
Fall For You


Chanri had Saturday until Monday to think hard. The only thing that made she doubtful was she didn't have much trust in him yet. It was easy for him to get all the information about her in a single research, but not for her. She couldn't also ask the other employees or Eujin. His friends? She didn't even have guts to approach them and she was sure Sehun wouldn't like her to be with his friends without his surveillance.

Her phone rang and vibrated beside her. She picked up on the second rang.


"It's so nice to hear your voice again." Sehun said on the other line. "How was your sleep last night?"

Only if he knew, Chanri couldn't sleep at all. Her mind kept recalling every word he said to her, like a mantra. "Good. Where are you now?"


Chanri gasped. One second he's in here, another second he's in another country. What a busy man! "Is it nice there?"

"No without you. I really wish you were here." Sehun told her. "I miss you. A lot."

Chanri didn't respond anything. She was confused what to reply. Sehun then spoke with other people with Japanese which Chanri didn't understand.

"Chanri, I've to go. I'll call you again. Take care."

"Oh, ok. You too." Chanri said quickly.


Chanri found Mr. Shin in front of her apartment, with a black car.

"Good afternoon, Miss Jung." Mr. Shin greeted.

Chanri bowed to him but then walked away. Unexpectedly, Mr. Shin followed her from behind. Chanri turned around.

"Umm, why are you following me?"

"Mr. Oh ordered me to keep an eye on you, Miss."

Of course he did!

"Well, I just want to go to that café and have some lunch. You don't need to follow me around." Chanri reported.

"I believe I can't do that, Miss Jung." Mr. Shin smiled.

Chanri sighed. "Call me Chanri." She then continued walking to a café one block from her apartment.

Mr. Shin entered the café and sat down on the very corner of the café. Chanri pretended he wasn't there so she just did what she wanted to do. After she ordered her food, Chanri sat down on a small table.


Chanri glanced up and found Sera sitting down beside her. She looked as beautiful as ever. Her outfit was simple and casual but it suited her.

"Oh, hi!" Chanri greeted back with a nod. Chanri envied Sera. She was the kind of girl that Chanri wished to be.

"You're alone?"

"Uh, yes." Chanri shyly answered.

"Mind if I seat there?" Sera pointed to the empty seat across Chanri.

Chanri shook her head and smiled. Sera placed her drink on the table and sat down. Chanri could see from the corner of her eyes that Mr. Shin was watching her like an eagle.

"Where's Sehun?" Sera asked.

"He's doing his business in Japan." Chanri told her.

Sera nodded a few times. "You're not coming with him?"

Chanri shook her head. "I have work to do. He insisted me though."

Sera's mouth made an O shape. "How long you two have been together, Chanri?"

Chanri pursed her lips. She remembered Sehun introduced her as his girlfriend. "Uh, we're not actually together."

Sera seemed surprised. "Oh! But you look like a couple together." She said.

Chanri gave her an awkward smile. "No, we're not together." She still had two more days to think of her decision and she was glad she had her time alone to think.

"He's a really nice guy. He seems so protective to you. I envy you."

"Yes, he is. So, I guess you have known him for a quite long time then?"

"Pretty much, yeah. We used to be friends." Sera seemed very careful with her words.

"Used to be?"

"We had a conflict back then and he couldn't forgive me. It was my fault though." Sera explained. She looked a little sad and regretful.

Chanri knew there was something going on between them.

"How is he with you?" Sera asked curiously.

"Sehun is very understanding, a little overprotective though. He is a gentleman and a demanding person." Chanri described. "Overall, he's a good guy."

Sera chuckled. "He seems like a different person now. When we were still together, he was so carefree and a bit childish. He was a big dreamer but I knew he would be very successful." She seemed so passionate talking about Sehun as if he was someone she really liked.

Deep down inside her heart, Chanri was jealous. She knew nothing about Sehun compared to Sera. She didn't know anything about his past. If she took a chance to go out with him, it would be very risky like dating a stranger.

"Were you and know...a couple?" Chanri nervously asked. This was beyond what she should know but she wanted to know really bad.

Sera's smile faded away for a second but then she gave her a plain and awkward smile. "Yes."

I know it. Chanri imagined Sehun and Sera being together as a couple. Such a perfect couple. Both of them were from the same society, good-looking and attractive. I'm nothing compare to her.

"But it was long time ago." Sera told.  "We aren't like what we were now. He is with his own path and I am with mine."

"Ah, I see." Chanri answered. He wondered what he was like back then. There were so much things she needed to know about him.

Sera noticed Chanri's awkwardness after knowing it. Sera studied her and wondered what Sehun saw from this girl. "Has he confessed to you?"

Chanri raised her brows. Does she know? "Um, yes."

"And what's your answer?"

"I'm still thinking."

Sera nodded. "I'll tell you one thing, Chanri." She said like an expert. "He maybe likes to rush things out but believe me, he is really committed and sincere with everything he do."

It was like a message and an advice for Chanri. Is he?

"Oh!" Sera grabbed her bag and searched for something in it. Then she took out a letter and gave it to Chanri. "This is for you. It's an invitation to my engagement party."

"You're getting engaged?" Chanri took the letter and saw Sera's name and Changmin's name on the front.

Sera smiled shyly and nodded.

"But you're so young."

Sera laughed. "I'm older than Sehun, Chanri. I'm 27 this year."

Chanri's eyes got wide. "27? You even look younger than me!"

She laughed again. "Well, face doesn't reflect a person's age, right?" Chanri nodded, still couldn't take the fact. "I'm looking forward seeing you at the party, Chanri."

Chanri smiled.

Sera looked at her watch. "I have to go now. It's so nice to meet you. Hopefully we can have some lunch or dinner together again."

"It's nice meeting you too." Chanri and Sera exchanged hug.


Sehun gave a polite smile and bow before leaving the meeting room. After two hours of meeting, he could finally breath reliefs breathe. He tried to focus and concentrate on his business but somewhere in between, his thought slipped away. He couldn't stop thinking about Chanri and also worrying about her decision. He tried to avoid negative thoughts which made him freaking out. Sehun didn't know what to do if Chanri rejected him.

"Mr. Oh." Mr. Shin answered Sehun's call.

"Where's Chanri? Why doesn't she pick up her phone? Is she OK? Nothing bad happens right?" Sehun asked worriedly. He had been trying to contact her but she wasn't responding the call.

"She's perfectly fine, Sir. She's enjoying her lunch right now. But..."

Sehun smelled something bad. "But what?"

"She just had a little conversation with..." There was a long pause. Mr. Shin seemed hesitated to tell the person.

"Tell me." Sehun ordered with a strong voice. He was ready to take a shot. Who could it be? Tao? Kris? Her ex, maybe? "Tell me now if you don't want to lose your job, Mr. Shin." Sehun threatened. He actually won't fire him unless he did something extremely bad.

"Miss Jung just finished her talk with Miss Kim, Sir." Mr. Shin said with his lowest voice.

Sera? What the hell?

Sehun's expression turned stiff. "What were they talking about?"

"I couldn't hear them, Sir."

Damn it! "Pass the phone to Chanri. NOW." Sehun ordered with anger. . Why she had to talk with Sera? What were they talking about? ! I prefer having Tao or Kris flirting with her than having her talking with Sera. Anyone but Sera, please.

"Hi." She sounded so calm and peaceful. "How are you?"

Sehun's hot-tempered head cooled down a little. He didn't want to be angry with her again, especially when it wasn't her fault. "So far so good. How about you?" He couldn't stay mad at her.

"I just finished my lunch." Chanri reported.


"In the nearest café."


"Umm, not really."

"What do you mean? Are you cheating on me?" Sehun's tone was rather serious.

"Cheating? How can I cheat on you when I'm not even your girlfriend?" Chanri said and then giggled.

Sehun felt less tensed when hearing her giggle. "Yet." He added. "So, who was with you?"

"I coincidentally met your friend, Sera. So we had our lunch together." Chanri spoke. "She's so kind and not to mention beautiful."

Sehun kept his flat face. "You're more beautiful than me. She's nothing compare to you." He muttered quickly.

"What did you say? You should speak slower, I can't catch a word." Chanri complained.

"No, nothing. By the way, what were you talking about?"

"We were talking about you."

Sehun seemed a bit surprised. "Me? What about me? Did she talk anything nonsense? What did she say? Don't listen to her words. She can be very manipulative." He was panicked. There was a possibility where Sera talked wrongly to Chanri.

"She said good things about you, Sehun. You worry too much."

"Yeah, right." Sehun rolled his eyes.

Chanri remembered about Sehun being childish and now she experienced his childish side.

"Have you made your decision yet?" Sehun changed a topic. He didn't talk with her in a bad mood.

"Not yet."

"What makes you so doubtful?"

"I don't know. It seems like I don't know anything about you or your past."

"Ask me anything you want to know about me and I will answer all of them truthfully."

"Not now. Maybe some other time. I have to go home now." Chanri said.

"Ok. I'll wait." Sehun was a bit disappointed. "Don't put your phone in a silent mode, please."

"Ok, Mr. CEO." Chanri replied. "Anything else?"

"I miss you." Sehun said it again.

"We'll meet in two days."

"Yeah, we will." Sehun slightly smiled. "Take care, Chanri."

"You too."


"What were you doing with her? I don't like you being with her. Don't you dare to manipulate her thought!" Sehun almost shouted over the phone.

"What are you talking about, Sehun? I didn't do anything to her! I said nice things about you to her." Sera defended herself.

"Whatever. I don't care about what you said to her. Just stay away from her! Don't ruin my relationship with her!"

"Sehun, I never think about it! You make me feel like I'm the bad guy. I've changed, Sehun! Can't you see? You've changed too!" Sera cried. She seemed so hurt and angry.

"Maybe you are. I really like her, more than I liked you." Sehun hung up the phone and threw it to his bed. Ever since he met Sera again, he became so emotional and scared. Maybe it was because of the past – the hurt feeling he had in the past. 

[A.N] I know maybe this will not help much for what happened to the ferry's victims but I just want to pray for them. At least, that is the least I can do right now. It's not because I like Kpop that I pray for them. I also send my prayer to the tradegy in East Nusa Tenggara (Indonesia). May God give them strength, faith and hope. 

ANYWAY... here's a new oneshot story about Chanyeol

xoxo :) 



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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?