
Fall For You


"You should be at rest now."

"It's ok." Chanri replied and then sneezed. "I'm fine." Chanri brushed her red nose with a tissue. She was sneezing constantly every five minutes and that was pretty bad.

"You look horrible, Chanri." Eujin told her. "Why did you run in the middle of the rain? Did you lose your mind? And where was your Sehun at that time?"

Chanri hadn't told her the story. She was too sad to tell but in the end, she would tell her. She needed advices – a girl’s advice. "I think it's over between us." She spoke with her lowest voice.

"What? Why? What happened?" Eujin moved closer to her.

Chanri told her everything. She also told how weird his acted yesterday. Chanri didn't want to think much of it but she couldn't help it. She kept thinking it over night. "I mean, if he wants an end, he can simply tell me that. Don't leave me with this. I will feel bad and guilty whenever I look at him." Chanri sighed. “I know it’s my fault that I was rejecting him but at least he should give me some explanation why was he acting like this.”

Eujin nodded. "Give him time. If he still ignores you until the end of this week then maybe you can assume it's over."

"Yeah, maybe." Chanri agreed.

"You like him, don't you?"

"What?" Chanri's eyes were wide in disbelief.

"You like him." Eujin repeated. "If you don't like him, you will not be concerning about how he behaves around you. Right? You like him."

Chanri shrugged. "I'm just...curious. It's so suddenly, plus, no valid explanation." She seemed unsure and doubtful about her own feelings.

Eujin narrowed her eyes. " you like him?"

Chanri thought for a moment. "Maybe." She answered shyly. "I don't know. I really don't know what I feel towards him."

"I know it! I can see it in your eyes that you like him!" Eujin looked happy. "And I'm sure he is crazy for you too."

"Was." Chanri corrected. "It's in past tense. He hates me now."

"Oh, girl! Kick your negative thought away from your head! There's no way he can hate you."

"How do you know it?"

"Well, he seems crazily in love you. I can see it just by how he is looking at you. He has changed since he met you. People in here have talked about it over and over, you know." Eujin explained. "And about you too."

"What about me?" Chanri had a bad feeling about this.

"Not much. Just about you and Sehun coming together few times. The girls are so jealous of you!"

"Do they talk negative things about me?" Chanri was concerned.

"Why do you care? If you keep listening to negative things, you can't enjoy your life. Just ignore them." Eujin said with full encouragement.

Chanri sneezed again and felt dizzy. Her face became red and hot. Her eyes were heavy as if it would close in just few more seconds.

"Gosh, Chanri! You should go home now. I can't bear seeing you like this."

Chanri shook her head. "I'm fine. It's just a flu."


Later on the afternoon, Chanri accidentally bumped into Sehun again. This time, she didn't notice his presence, as she was too dizzy and busy photocopying some documents. She sneezed a few times as Sehun passed by but he ignored her again. Chanri looked horrible and like a mess. Her nose was red and her face was burning hot.

Damn this flu!


Eujin offered her company to Chanri. She didn't want her friend passed out in the middle of her way home. Chanri got no better the next day. Her head felt like spinning around in a high speed.

"Don't forget to take your medicine." Eujin told Chanri who was lying on her bed. "I have made some porridge for you. Eat it, please."

Chanri nodded. "Ok, Mom." She smiled weakly.

Eujin smirked. "Call me if you need something."

"I will. Thanks."

Chanri felt asleep as soon as Eujin walked out.


"What?! This should have finished two days ago! I want the result. Where did my money go for? I give you my money so you can invest your business and where's the result?" Sehun said angrily over the phone. "I don't care! I want it to be finished by the end of this week or else I demand my money back." He hung up and threw his phone to the desk, making a hard noise.

. Sehun's hands ran though his hair carelessly. He hadn't been himself lately. He didn't know why Chanri’s rejection influenced him a lot. The rejection hurt him and changed him into the man he used to be – ignorant, cold and bossy. Sehun felt so guilty for treating Chanri so badly though, especially after what he had done yesterday and just now. The sick and fragile face of Chanri haunted him. I shouldn't have ignored her. She didn't do anything wrong. Damn it, Sehun! I shouldn't pass by her and let her run in through the rain! What was I thinking? Stupid! Sehun mentally cursed himself continuously. He intentionally wanted to give her time to think but it never been his intention to completely ignore her. He felt so wrong.

You're so ed up, Oh Sehun.

"Jandi!" Sehun called.

"Yes, Sir?" She hurriedly came in.

"Call Chanri and tell her to meet me now." He ordered.

"Right away, Sir." Jandi excused herself out.

I owe her an apology and an explanation! Big ones. Why was I so stupid acting like that?! What am I? Seventeen? Sehun walked back and forth, thinking of the right words to apologize and explain. He remembered how disappointed she was when he ignored her greeting in the elevator. They were mistakes that he swore he would never do it again!

"Sir?" Jandi entered the office.

Sehun glared at her.

"It seems like Miss Jung isn't available right now."

Sehun furrowed his brows. "Define not available."

Jandi looked so nervous. "She... I mean Miss Jung is absent for today."


"Her co-worker, Miss Ahn, informed that Miss Jung is not feeling really well so she takes a day off."

Oh, ! Now she's sick and it's because of me. Sehun hurriedly stormed out from his office. "Cancel all my appointments for today."

"Ok, Sir." Jandi bowed.


“I'm sorry, Chanri.” Sehun drove as fast as he could, heading to Chanri's apartment. He was really worried. All he could think of was Chanri was being sick and alone, with no one took care of her.

Sehun slammed his hand to the steering wheel and cursed himself for the nth times. He tried calling her but she didn't pick it up. Maybe she's sleeping right now.

He parked his car carelessly and got off the car quickly. It was a good thing he had made a research about her address and on which floor she stayed. Sehun took the two steps on the stairs at once. He couldn’t wait any longer to meet her.

He stood in front Chanri's flat and stared at the knob. "Smart, Sehun." He muttered. "How can you open this ing door without the key?" Sehun grew impatient. I should have the extra key of her apartment. He tried to turn the knob and it opened. Sehun was surprised and glad but mad for a reason. That girl...she should at least lock the door. But now he thanked her for not locking the door.

It was his first time coming to her apartment. It was simple and neat, also quite comfortable to live in there. Sehun closed and locked the door. He then made his own way, guessing which was her bedroom. The first door he opened was the small storage room where she put broom, mop, and all the cleaning materials. He opened up the second door, which was the bathroom.

This must be her bedroom door. He opened the door quietly and slowly. He could smell Chanri's sweet smell from outside. He missed it. Sehun stepped in and saw Chanri sleeping soundly on her bed. The room was small compared to his. Sehun saw the untouched bowl of porridge on the table and some medicine. He found an invitation on the table. Sera's. She's invited too?

Chanri was moving uncomfortably around the bed as if she was seeking for comfortable position. Her brows were furrowed and she was sweating. Chanri muttered something but Sehun couldn't hear it. He moved towards her and placed his palm on top of her forehead.

"." Sehun pulled his hand away. She has a really serious fever! Sehun searched for a used cloth or something he could use to cool her.


Chanri's hand gripped on Sehun's T-shirt tightly. Her eyes were shut closed. "No..." She repeated. "Don't go... Please..."

Sehun turned and bent towards her. "I'm not going anywhere, Chanri." Sehun brushed off her hair off her face. "But right now I need to do something to cool you."

"No..." It was as if Chanri speaking to him in her sleep.

Sehun kissed her hot forehead and he swore it was hotter than before. "I won't take long time."

Sehun slowly took her hand away and then went out from the bedroom. He took out his phone immediately. "Mr. Shin, call the best doctor in here and drive him to Miss Jung's apartment. NOW."

"Ok, Sir."

Sehun looked around and checked if there was anything he could use to help her. He was panicked and worried sick. He was scared something might happen to Chanri because of the high fever. Damn you, Sehun! He blamed himself for causing Chanri sick. If only I stopped her from running and drove her home, she wouldn't be sick.

He then took a bowl from the kitchen and filled it with some water. Before he could think of anything else, he heard Chanri's cry and rushed into her room immediately. He put the bowl on the table.

Sehun cupped her face with both hands and caressed her gently. Her eyes were shut but her eyes were teary. She looked like in misery.

"Chanri! Chanri." Sehun's hands moved to her shoulders and slightly shook her.

"Mom, Dad... Don't go."

"Chanri, wake up."

"No, don't leave me alone." Chanri cried in her sleep.

Sehun held her shoulders tighter. He sat on the edge of the bed and hugged her. Chanri was still unconscious. She cried and soon she was calm again and slept on Sehun's chest. Sehun caressed her hair gently. "I'm sorry." Sehun whispered. He could feel the hot temperature of Chanri against his body. He placed Chanri down. Sehun sat closer to her and stared at her with guilty eyes and feeling.

A few minutes later, Sehun heard knocks on the door. He hurriedly opened the door and saw a male doctor with Mr. Shin on his back. Sehun guided him to Chanri's bedroom. He let the doctor did some checks on her for a few minutes.

"Is she ok?" Sehun worriedly asked.

"Are you her brother or relative?"

"Boyfriend." Sehun answered immediately. "Is she ok?"

"She just has a fever. She will be fine but..." The doctor wrote something on a piece of paper.

Sehun looked so concerned. "But?"

"Don't let her overwork or do anything tiring for the meantime. She has a quite bad immune system so it will take up much longer to heal." The doctor gave him the paper. "Make sure she eats and takes this medicines regularly."

Sehun nodded. "Then...why did she... I don't know, talk in her sleep?"

The doctor smiled. "Don't worry, Mr. Oh. It's just a side effect because of the high fever. Your girlfriend will be fine."

Sehun let out a relief sigh. "Thank you so much." He reached out his hand and shook hands with the doctor.

"You're most welcome, Mr. Oh. If anything happens, just call me."


"Sir," Mr. Shin called.

Sehun who was sitting by the side of her bed turned around. Mr. Shin came near with two plastic bags on his hands. Sehun stood up and took the plastic bags from him.

"Everything is in there. The medicines, first aids, clothe, vitamins, fruits, and some food."

"Thank you, Mr. Shin."

"You're welcome, Sir. I'll be downstairs if you need me." Mr. Shin excused himself out.

Sehun sat down again and he leaned in. He took Chanri's hand and held it with both hands. He never took care of a sick person before so he was quite nervous now. He was scared if he did something wrong like giving the wrong dose of the medicine.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He let one hand took it out while the other still holding Chanri's hand.


"Hey." Luhan replied with a cheerful tone. "I heard something about you from Kai and Chanyeol. Are you ok?"

Sehun gave a long sigh. “I don’t know.”

"Do you want to talk about it? "

"I want."

“Let’s meet up then.” Luhan said before Sehun could continue.

“I can’t. I mean, not now.”

"Where are you?"

"Her house." Sehun answered casually.

"What the hell are you doing in her house?! You're not... I mean... You and her... God! I don't want to be an uncle so soon, Sehun." Luhan hysterically said.

"No! Of course not! I'm 25 and what? You expect me to become a father nine months from now? That's...just a no." Sehun tried to keep his voice low. He watched Chanri shifted her sleeping position so now her back was facing him.

"Then what are you doing in there?" Luhan sounded curious.

"She's having a fever right now. I can't leave her alone and I don't want to leave her alone." Sehun told him.

Luhan laughed again. "How romantic, little brother! You've grown into a real man."

Sehun rolled his eyes. "You know I'm inexperienced with all of these. So, any advice, big brother?" Luhan was always the trusted one. Although he was currently single, he was the most loyal one when it came to a relationship.

"Love and protect her with all of your heart."

Sehun watched Chanri shifted again and smiled. "I will."


Chanri slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a few times to adjust the light. Where am I? Oh. She could feel something holding her right hand. It was a firm grip.

"Ugh," Chanri groaned. She tried to move her hand slowly.


Chanri knew whose voice was that. She tried to sit up.

"Slowly, Chanri." Sehun helped her to sit up. His left hand was on her back, protecting her if she would fall back anytime soon. "How do you feel?"

Chanri stared blankly at the white blanket above her legs. "Better."

Sehun smiled to her.

Chanri turned to meet his face. Is this a dream or what? "You're here."

"Yes, I am here." Sehun was still smiling. He had been waiting for another two hours after the doctor left until she finally woke up.

"But why?" Chanri may be sick but she didn't have amnesia. "You ignored me yesterday. I hate me." She looked sad.

Sehun raised his brows. "Hate you? How can I hate you?" He shook his head and caressed her cheek. "Are you hungry? I bought some fruits and food for you."

Chanri shook her head weakly.

Sehun frowned. "You should eat, Chanri. I had a mild heart attack seeing you lying so weak and helpless on the bed." He stood up. "Wait here. I'll bring you something to eat. Don't move."

Sehun went out from her bedroom. Chanri got up and followed him. She stumbled a little but managed to hold onto the wall so she didn't fall. Sehun was busy sorting the things out from the plastic bags in the kitchen. He turned around as he heard footsteps.

"You should be in bed, you know." Sehun said with worried eyes.

Chanri sat on the small dining table. She felt so weird having Sehun, the multi billionaire, in her small apartment. She bet her apartment was just one tenth of his house.

"What are you doing?" Chanri curiously asked while Sehun doing something behind the counter. He looked serious and focused.

There were sounds of chopping. "Just wait." Sehun gave her a quick smile. He moved around like a professional chef. The truth was, Sehun was a bad cook. He wasn't good at cooking, chopping and slicing things.

After several minutes of waiting, Sehun brought a bowl of soup to the table. It seemed appropriate to be eaten although the smell wasn't encouraging enough.

"This is my first ever corn soup and also my first meal I've ever made." He seemed proud and satisfied with his work. “I hope it tastes good.”

Chanri smiled weakly at him. "How did you make it?"

Sehun rubbed the back of his neck and leaned back to his chair. "Well, actually, I bought the instant soup so all I did was adding the extra corns and a little salt.”

Chanri held her laugh and began to eat it. Sehun was waiting for her score like a little kid waiting for his present.

"So? How is it? It’s not too salty, is it?"

"Hmm," Chanri hummed. "It's not bad for beginners."

"Thank God!" Sehun said. "Finish it but take it slow."

Chanri eat the soup again while Sehun watching across her. He wished he could watch her like this every day.

"Can I ask you something?" Chanri asked shyly. Sehun nodded. "Why did you ignore me yesterday?" Her eyes were crying out for answers.

"I don't know. I wanted to give you some space and time to think over again but... I think I was too overreacting." He explained. "I wanted to say sorry for ignoring you in the lift as soon as the door closed but I was such a coward. I'm still regretting what I did yesterday. Especially when you were running in the rain and I was just...driving away, leaving you. I'm sorry."

"It's ok."

"No, it's not ok." Sehun faced down and looked so guilty. "You are sick because of me. I never forgive myself for making you like this."

"Sehun, it's really fine. It's just a fever." Chanri tried to calm him.

Sehun shook his head. "You don't understand. I wanted to apologize to you this morning and then I heard that you weren't there. I thought you were leaving me. Then I got told that you were sick. I was so damn worried and I intended to break your door if you ever locked it. It's totally my fault. I let you soaked in the rain until you got sick." Sehun's hands turned into fists on his lap. He would never ever do anything that might hurt or harm her again. Once was enough for driving him mad at himself.

"It's fine, Sehun. I don't blame you. It was just not my luck day so I fell sick. Don't blame yourself. It was my fault too. I shouldn’t treat you like this." Chanri gave him an encouraging smile.

"I won't let it happen again." Sehun promised.

"It's still 4pm. Shouldn’t you be in your office right now?"

"I cancelled all my appointments for today."

"You what?! Why?"

"I don't want having a meeting while my mind thinking and worrying about your condition, Chanri. Just by seeing you alone in here make me feel bad. I won't leave you alone. Ever." Sehun put his hands on top of the table and reached her hands.

"You don't have to come all the way here, to my small and vile apartment."

Sehun squeezed her hands under his. "Then maybe I should buy you a more decent and bigger apartment? Or do you want to live with me?" He smirked.

"No! I don't mean like that. What I am trying to say is that you might feel uncomfortable staying in my apartment." Chanri explained.

Sehun furrowed his brows. "And I might feel uncomfortable because...?"

"You are Mr. Multi billionaire CEO and I bet my apartment compare to your house is like comparing an ant to an elephant."

Sehun laughed. "You're funny and a little bit exaggerating. This is why I like you, Chanri."

Chanri blushed and kept her head down. Sehun lifted her chin up and met her eyes. His gaze was so intensive and serious. Chanri felt his tense and strong gaze.

"I think I fall for you, Chanri."


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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?