
Fall For You


Sehun jumped out from his bed immediately after hearing the alarm ringing.


He was late. He wasn't supposed to be late. Sehun had minimized the amount of drinks he had yesterday night yet he still got drunk.

After took a really quick shower, Sehun dressed up and drove away. He cursed himself during the ride. He knew it was a bad idea hanging out in the club during weekdays. Now, he needed to catch up with all the work he left behind.

8.15am. Damn!

Sehun stopped the car in front of the lobby. He jogged as quickly as possible to the building and headed straight to the lift. His mind running through all the things he needed to do later.

"Hold it, please!"

Sehun pressed the open-the-door button while his other hand held the lift door.

Chanri came in while still catching her breath because of running. She fixed her hair and her attire that seemed much better than yesterday.

Sehun gazed at Chanri with furrowed brows and confused look. He never met her before and surely she was new as she didn't greet him like any other employees.

"Thank you." Chanri bowed but kept her eyes away. She didn't want yesterday's incident happened again.

"For what?" Sehun asked.

Chanri looked down and bit her lips. "For holding the lift door." She said shyly.

Well done, Chanri.

When she first got accepted in the company, she vowed to herself to make a good first impression to everyone but apparently, she broke her own vow on the second day.

"You are new." Sehun stated.

Chanri looked at him this time. His charming and gorgeous face stunned her. He seemed a bit messy but that didn't affect a thing.

He is wearing a business attire, like the others but it seems like he has an important position in here.

Chanri studied his features carefully but then something slapped her mentally.

"Huh?" Chanri tilted her head.

"You are new, right?" Sehun said again. He could smell her sweet and lady-like fragrance from her body when she made a little move... And it was nice.

"Uh, umm.. Yes." She looked down again and then bowed. "I'm Chanri, Mrs. Park's secretary – second. I mean, I'm Mrs. Park's second secretary." She cursed herself mentally for messing up with the self-introduction. "Sorry."

Sehun chuckled at her silliness. He looked at her who seemed so shy and nervous about something. Then Sehun's eyes observed carefully her appearance. She was different though. She didn't wear heels, only flat shoes; she didn't wear heavy make-ups and she didn't tie up her hair.

Does she recognize me?

Sehun was confused and curious. She should know the owner of the company in which she was working yet she didn't even greet him or ask him anything. Should he fire her? It was quite intimidating but amusing.

"Are you working on the same floor with me?" Sehun asked as they approached the highest floor of the building. He didn't need to ask, actually. He had his own floor and no one was working with him on that floor except his assistant.

Chanri looked at the screen. "Uh, no. I work on the 16th."

No 'Sir'? Does she even know who I am? Sehun asked himself.

"I'll just use the stairs then." Chanri muttered.

Sehun smiled secretly. The lift was opened and being a gentleman he was, Sehun let Chanri came out first. "Ladies first."

Chanri looked at him for a moment. "Um, thank you."

She looked around to search for the stairs but was amazed by how beautiful the view was up from the 17th floor. The view was so much better in there.

Sehun glanced at her and stayed still, letting her have her moment. Sehun let himself watching the view from the thick glass wall. For the longest time he had been there, it was his first time to realize how beautiful it was. He felt all his burden lifted up and washed away.

"Umm..." Chanri tried to get Sehun's attention. "Where is the stairs, Mr...?"

"Sehun." Sehun told her. "Call me Sehun. The stairs is over there." Sehun pointed to the corner of the hallway.

Chanri smiled and bowed. "Ok. Thank you Mr. Sehun. I need to go now. I don't want Mrs. Park scolds me and tells this to Mr. Oh." Chanri had a habit of talking too much than she should say. "Sorry for the nonsense. I'll go now. Thank you again."

Sehun smiled and laughed.

So she has no clue that I am Mr. Oh.


"Ms. Jung, I hope you learn your mistake and not to repeat it for the second time." Mrs. Park looked annoyed.

"I won't, Mrs. Park. I'm truly sorry." Chanri kept her head down.

"Since this is your first time, I will not report it to Mr. Oh. However, I will report if you are late for the second time, Ms. Jung."

Chanri nodded and gave a promising smile. "I understand."

"Good. Now get back to work."



Sehun couldn't concentrate on his work anymore; his mind recalled what happened in the morning. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. He smiled to himself as he remembered her. It was refreshment.

"What?" Sehun answered the phone call.

"Ya! I know you're richer than me but I'm still older than you." Tao half shouted on the phone.

"Ok, ok." Sehun rolled his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Do you have plans tonight?"

Sehun stayed quiet for a while. "Depends. Why? I don't want to wake up with headache."

Tao scoffed mockingly. "We're going to have a dinner... with Luhan. He's coming back today."

"I know. I'll call you later."

Sehun hung up the phone. Of course he knew and remembered about Luhan's comeback. He never forgot anything related to his friends. Sehun was always the royal and loyal one to all his five friends. He had known them since he was still in diapers. The six of them were, indeed, rich and handsome guys.

"Mr. Oh?" A female voice from the outside called, followed by knocks.

"Come in."

The door opened and a tall and lean woman stepped in. She had some files with her.

"Mr. Lee has arrived."

Sehun looked at his clock and hurriedly stood up. He grabbed the files and headed out.


"All good, Miss Jung?" Ms. Ahn asked. She was sitting behind her desk which was beside Chanri's.

"Yes." Chanri smiled at her.

Ms. Ahn was probably in her midst twenty. She was a caring and helpful woman, she told and guided Chanri what to do and she even sometimes helped Chanri with her work although her work was a lot.

"Good. Tell me if you need a hand." Ms. Ahn smiled back. "You are lucky, Chanri. You get a good position on your first job and not to say in this company. I had to work my off as a babysitter before I applied for this company."

Chanri just smiled.

"Have you met Mr. Oh yet?" Miss Ahn asked.

"I haven't. He didn't come during my interview." Chanri told. She didn't even know what he looked like and she wasn't really interested to know. "Miss. Ahn, I'm finished with the letter. Do you want to look at it first?"

"Sure. Send it to my email." Miss Ahn shifted to the computer and opened her email. "Call me Eujin. I feel so...old when you say 'Miss Ahn'."

They continued talking while doing their work. Chanri was glad to know Eujin, she told everything she needed to know about the company; including the latest gossip. It was fun but Chanri felt uncomfortable to know what she shouldn't know.

"He's an attractive young man but he's been so cold towards everyone lately." Eujin commented about the sudden change of Mr. CEO. "Don't waste your time chasing him, he doesn't have any interest in love."

Chanri chuckled. "I've never met him so I shouldn't be worried, right? Besides, we're living in two different worlds."

"And floor."

Both of the girls laughed.

"It's nice to having you here, Chanri." Eujin smiled happily at her.

"Me too."


It was late and dark when Chanri left the building. She had been working so hard and diligently just to impress Mrs. Park. Chanri didn't mind if she needed to work for another hour but apparently the security would drag her out.

Now Chanri was standing in front of the building, waiting for the taxi to come. Her house was quite far from the company and if she took the bus, she still needed to walk few meters again which was quite dangerous to walk alone at night.

At the same time, Sehun was also going to leave the building.

"Ok. I'll be right there in ten minutes." Sehun hang up the phone. Luhan urged him to go to his place right now and Sehun agreed with it.


Sehun pulled over in front of Chanri when he saw her there. Chanri took steps back. Sehun got out from his car.


Chanri bowed a little. "Oh! Hello, Mr. Sehun."

Sehun twitched his eyebrows and walked towards her. "What are you doing? Why are still in here?"

"I'm just finished with my work and right now, I'm waiting for my taxi."

Sehun raised his eyebrows and looked at his watch. "This late?" He slightly raised his tone. I'm sure Mrs. Park had mentioned about the working hours to her.

Chanri nodded innocently. "I don't want to leave my work half-finished."

Sehun was amused. What a unique woman. For his entire life, he never met someone like her who was willing to finish her work even it was late at night.

Chanri tried to call the taxi but the connection was cut. She muttered something and looked a bit worried. Sehun noticed it.

"Where's your house?" Sehun questioned.

"I'm sorry?"

Sehun opened the passenger door of his sport car. "Get in. I'll drive you home."

Chanri was dumbfounded. She didn't know what to do – should she get into a stranger's car? She wasn't a brainless woman. She knew about the stay-away-from-strangers rule.

"Uh... No thanks. I'll... I'll just wait for my taxi." Chanri smiled awkwardly. Although his stunning face charmed her, Chanri didn't want to trust him easily.

Sehun closed the door.

Is he really going to leave me?

A part of Chanri was a little bit panicked. She didn't want to be left alone.

Where is the taxi? Chanri took a quick look at the street. There was no sign of the taxi she had booked.

"Ok, then." Sehun said. Chanri turned to him again. Sehun leaned his body to the door. "I'll wait until the taxi comes."

"You don't need to. I mean, you should go home. It's getting late already." Chanri felt unease about it but glad too.

"So should you. I won't be able to sleep without worrying about you, if I leave you here. You are a woman and a woman shouldn't be left alone at this late." Sehun explained.

Chanri blushed. Who is he?

"Let me drive you home." Sehun spoke. "I won't bring you to anywhere else. I promise." He showed a piece sign with his hand.

Chanri chuckled and then nodded with a sigh. She walked to the car and Sehun opened the door for her. He smiled in victory.

The smell of the inside car was so like Sehun – very manly and attractive. It was her first time ever been getting into a sport car which looked very expensive.

Even my one-year salary isn't enough to buy this car.

Chanri put her hands together on her laps. She felt so nervous and shy.

What if he actually is a bad guy? Or a molester? Or a murderer? What if he is a kidnapper?

"Chanri." Sehun called again for the third times.

"Hu? Yes?" Chanri turned to him with her naïve look.

Sehun smiled. "I don't want to risk anything so please put your seatbelt on." He pointed to the seatbelt.

"Oh, right. Sorry, Sir." Chanri put her seatbelt on quickly.

Sehun drove the car in a steady speed. He drove a little slower than usual since there was a girl inside his car. "Call me Sehun."

"Ok, Sir."

"Without 'Sir' or 'Mr.' or any other formalities." Sehun added.


Chanri looked at the street. She felt awkward to be inside the car with someone she barely knew. "Ummm, what's your job? In the company."

Sehun had his silence moment for seconds. "Let's just say, I have an important job and authority in the company."

Chanri nodded but she didn't understand. "You are working in 17th floor, right? So you must be either working as Mr. Oh's personnal assistant or secretary, maybe?" Chanri guessed which made Sehun laughed. "Why are you laughing?"

Sehun kept his gaze at the street while shaking his head. "Nothing. It's just you are so straightforward and funny."

Chanri blinked at him. "Sorry. I know that. I speak what I think, it's like my brain doesn't have a filter for the words."

"It's ok. I like it." Sehun turned to her and quickly gazed back to the front. "Do you like your job, Chanri?"

"Of course." Chanri put a positive smile and Sehun saw it.

"Is your boss nice to you?"

Chanri nodded. "Mrs. Park is nice and very understanding."

"What about the CEO? Have you met him before?" Sehun purposely asked.

"No, I haven't. I was supposed to but he was too busy with his work but I heard some rumors about him." Chanri didn't know if she should talk this with Sehun but she had said it so there was no turning back.

Sehun felt uncomfortable. "What about him?"

"But don't tell him, ok?"

"You have my words."

"I heard he's a cold guy and very selfish. I don't know if those are true or not because I never meet him or see him."

Sehun was speechless. "You are a new employee but you're quite up-to-date, Miss Chanri." He tried to put away his insecurity.

So that's what the staffs think about him right now?

"Do you want to meet him?"

"Who? Mr. Oh?"

Sehun nodded.

"I'd love to but..."

Sehun tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "But?"

"Isn't he busy? He didn't even come to my interview although I understand that. But if I have to put a filter on my brain first before I meet him."

Sehun laughed. If I know you are the intern, I'll definitely come to the interview.

"Mr.... I mean, Sehun." Chanri wasn't used to call a stranger by his first name. It sounded impolite. "Do you know my address?"


"Oh." Sehun responded. "Where is it?"

"You are going on the right track. Keep going straight and take the first left turn." Chanri directed. "You are lucky, you are driving on the right way. How do you know it?" She teased.

Sehun just put a smile. He actually did some research about her after he met her in the morning. He knew her profile, her address, her family, her school, everything. Sehun didn't want her to freak her out so he pretended not knowing a thing.


"Finally! Where've you been? We have been waiting for ages!" Chanyeol groaned.

The boys were sitting around in Luhan's lounge inside his house. There were bottles and some food on the table. They were sitting on the couch.

"Hey." Luhan greeted Sehun and high-fived with him.

"Welcome home, Lu." Sehun said.

"Thanks. Where were you?" Sehun took a seat beside Luhan.

"Work." Sehun opened a can of soda drink and took a gulp.

The others stared at him in disbelief.

"Work? This late?" Kris raised a brow. "Yeah, right."

"Seriously, Sehun. Where have you been?" Luhan asked.

"I had something to do just now. Don't look at me with those eyes, guys." Being the youngest among them was quite difficult. They wanted to know everything and sometimes it annoyed Sehun so much.

Tao, who was sitting beside Luhan, leaned in and took a sniff. He gazed at Sehun with his naughty eyes.

"I smell something." He told. "Something sweet and flowery. You were with a girl, right?"

A hundred point for Tao.

Sehun tried to look away from all their glares. This was the reason why it wasn't so advantageous having childhood friends – they knew everything about you. Tao was considered as the expert when it came to girls. He knew how to treat them and how to keep them close.

"Right?" Tao showed his mischievous smile.


"You stutter. I'll take that as a yes."

"Who is her, Sehun? I almost never see you with a girl." Kai asked.

"Why don't you bring her here? I want to see her!" Chanyeol added with a smirk.

"At last! Sehun is a grown up man who loves girls." Kris teased.

Sehun rolled her eyes while Luhan was just laughing at their comments.

"What's her name?"

Should I tell them?

"Chanri. Jung Chanri." 


Looking forward to see your comment :D 


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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?