
Fall For You


"Why are you doing this to me? What did I do? Am I always the second?"

"I'm sorry. You know I always love him, Sehun."

Sehun's hands turned into fists. His eyes glared at her furiously. He breathed fast and then looked up. Sehun tried to control his anger and disappointment.

"I have to go, Sehun." The girl said innocently. "I'm sorry."

Sehun heard the door closed. He kneeled down with his hands ran through his hair. He was hurt and broken – no, he was desperate. He sat down and leaned against the wall.

! Sehun mentally cursed himself. I know it… she has someone else! Damn it! Why am I so stupid?


That voice.

"Sehun? Are you ok?"

The voice somehow made Sehun calmed and relaxed as if the pain went away because of that voice. Her voice. Sehun still kept his eyes shut and his head down.

"Sehun, why are you here? Why are you sad?"

Sehun shook his head. His breathing was back at normal rate. He could feel the voice was coming closer.

"Don't cry." The sweet voice said. Sehun knew she was also sitting down in front of him. He felt a hand patted his head softly. The pain of a heartbroken slowly went away. If only Sehun could stop time, he would stop it right here, right now.

He slowly opened her eyes and glanced up. "Don't go."

The girl smiled brightly. "I'm here."

"Stay here with me. Please, Chanri."

"I will."


Sehun finally opened his eyes slowly. He didn’t move for a second, he just stared blankly at the white ceiling of his room. It’s only a dream. Sehun closed his eyes again and sighed. He tried not to think about yesterday when everything turned into a nightmare he wished didn’t have. It was even difficult for him to shut his eyes and just sleep peacefully.

Sehun lazily got up and took a little longer time at shower. All he wanted to do was staying at home and doing nothing, especially with a headache he had.

"Good morning, Sir." Mr. Shin greeted him as he went downstairs.

"Hm." Sehun gave him a nod. He was not really in a good mood. There were a lot of things he needed to do. The work and the business didn't make him stress and in bad mood, it was the thought of losing Chanri made him stress.

"What's with the long face?"

"Uh-oh. Oh Sehun is in the bad mood. Better stay away."

Sehun was surprised seeing his two friends in his house early this morning. “What the ­– ”

The two of them laughed at Sehun's surprised face. Sehun rolled his eyes and walked passing his two friends who were sitting in the dining table. He had lost his appetite.

"Ya!" Kai shouted.

Both of them quickly got up and ran after Sehun. They stood in front of Sehun who was about to open the door.

"Get the out." Sehun growled.

"What's wrong with you, man? You seem so...pissed." Kai said.

Chanyeol nodded. "Do you fight with your girl?"

Sehun stared at them blankly. What should he say to them? They were more expert when it came to love and girls.

Kai and Chanyeol dragged Sehun with force to the living room and pushed him down to the sofa.

"Ya!" Sehun protested.

Then the two older guys sat down on each side. Sehun wanted to stand up but their strong grip on Sehun's shoulder making him fall down again.

"Tell us. I really want to hear your love story." Kai said. "You seem so in love with her which is interesting and not-so new to us."

Sehun's friends were aware of his one and only past relationship he had with Sera. It was different from now, of course. Back then, Sehun was still so young and naïve. He didn't know the difference between love and admiration. He never truly liked or even loved someone until he met Chanri – at least, that was what he thought. The feeling for her was new to him.

"What happened?" Chanyeol asked curiously. He stared at Sehun with a mischievous smile.

"Nothing." Sehun replied. He didn't want to tell much about Chanri and his relationship to his friends. They would judge and keep commenting him like there was no end.

"Oh, come on! Who knows maybe we can help you?" Chanyeol grinned, showing his white teeth.

"What are you two even doing in my house?" Sehun tried to change the topic.

"Don't try to change the topic, Oh. Tell us now or else we will directly ask your pretty girl." Kai threatened.

Among all his friends, Kai was the one who seemed very interested with Chanri. He saw her as a cute and innocent girl. Too bad, Sehun found her first and he would never allow him to get closer to her.

"Fine!" Sehun sighed. "I confessed to her and she rejected me. Happy?" Sehun turned from side to side looking at the shock faces of his friends. "I'll go now."

Again, Sehun was being pulled down by both of them. "Damn you two."

"I thought she is your girlfriend." Chanyeol stated with furrowed brows.

"So there's still a chance for me right?" Kai teased.

Sehun turned to him and glared. "One move, I'll burn your precious company."

Kai laughed at Sehun's threat. "So possessive."

"Why did she reject you? I mean, all other women are dying to get your attention." Chanyeol asked seriously.

"Well, she isn't that all other woman. She's Chanri, my future girlfriend." Sehun lazily answered.

"What will you do then?" Kai asked.

Sehun was silent for a moment. He wasn't sure if he would fight for her because he was lost now. He didn't even know what to do or how to feel.

Kai and Chanyeol exchanged glances. Kai put his hand around Sehun's shoulder.

"Listen very well, Sehunnie." Kai said. Sehun looked at him in disgusted look. He didn't like when people called him that name. It was too childish and too cute for him. "Do you want her to be taken by me?"

"Hell no!"

"By Chanyeol?"

"No!!" Sehun raised from his seat but again, the two guys pulled him down.

"Sit! We're giving you love advice." Kai moved closer and wrapped his arm around his shoulder while Chanyeol grinned.

"How about by another men out there?" Chanyeol questioned.

"Seriously? Hell to the no." Sehun furrowed his brows. If he wanted some love advice, Kai and Chanyeol were the last people he would find. They never had a long-term relationship and always played with other girls.

"Then you have to fight for her." Kai concluded.

Sehun stared at him for a minute. "Since when you become the love expert?"

Kai only gave him a poker face while Chanyeol laughing out loud. "You need to thank me, Oh. I had to spend twenty minutes of my life just to come to your house with this guy."

"And what are you two doing in here? Early in the morning?" Sehun questioned.

Chanyeol sighed, "We tried to call you yesterday, many times. You didn't pick it up any of them." Chanyeol explained. "That was right after your concerned mother called us and told about you. She said you are in a deep depression. Luhan, Kris, and Tao were somewhere outside the country."

Sehun scoffed. He remembered last night. He didn’t go home straight after dropping off Chanri. Instead, he went to a bar and had a few drinks to relieve stress.  Sehun knew they were calling him but he was too sad to pick it up. He wanted to be alone yesterday night. He was glad, though, to have friends like them who were worried about him.

"I've never seen you like this – none of us have." Kai narrowed his eyes.

"Like what?"

"So in love yet so broken. Even when you were with... Sera, you never acted this way."

Sehun was speechless. Maybe he changed but he just didn't realize it. Ever since he met her, he felt motivated to go to work, all just to meet her. He was willing to stay longer so he could drive her home. This was beyond his expectation in meeting her.

"Speaking of Sera," Chanyeol smiled mischievously. "Are you going to come to her engagement party?"

Kai and Chanyeol eyed Sehun as if waiting for his answer. Sehun looked back at both of them. "What?"

Chanyeol sighed. "Your ex is having an engagement party this Sunday. Are you coming or not?"

"What do you think? I don't give a single about her. She has been black listed from my life." Sehun stood up and this time, no one pulled him down. He looked at his watch and sighed. "Now I'm late because of you."

He left his friends and jogged to the front door.


"Chanri, this is incredible!"

Chanri gave a small smile.

"Oh, I wish I had more staffs as keen and hard work as you." Mrs. Park looked over the pages of Chanri's work again. She was so impressed by how well Chanri organized all the things she needed. "I'll report your work to Mr. Oh. He will be so pleased with this."

Chanri stood still without saying anything. Her mind recalled what happened yesterday. It was already difficult for her to tell her answer and now she had to act normally towards him. Chanri hadn't had any messages or calls from him and it felt different.

"It seems Mr. Oh is very interested in you."


Mrs. Park glanced up. "Lately, he wants to know your progress and your work. Well, he wants to know everything that is related to you."

Chanri blinked few times but said nothing.

"Are you and him..."

"No." Chanri answered right away, leaving Mrs. Park looked at her with her wide eyes behind the glasses.

"Very well then." She arranged back the papers and put it aside on her desk. "Even if you two know, together. Keep it professional, will you?"

Oh, wow! What is that? Chanri looked confused. Did I just get my boss's approval to date Sehun? "I will, Mrs. Park."

Mrs. Park nodded and walked away but she turned her heels after a few steps. “Oh! By the way, please take some medicine. I don’t want any of my staffs looking pale and sick. So please take care of yourself too.”

Chanri nodded firmly. Am I that pale? Chanri was not in her best condition this morning. She felt as if her head was spinning around and refused to function but she still chose to go to work.

As soon as she was in her office, Chanri checked her phone. Nothing. It was lunchtime and usually Sehun would contact her, asking if she had had her lunch. Weird.


Chanri held the folder tightly while waiting for the lift. She needed to hand out this file right now to the accountant but it seemed the lift and her dizzy head weren’t very cooperative with her.

After another few seconds, the lift dinged and the door opened. Chanri looked up and found Sehun standing there. He took a glimpse at her without moving his head. He just stood there, silently. Sehun's face was gloomy and serious as if he had so many things to solve in his head.

Chanri entered the lift and pressed button number seven. "Hi." Chanri tried to be as normal as she could. She turned to him and expected him seeing her with his warm smile, like what he usually did.

Instead, Sehun looked straight and ignored her greeting. He kept his poker face. Sehun acted as if she wasn't there, as if she was nobody. Chanri looked down quickly and felt embarrassed. What's wrong with him? Chanri sighed silently. Maybe he doesn’t realize it was me. Chanri wanted to ask but scared.

The lift opened on the seventh floor. Chanri turned to him and made sure that he noticed her but again, Sehun didn’t even look at her as if she was nobody to him. Chanri bowed and quickly got out from the lift. "Bye." She whispered. It hurt her seeing him like that. It's my fault. She didn't mean to hurt him. She just told him what she actually thought and felt. She was actually being honest to him. Chanri felt like he was acting like what everyone used to say about him – cold and ignorant.

If he hates me that much, why won't he just tell me straight away? It'd be so much better than had to dealing with his strange behavior.


Chanri turned off all the lights and went downstairs. For the rest of the day, she kept thinking of Sehun and his behavior. She couldn't stop blaming herself for making him like that. She politely gave a nod to everyone she passed by. They were preparing to get home after a long and tired day.

Oh. Chanri stopped in front of the lobby and looked up the sky. Grey clouds filled up the sky, covering the moon and the stars. It's raining? It hadn't rained since last few months. Unfortunately, Chanri didn't bring her umbrella or a jacket with her. She cursed herself for always not preparing herself.

She still had a bus to catch and the station was few blocks away. Chanri hoped Sehun would appear with his car and offer a lift. She waited whether she should wait until the rain stopped or rushing through it. The rain didn’t show that it would stop in a minute.

Without further thinking, Chanri dared rushing out in the middle of the rain. She ran to the station as fast as she could. Before she even went out from the area, she noticed a car – Sehun's car – passed by her. She had to stop for a second to let it passed her so she could cross over. Chanri was sure Sehun was driving it and what hurt her more was now, after she rejected him, he showed no care for her as if they were strangers. It caused so much pain to her. She'd rather being ignored by him from the first place to being ignored by him now.

Chanri got into the bus with soaked clothes. Thank God I'm wearing dark clothes! She was busy drying herself with all the tissues she had. Sometimes, she sneezed because of the cold. Not just she was in a bad condition but among all of people she knew, Chanri had the weakest immune system, which could make her getting sick easily.

Am I in a bad luck because I rejected him?


Sorry for making you wait for this chapter! I had to focus on my exams for the past few weeks and now after finishing all my exams, I finally got a chance to update :) 

Last week was a rough week for all EXO fans. Even though Kris is not my bias but he is still one of my top five biases so I felt sad and shocked when I heard about the rumour (or it hasn't been officially confirmed, right?). I am selfish if I want him to stay because I never know what is actually happening behind all the cameras and those smiles. Right now, I'm just hoping the best for all them and hopefully they can settle things down professionally and as clearly as possible. :) For those who's still hurt because of the rumour... CHEER UP (SEMANGAT! *indonesian language*)! It's not the end of the world :) :) 

Anyway, enjoy~~ 


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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?