Ljoe's Demons

Who's the Man?

Knife. .knife.


Come on Chunji, you've dealt with these situations all the time. Well not exactly. But close.

The man drew closer and closer and all Chunji could do was stare. He looked around, but the illumination of the lighter could not provide him a safe escape route.

He decided that when the man got close enough he would just try to immediately overpower him and take the knife away. It was a gamble, but at least it will take the man by surprise,

The man prepared himself for a sprint then lunge into Chunji, but before he could, Chuji leapt up his feet and charged, immediately going for the knife. Chuji was faster, more agile, frankly had more skills even if he was dressed as a girl, but  the man had the brute strength that of a gorilla.

Chunji was now dangling off the back of the man, constantly trying to defeat him or at least get the knife. But the man swayed side to side vigorously, screaming in a very agitated tone, but still, Chunji wouldn't budge. The lighter was now on the floor, making them look like flickering shadows.

Chunji's vise-like grip on the man's shoulder was starting to loosen. The man used this opportunity to slam Chunji into a wall. Making Chunji lose the wig.

Chunji felt a himself slam on the cold wall, sharp pains immediately fleeting throughout his entire body. He thinks he even heard his shoulder pop. Chunji muffled a scream. The man turned around, still pressing Chunji on the wall.

He lifted up his arm, ready to plunge that sharp metal into Chunji's flesh. Chunji didn't have enough time to react. This is SO not part of the plan.

He clenched his eyes shut, bracing himself. But suddenly the man before him froze.


Then fell, stone cold on the ground.

Chunji slid down the wall and tried to regain his breath.


Thank God.

He looked up with a very frightened looking Myungsoo looking at him, holding a bloodied lamp. His hands were shaking, but he still lent a hand for Chunji. Chunji took it and stood up.

"Thank you." Chunji sighed with relief, trying to casually pat Myungsoo's arm.


"OH MY GOD CHUNJI YOU OKAY??" Ricky's voice echoed through the dimly lit room. Chunji looked around, but nobody's there. Then, he felt stupid for the voice was coming from his chest.

He leant down a bit and said. "Yes, I'm fine guys. The two men are out, and Myungsoo's with me."

They could now finally converse because the cameras were now useless because of the power. Chunji remembered something.

"Guys! hurry up, now that the power's gone, they will start to get suspicious, and the first place they'll look is here or where Ljoe is."

He heard shuffling, the communicator was nor probably being passed on.


"We're on it." Cap's voice hung clear and confident.



Yes, they managed to cut off the power.


But knowing that, he knew that he should hurry.

Ljoe's was now desperately trying to make his eyes adjust to the almost pitch black darkness that was surrounding him. Now, it was time to test his unique skill. 

He popped one shoulder up. He hissed because of the pain. Normally, intentionally giving yourself a sprain was crazy, but in this kind of situation, it was a necessity. Though this ability was strange, it really does help one get out of "tight" situations. He then managed to twist and squirm his body, managing to squeeze his arms out of the ropes that were binding him, with the help of the space that was garnered by him popping his shoulder.

He immediately made the chair upright again and began untying his legs free. Straining his shoulder.


He d his way through the room, using the walls as his guide. The only light he had were very dim streaks of moonlight through the small cracks on the boarded up windows.

Dang, this is harder than I thought.

For a few seconds he searched for the door. Then, his fingers grazed something cold and metallic.

Here! He immediately grabbed a small army knife that he hid in his shoe and used it as a makeshift key. This has always been one of his special abilities. He tweaked and turned the knife, making loud clinking noises which would probably give him away, but he still kept on going, because speed was the most important thing right now.

But he momentarily halted when he heard quick and loud footsteps headed for him. 


His heart froze, beads of sweat trickled down his temples despite the close to freezing temperature. Hurry UP! he was now desperately trying to unlock the door to the point of almost dismantling it with the force. The footsteps drew closer, then it halted.


He heard the loud clanging of keys.

Ljoe gasped.


He just HOPED that it was his allies. Otherwise, he'd be screwed. 



The door slowly opened. He jerked back almost a meter when he saw who it was. 

"Rain!" Ljoe breathed out in horror.


Before him was a VERY agitated looking hyung. His eyes were crazy. His usual calm and silently cruel demeanor was completely overcome with rage. He had a flashlight jammed into his pocket, illuminating his insane face.

Ljoe was brave, but the sight before him almost made him scream.

His hyung's lips quirked into a smirk. His eyes almost like a black stone in the dim light.

"No more "hyung" I see?" Rain said, his voice coarse yet eerily clear.

Ljoe decided to throw away all fear and rational thinking and decided to quirk back a response. If he was going on a one-on-one battle with him. He would certainly lose. But that didn't matter to him, right now, his well-being isn't the most important, his crushed pride is.

Ljoe smirked back, not budging from his place a meter away. "I think you didn't deserve that title anymore since you beat up your own ally and made me kidnap an innocent person, and stab that said person I might add."

Rain laughed. It was loud and boisterous, and the scary fact was, it wasn't forced. He was really amused.

Rain stepped forward, but Ljoe remained in place.

"Come on, you think that was the only bad thing I made you do?" he said. "You're still such a naive boy Ljoe, you think that those were the only bad things that this gang has done? For years, I have forged the name of this gang into the depths of the black market. We sell drugs, sell people, we kidnap" he paused. "We. . kill"

Ljoe was horrified. He knew that this gang was shady, but, . .he just couldn't believe it. Rain took another step. Ljoe his his knife subtly behind his back. Rain was now only a foot away, he leant slowly and whispered.


"And you know what?" he said with a very eery smile. "You were part of that evil. . and you will never be able to escape."

Those words terrified Ljoe, because deep in his heart, he still felt that that was true. But he managed to gather his courage and deflect it.

"No, because I'm not here to escape you, I'm here to destroy you." Ljoe said gravely, his voice low.

Rain seemed to be unfazed and casually replied. "Oh? how do you suppose on doing that?"

Now, it was Ljoe turn to step forward, fearlessly flashing Rain a smirk. "I bet Myungsoo's with Chunji now right?" 


Rain's brows furrowed, he was now starting to be nervous. "Where are you getting at?"

Ljoe was secretly happy inside, that he could perplex his former gang leader like this.

"Everything was planned. We already expected that you try to trick us and kidnap us both. Chunji's betrayal, Chunji making him and Myungsoo meet, the power shortage, everything. The best part is, I also have men with me. I know that this base has only a few people in this base, to not attract any attention. So were going to use this power shortage as a chance to give out a surprise attack."

The man in front of him was obviously taken aback. His eyes, if possible, got even more sinister. His otherwise handsome face was now distorted in what seems like an expression of mixed of rage and shock. "You're bluffing."

"I have with me two gangs and a group of professional bodyguards."

"So what if you do? You forgot, my men are armed."


Ljoe chuckled, which clearly agitated Rain more. "I know, but I thought that since you were scared that your men would turn on you you kept their guns locked up in the basement"

Rain opened and closed his mouth, then momentarily, he just froze, like something clicked in his brain.

"You bastard. . " was all he could say.

"Exaactly. . the basement's lock is electrically powered. They're cornered." Ljoe explained.


Suddenly, even though that Ljoe knew that it was about to come, he barely had enough time when Rain charged towards him full throttle. Luckily, he managed to dodge, exposing his small army knife and swinging it wildly, despite the pain jotting out from his shoulder.

Rain jerked back and hissed through his teeth.  Ljoe smelled the metallic stench of blood fill the air, making him freeze. Rain clenched his now bloody arm, apparently Ljoe managed to slash his upper arm. But judging from the amount of blood,  it awakened Ljoe's trauma.


Please. .not here. Not NOW. .


Ljoe's breathing became erratic and shallow. He stared at the blood seeping through Rain's arm, and he briefly envisioned that guy Minwoo being stabbed and almost bleeding to death while he was carrying him to the hospital. Ljoe tried not to breathe through his nose.

Rain looked at him, probably figuring out why Ljoe's acting like this. Rain let go of his arm, showing the wound on his bare arms in all its glory, his palms blooded as well. He smirked. "See, Ljoe. You are still part of the gang. You're on of us, also willing to take other peoples lives."


"NO!" Ljoe snapped, he was starting to crack, but he still kept a firm grip on the knife.

Rain staggered forward, Ljoe immediately took a step back. "You see, people like us. We no longer deserve t being given a good life by God, because of the things that we've done. That's why, we should stick together. So we can claw our way to a good life by ruining others'."

Ljoe's eyes shifted. "Don't you DARE compare me to the likes of you." Ljoe growled.


Rain paused, and scarily looked him straight in the eye. "Are we really that different?" he said. "You like hurting people Ljoe. You like the feeling of fighting them until they're all bloodied up don't you? It's not your fault, it's just who you are. Wasn't that the reason you joined in the first place?"


No. it's all in the past. the past.

But even he couldn't believe himself.

Ljoe's mind went blank. All he had in his mind was he needed to stop Rain from saying all those horrific words. He didn't want to hear them. He didn't want to hear the truth. Ljoe carelessly charged. His movements were unstable as he thrashed and tried to land hits on Rain. But due to his panicked and impulsive movements, Rain managed to overpower him immediately.

Rain managed to get the knife away from Ljoe and immediately pinned him to the wall.

Ljoe saw the sharp metal only inches from his neck. But it wasn't that that scared him the most, it was the look on the eyes of the man right in front of him: Simply, and utterly, ruthless.


Rain eyes the knife. "You know what's coming up next right?"




ahahhahahah! I'm so baad.! i cut it off again. But the chapter was becoming long so. . .

btw. i will be posting my other fic soon, =) since this fic is almost coming to an end. .=(((

thanks to all the people who kept reading this till now!!!

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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8