The Pink-headed Kidnapper

Who's the Man?

Minwoo still had a slight headache from yesterday and also from lack of sleep. It was already 9:30 and he just woke up. Stupid gangsters for keeping me there so late. He decided to get a shower immediately. He grabbed his clothes and began to change, but he momentarily stopped seeing his bare upper half in the mirror, the angry-looking scar marring his otherwise unmarked complexion. 

He gulped as he reminisced the cause of it.



Minwoo just turned fourteen. 

Minwoo always thought that he had a lack of freedom. Even on his birthday he wasn't allowed out of the house to even just watch a movie with friends. That's why he constantly fled from the clutches of his nannyguards on times when he felt especially mischievous, and today was one of those days. So he carefully snuck out of the backdoor of his mansion. Suddenly, only moments after he went out, one of his nannyguards banged the door open, screaming his name. Fearing for his life, he made a sharp turn in a nearby alley.

Whew. .that was close. But when he noticed just how dark the alley was, fear crept in him. Even though it was still noon, the alley was filled with shadows and he couldn't see a thing but the faint outlines of abandoned boxes and dumpsters. He was about to get out when he saw a bright color flash on the corner of his eye. Something, pink? Then strong arms got ahold of him from his back. He tried to struggle since he felt that the man was slightly shorter than him. But it was no use, he couldn't. Then he felt a type of cloth cover his nose and mouth.

Shoot. It's drugged. Before he passed out, he saw that flash of pink again, and heard faint murmurs of  "sorry".


When he awoke, his head was pounding and his body was cramping everywhere. He tried moving his limbs, Great, I'm tied up. He started panicking, the graveness of the situation was slowly hitting him. He was freakin' kidnapped! He tried to slip his hands and feet from the ropes that were binding him to a cold metal chair. Sweat started rolling down from his temples, dampening the cloth that was restricting any screams from leaving his throat.

He was in an unpainted room but with faded graffiti, about the size of an average classroom. The only source of light was from the glass window in the door, revealing that the outside of the room was just as unimpressive.

The door slowly creaked open. His heart literally skipped a beat. The only sounds he heard was the footsteps drawing to a close and his beating heart.

Then, a tall man with a muscular build came in. He had a mask on. Another followed shortly, also wearing a mask.

His hair. It's pink. Then he remembered what happened a few moments ago. He was his kidnapper!

He couldn't believe that he was kidnapped by someone so short. 

"Hey!. .was he really the one who did it?" his kidnapper said, pointing to Minwoo. "I can't believe that someone like him is capable of doing that."

The big muscular guy paced back and forth for a moment and whispered something to his kidnapper. The kidnapper's eyes shot wide open at what the man said. "R-really?"

He looked at Minwoo with absolute disgust and a hint of terror. "Then you deserve this then. I take back my apology."

Minwoo protested. What the hell were they talking about? They definitely got the wrong man. I mean look at me! what in the world could I do?

His pink-haired kidnapper glared at him one more time and went swiftly out the room, as if to stop himself from doing anything he might regret.

After he was gone, the large man came closer to Minwoo, causing Minwoo's breath to hitch. He leveled his face to Minwoo's and said.

"I should thank your kidnapper for giving me such a moneymaker. I should also thank him for being so easy to trick", his said coldly and left.

Minwoo was left alone. Cold and confused. It was obvious that they kidnapped him for money, but what did he mean that his kidnapper was "easy to trick"?

He spent a few hours tied up in that horrible room, but to him, it felt like days. The room was stuffy despite being cold and he hasn't eaten anything since they kidnapped him. He was one the verge of passing out. Of course, the feeling of being killed any moment was more of a problem for him.

Suddenly the door swiftly opened. He cringed at the loud sound after how many hours of silence. His heart was beating. Wh-what are they going to do?

When his eyes adjusted to the brightness due to the light from the outside shining in. He noticed two figures come in. It was a man holding a wheelchair.

Minwoo's eyes widened. It was his kidnapper. and a boy probably around his age. They were wearing masks again.

"Hey, you probably didn't eat so. ." His kidnapper trailed off while coming towards him and laying a tray of food by his feet. Minwoo looked at him with an eyebrow raised. You DO know that I'm tied up and gagged right? -.-

"Oh. .s-sorry." His kidnapper said, while rubbing the back of his neck. "You probably can't eat like this." He said. Trying to act arrogant.   This, this guy. .why's he so nice?

"Untie him." the boy in the wheelchair said.

"But Myungsoo. .I can't do that. I can feed him or something." Minwoo's kidnapper said. "Also, why do you want to be nice to him? If I were you, I'd jump on him or something. After what he did to you."

Again! what did I do??

"Just untie him." the boy presumably called Myungsoo said. His expression hardening.

"But. .--"

"Untie him! he didn't do this to me okay!" he snapped.

Minwoo's kidnapper flinched at the outburst. "What do you mean he didn't? Rain-hyung said that he paid for you to get beaten up."

"That's impossible. ." Myungsoo said quietly. He paused for a moment, as if debating to himself whether he should continue his sentence. ". .because Rain-hyung was the one who did it."

The kidnapper just froze at his words, stunned. 

"He did this," Myungsoo inhaled sharply. "So that you would be angry enough to kidnap him."

Minwoo's kidnapper went towards Myungsoo and they started having a quiet yet tense argument, which wasn't audible enough to Minwoo. Afterwards he came towards you, not uttering a word, and cuts you free.

Minwoo tried to stand up, but apparently, after staying dormant for hours, his legs decide to give way. his kidnapper immediately Hoists Minwoo up his  shoulder, ignoring a few protests from Minwoo, grabs the wheelchair and dashes out of the room. He was running so fast whilst carrying him and pushing the wheelchair that he almost seemed superhuman.

He ran through a series of hallways and and stairs and didn't stop once. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Myungsoo screeched.

"Getting you both out of here." Minwoo's kidnapper replied in between pants. Myungsoo opened and closed his mouth several times, but decided to keep quiet.

After a few minutes, you finally reached a door labeled "exit". Without a moment's hesitation, the kidnapper opened it and burst through it with both Minwoo and Myungsoo. The cold winter air hitting Minwoo's skin suddenly. 

Suddenly, Minwoo felt being roughly pulled down from his kidnappers shoulders, he felt a knife near his throat. Fear rushed through him as he found out that the man restraining him was the one his kidnapper was with earlier.

Ljoe immediately halted and faced the culprit.

"R-Rain hyung!" he stuttered.


"hmm. .I knew you both were bound to tell each other." He said, his cold breath stinging Minwoo's cheek, terrifying him even more.


"Let go of him!" The pink-haired kidnapper demanded.


"Only if you all come peacefully back inside and never think of doing this again." He negotiated, threatening to plunge the dagger into Minwoo's throat any moment.

Minwoo's kidnapper's eyes were smoldering with anger as he said firmly again. "Let him go." his words quiet and dark.


Minwoo could feel the person called Rain smirk. Then it happened. Unbearable pain coursed through his body. Then that pain slowly morphed into numbness and he was feeling lightheaded and dizzy.  He looked down and saw several blood droplets. HIS blood droplets.

He was stabbed.

Before everything went dark, he heared the muffled screams of his kidnapper along with Myungsoo.

. . .

The next morning, he woke up in an immaculate hospital bed. His parents as usual smothering him and bombarding him with questions of what happened. The doctor said that he was turned in by a very peculiar man with bright pink hair. The man was visibly injured and was panting like crazy. The nurses forced him to stay so that his injuries could also be tended to, but then he pretended to go to the bathroom and ran away.


----end of flashback----


He shivered and shook away the terrible memory and just changed. He decided to have a walk and maybe visit the arcade to make himself feel better.

As he was leaving his apartment, he wondered what he would do if he actually met his kidnapper.



SOOORRYYY,. . yeah another late update and its unedited again too ,this was supposed to be out last week, but then asianfanfics experienced some problems and deleted the whole thing and I didn't have a backup copy,,  tsss..-.-

and I hated rewriting it because theres a lingering feeling that the original was better..

But hope u enjoyed it., ^^






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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8