you said with apparent anger.

You plant a small yet lingering kiss on his left cheek. Which made him let out a surprised gasp and his eyebrows shoot up. You gave him a smile.

"I like you too."


It was morning again. You woke up in a very awkward situation. You were in Ljoe's arms, your fingers clutching the fabric of the shirt on his chest.  You quickly open your eyes and let out a gasp. Did we sleep like this the whole night?? *o*

"Gaaaah!" you screech pushing him away from you, making him fall off the bed with a comical thud. He looked at you with half-lidded eyes, still too much in a sleepy daze to even register the fact that you pushed him off the bed. He rubbed the back of his now sore head with an annoyed expression.

"What the heck?" he whined. His voice hoarse because of just waking up.

You sharply pointed at the strip of tape dividing the bed into to. It's edges a bit torn and crumpled by being laid upon. 

"THE BOUNDARY dude, the boundary.!" you scream in an almost screeching voice. Making Ljoe wince and cover his ear.

"Don't be so noisy in the morning." he mumbled as he stood up and tired to dust himself off. "You make it sound that I did something horrible to you."

You froze. Remembering both of your confessions last night. DANG! almost forgot about that. And a part of you hoped that Ljoe forgot about that too. But oh no, fate hates me too much for that to happen.He flashed me his signature mischievous smirk with the matching annoying glint in his eyes.

"Oh yes, I remember " he said. Lord, is he some kind of psychic or something?

He quickly climbed into the bed beside closely you, again not caring about the boundary even though you just lectured him about it a while ago. He slung an arm casually around your shoulder. Making you slump a bit because of the weight. 

"Aigoo! you were so cute last night, snuggling into me and stopping me from leaving so you could tell me that you liked me." he said mockingly, his free arm pinching your cheek.

For about a millisecond, you were red, but the feeling of overwhelming annoyance quickly shook that off. You unsling his arms around harshly by slapping it consecutively.

You looked up at him with a sheepish grin and with one eyebrow raised. "Well who confessed first?"

His nose flared up. His mouth opened to say something, but then closed again. You chuckled at his inability to formulate a comeback.

You felt relieved. Oh So Very relieved that the confession didn't drastically change our relationship with each other. It wasn't even awkward talking to him. You both still managed to tease and joke around with each other. Though, there was the scary fact of what was to come. The question of "Now what?" lingering inside your head. After the confession, what was the both of you supposed to do? Be all lovey-dovey?. . Yuck. Hell no. You decided to just go with the flow of things and followed your instincts.


The door of you room swings open. You both quickly straighten yourselves out and scooch towards opposite ends of the bed, finally following the "boundary".

"My Kittiiiess~" an eerily shrill voice sang. You both panicked for a while. Realizing it was Panta. Who knows what he was planning to make both of you do now?

He/she walked in suddenly with the huge gummy smile of his/her.

"Oh.Em.Gee! I'm so proud of both of you." he/she chimed as he moved over closer to the bed with his/her arms spread wide open ready to give both of you a hug. At this, both of you grimaced unconsciously moved your heads away as much as possible, the back of your heads hitting the headboard, not wanting to be smothered by this creepy man/woman.

"You both finally confessed." he said. "I predicted it though." 

Ljoe was going to say something, but then a horrified look quickly shrouded his features. His eyes wide open and his mouth agape. 

"What's wrong?" you mouthed to him. He, still not unwidening his eyes or blinking, pointed furiously at the side Panta's face. Yes, you did notice something different with Panta, but couldn't exactly pinpoint it. You followed Ljoe's line of vision.

Oh yes. I know now.

His ear is dangling from his face and is almost detaching itself.

Yes. that's it.

"OH MY GOD!! you screamed out." almost jumping out of the bed as you sharply pointed at Panta's dangling ear.

Panta tried to furrow his usually unmoving face in confusion at your outrageous reaction. But that lead to something that startled both of you to the point of almost peeing in your pants.


His skin tore up!. A huge patch of skinless surface was seen on Panta's forehead, due to him trying to furrow his brows. Your eyes turned the size of pingpong balls as you tried not to let them roll inside your head and faint. I wanna throw up.

Panta, apparently hearing the ripping noise, touched his forehead and felt the skinless part. Immediately opening his mouth in panic.

"Crap" Panta cursed. His voice different. It was no longer androgynous. It was male


You were sitting on the couch, even though it was a soft and as comfortable as it can be, you were so stiff. Mainly because you've experienced one of the greatest shocks in your whole 17 years of existence.

A few seconds ago, you witnessed Panta literally rip his face off. Your mouth was wide agape in horror the whole time you watched the gruesome scene. He tucked his index finger under his chin and quickly yanked his skin off. Both of you loudly sighed with relief, realizing that his face was actually just a mask. After he finished taking off the remaining patches of skin. He removed his oddly colored wig.

But what lied beneath those was even more shocking. A male face. A normal face. An uncreepy face. Even a handsome face.

Panta actually looked like he was in his early twenties. With feline eyes similar to Ljoe's only sleeker. He had a milky almost porcelain skin and a head full of warm light brown locks. Again, a guy that made you look like a man if compared to. He also looked vaguely familiar.



Ljoe choked. "Oh My God! you're the almighty Key." he pointed out. Shaking his head slightly trying to make sure if his vision's not just messed up.

Panta. .I mean Key smiled proudly when Ljoe recognized him.

"huh?" you inquired, urging for an explanation.

"He's this famous multi-entertainer. One of the most famous idols here in Korea. He's mostly known for his great impersonations and acting skills." Ljoe explained. A bit of in a confused and unbelieving dazed as he let the words out.

S-seriously??. .so That's why he's so freakin' good at acting like a creep.

"Ohohoho!" Key giggled, covering his mouth daintily with his hand. "You flatter me."

He told you that he was just pretending to be someone he was not because if they knew that his counseling villa was run by an idol, too much paparazzi would bother him. Also, clients wouldn't take his business seriously. This was suuch a weird day. You recieved to confessions, one saying that he likes you, and one saying that he's not actually just a creepy marriage counselor but also a famous creepy marriage counselor.

Both of you nodded, slowly absorbing what's happening.

"I get that and all." you say. "But why transform into a creepy looking, ultra-plastic surgeried to the point of looking like an alien sheman?" 

"To make it more fun. .duh!" he said with a tinge of mischief. Chuckling darkly afterwards.

Seems like this guy is as weird as Panta. -.-

"So. .what do we call you now? Pantey?" Ljoe joked. Laughing his off afterwards. "Get it? Panta plus Key?"

You cracked up a bit, Okay. .that was actually funny.

Both of your laughing stopped when you see Key sitting across from both of you. Apparently unamused. His arms crossed and pressed against his chest with an eyebrow up.

"Sorry" Ljoe apologized.

He's just as scary too. .-.-

Then his diva-ish expression suddenly changed. Like he just remembered something that he almost let slip from his mind. "Oh! I forgot. Your parents called. .The formal announcement of your wedding will be tonight!."

Both of you looked at each other. 



Minwoo was lying happily in his bed. He was too tired from running all over the place looking for something. He looked over his side towards his bedside drawer and gave out a tired yet triumphant sigh. There lay a beautifully wrapped box, inside was a the video game that you've been whining on and on about, but sadly you couldn't get your hands on it because almost all shops were out of them. Thank God, boyfriend helped me on picking the perfect gift for noona.

He smiled a stupidly wide grin to himself and and turned over to his side and opened his palms. A shining silver necklace dangling from his fingertips.

I wonder how she will react when she sees this inside the video game case.

He gripped the necklace tight and inhaled deeply. Yes!. .I will definitely do it properly this time. By properly I mean overly obvious so that even your overly dense yet adorable mind will get it.


He tried not to make himself too hopeful, but he wanted to encourage himself so he will atleast have the courage to do a second one after that awkward first.

In the middle of his self-encouraging thoughts, his phone rang.

"Yeah mom?. . a wedding announcement invitation? Tonight?. ." he asked. "Y-yeah sure no problem, I'll get changed in a while, just pick me up whenever."

He clamped his phone shut. He didn't even care about being so tired yet having to go to the wedding announcement of a couple that he probably didn't even know. He was just still so nervous at the same time for his confession.

Rinji noona, get ready for my reconfession.



WOOOHH! this chapter is FULL of confessions. YEP! to all of you that that guessed Key was Panta, you're right. All along I've been planning on making Panta turn out to be Key, I was planning on revealing this fact a little bit later, But i was just dying to write it. And also, most of you guessed it was Key, so I think it would be pretty bad of me to leave all of you hanging. .xD Also as you can see, i wont be changing the font anymore with their thoughts, cus its kind of obvious already. And I'm lazy haha

The confessioon! yeah. . It was inevitable but i didn't expect to be writing it so soon. I was just so mad while writing that part though, because when i finished that section and I was hella happy with it, i left the room for about an hour or so and forgot to save it. When i came back it said. "Account has been logged out. Story unsaved."

With that i was crushed. . hahah. I tried to rewrite it the same, but unfortunately forgot some parts. I still like it, but the first one was better. T.T

Also Minwooooooo!

oh Minwoo. oh Minwoo Why am I so evil to you? . . haha lame I know xD

It's pretty sad that Ljoe managed to confess earlier than him(with Rinji actually understanding it) even though he had a crush on her for the longest. And it's pretty obvious who's wedding announcement he will be attending.

okay. .I'm realizing that this author's note is getting ultra long. .and probably annoying you ahhaha. . so I'll end it right here.  ^^

ALSO KISSES TO MY SUBSCRIBERS! wooo! thanks so much =''D and if your not one.  subscribe xD hahah

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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8