Marriage Counseling??

Who's the Man?

Minwoo tossed and turned in his bed. 

OH GOD!.  .he suddenly realized how pathetic he was.  crying. . *.*  

She probably thinks that I'm as wussy as Donghyun who cried cuz of his goldfish. NO, probably worse! She'll probably think of me as a child even more. 



I'm sooo uncoool!!!!!


he screamed in his mind as he tossed and turned wildly in his bed. He shifted so hard that he suddenly fell of his bed with a loud thud and accidentally rolled to the side and hit his bookshelf causing another loud thud, and as if in a gag comic, the books fell one by one on Minwoo's head.

He clammed his eyes shut as he absorbed the pain.


Ow. WHY am I so clumsy?


Suddenly the door burst open. His nannyguard, Hilda number 2 burst in. Yeah, unfortunately, he still had them. Otherwise his parents wouldn't leave him alone.

"Yo master, ya okay??" she screamed hoarsely as she entered the room swiftly. Her toned and veiny biceps and manly behavior scared him.


Ugh. . 

Why is Rinji noona such an exception? -.-




"PRE-MARRIAGE COUNSELING???"  you both screamed.

"Exactly" your mother chimed. Then, her expression saddened. "Why? you don't want to?"

"Eh. . i-it's fine if he's fine with it." you say, you couldn't bear to sadden her. -.- Please Ljoe! complain, so we won't have to go through with this crap.

You turned to him and secretly mouthed. "No". But at your plea he just smirked. He suddenly wrapped his arms around you and beamed your mom a smile. "I'd LOVE too" as you noticed, he put an emphasis on "love".


You looked at him as if he was crazy.  He looked at you and gave his signature evil smile.

Ah. I LOATHE him. .



You were both in the car, going to the counseling place. They told both of you to pack clothes for three days. Are we really that problematic that we need counseling for three whole days? You looked at him and realized his double-personality.

.  . 


Yup, it seems that we need all the help we can get.


"Hey! why in the WORLD did you agree to this thing?" you say harshly. 

He pondered for a moment. "Well, frankly, I got nothing better to do."


"Well, I had a LOT of things better to do."

"What does that have to do with me?" he said nonchalantly flicking a lock of his hair off.

Well there's one thing the counselor needs to help me with: not wanting to beat the hell out of my husband.  Lol isn't it supposed to be the other way around?


You were in the car for several minutes. Your eyelids were getting soooo heavy, you wanted to doze off. Last night you didn't get much sleep analyzing what happened between you and Minwoo. But you still didn't get it. Your head kept bobbing forward, wanting to drop for sleep. You fought your urge to sleep.

*snore* --thump

You look at your shoulder. Ljoe was already comfortably nesting his head on it. 

aiish. . this little.

You wanted to flck him off. Your hand was only inches away from smacking him but, though a bit corny, his sleeping face stopped you. He looked so different. Not fakely innocent and not weirdly aggressive, just. . normal. He looked so at peace. Hmm. . he looks actually handsome in this light.

You were unconsciously moving towards him. 


"Well, you can kiss me if you want." he said, with his eyes still closed. Your eyes widened and your ears reddened. You nudged your shoulder to force him to lay off it.

You automatically jerked backwards and turned red.

"Don't flatter yourself." you said as snobbishly as you could.

He grinned cheekily. "Aww, admit it. . you know you wanted to." he said "ily". But that voice just made your skin crawl.

EEEEWWWW! but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you annoyed.

So you played the game too. You turned to him sharply. You ghosted your fingers over his lips. "Well, I will.  .just, not yet." you say, also in you "y" voice.

LOL that sounded so wierd.. But the priceless look on Ljoe's face was worth it.

Then, from shocked, his face turned to "amused". It seemed that he wasn't ready to back down. It was the battle of the wills. To who will be able to take it longer.

He gently and slowly grabbed a lock of your hair and kissed it. You tried not to scream, it was soooo eerie. "Okay, .I guess I'll just have to wait for the honeymoon then."


but. . HAHA, I won't let you win. You grabbed his tie and pulled him closer. Making your faces only centimeters from each other. His eyes bulged the size of pingpong balls. You went closer to his ear and was about to whisper in his ear when suddenly. .


"Uh.  .kids, c-can you please save that for later?" Ljoe's dad said. "It's awkward listening to your child like that."

. . .

OH.MY.GOD! i totally forgot that he was the one driving.

You looked at Ljoe, it also seemed that he forgot that his parents were even here. You saw his mom's ears turn a bright shade of red.

You sank into your seat. Embarrassed as hell. You could see that he did the same.

You both looked at each other. You couldn't help but laugh at each other's expressions.


"Haha, I guess this round's a tie." he said trying to suppress his laughter.

"Nah, it was obvious I won." you say jokingly



You finally arrived at the counseling place your mouth dropped. It was a huuuuge summer villa that was in front a shore. It actually made you think that being with him was worth it.



"Awesome" you muttered.

"Me or the villa?" he said. 

"please, just shut up" you replied.  He laughed contently seeing you annoyed.  Your thought of this not being so bad went down the toilet. ugh.  .can't believe I'm guuna spend three whole days with his brat.

 The huge doors or the villa swung open. Both your jaws dropped open when you saw the weird creature greet you. It was hard telling if the person was male or female since his/her face was so stretched out due to plastic surgery. His/her lips was as unnaturally plump. His/her hair was shoulder length and was strawberry blond, obviously dyed of course. He/she wore a blue smock that went down his/her knees and wore white slacks underneath and white flip-flops.


He/she beamed you a huge gummy smile that streched his/her face even more to the point that you thought it would rip off.

. . .

It scared you, actually both of you.


"Haaaalllooooooooo!!" he/she chimed in an undescribable accent. "You must be the luckeh coupowl." 

Even though he/she spoke, his/her voice still didn't show whether he/she was a guy or a girl. I know that I'm androgynous, but. .but this just crosses the line. He/she came towards you and grabbed both of your hands. "You can call meh Panta." you were glad that you new his/her name so that you wouldn't have to refer to him/her as he/she anymore.

"H-hey." Ljoe nervously said.

"Bye kids, have fun!" Ljoe's mother waved as the car started moving. Both of you looked at the speeding car longingly, faces screaming: don't leave us here with this scary person! T.T


When the car was nowhere in sight, Panta's gummy smile immediately faded. His face turned grave and mean. Panta's eyes glimmered evily. He/she hung an arm on your shoulder and another at Ljoe's. 

"hehe.  .welcome to marriage bootcamp"

Panta's accent was gone


You and Ljoe looked at each other nervously


oh my God, what is Panta gonna make us do?. . 



WOOOO! marriage bootcamp. sorry didn't have a better word to call it xD heheh anyways, sorry for making this a hanging chapter but i needed time to think  abouth crazy things that will happen in this bootcamp.


please do comment (tell me what you think ^^) and also subscribers are greatly loved! hahah

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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8