Wedding Announcement

Who's the Man?

W-wedding announcement?


Both of you were immediately thrown out by Pant- -I mean Key, telling both of you to hurry for the announcement. You shuddered at his last words to both of you.

"This won't be the last time you'll still see me." Key said with a creepy wink.

You and Ljoe are now in a limo heading towards who knows where you're parents were taking you.

You didn't want to admit it. But you were terrified, yes, you both admitted that you liked each other. And yes. you did ki-kiss. .Okay stop bringing it up.

But you were still a bit jumpy at the thought. This wedding announcement made everything OFFICIAL. Like completely. The event will have many other pristine and well-known families that are connected with yours and most are business partners. The press and media will be there. Our parent's tried to make this announcement as "big" as possible. Because they said that they will make it "special" for us, like a "pre-wedding." Cut the crap. We know it's for the publicity. 

There's NO turning back now.

Shoot. which reminds me. After this whole announcement thing. Everybody will know who the young heir of the famous KS Publishing Company is. Who YOU are.  How are you going to continue on pretending with Boyfriend? with Minwoo?

Minwoo. .

For some reason, what you did with Ljoe through the whole duration of the Marriage Bootcamp. Made you feel guilty.

Something, something in the pit of your stomach, your gut was telling you something absurd. The words Minwoo said on the night of the supposed group dinner he told you that he wanted you to treat him as "something more special."

Maybe like. .like a l-l-loverr. .??

. . .

See? even in my thoughts its sounds ridiculous. Minwoo definitely isn't attracted to me that way. But, maybe---


While you were slowly trying to analyze your thoughts, the constant street bumps caused the car to jerk up and down, causing you to hit your forehead on the glass window you've been peering through the whole trip.

"Haha. .that was stupid." Ljoe said, slightly chuckling. 

You grimaced then let out an annoyed glare at him as you touched the slowly forming bump in your forehead. You winced. Ow. That really hurt.

At your pained reaction, He brought your fringe up using his palms, exposing your bruised forehead. He brought his face closer to examine it. His eyes actually concerned.

"Does it really hurt?"

Not noticing how close your faces were. Your eyes widened, shocked to see that there was actual concern on his face. Realizing your startled reaction, he quickly pulled away, but not before flicking the very spot that bumped the window.

"What the heck??" you whined rubbing your forehead. "Sadistic freak." you mumbled

Ljoe shifted in his seat, as if he did nothing wrong. The hell. .am I starting to get all soft and lovey dovey.? . He shook off the thought. NO WAY. I already confessed that i. .I l-like her. No way in hell am I gonna turn into one of those corny mushy boyfriends.

"Ma'am, Sir. We're here." the driver informs. You both looked at each other with alarm. You've been in this situation before, where you get dropped off to a place where you have absolutely no idea about. And it got you to a strange villa that's run by a surprisingly handsome yet equally strange marriage counselor who just ripped off his face in front of you a few hours ago.

You took a deep breathe before you looked at what lies beyond the glass windows.

"Oh my Lord." Ljoe beat you to the words that were going to just escape your mouth.

It was a salon. A Huge one.You've never actually been here but you know the name. Which is why you gasped a bit when you realized that this is one that your family owns.


Very huge. and scary, not to mention scary. The people who had gone for their "make-over" left with such strange get-ups and hair colors. The girls leaving almost looked like their eyes were stretched out the size of ping pong balls due to the overuse of make-up contact lenses and fake eyelashes. Yes. .I know a few beauty stuff too. 

But what really caught your attention was the sight of five young men. Maybe even handsome young men if it weren't for their strange hairdos and overly costume-ish clothes. 

{just pretend that Ljoe isn't included xD}

You were trying not to look at them too much that you didn't notice that you were almost going to bump into one of them. When you did, it was too late, you were already close to each other, you were bracing for the impact when suddenly he stepped aside and dodged, causing you to stumble awkwardly and almost fall flat on your bottom. He looked at you for a while and scoffed, with the watch-where-your-looking face. Then he quickly reverted back to his conversation.

From the faint sounds of their conversation, you realize that the one who you almost bumped with was Chunji and the one he was talking to was Ricky. 

When their backs were already turned and a significant distance away from you. You exploded.

"SERIOUSLY! Was that blonde dude askin' for a fight?? When you bump with someone. Take it like a man!" you rant out nonsense. You grimaced and looked at them again.

"We're not gonna look like we just came out of a power rangers cartoon right?" you joke. To get what you meant, Ljoe looked at your line of vision and saw the group of young men. For some reason, he oddly tensed. 

"Do you know them?" you ask, peering over your shoulder to look at his reaction.

"N-no." he replied as he ducked his head slightly to avert his gaze from the strange five. "Come on let's just get this over with." he said with a grin in an effort to hide his denial. God, who knew that they still went to this place even after we disbanded.

When the five men were out of sight, Ljoe relaxed. So much so that he gave out a slight sigh.  Even though that greatened your curiosity you just decide to let it slip for the moment. 

Surprisingly, Ljoe just casually walked into the salon as if going in there was a regular habit. Ew. .he's not. vain, is he? Then you remembered the pink lock of hair you saw on him when you discovered his secret. Well, that IS the only explanation for that. I mean, who DYES their hair pink anyway? Just sayin' 

The inside was just as glamorous as the outside. Whoa. . who knew we owned something like this? Well, probably everybody except me. The ceiling was high with a few modern looking chandeliers dangling from it. The walls were pitch black with random stripes and splatters creating vivid patterns. There were about 80 chairs with full length mirrors in front of each. The equipment desks were made of glass and embedded on the full-length mirrors. Various doors and openings were found throughout the walls of the room probably leading to other parts of the huge salon.

The crew all had purple hair. YES. Purple hair. P.U.R.P.L.E.


"Duuude. .this looks scary."


Suddenly, a plump man in tight black jeans and an equally as tight purple shirt with purple close cropped hair came happily skipping towards you.

"Whut  i zu fur you?" he said in broken korean with a heavy french accent. When you were 101% sure that he was pure korean. He had his eyebrow raised in a smug expression. Clearly he thought little of you, in your simple white sweatshirt and worn out jeans.  He reminded you of Panta. Wait. .he's not gonna rip off his face too right? o.0


"um. .I don't know make me over?" you say with a clueless tone. You grab a card that was given to you by the driver telling you to give it to them when you arrived. "Here." you said as you handed out the card. When he recieved it, his eyes widened a little. Since they were little to begin with. But in korean standards. That was alot. He swallowed hard and looked at you from head-to-toe. Suddenly he beamed out a blindingly gummy smile.

"Ohhh!. .Ms. Go. I didn't know you were coming today. It must be for the announcement right? Come on have a seat." he said as he gestured towards a seat that was clearly fancier than the rest. His accent was gone. You secretly rolled your eyes. What's up with weird dudes with weird fake accents?

You cocked your head towards Ljoe. "What about him?" 

When he saw Ljoe, his eyes sparkled, like when seeing a good old crush friend. He clearly knew him. He was about to open his mouth when Ljoe gave him a death glare. Telling him not to say anything. You furrowed your brows. What's up with Ljoe?

. .Could it be that he's hiding another secret?

You sat on the seat and Ljoe did the same with the one on the other side of the room, you were both facing away from each other. You turned around to see the plump gay dude fawning over him, and Ljoe slapping his arm away in annoyance which made you chuckle.

Then you felt hands skimming through your hair, trying to untangle the clearly unkept locks. You looked up and saw a beautiful woman in a black shirt and black jeans. With that dreaded purple hair.

{hehe. . just pretend she had purple hair.}

She leaned in closer to look at you reflected in the mirror. "Hey I'm Hyuna, I'll be the one in charge of you today." she said. Her voice booming with womanly confidence. You looked up and nodded slightly. Still too preoccupied with the hair. So pretty. .but with purple hair -.-

She noticed what you were thinking and laughed. "haha. .I'm not as stupid as the others." then she leaned in closer and whispered. "It's a wig."

You smirked. I think I like this woman. Smart. and NORMAL. not that your normal yourself though. But you like being around them.


You inhaled sharply, knees shaking a bit. WHY are they shaking so much?Stupid heels. Wondering why women actually put uncomfortable sticks under their shoes. Like.. .why??

You were nervous, extremely nervous, for some reason. You told yourself that what you'll find on the other side of the door is just a salon, not  some kind of death row.

You forgot where you put the dresses you and Ljoe shopped for before the bootcamp, so Hyuna especially went to a store and bought another one. By another one, you mean eight. I don't know. maybe because she received a "the sky is the limit" budget, she went crazy.

You blew your bangs out of your face and fondled with the long locks of your hair. YES, you had long locks of hair now. Well, they were extensions only for tonight. The changing room had no mirrors. Stupid right? You couldn't see how you looked. But frankly, that wasn't why you were so nervous. Actually, you cared as much about your looks as dirt. The reason was actually embarrassingly, Ljoe. Of what his reaction would be. Like will he, like it? will he laugh?. . 

With sweaty palms, you yank the door open. Bracing for their reactions.

Ljoe looked at you. Frozen. Stunned to be more exact. . Wow


Ljoe tried to avert his eyes away from you, but he just kept his eyes glued, staring. He covered the lower half of his face with his hand, it was in order to hide a slowly creeping blush forming red circles around his cheeks. Looking at you, it was as if, he was unable to breathe. You just looked so, breathtaking in his eyes. Of course, you didn't know that.

"W-what?" you say with a creeped out expression, wondering why Ljoe was glaring at you like some mad man. 

Ljoe knew that he should just shrug it off and tell you you looked fine. But he couldn't take it.

At your surprise, you felt his lips peck on yours. He pulled away and beamed you a caring smile. He put a stray lock of your now curly hair behind your ear. "I would've liked it if you had your usual hair. It's more you but. . "

". .You look beautiful." he said in a soft voice. Almost a whisper. Your stomach fluttered. First, he told you you were cute, now beautiful. Is he just pulling my leg or something.

You just blinked at him in shock. Already flustered.

"J-just joking. . " he said with a nervous laugh. "You look fine though." 

Yep. .he was just pulling my leg. -.-

You pushed Ljoe harshly with a growl. He rubbed the back of his neck and just shrugged.

"Just telling the truth." he said mockingly. Wew. .dang. that was close. But she just looked so. .amazing. But she doesn't need to know that.

You were about to yell at him but you were in a way taken aback when you concentrated on him. He also had a make over.

He actually looks. .hot I mean handsome,. .no no. .decent. Yep that's the right word.

 He lost his nerdy orange hair. Thank God his man perm was gone too. His hair was now a rich warm brown color and was straight but a bit spikey. He wore a simple yet sleek black suit on with a bright red bow tie.

Noticing that you were looking at him like a shocked puppy. He smirked. "Like what you see?" he teased.

"Not really." yes. .really actually. But he doesn't need to know that.

He slung an arm around your shoulder. Almost making you trip and stumble because of your heels. You glare at him and curse these strange contraptions called as shoes under your breathe. "Aww. .come on." he whined. Then he looked towards you and leaned closer. "I know you want me."

EW. . 

Your pinch his arm and tug on it as hard as you could, making him writhe and hiss in pain. "That hurt!"

"It was kind of supposed to." you say a matter-of-factly.

Ljoe was going to resling his arm around you to annoy you when he felt a harsh slap on his arm. He turned his head sharply and saw Hyuna, your stylist glaring at him.

"Stop! you'll ruin her curls." she scolded. Ljoe couldn't answer back and just folder his arms across his chest like a small child. "Fine" he muttered under his breath.

"Yeah. .you'll ruin my curls." you teased as you stuck out your tongue.

Hyuna and Mr Prune,<--the guy whom you met first. You decide to give him that nickname because he kind of resembled and overgrown prune, pushed both of you out of the salon. And into and already waiting limo.

You peered outside the window and realized it was already night time, you remembered the time of the announcement. 7 pm. You looked at your watch. 6:15. You swallowed thickly.

You felt hands envelope yours. You turn and see a smiling Ljoe. He sqeezed your hand reassuringly. "We'll get through this. ."

You couldn't explain it. But that made you feel lighter. You smiled back. "Yeah." 

It wasn't going to be so bad. I mean, you don't hate each other now right? Well most of the time. You even confessed to each other. Maybe you really can pull off this wedding. . .maybe even this marriage.


Minwoo, along side with his parents got out of their pink limousine. His mom wanted it, and what mom wants, mom gets.

He wore a white suit and a dark blue tie. He was kind of used to these things, getting dragged to countless parties and events just for his parents to say. "Our son is here." or for just a formality.

"Minwoo. .your hair is a bit messy." His mom said, fussing over a few locks of stray hair. "Moom" he whined. Even though most of the time, they weren't there for him. But when they were, his mom treated him like a hamster that can die at almost anything remotely dangerous. But his father was cool.

"Honey. .Minwoo's sixteen now." his father soothed, he looked at Minwoo with a smug "you owe me one" smile, 

"oh" His mom pouted and dropped her hands. "I forgot."

The three of them went inside the venue. It was huge. Grand and amazing.

"Are you sure this is just a wedding announcement? not an actual wedding?" Minwoo said in awe.

"Well, the Go's were always flashy." His dad explained. Minwoo found out during the limo ride that the couple was only a year older than him. Which made him curious. His parents told him it was probably an arranged marriage. He hated those. If he were in one, who knows what he'll do.

"Hm. .I wonder who's the unlucky couple."


The moment you went inside the venue. You felt even MORE nervous. It looked like an actual wedding reception. Hope I don't puke or something. .I'm just so freaking nervous.

You both were quickly ushered towards a room separate to the dining area. Both of your parents were there. When your mom saw you, she immediately stood up, making the glass of champagne she was holding until recently crash into the carpeted floor, causing the wine to spill everywhere, good thing the glass stayed in tact. Your dad just comically choked and started to chuckle. Wow, thanks dad. Him and mom were completely opposites. Mom was always there and all up in my case, but dad tried not to interfere as much as possible. He just constantly nods at everything. People would call it cool, but I call it lazy.

"R-Rinji" she said, her eyes glazed with moisture. Then she immediately hugged you. Rocking both of you back and forth. 

"Mom, if you keep doing that my ankles will crack because of these cursed shoes." you say bluntly, with actual pain on your legs.

She pulled away and examined every inch of your face. Smiling whimsically in the process "Who knew?. ." she said in disbelief.

You scrunched up your nose. "I'll try to take that as a compliment."

You glance towards your father, who just tries to keep his chuckling under control. You let out a glare, trying to show that your getting offended by his mocking laughter. He just shrugs it off "I HAVE a daughter." he says as he looks at you in disbelief "And she's smokin' too!" he adds jokingly. Making everyone in the room chuckle. And yes, he's always like this. When he's not out doing God-knows-what or sleeping, this is his usual behavior. Anyways, who the heck still uses the word "smokin' "?

You sigh. "Shut up dad." 

Ljoe's mom stands up and hugs Ljoe. "You've grown into a wonderful man" his mom says endearingly.

"No matter what you did in the past." his father cuts in as he stands up. Causing Ljoe to flinch. Could it be.. that his parent's know that he was in a gang?. .

Ljoe just smiles tightly and says formally. "Thank you dad, mom" 

Then, somebody goes into the room after a few timid knocks. The head of a young girl peeps in, she was about sixteen maybe even fifteen, with bright orange glasses on top of her head like a make-shift headband. She had on a maroon suit that looked way to mature for her age. Her hair was tied carelessly into pigtails. She looks awfully cute, but she kind of has a stupid-look on her face. No offense.

"Who's she?" you ask. 

"The wedding planner." your mom answers. You and Ljoe's eyes widen and both of you almost coughs in sync.

"You let a fifteen year old kid plan the wedding?" you make out. Then, at your words, the girl stomps inside the room and struts an obvious pout. 

"I'm actually turning twenty." she tries to say in a controlled voice. Yep, she's offended. She bows her head politely and gestures for a handshake which you hesitantly take.

"Thank you for hiring me, you may call me IU for short. I've been in this business for almost 4 years, so rest assured." she states confidently. You just nod with a blank, uncaring expression, not even trying to pretend that your listening. Sorry, I just can't take that baby-face seriously. Your mom strides behind IU and pats her back. "IU here is the daughter of a close family friend. She's very famous as a wedding planner." you mom says firmly. Telling you to take the girl seriously.

"oh ok."

Then IU's eyes widened as if she almost forgot to say something and just remembered it back. 

"All the guests are here." she says.

Oh God. I think I'm going to puke



So there you were. On stage. Nervous as hell, with an equally as nervous Ljoe beside you. You kind of hopes that at least he wasn't on the verge of puking so that both of you won't look as much like deers in the headlights. But he was, he looked green, good thing, he didn't have that bright orange hair, otherwise he'd really look like a carrot. heheh. .carrots. hehe. .poodle. OK concentrate on not looking sick now!

Camera's were flashing mercilessly, blinding both of you in white sparks of light. So much so, that you were beginning to see circles in front of your eyes. But your mom just strides towards the microphone in the middle of the stage as if she was just going to order in a fast-food joint. Not that you'd know because she never orders fast-food.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you very much for gracing us with your presence this evening. We, the Go's of the KS Publishing Company and the Lee's of the Korean Grace Hospitals would like to formally announce the union of this couple." She gestures towards me and Ljoe, garnering applause from the people and even more flashing of the cameras. Ugh. .make it stop. "May daughter, Go Rinji and Lee Byunghun. Now, let us hear a word from the bride."

Darn you mom. You want to refuse, but you actually have no choice with all the people expecting. With shaky knees and the heels, you manage to clumsily stumble towards the microphone in your mother's hands as she steps back. Hey, at least you got there. 

Your throat was dry, no words would come out. You tried to glance at Ljoe for help, he just smiles at you nervously, but he couldn't really do anything at the moment. You muster up all the confidence at your disposal and finally start

"I--" Then you were cut off.

Oh my Gosh.

Oh my Gosh.

Why is Minwoo HERE??. . Your eyes widen. There he is, in a white suit. About 8 meters from the stage. He looks directly at you. His eyes filled with shock and. .and pain? Tears were already threatening to spill over his cheeks at any moment. But he still keeps his gaze straight at you, even when you notice him. 

Is this. .is this real?. .Why is he here? Is it really him? You try to continue your speech. But couldn't your too confused at the moment. And the people start to catch on, they begin murmuring lowly at your inability to speak.

I can't. .

With a loud thud. You drop the microphone and scurry as fast as you could towards the back stage.




Sorry, for the late update.. .it's just cus school has started again. .*sigh* sorry if it's kind of like a cliff-hanger.

But wait in the next chapter, lots will happen. Especially with Minwoo and Rinji. Also, lots of new characters were introduced in this chapter. We caught a glimpse of Teentop, there's Hyuna, the prune dude and IU<---which reminds me, I'm beginning to adore the girl. And that's something, because I don't usually idolize girls much. .hahah One of the individual characters will play a great-ish role in the story. So, I hope you like them. .^^

OH. .and have you guy's all seen teentop's "going crazy?" well you should! Ljoe's the lead and like has an actual rapping part. And the lines are more distributed not anymore Chunji Niel and Co. haha. .anyways. I decided to make Ljoe's make-over kind of like the one in this recent album.

Though he looked so hot with pink hair. 0.0 But the rest of Teentop will keep their "supa love" look, to look more "bad-". heheh

Also. .please tell me what you think. is the pacing okay? are the new characters okay? do I ? hahah. .just anything really. so in short, COMMENT hahah. .and SUBSCRIBE xD. . . 




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mnemio #1
Chapter 2: The hell, I probably look manlier then him.

Chapter 17: The drawing in chapter 17? It's okay, no offense,but I think the boys look kinda weird.
ImaginaryGirl #3
Is the story ends on chapter 30????
YAAAAAAY! Reconciliation! :))) k... where the is my baby minwoo?! ugghhhhh


@luckypyo: :P *mehrong*

@hunniepop23 & @mengga MABUHAY MGA PINAY! keke~
@luckypyo: kmi lng ba? kaw dn nman xDD hahah

Btw, rinji hey that's cool xD i would love to have fighting lessons with teen top lol xD but where the hell is minwoo?? tnx 4 the update,.. update soon~ xD
LOLS. . ahhaha mga pinoy pla kayo? xD wah. .cge lng. thanks din for reading on.
luckypyo #8