Twenty Eight

Fall For You

The Forgotten Date


Chanri took a last glance of her office before turning off the lights and closing the door. She would miss it no matter how stressful it was to work there. It had been a very great experience to work in such a great company with best people in it. Chanri was not really good at saying goodbye to people she really cared about but she had to anyway.

That afternoon, she bid her goodbye to Mrs. Park before she took her flight to another country. Chanri was sure that Mrs. Park was very disappointed with her leaving though she hid the expression so well. Chanri also said goodbye to everyone who had helped her for the past three months. It seemed so normal for them when a person leaving at work but not to Chanri. It was always so hard for her to leave something she enjoyed so much. She knew she could always come back but would she?

The elevator chimed on the 17th floor. It had been a while since the last time she stepped on that floor. It was still the most extravagant and cleanest floor. All of the funitures were still at its place as before, nothing changed. Chanri remembered the first time she walked into his office – how scary and nerve-wracking it was. She remembered it all too well but now… now, she had to finally say goodbye to him as her employer.

"Oh!" Jandi was surprised to see Chanri coming out. "Good afternoon, Miss Jung. I didn't expect you going home so late. " She bowed slightly.

Chanri gave her a small smile and walked to her desk slowly. She knew it was time to go home and rest but she couldn't just go home without saying goodbye and thank you to the CEO. Although she could say it later, on their Sunday date, Chanri still wanted it to be professional like how other employees had to say their gratitude to their bosses.

"How can I help you with?" Jandi's bag was already on her shoulder, ready to go home, but she politely served Chanri.

"I just want to know, is Mr. Oh still in here?"

Jandi shook her head. "Mr. Oh went out a few hours ago and hadn't returned."

Chanri pursed her lips. That wasn't the first time he left just like that. She wasn't being a clingy girlfriend but right now she needed him and missed him. "Did he tell where he was going?"

"No, Miss Jung." Jandi said apologetically. "Do you want to leave a note or something?"

Chanri forced a smile and shook her head. "No need. Thank you, Miss."


"I'm sorry. The number you are calling is busy. Please try again in a moment."

Chanri hung up the phone and disappointedly put it away. It was Sunday afternoon and no sign of Sehun. He hadn't called her or even texted her. It was just like before; he was gone without telling her. This time was different; at first, Chanri thought maybe he was just so busy with work but now she sensed something was wrong and she could tell there was something he hid from her.

Chanri walked back and forth in her bedroom. She bit her nails in an act of worriedness and annoyance. It's a bit strange, Chanri thought. She then recalled their last dinner together with Sera and Changmin. Could it be? Chanri shook her head immediately.

"No, no. Think positively, Chanri." She encouraged herself. Chanri picked her phone again and sent a message to Sehun despite being pessimistic that he would read it. She was telling him to meet at the restaurant and not to pick her up. Chanri had to sort out her negative minds and the words she would go to say.


It was a rather very ordinary restaurant that served traditional Korean food. The location was quiet on the edge of the city. She always ate there every time she missed her mother’s cook. Although the taste was not entirely the same, the feel of home and comfort could be felt in the restaurant. Chanri even knew the old couple who owned the place and she was so welcomed there. The restaurant was there for a long time ago so no wonder the place was so old fashioned. The couple wanted to leave the restaurant as it be since it was their family heritage.

Although she hadn't been there since she went internship, Chanri could still feel the peaceful and warmth just by sitting down. It brought some old memories for her.

"Miss, are you ready to order?" The same waitress that greeted her asked. She looked so eager to take an order from her. Why not, Chanri had been sitting by herself for about thirty minutes and she hadn't ordered anything yet.

Chanri gave a polite smile to her. "I'm still waiting for someone."

The waitress looked a little disappointed and annoyed then nodded without saying anything. As soon as the waitress left, Chanri checked on her phone again, in hoping to get a message from Sehun. She felt regretting for hoping too much when she realized there was no message or calls from him.

Where are you? Chanri sent another message to Sehun. She was actually a optimistic person but now her instinct told that something odd happening which made her a bit pessimistic. Sehun wouldn't make her wait or at least he would remind her that he was late or something. Sehun also wouldn't just disappear to nowhere without telling her. It just didn't feel right for Chanri. It wasn't also the first time she had felt this way.

Chanri tapped her fingers on the table quietly and stared at her phone. She bit her lip and couldn't stop worrying.

Thirty minutes became an hour and an hour became an hour and a half. After cogitating on the pros and the cons, Chanri finally stood up and grabbed her belongings with her out from the restaurant. She gave a sorry look to the waitress and left.

Just after she stepped out from the restaurant, Chanri dialed Kai. It didn't take five minutes until Kai picked up.

"Hello?" He shouted because of the loud noise in background.

"Um, hello? Kai, this is Chanri." It was awkward enough for her to dial him.

"Oh! Hey angel!" He sounded so excited. "Wait for a sec."

Chanri could still hear the loud music but more quieter.

"Chanri? Are you still there?"

"Yes." She replied.

"So what's wrong?" Kai asked with a calmer voice.

"Can I...ummm... can you tell me Sehun's home address?"

"You never go to his house?" He seemed surprised.

"Emm, no." Chanri was embarrassed and shy at the moment. It was the truth though. She never went to his house or ever talking about his house.

"Oh." Kai simply responded. "I'll text you the address...or do you need a lift?"

Chanri looked around and found no taxi or a bus stop. The road was dark and very tranquil. Since the restaurant was so far away from the residents and the city therefore very few of people passed by that road, especially at night. "Is that alright? I mean I think I'm quite far away from where you are right now."

"Don't worry about it. Just tell me where are you and I'll be right there."

She wasn't expecting him to come pick her up at all. He is a gentleman. For a second, Chanri thought if Kai had ever been in a serious relationship before. To be honest, Kai was the only Sehun's friends in Chanri's phone contacts and she never thought she would call him.


Kai came about ten minutes later with his very expensive sport car. He got out from his car with a smile on his face as if they were about going for a date. Chanri returned his smile and walked to the car.

"Sorry for making you wait."

Chanri shook her head. "I am the one who should say sorry for making you drive all the way here."

Kai shrugged casually. "I once had to pick up someone more far away than here." He winked and opened the door.

Chanri thanked him and entered the car. It was her first time entering a man's car beside Sehun. Kai's car was more sophisticated just by looking at the interior. Chanri put her seatbelt and sat stiffly.

"Don't be so uncomfortable. Just relax, angel. I don't bite." He tried to make the atmosphere less awkward.


"So," Kai started. "You never visit his house, huh?"

Chanri shook her head.

"Ever?" He turned to face her but Chanri kept her eyes straight.

"Never." She whispered but still can be heard.

"But you're his girlfriend."

"I know. He just never take me there or mention it." She replied desperately. For a second, Chanri felt like Sehun keeping a secret from her. What's so bad about his house?

"Had he went to your house?" He asked again.


"Hmmm." Kai furrowed his brows in questions. He knew sometimes Sehun had a hard time dealing with new situations and sometimes he made a wrong step. "Can I ask you another question?"


"What were you doing there? Alone."

Chanri looked down and asking herself whether she should or shouldn't tell him. It was not his business but she just made him involve by simply calling him. "I was waiting for Sehun. We supposed to have dinner together but he never showed up or called."

Kai hissed quietly. "That bastard."

"It's ok though. Maybe he wasn't done with his work or had another urgent work to do." Chanri defended Sehun.

"Still. If he is a true gentleman, he can't and shouldn't make a beautiful lady—like you—wait, especially on a date."

"It's fine, really." Chanri gave a sincere smile.

"How do you know he is in his house?"

"I don't know actually but who knows he actually is in the house right?" She confessed.

Kai was impressed by how patience and optimistic Chanri was. He bet if it were one of his dates, she would freak out and angry like a crazy woman. "Sehun was lucky."

"Hm? What did you say?"



The car stopped right in front of a huge house. It had tall and strong fence around it. Just right in front of the front gate, there were two guards in each side. When they noticed Kai's face, they gave a polite nod and opened up the gate. Chanri was awed by what she saw.

The house was just like Sehun's office — simple but looked very modern. Chanri believed it was a one-story house because the roof wasn't tall enough to be a two-story house. The house was very long to the side and there was a vast garden surround it.

"We're here." Kai stopped the car and looked at her.

Chanri quickly unfastened her seatbelt. "Thank you so much, Kai. Maybe next time I should treat you for a lunch or something as my gratitude."

Kai smiled brightly. "I'll always be available. Just call me when and where. Do you want me to go with you? I don't mind taking your punch for him."

Chanri giggled shortly. "No, it's ok. Thank you, again." She opened the door and got out.

"No problem, angel."

Kai watched as Chanri walked nervously to the front door. He decided to stay for a bit — just incase. Chanri took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell. She had so many questions on her head that she had been keeping for herself and now she decided to ask him.

"Can I help you, Miss?" A butler asked politely right after he opened the door.

"I'm looking for Sehun." Please be here.

"May I ask you who are you, Miss?"

"I'm his girlfriend." She sounded convincing. Chanri caught the butler looking at Kai's car and recognized whose car it was right away.

He took a few steps back while opening the door wider for Chanri to enter the house. "Welcome, Miss Jung!"

How does he know my name?

Chanri smiled at him awkwardly and followed him. Just right in front of the front door, there were a round table with a vase of beautiful flowers on it. Sehun wasn't the type that cared much about flowers or plants so Chanri bet he hired a florist or gardenist to take care of them. There were three sections which led into three different areas and the butler took the left one. The interior of the house was so minimalistic and very bright. There were paintings on the wall and antiques along the hallway.

Chanri found herself in the living room. It was decorated with a grand white piano on the right corner and also some other funitures. There was a TV right above the fire place and the floor was all covered with a soft and clean carpet. It was like a dream living room that she wanted.

"Can I get you something you something, Miss Jung?" The butler asked again.

Chanri was still lost admiring the room but soon regained her conscious. "I'm sorry?"

The butler smiled. "Can I get you something while waiting for Mr. Oh?"

"Oh, no. Thank you."

The butler nodded.


"You are going to be alright. You are safe in here, no one is going to hurt you."

It wasn't easy for Sehun to comfort someone. Sehun tried his best to calm the woman next to him. He had to think the right words to cheer her up.

"He can't go in here. Don't worry." Sehun continued. He put his arm around her shoulder and rubbed her upper arm gently.

She nodded weakly. "I need to go to the bathroom."

Sehun nodded and helped her walk to the bathroom. Sehun sighed silently as she closed the door. Then there was a knock on the door. Sehun glanced up and saw his butler coming in.

"Mr. Oh, you have a visitor."

Sehun closed his eyes and sighed again. Right now, he didn't feel like having a visitor. He didn't want to leave her alone, not yet. Her condition was critical. She could commit unwanted attempts since she couldn't think clearly yet.

"Just tell them I'm busy and meet me next week." He told. It was a very long and tiring day and he didn't want to meet any business acquaintances or even his friends right now. He just needed some time to get this problem done very soon.

"But Sir it’s…"

"Just tell them." Sehun cut with demanding and annoyed voice.

"Alright, Sir."


Chanri was still standing and looking around when the butler came back. She noticed an apologetic look in his face which she wondered why.

"I'm sorry, Miss Jung, but Mr. Oh doesn't want to be disturbed right now." He informed.

Chanri raised her brows and looked surprised. "Did you tell him his girlfriend come?"

"I would but he didn't let me finish it. I'm sorry."

Oh. "What is he doing? Is he working or something?" He has to have a good reason.

"Mr. Oh is having another visitor right now." The butler's expression turned calm again.


"I'm sorry but I don't have the right to tell, Miss Jung."

"Can you show me his room, please? I really have to see him right now. It's urgent." Chanri pleaded.

The butler seemed hesitated at first but showed her the way though. Chanri's mind was too busy assuming and speculating things on the way. They stood in front of his room.

"Thank you, Sir."

"You're welcome, Miss Jung. Do you want me to knock it for you?"

Chanri shook her head and smiled. "It's ok. I can handle it."

The butler nodded. "If you need anything, I'll be around."

She took a deep breath before knocking a few times. She didn't want to go home for nothing; she wanted to know why he seemed very "busy" lately. She was his girlfriend so she had the right to know what troubled him.

"What now?!" Sehun opened the door forcefully and with an angry face. "Chanri? What are you doing in here?" His face suddenly softened but looked surprised.

"Where were you for the last two hours?" Chanri gazed at him seriously.

"I... I was at home. Why?"

"And what were you doing?" She wanted to yell at him for forgetting their date but remained calm.


"Sehun?" A woman's voice came from behind Sehun.

Chanri didn’t need to look at whose voice was that because she recognized it already. There was a guilt look in Sehun’s face; he closed his eyes for a while and sighed.

“Is everything alright?” Sera came out and realized there was Chanri.

The three of them stood in silence, looking back and forth among each other. Chanri was waiting for Sehun to speak up but he never did. Instead, he just stood still with pleading and guilty eyes. It really made Chanri irritated. Meanwhile Sera was standing closely beside Sehun with her innocent and confused look.

Without any warning and looking back, Chanri turned and marched back to the front door.


Drama drama drama! Finally, Chanri knew that there was actually something going on with Sehun and his weird behavior. 

Thank you so much for commenting, upvotting and subscribing! This story has almost 300subs :D *hug hug* 


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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?