Take Charge

Hongbin POV~
He stretches as N closes the cafe and Hyuk does the dishes for the night. Leo was making dinner before he and N had to run off to fight evil again. Hongbin was contemplating trying to sneak a quickie with Hyuk at some point that night... It wasn't so much an enjoying thing as the fact that he enjoyed being that close to Hyuk.
He goes to the sink to help his boyfriend in hopes that Hyuk will be grateful enough to sleep with him. But Hyuk was too smart for that. Much to Hongbin's disappointment.
"We are not having tonight." Hyuk sighs and shakes his head as he hands Hongbin a plate to rinse. "Not that I don't want to baby because you know that if it were an option you and I would never leave the bedroom. But we have a serious job to do." Hongbin hated when Hyuk made sense. It just wasn't fair.
"Okay okay. I'll behave then." Hongbin kisses Hyuk and helps him finish the dishes as N and Leo take the food upstairs.
"Hey Hongbinnie." Hyuk catches him by the wrist when he starts to go upstairs to sulk, turning him to press their lips together deeply. "I love you."
"I love you too." Hongbin smiles and kisses him back. "Even if you won't sleep with me." Honestly it didn't bother Hongbin when he couldn't sleep with Hyuk. (Unless it was more than a few days. Then the inappropriately shaped food started appearing in the cafe.) But he really did enjoy the contact and the closeness they shared during it. But Hyuk was his whole world. So if he didn't ever want to get intimate again then Hongbin would be fine with that. Mostly.
Hyuk POV~
Hyuk was seriously starting to wonder if his maniac boyfriend needed the addicts equivalence to an AA meeting. It was like Hongbin was never satisfied and Hyuk needed some down time sometimes. Despite how irresistible his boyfriend was.
He leads Hongbin upstairs by the hand so they can eat. Ravi and Ken are already at the kitchen table but Leo and N are gone. Hyuk looks around curiously. Did they already leave for their mission?
"Hakyeon go sit down and eat." He hears Leo's voice from N's bedroom.
"I have to pack for the mission Taek. I'll eat when we get home." N didn't sound like he was giving in like he usually would.
"You skipped lunch too." Leo was dragging a pissed off looking N out of the room by his wrist.
"I had food with Soomi." N argues, tying to return to his room.
"No you didn't." Leo stops him and turns him to look N in the eyes. Hyuk leaned against the counter, watching them. Leo really did need to just admit he had feelings for N. The between them was probably what had Hongbin so ready to go all the time. And Hyuk didn't want N making Hongbin a chastity belt.
"How do you know? Were you watching me or something?" N rolls his eyes and looks away from Leo, pouting, as Leo held his shoulders.
"Yes." Came Leo's simple and slightly surprising reply. Nobody had ever noticed Leo watching N as more than a glance every few hours.
"Ew Taekwoon. That's creepy." N sighs and tries to pull away from Leo but he won't let go.
"Hakyeon..." Leo's voice had an edge to it, a warning to N to stop resisting.
"You listen here Jung Taekwoon." N's voice was suddenly very serious and almost cold. A tone Hyuk had never heard him use before, especially with Leo. "I am the one in charge here. Not you. If you don't like this fact then please feel free to pack your bags. I do not need a power struggle in my team when cooperation is crucial to save lives, our own included. I am not eating until I know I've destroyed the current danger and saved people who might not be around anymore if I take the time to have dinner. So please. The decision is yours. Are you going to let me do my job or am I calling someone else to come help me tonight?" Leo lets N go, a shocked look on his face as N leaves to returns to his room to finish packing his weapons.
A hushed silence fills the room. Their guests look confused and a little concerned. Leo stood motionless for a moment before following N to help him gather supplies.
"Did that really just happen?" Hongbin breaks the silence, staring at N's bedroom door. Hyuk nods slowly, afraid to speak in case he sets N off again.
"Well..." Ravi smiles a little and takes a bite of food. "Aren't I glad we decided to stay and fight beside you guys?"
"Oh yeah." Ken rolls his eyes. "This will be fun." Hongbin puts an arm around each of their shoulders and laughs.
"Welcome to the family boys."
Ravi POV~
When they had first been rescued, Ravi had thought N was just some girly little diva but now he knew better. That tiny, tan man was terrifying. He was surprised Leo hadn't just ran away. Then again... Leo was kind of just as scary...
"Is he like that often?" Ravi questions after Leo and N leave for their mission.
"He has never once done that. And I've never seen him lose his temper with Taekwoon at all before now." Hyuk informs him, shaking his head. "It was pretty intense. Taekwoon must be nervous as hell right now."
"Hell. If I were a little less fabulous I would have peed myself out of fear." Hongbin leans against Hyuk, looking a little shaken up.
"If I had another pair of pants I'd have done the same." Ken laughs and Ravi smiles, ruffling his hair. Maybe they were going to actually be like a real family. Ravi liked that idea. His own family kind of . And any 'family' Ken was a part of was exactly where he wanted to be.
Ken POV~
It was true what they say. Scary things come in small packages. That was what they said right? Ken wasn't really sure but he did know that he was going to be extra careful to never piss N off.
"So who cooked this?" Ken questions, poking at his dinner. It was surprisingly good.
"Taekwoon and Hakyeon." Hyuk answers as he holds Hongbin on his lap. "They're like the parents of our group. Parents who may or may not end up getting a divorce apparently."
"So are they dating then? Or is Hakyeon with that Byoungjun guy?" Ravi wonders. Ken had been wanting to ask the same thing actually.
"Hakyeon is hopelessly in love with Taekwoon and Taek has feeling for Hakyeon. He has just repressesld them deep deep deep down inside. Like really deep down." Hongbin explains. "Byoungjun is like a brother to Hakyeon. Though Taekwoob doesn't seem to realize that. Byoungjun has a boyfriend and he and Hakyeon have no romantic interest in each other. I think."
"That sounds like a pain. Holding in your feelings like that." Ken bites his lip and reaches out to hold Ravi's hand and Ravi kisses his cheek. He was glad he could be open about his feelings for Ravi.
He felt bad for threatening Leo but the moment N had touched the file about the possible shape shifter he felt nervous. There had been an intense pull for him to succeed in the mission as soon as possible. He silently promised himself that he would make it up to Leo after the mission was over.
"Grab the bag." N demands as he parks the van at the all ages night club where all of the victims had been seen last. Leo quietly does what he was told. N felt awful. Leo hadn't said a single thing to N since he told him to pack up and leave if he didn't like the way N did things.
N watches Leo hold the bags, not even looking at N. The tension between them was suffocating. N couldn't handle it. But he had to keep control of the situation. Because if he went back to his usual attitude, Leo wouldn't let him do what he had to in order to find the shifter's nest and save the people inside.
"Wait. Nevermind." N hands Leo the van key. "Stay in the van. I'll send you a message telling you what to do." He goes into the club alone and scans it with his powers. Human minds echo in his head. Human thoughts and worries. One dark aura reaches him though. A jumble of pictures and intentions instead of words. The shifter.
N takes a deep breath and makes his way toward it. It had taken the shape of a handsome man. N could see a few tattoos as he got closer. No doubt, the shifter had taken the form of one of his latest victims. N thought about the file. The man he was impersonating had been called Jiyong. He wondered if he was still alive or if the shifter had made a meal of him already.
N sauntered up to the bar, making sure to stand close enough to the shape shifter that he had to notice him but far enough away that it didn't look intentional on N's part. N giggles and flirts with the bartender. He could feel the Shifter's thoughts turn to him.
"Well hello there you precious creature." The shape shifter scoots closer to him until their sides are touching. "I haven't seen you around before my darling."
"Oh. I'm new." N smiles and touches the monster's shoulder. It made his skin crawl to touch the thing. "I've been looking for someone to show me around... If you know anyone..."
"I'm your man." The shifter grabs N's hand and leads him out of the club. N uses his powers to signal Leo.
"Alright Taek. Start the car. I'll lead you to the shape shifter's lai-" N wasn't able to finish his sentence to Leo. He felt a sharp pain at the back of his head and everything went black.
An hour later he opens his eyes. His head hurt badly and dried blood flaked off from his hair when he touched the gash on the back of his head. He tries to sit up but can't, wincing. He was a little dizzy and having trouble concentrating but he knew he had to figure out where he was.
"Balls. Why didn't I think this through better...?" N mumbles and tugs at the chains around his wrists. It took a moment for him to realize he was chained to a bed. That didn't seem safe...
"That thing must really like you." A girl's voice says from somewhere to his left. "It always chains the boys it finds attractive to the bed. At least you'll probably live for a while longer then the others have. At least that's what the guy before me said. Before he was eaten." N turns his head to look at a girl who's ankle was chained to a desk.
"You're Maia aren't you?" N sits up as much as he can. He recognized her from the file. A pretty girl who had been the last one abducted. Her family was really worried about her.
"Yeah. How did you know?" Maia's shining, dark chocolate eyes looked scared and tired and her long, dark hair was tangled but other than that, she didn't look like she had been injured too badly yet.
"I'm here to save you." N smiles and Maia rolls her eyes.
"Yeah. You're really helpful." She shakes her head and sighs.
"I know. I'm spectacular." N laughs a little and closes his eyes, using his powers to call out for Leo. The effort hurt his head worse and he whimpers. Usually using his powers drained his energy slowly but with his head injury he felt himself getting exhausted quickly. He had to contact Leo soon.
"Are you okay?" Maia questions and N nods.
"Yeah. I think that clubbed me though. How rude." N smiles a little, going back to calling for Leo again.
"Yeah. It's good at that." Maia rubs the back of her head. She looks so sad. N wishes he could hug her.
"Maia. I promise help is coming. Taekwoon won't let us down." He assures her, hoping he can give her even just the littlest bit of hope.
Leo POV~
Leo had been scared to death when N told him to leave. The last thing he wanted was to walk away from the tan man who had saved his life. He was relieved N let him stay. But when N left him in the van, he started to panic. Was N going to kick him out anyway?
He waited like N told him too. He wanted desperately to go in with N, keep him safe. But he forced himself.to stay in the van. He didn't want N to really kick him out. He needed to stay by his side.
When N contacted him to tell him what to do and his sentence was cut off Leo felt a knot of fear forming in his stomach. He grew every time he failed to contact N after that. Why hadn't he went in with N?! Why wasn't he keeping him safe?!
"Leo...?" Finally after an hour of driving circles around the city he heard a faint call from N.
"Hakyeon! Where are you?!" Leo had been frantic for at least the past 45 minutes but hearing from N was calming the beating of his heart just a little bit.
"I don't know. It knocked me out and now I'm chained to a bed. Maia's here too. She's fine. For now. But you have to hurry okay?" Leo knew N was trying to sound brave.but even his psychic voice sounded nervous.
"I'm coming. I'll find you. Just keep talking to me and I'll track you." Leo made a few turns and started driving in the direction that N's voice had been strongest. As long as N kept talking, Leo would be able to find him. He wasn't going to let the girl die and he sure as hell wasn't going to let N die either.
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Chapter 42: Guess who cried a river reading the last 8 chapters? Me.

Finished the whole 40 chaps in one go and now i feel so attached to this story like i'm not ready to accept that it is done :"") Too much emotions involved while reading this, but gdi i have no regret at all.

Thanks for the amazing story, authornim ♡
13 streak #2
after rereading this story for a 5oth time silently in the past couple of months, can I just say this story is the bomb
altho its a lil creepy, but its sooo good
I like your writing style
Although I was kind of sad because Taek died, it's still okay. This story is so creepy great!!! Love it <3 <3 <3
Chapter 42: Is this it ? The end ??? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy did it end so fast ╥﹏╥(╥_╥)(╥_╥)(╥_╥)(╥_╥)o(╥﹏╥)oo(╥﹏╥)oo(╥﹏╥)oಥ_ಥಥ_ಥಥ_ಥ
Chapter 33: NooooOoOOooooOOOooo~!!! Why am i still reading this?
Chapter 32: ohmagash!!!! What's going to happen? You guys better not die!!! :'(((
Chapter 30: What?!!! What kind of bull are you talking about, Hakyeon?!!! Leave alone?!!! Nope!! You can't!!! What if something bad happens to you? What about your family?!!
LeeJi98 #8
Chapter 42: Well, i am... speechless, i must say.

I must admit that I kinda dont like this ending... you made it so sweet with all the Neo mmts and then it just *boom*, you know? It broke my heart, literally. But it also made me realize a lot. Time will heal. A love, however strong it is, still can be healed and moved on. I've loved a guy for 7 years, and I'm still not ready to move on, but I think I'll have to try eventually, right? This story made me realize that.

My heart ache so bad for the people have died. Just last month, a dear friend of mine fell down from the 7th floor and passed away. Lost one friend and I'm already broken, then ai imagine losing more than just one loved ones... suddenly I want to cry so bad.

And now I think this story will haunt me forever. All the happiness, all the lost, all the anger, all the heal that you have described in every word, they will always made me tear up and hurt, even though I know it's just a story.

All I'm trying to say here is you did a great job, your ending, even though not my favorite, had stabbed and imprinted on my heart and soul, and I'm sure that I wont forget this masterpiece in a long time
Chapter 42: This is the end? T T