Tomorrow's the Day

Who's the Man?

It was 6:30 in the morning. The  dawn light swept over the cold city. 

Most people would probably be relaxed by this, but Ljoe was still panicking. He's been wracking his brain for a solution ever since that bastard-of-a-hyung Rain called. He has gotten zero amount of sleep for the past 24 hours, but he still couldn't find the urge to. What man could sleep at a situation like this? His whole body, particularly his hands were freezing because of the fact that he's just been walking around aimlessly the entire night. A shroud of desperation overwhelmed him, pushing him against a corner.

After a while, Rain called him again. And his words just shook Ljoe up to his core.


I need help.

But I'm not sure if I'll get it though.


He took in a deep breath. As if the door in front of him had a ticking time bomb on the other side of it. He really had to be quick with this preparing himself for an apology thing because the dumpster stink was starting to make him feel dizzy and stick to his clothes.

*knock* *knock*

He tried his best to look formal and everything when the door opened and Niel's head peeped through.

"Byunghy--, I-I mean, it's Ljoe now isn't it?" Niel corrected as he opened the door fully. His eyes were wide with confusion.

"Actually Niel, it's back to Byunghyun, I quit the gang business." Ljoe forced a smile. He just knew that the other's wouldn't be as angerless as Niel, especially after he abandoned them. There was a time wherein Ljoe was so caught up with being a tough-guy gang member that he forbade anyone from ever calling him his real name.

"Oh," Niel said, a bit surprised. "What are you here for then?"


"I need help." Ljoe whispered. A mixture of distress and fear prominent in his eyes.


Niel was surprised. Very surprised, even though they all hope that someday Ljoe would come bursting through their door as if he never left, he never thought that the day would come when he would actually do. Even though he should be angry with him, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"I need help" his hyung whispered.

Niel didn't respond, which was quite a rare thing considering his big mouth. But he never saw his hyung like this before. He never showed any vulnerability even when he was in the prime of his gangster days. But now here he was, desperately asking for help from his dongsaeng.


"Hey Niel! who's at the door?" Chunji inquired, and before he knew it. Hell got loose.

"WHAT GIVES YOU THE NERVE TO BE HERE??!!?" Chunji yelped, already red with anger.


"nice to see you too Chunji" Ljoe sadly said.

You should probably know what Ljoe did in order for Chunji to be this mad at him. A few years ago, Ljoe gathered the members of Teentop. At first, the purpose of the gang was just to be able to get away from all their rich-boy responsibilities by fighting other gangs near the area that wished to fight with them. But suddenly, you could say that Ljoe got "addicted" to fighting, he no longer waited for challengers ad fished for battles himself, whether the enemies liked it or not. The other members tried to stop him though before he does something stupid, but instead Ljoe joined another gang.

All went downhill from there. The gang he joined was a hardcore one that involved robbery, kidnappings and some say even murder. Teentop told him about this, but he was stupidly brainwashed by their nameless leader. And that was it. . Ljoe got angry and never talked to them again.

Chunji used to be his best friend, so that explains the anger.



Teentop was now inside their hideout, everyone in their respective places, even Ljoe. Even though everyone was still angry at Ljoe, Niel just felt that seeing that empty seat now filled up made even a tiny bit happier inside. But Chunji was still quiet and showed signs of sulking at the fact that Ljoe was so easily allowed to come in again.

Cap cleared his throat. "So, what finally brings you here?" he asked a but coldly to Ljoe. But Niel could see it was fake.

Something in Ljoe's features changed. It was like he was overwhelmed with sadness. It must really be something, to make Byungyun-hyung like that and even come ask for help for it. 

Seeing the drastic change in Ljoe's expression, everyone leaned in closer.

"I-im getting married." he made out, but it was clear that that wasn't the real reason, so even though Teentop was baffled and just wanted to scream about it, they just became quiet and urged him to go on.

"I obviously left the gang, but in the early morning, he threatened me. He told me that I should k-" Ljoe stopped and gathered himself for a bit , "Kidnap my fiance, and if I don't he'll come kill me and eventually her after they kidnap her themselves and ask for ransom"

Everyone gasped at the gravity of Ljoe's problem.

"God, that's . .that some deep crap you got into there." Niel said. 

Ljoe gave out a humorless and almost broken laugh and said. "I know."

"Why don't you just call the police?" Cap asked.

Ljoe paused. " I can't, if I do, my former leader will have my best friend killed in there."

There was silence. "Guys, I know that I don't deserve your help, especially after what I did. But I just dont know what to--"


"Shut up"


Everybody looked at Chunji, Ljoe followed and kept quiet. "Come one Chunji, the man's trying to apologize." Changjo reasoned.

Chunji silently stood up and went towards Ljoe, until he was right in front of him. "What I was trying to say was. ." he trailed off, everybody noticed he was clenching his fists. Ljoe was motionless, prepared of what's to come.

Chunji raised his fist and. .



He bonked Ljoe lightly on the top of his head, like what he always did when they were best friends.  Ljoe looked up, stunned that Chunji didn't punch him.

"What took you so long to realize that you were nothing without us?" Chunji said teasingly, smirking a bit.

Everyone sighed and smiled at the same time. "Yah! Chunji! do you know how tense you made us?" Ricky complained, plopping lazily back to his seat since he was prepared a moment ago to stop a possible fight.

Then laughter filled the room, and it was so corny and probably "uncool" since everybody shared hugs and took turns on ruffling Ljoe's hair.

"fluffffyyyyyyy!!!!" Ricky screeched while doing a good job of messing Ljoe's hair up. "I liked it better when it was pink though." he added.


Niel looked at the happy sight before him and chuckled at how immature they all looked, laughing and wrestling with each other as a reunion.

I guess the real Teentop's back



After a several minutes, they finally settled down and made an actual plan. But it was a risky plan. Both for Ljoe AND for Chunji, their main characters for the plan that was going to be put into action 3 days from now, because that's when they'll be expecting Ljoe to hand you over.

"Are you really willing to do this Chunji?" Ljoe assured. He didn't want to force them to put themselves in danger.

Chunji smirked. "Of course! I've never done something this exciting ever since you left." he explained, his eyes looked to battle-lust filled it was creepy.

Ljoe turned towards the others. "What about you guys?"

They all looked at each other.


"Let's whip some gangsta !" Changjo screamed. They all laughed. 

"Shht, .language."  Cap scolded. 



Ljoe finally arrived at home, mansion, as expected, his parent's weren't home, so they probably didn't even notice that he's been gone for the whole night. They probably aren't home taking care of blocking out any information regarding the failed announcement last night. Wow, that announcement was just last night? It felt like days ago, regarding that so many thing happened afterwards:

He got his heart partially broken when Rinji called it off, got it crushed when he saw her kissing another man. But then somehow forgave her because he saw her crying about it. Found out a bit about her past. Found out that the person he got stabbed was actually the man she kissed and is best friends with. He met her gang and they practically thought of him as a girl wimp as their first impression. . .AND this is the best part:  

he was threatened to kidnap his fiance by his former gang-leader so that a good friend of his won't be beaten to death.

So that practically summarizes his crappy, sleepless night. But one good thing came out of it though: he got his friends back.

All those thoughts kept running through Ljoe's very fatigued mind, so it wasn't long until he passed out, completely spent on his bed.


You were lying on your bed. Despite having eaten food that can be equivalent to a theoretical horse, you still felt empty. You check your phone constantly, waiting for a call from Ljoe. You lift your phone over your head until the plush cellphone chain he gave you was gently grazing over your cheek. You closed your eyes and remembered his promise.

"I'll give you a better ring one day"

At the thought, your heart beat faster and you rolled to the other side. Remembering what happened yesterday. Then why were you so cold to me when you left yesterday huh?

But who could blame him? what you did was not that easy to forgive, despite you having a valid reason for it.

You need to make this up to him.  You were totally not good with these kinds of things. But you needed to make things right somehow, even if it means making a total fool out of yourself if this fails. But you need help. Gosh. .it's awkward asking for help from these guys. .

You dial a number on your phone. "Hello Donghyun? I need a favor. Just don't tell Minwoo about this."


It was 7:00 in the evening.  Ljoe was in his room.  Tomorrow's the day. Tomorrow's when their plan will be in full-throttle. During the past few days ever since he talked again with Teentop, they've been rehearsing their plan. They also did some body-training and sparring. His body was sore all over and he has Changjo and his short temper to thank for that. But it was all worth it. After tomorrow, all his problems would be gone.


Stupid birds.

*tuk* *tuk*

What the heck?? Ljoe looked at the window where the sound was coming from and he realized that there were tiny pebbles being thrown at his window. He decided to ignore it, in case it was just the doing of bratty kids who have too much time on their hands. But then he realized. How did they manage to get through security?


A large rock broke through his window. "Oh that does it!!"  Ljoe immediately got out of bed and looked out the window, completely ready to throw that rock back at the person.  He froze when he saw the person who threw it.

"Yo!" a slightly annoyed looking Jeongmin greeted him, though he still had that lazy look in his eyes and was chewing gum. He wore a long-sleeved button-up with a black vest over it and black slacks. He looked like a waiter. 

"Are you deaf or something?" Jeongmin snarled. "Do I really have to break your window in order to catch your attention?"

Ljoe paid no time answering his sarcastic question and asked. "Wh-why are you here?"

Jeongmin looked at him as if he was stupid. "Why else? to come get you of course." he replied "Are your parents home?" 


"Perfect, then come down, looking up is a bit tiring you know."

Ljoe put on a sweater and climbed down a very conveniently placed tree, using intricate maneuvers considering that the distance between his bedroom window and the ground was pretty high. Jeongmin looked at him, halting his usual habit of chewing gum. Probably expecting him to use the stairs and the front door instead of a tree.

"not bad. ." Jeongmin mumbled.

Both of you secretly get past through an unconscious guard by the gate and quietly climbed the gate to get outside. There was already a stretch limo waiting for them.

"Where are you taking me? Do you think I'm just going to get inside a car just because you tell me to?" Ljoe smugly stated.

"Yes." Jeongmin replied. "Are you getting in or not?" 

Ljoe paused. Then scoffed and opened the limo door. What the heck are they planning?

Jeongmin climbed on to the front  seat. Ljoe looked at the front mirror to see who was driving  , "Hyunseung?"

"Yo," Hyunseung smiled. "Just go along with it."

Are they like, taking him to some kind of "guys night out or something?", but they're not even that close. Jeongmin tossed him hanger with a suit. "Change into that." he instructed before he put the divider up.

Ljoe thought about banging on the divider and demand them for answers, but he decided he was too lazy to do so today. So he struggled to change into that suit, hitting and crashing a few times because of Hyunseung's horrid driving. I'm pretty sure that guy's doing this on purpose.

"You okay back there?" Hyunseung called out. 

"Yeah." Ljoe replied through gritted teeth as he pulled his pants up sideways. I guess they still pretty much hate me -.-

After several minutes. To much of Ljoe's pleasure, the limo stopped. Ljoe went out of the car, dressed fully in his suit, except his tie was undone because all he used were clip-ons.

They were at the place where he first met Boyfriend.

He felt a tap on his shoulder. "This is where we leave you buddy." Hyunseung said. "You need to find your own way."

Ljoe didn't quite get what's going on, but he still went inside the apartment building. He was taken aback a bit by what he saw.

Laid out before him, was complete darkness. But there was a pathway littered with candles. Are they like, inviting me into some kind of cult or something?

Ljoe could feel something. For some reason he felt anticipation. He was so curious on what these guys were planning as he hurriedly yet hesitantly followed the candle-lit path.

The candles even led him to a flight of stairs on after another. He was already panting from the climbing. This better be worth it.

The candles finally stopped when it reached a door. Ljoe immediately yanked it open, and first thing he felt was the cool evening wind pleasantly hitting him.

Then, he froze. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

{a/n: just pretend that there isn't a guy there xD}

He was on the rooftop. Seoul's evening lights aided the small candles surrounding a dinner table for two. Sitting on the table was you. Looking at him shyly with a small smile on your face. You wore a long flowy white dress. The dim lighting highlighting her subtle features. The scenery were nothing compared to her, Ljoe thought. He couldn't believe that a person such as you would even think of doing this for him. 

Ljoe chuckled. "You know, things like these are a guy's job in relationships." he said while coming closer. He really tried to hide how happy he really was.

"Just shut up and take a seat." you said, a bit embarrassed. You looked away and mumbled. "Well I figured that a guy as brutish as you would never do something like this. "

Ljoe obediently took a seat and inched his face closer to you. "Well, speak for yourself. Amazon woman. You must really like me a lot huh?" Ljoe mischievously asked, propping his head on the back of his hand.

You looked at him and couldn't help but blush. "Well isn't it obvious?!" you snapped. You gave out an annoyed pout at him teasing you. 

You notice that Ljoe's tie is undone. Ljoe noticed you looking at his tie and said. "Heheh. .I don't know how to." 

You gave out a sigh bent over to work on his undone tie. "Really, your like a kid." you rolled your eyes.

Ljoe looked up at you. Both of you were so close. It's like she's practically asking me to do something. And you looked so beautiful, and he was so touched that you did all this, so this led him to just one thought: he wanted to kiss you. Badly.

He slowly reached out for your wrist that that was woking on his tie. He never let his gaze away from you. He could feel you tense up. Probably aware of what he was planning. He was happy, because even though you felt a bit uncomfortable, you didn't struggle of pull away. It meant that you had the same feelings he did. But even so, he hesitated a bit. What about Minwoo? he already got the guy stabbed, now he was on the verge of kissing his girl.

"Just kiss me damn it." you whispered. Your eyes widened and realized that you were thinking aloud. 

Okay. .that does it.

Ljoe snapped and finally did it. He pressed his lips on to yours. Both of your eyes were clenched shut. He felt his stomach being overwhelmed by thousands of fluttering butterflies and his pulse speed up. He kind of wished that that kiss would never end. Ugh. .I sound like a girl.

But it had to end at some point. So he slowly pulled away and smiled at him, still cupping your cheeks. You smiled back.

"You're not mad at me?" you ask quietly.

"I was never mad at you stupid." Ljoe said as he pinched your cheeks.


Both of you immediately pulled away and tensed up. Dongyun was also in a waiter's outfit and was looking at both of you, his nostrils flaring. Ljoe could almost feel daggers hitting him from all angles just from his stare.

But Donghyun recomposed himself and smiled. "Here's your dinner, I made these myself." He laid down two plates for both of delicious steaks. 

When he laid down Ljoe's food, he heard Donghyun whisper, making sure you couldn't hear it. "Keep your hands to yourself, I'll be watching."

Ljoe subtly nodded. This guy. .has personality issues. .

Kwangmin and Youngmin emerged through the doors and came towards you. Also, slightly glaring at Ljoe, bringing instruments and they started playing. Youngmin the violin, and Kwangmin the flute.

Both of you were still tensed that there were three other people looking at both of you.

"Oh don't mind us." Youngmin said, but his tone was threatening.

Both of you looked at each other. Suddenly, Ljoe laughed. He laughed at how awkward you looked. You couldn't help but laugh along. Immediately the tension was broken and both of you started talking normally, as if you were alone.

The night really was magical. Both you laughed and talked about really random topics. Even with Boyfriend breathing down both of your necks. And Ljoe was pretty sure that they were annoyed that both of you really "did not mind" them.

When Ljoe was being driven back to his house. He thought about how that date made him braver. It gave him strength to deal with whatever was coming tomorrow. It gave him more of a purpose. After what you did for him, he wouldn't dream of ever putting you in harm's way.


Whatever I'll do tomorrow, I'll do it for you



Yaaay! update xD erm... .i really don't like the fluff here. .maybe because i really at writing fluff. What do you guys think?

Anwaysss. .yaaaaayyyyy! Ljoe and Teentop are back together.

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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8