When Paths Collide

Who's the Man?

Your's and Ljoe's date yesterday was just magical. Even though you had to swallow your pride and organize everything, it was still magical. After both of you ate, and Kwangmin and Youngmin finally managed to drag Donghyun out of the roof, you felt like you were just. . .you, and he was just him.

It's like for the firt time you truly got to know Lee Byunghyun.

Heres what happened:

After the bickering of Donghyun and the twins were finally fading out of both of your hearing range, both of you just looked at each other and grinned.

Ljoe leant back and relaxed more into his chair. "Finally." you sighed.

He chuckled. Both of you were already sitting at that table for almost three hours, but you could see that none of you wanted to it to end. 

He stood up.

"Aww. .come on. They just left." you complain and look up at him, urging him to sit back down. Then you stop yourself. I can't believe I'm actually asking him to stay.

He didn't reply. Instead, he went towards the edge of the roof and threw his legs towards the side and sit down, so that his feet were dangling about 6 stories from the ground. You stare at him wide-eyed. Does he have a deathwish?

He patted the space next to him, urging you to sit by him.

"Are you insane?" you raise an eyebrow to him. Still not moving out of your chair.

He smirked at you. "Chicken~" he said in a singsong voice. Even though his tone is mischievous, his voice is overall a bit shaky. But it was still annoying you.

"I'm not chicken! I just don't want to die." 

"Just come closer and see."

You do as he says and look over the edge. You see that there is a balcony just below you, so even if you fall, the drop will only be about a meter and a half's drop. Heat rose to your cheeks. "oh."

You try to also throw your legs to the edge, but you find it difficult because of you dress, so Ljoe lends you a hand. You manage to sit next to him, so close, that your elbows brush each other. You look at your palm. His hands. .they're so sweaty

You turn towards Ljoe and see that his arms are shaking, and a small bead of sweat is tricklng down his temples despite the cool night's air.

"Yah. ." you say. "Your not. .afraid of height's are you?"

He gives out a laugh, a forced nervous one. He nods slightly. You look at him like he's retarded. "Then why would you swing your legs over a roof?"

He looks at you. "It's because, when I face my fear head-on, it slowly disappears. The feeling afterwards is awesome."

You pause and try to understand. You shake your head. "Your weird."

He chuckles. "Am I?. .well, there's another reason, the view's awesome too."

You look forward. He is right. It's beautiful.

Only the sillhouettes of the buildings can be seen. Clusters of varying lights add color to the scene. The lone moon is the center, and the ink black, cloudless sky frames it all. You see him look intently froward, his eyes thoughtful. You've never seen him like this before. The him right now makes you forget that he's a wild ex-gang leader. It doesn't even resemble his Byunghyun disguise. It's somewhere in the middle.

You feel his arms shuffle and soon his fingers meet yours. Your heart rate accelerates. "C-can I hold your hand? It helps."

You try to hide the fact that you are secretly enjoying this. You clear your throat and nod.  You want to , you really do. Say something like: "Who's the chicken now?", but there's something about him showing this side to you that's so endearing. It makes you smile.

"Your enjoying this aren't you?" he says.

 "Why would I enjoy a grown man clinging to me because he's afraid of heights?" you retort.

He looks at you directly and smirks. "Because that grown man is me."

You fight of the blush that's creeping into your cheeks. You make a sour face. "N-no way."

The smirk he wore suddenly turns into a smile. You feel his lips brush over your cheek. You tense. He presses his lips gently. 

"You're a terrible liar." he says so quietly, so he makes sure that his lips are only mere centimeters away from your cheek. You can feel his warm breath slightly tickling the back of your ear.

You swallow thickly. You look down, to try to distract yourself so that your heart will calm down.

But he doesn't stop there. He then kisses your temple. Your hands still entwined. Both of you are so close that you hear each other's heartbeats. His heartbeat is fast. You don't know if it's because of the heights or of what he's doing. But you have no other excuse, your heart beating a hundred miles per hour is SOLELY because of him.

He holds your chin and tilt your head so your facing him. His eyes are completely drawing you in. The are so passionate that you just want to melt into his arms. He closes his eyes and plants another kiss on your forehead. You manage close your eyes and lean into the space between his throat and jaw. Neither of you moves away from this position for a few seconds. 

Though you can't pull away, it STILL makes your heart beat abnormal. You feel you body weaken.

"Ljoe. .I swear, If you keep doing this, I'll fall off the roof." You say, eyes still closed, voice breathy.

He slowly pulls away and chuckles. Your hear him mumble something under his breathe. If you didn't know better, you thought you heard the word "cute".  You manage to calm down, and you rest your head on his shoulder.

You can't help but laugh inside. A few weeks ago, You would never dream of doing this with someone. A few days ago, every time Ljoe touches you you flinch, and so does he. But now, it feels so natural. That you don't even think about it. Both of you continue on in silence and look at the lights dancing in the moonlight.

"You still scared?" you ask.

"Nope, and it feels awesome."

You laugh a bit. "Is it because of me?" you ask jokingly.

He pauses and looks at you. You do the same.

"Yes." he replies as he caresses your cheek. Your eyes widen, you expected him to think of some sarcastic comeback. But he didn't. He smiles at you again. His eyes squinting a bit, forming perfectly shaped crescent's.

Ugh.. He's making it race again.

So that he won't get to see your again blushing cheeks, you lie your head again on his shoulder.


"How many sides of you do you still have, Byunghyun?" you ask. It feels weird calling him by his real name. Weird, but nice.


"I don't know." he says. He leans closer and rests his head on top of mine, but not before he gives my forehead another peck  "But you'll be the first one to know." 




You harshly slap your cheeks. Pull yourself together Rinji! How can you blush just by remembering it??

Yesterday though, he seemed to be. .more touchy. It wasn't like him,. .but you hated to admit it, but you like the him that you saw last night.

You roll on your bed again and again until you tire yourself out and land on your tummy. I think I'll go see him later. Or am I becoming clingy? 


Ugh. .what is he doing to me? -_-




Ljoe dresses up quickly in his Byunghyun disguise. Today's the day. The fateful day. 

He pauses for a bit as the happenings of last night went through his head. 

he banged his head lightly on the wall, "What was I doing last night?" he whispers to himself, heat starting to crawl up his cheeks.

Why was I so. .so. .ah!. I don't even know what to call that.

But at that moment last night, he just couldn't help it. Was it because maybe it will be the last date that they'll probably have?. Ljoe  shuddered, shaking away the terrible thought.

"Time to see if I'll die or live." He mumbles jokingly to himself. But then he pauses. He groans when he realizes that it's not even funny. Because it's actually true.

He tells the helpers that he'll be staying at a friend's house  for the night. If he was telling this to them two years ago, they would definitely call his parents immediately. But now that he's finally "gotten his act together", they've learned to trust his meek transformation.

If they just knew what I will be doing tonight. . they'd probably never let me step a foot outside ever again.


He held out his phone and dialed a memorized-by-heart number,

"Hello Cap? I'm coming over."




After a few more minutes of debating with yourself. You haul your lazy bum out of the bed and start to get dressed. 

That's it. I need to see him.

You look at yourself in the mirror. Proud of yourself that you wore slightly fitting jeans and a yellow shirt. yes it was light yellow too. It's not a dress or anything, but it's a start.

You tread down the mansion's main stairs, not being afraid of being seen in a  boyish outfit because your mom's not home.

Before you could turn the knob, you hear a few voices form behind. You turn around to see your buff body-guards, about three of them, fully clothed in black and sunglasses. They were looking at you as if you were an alien or something.

"You're not going to come with me. .right?" you say nervously.

One of them grinned happily, totally not fitting his image. 

"Your jeans. .th-they're not sweatpants." one of them said. Despite his dark shades, you could just feel the look of awe in his eyes. His owlish eyes widening. You roll your eyes.

"Shut up Wooyoung." you say scowling.

Suddenly you feel big arms wrap around your shoulder and pulling you in. Almost suffocating because of their muscles. 

You hear a dramatic sniff, "Your actually wearing skinny jeans! I'm so proud of you!!" you hear a pretend sob from the person who was practically unintentionally choking you.

"T-Taecyon! let go of me you idiot." You say whilst flailing your arms around, managing to smack his arms away.

Taecyon made a sour face. "Ugh. .but that mouth of yours is as crass as ever." he said, sticking his tongue out. Seriously, no matter how buff a guy gets. .you can't kick the child out of them.

One of them puts a hand on Taecyon's shoulder. "At least she's making progress." he says. "At least you can wear things other than gymn clothes without us having to chase you down the street for it."

The other two men laugh and you punch him in the shoulder. "Well, you don't even come close to catching me Nickhun."

Nickhun flinches, obviously trying to hide the pain he's in. But he manages to regain his cool and smirk. "Aigooooo!!!" Nickhun chides as he pinches your cheeks. "When did our tough little Rinji start punching like a girl?"

Your eye twitches. Finding it reaaalllyyy hard to not sock your whole fist in his mouth.

You kick him in the shis. Hard. He can't even hide the pain now. He grabs his leg and start hopping franctically. The other two men laugh, trying hard not to roll on the floor. 

Satisfied, you turn around and go out the door. But before you close it completely. You peek and give out the most deathly glare you can muster.

"Don't follow me."

The men look at each other, as if having a silent conversation and looks back at you. Great, now the monkeys are curious.

You exhale sharply, you try a different approach. "Pleaaaaseeee~"  you say, clamping your palms together in a pleading gesture. Then you close the door shut behind you. 

There goes my pride.

Actually, there is a reason for your body guards other than for your protection. For all these years your mom has been worried that you would NEVER like boys. And it was freaking her out. So she paid a lot of money and hired handsome bodyguards to "lure you in". It never worked. All they did was annoy you, and despite their big buff bodies. They call themselves 2pm for some unknown and probably random reason.

They're also brothers, much to my mom's pleasure, they need to be hired as a group, and is one of the most sought after body-guarding groups out there. But aside from that. .they're all idiots even though they're in their twenties. 

You decide to walk towards Ljoe's house. But on the way there, you get slightly lost. So you wander around, not really sure where you're going. You were about to call a cab when suddenly, something caught your eye. 


It was Ljoe. with another woman



Ljoe was now at Teentop's "base", waiting for Chunji to get ready. While he was away, they decided to name it "Gargantopod". Hell no. But he decide to let them keep the name, since they were helping him

"Guys, you sure about this? it's dangerous." Ljoe says. 

"Hyung! you serious? we've been psyched about this for days! you can't just cancel on us." Niel replied encouragingly. The rest of Teentop nodded in agreement.

"I can't wait to dig my fists in some evil ganster scum." Changjo mumbled smirking to himself. Even cracking his knuckles. Our maknae scares me. .he really does

"But I really want to meet this girl whom you're willing to go through this crazy plan for." Cap says. 

They all look at Ljoe, eyes twinkling for information. "Yeah hyung! what's she like?" Ricky bounces up and down enthusiastically.

Ljoe wonders on how to exactly describe you. "Hmm. .she's just like you guys."

"What?" Niel raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"She behaves like you guys."

"She's a man?" Niel asks incredulously.

"Hmm. .close to it. .but not quite." Ljoe says, moments of last night flashing back through his head. Making his expression soften a greatly. He then smiles from ear to ear, dreamily. "She's not perfect. . .but I like her."

Teentop minus Chunji looked at Ljoe in silence. Suddenly, they all cringed in unison.

Cap covered his ears and said. "I'll pretend I didn't just hear that."


The door to the the bathroom opens.

All of their jaws drop.

"Ch-Ch-Ch-Chunji??" Ricky stutters.

In front of them was Chunji, wearing a long brown wavy wig that reached to the small of his back. And a dress. Completely annoyed yet embarrassed at the same time.

"Whoa. .Chunji. You sure you don't have a sister or somethin'?" the playboy Changjo asks. "A noona maybe?"

Chunji glares at him. 

"that's just. . wrong." Niel shakes his head at Changjo. Changjo shrugs. "What?"


Cap whistles like a construction worker does when a woman passes by, knowing that this will annoy the girl-at-the-moment boy. But before he could finish his tune, Chunji's fists collides with his nose.

"Ow!!" Cap whines, earning giggles form the other members. 

Chunji then marches up Ljoe and grabs him by the collar. "Youu. . your'e lucky I'm willing to do this."

Ljoe is hella scared of the death glare Chunji's shooting at him. "Yes ma'am" he says as he lazily salutes. He just couldn't resist, Chunji was about to smack him senseless when Ricky stopped him.

"OK!. .Chunji.  Remember. We're kind of here to help Ljoe-hyung." Ricky mediated. 

Chunji crossed his arms and huffed, making him even more girly, Teentop had to surpress a laugh. "Fine."




Ljoe and Chunji in his girl disguise strolled around, heading to the meeting place of Rinji's possible kidnapper, while Teentop trailed behind inconspicuously in a black car. Just as they planned.

"Guys,. .I think the fact that we are following them is so obvious. I mean, this car is black, heavily tinted and is quite expensive. It practically screams stakeout." Ricky pointed out.

Cap raised his finger and winked. "Exaactlyy"

Ricky raised an eybrow.. "Huh?"

"It's so obvious that no one would suspect anymore." Cap answered back with a proud grin.

Ricky made a sour face. Is this guy serious?

Changjo put a hand on Ricky's shoulder. "Just ignore him, he's kind of into those James Bond flicks. just let him be." Changjo sighed.

"I'm soo exciiteeed!." Cap mumbled to himself, hoping no one would hear it. But they did.

"Wait!" Niel pointed out. Teentop looked out the tinted windows. There's someone else who's following them. "Look!" 

Someone was obviously sneakily following Ljoe and Chunji. Some guy in a bright yellow shirt. 

Teentop widened their eyes. "C-could it be? that the kidnappers are already aware of our plan?" Ricky says, a hand on his mouth.

"Is that guy one of the people who want to kidnap Rinji?" Niel asks.

"Those dirty little!. .they never wanted to negotiate in the first place! they want both of them!." Changjo says,. .seething.

Cap snaps on his phone, features hardening. Dialing Ljoe, who was still in front of the car. 

"Hello Ljoe? both you and Chunji go ahead. .no, there's no problem, . .we just have some rats to take care of." Cap said mysteriously like an agent in one of those spy flicks.

Teentop rolled their eyes.

Ljoe looked back, weirded out by Cap's weird tone, but he did as he was told.



"Hyuuungg!! I wanna follow her!" Wooyoung said, almost growling as he clawed on the edge of the open door of the mansion, being pulled heavily back inside.

"C'mon Wooyoung." Nickun said, suddenly letting go of him, making wooyoung stumble with the recoil. "She's finally into the guy, besides, she finally asked nicely. .well, paritally."


"Come on. .have you seen that Byunghun guy? you should be worried for him not her. They're already engaged too" Taecyon said chuckling a bit.

"You're right. .but.--"

"Guuuyyyyyssssss!!!!" the youngest, yet one of the tallest of Rinji's body guards, Chansung called out, called out. "I've got information!" 

Chansung came staggering towards them, huffing and puffing, carrying his laptop, it's unplugged charger being dragged along with it.

"That Byunghun guy. .*huff* used to be a gang member!"

The other three men paused, and then laughed. Chansung scowled. "Aiish! look at this then."

Chansung faced his laptop towards them, showing them a series of e-mails and such. 

"You hacked that Byunghyun's computer?" Nickhun gasped in disbelief. Chansung was always good at these computer stuff and is one of the most talented hackers in Seoul. 

Chansung scratched the back of his neck. "I was curious okay?"

Nickhun looked at him. "Fine! I was worried too. . I mean, she's one of our bro's.- I mean she's kind of like our sis, whether she likes it or not." 

"Oh gosh. .it's true. about until a year ago, he had conversations with his fellow gang members. Teentop or something." Taecyon said, finally taking Chansung's laptop and reading the e-mails intently. "Gang member at fifteen? a rich one too. that guy's freaky."

They all looked at each other. Then the four of them practically raced out of the door and went inside their white van.





You were following Ljoe and that dang girl for awhile now. Ljoe turned around, holding out his phone with a confused expression. You immediately hide behind a thick electricity post. Can he like, ,sense me or something?

Then he whispered something to that witch. .*cough* girl of his and they started speeding up, you were about to do so too, but a black car stopped in the middle of the street, so you couldn't cross it to where Ljoe and the girl was.


Stupid black car. Blocking my way!

Then, suddenly the door of the black car banged open. 4 of them came out, apparantly straight at you. You were getting weirded out so you took a few steps back. But suddenly. .a guy with half-shaved black hair came barreling towards you, you stumbled backward, he grabbed your collar, making you ultimitely fall towards the concrete.

"OUUUCCHHH!" you scream.

"Who sent you? what were your reasons for breaching our verbal contract?" he said in a low threatening tone.

You looked at him as if he was crazy. Who the heck--more importantly. .why is he speaking like James Bond?

You looked in front, and Ljoe and the girl were already out of sight. Sudden anger and annoyance boiled inside you. "LET GOO!" you scream as you struggled and wailed beneath him, managing to hit him on the nose.

"Hold him down!" he said to his companions as he clentched his nose. The rest who were with him did as they were told and held you down. But you ressisted.

"Dang! this guys strong!" the one with brown curly hair said.

You struggled and struggled, the black haired man who talked like James Bond tried to hold you down by putting his palms on your chest. You froze. Your eyes widened. So did his.

You glared at him. He stared back in shock. Ears starting to turn red. Still frozen in embarrassment that he forgot to retract his hands

I'm going to kill this guy.

The man swallowed. "Guys, I think this he is a she."

Suddenly, arms came out of nowhere and threw the black-haired man aside.




4 of 2pm's members drived around anxiously. 

"Was that guy's house to the left? or right?" Taecyon asked as he steered the wheel.

Nickhun groaned. "We are definitely lost."

"RINJIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" Chansung yelped, voice absolutely mortified as he stared and pointed out the window.

Their eyes bulged at  what they saw. Rinji was surrounded by four men. Being held down. One on top of her. Holding her chest. It wasn't that hard to figure out.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!" they screamed out in unison like a battle cry as they went immediately outside their van, running.

Wooyoung immediately threw the man off of Rinji. Then, there was war.




Donghyun was strolling down the street of Ljoe's mansion. He wasn't sure how to exactly apologize for almost ruining RInji's and his date last night. So he decided to take a walk, rehearsing his lines.

"I, am very and truly sorry that I was a hindrance to both you and RInji last night at your meeting." he mumbled as he paced.

No! what am I? an old englishman or something? way too formal

He cleared his throat and tried again.

"Hey man, just forget about last night 'kay?"

. . nah, way too insencere.

He clasped both of his palms together. "I am sooo sorry. please forgive me! I'll do anything to make it up for both of you."

Noooo. .I still have some pride y'know. .


Then, something made him halt. Literally. Because two card were blocking the road. A white van and a black car. A car accident maybe?. .no there aren't any damages or people sprawled out on the ground.

Then, behid those two cars, he noticed there were some noices. People fighting or something.

He cocked his head to the side to get a view behind the cars.

He almost swallowed his throat. He immediately took out his phone.

He cleared his throat.

"Hello Hyunseung? yeah. .I'm fine. it's just that. .Rinji's here in a gang riot."


There was silence on the other line.





Guuyyyys! sorry again for the v v v late updaate. .=)) but it's a long one though. but it's also pretty confusing. xDD 

But i had a looooottt of fun writing this chap. I actually like the fluff here. .like woah. or maybe it's just me

haahah what do you guys think about the three group's clash? actually it was just Donghyun but. .close enough 

it's also unedited and hasn't even been reread yet. but i just wanted to get this chap out there.



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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8