
Fall For You


Sehun stared at a small box beside his luggage. He smiled as he imagined what would be her reaction when he gave it to her. Today was his last day in Japan and he couldn't wait to go home; to hear her answer, but he still needed to attend some meetings and invitations.

He always checked her condition either from herself or Mr. Shin. He was glad Sera didn't make any move to her again. Now, he just needed to figure out what if he was rejected by her. There was something that made him so pessimistic though. Every time he told her he missed her and wished she was here with him, Chanri seemed avoiding the statement, she changed the topic and pretended not hearing it.

"Sir, they are here." One of his employees told him. Sehun put the small box inside his pocket suit and headed out his suit room.

Seven more hours to go.


"What time will he arrive?"


"Are you sure about your final decision?"

Chanri nodded.

"What if he cries?" Eujin asked.

Chanri raised a brow at her. "Cry? Oh Sehun? Doubt that."

"Hey! Boys cry too!" Eujin said. "What will you do if he cries?"

Chanri shrugged. "We'll see later. He will not cry, believe me."

"Tell me everything, ok?"

Chanri nodded. She had thought about it over night with the help of Eujin. It wasn't an easy choice for her. She was inexperienced and had zero knowledge.


"Hi." Chanri spoke first.

"Chanri? What happen? Is something wrong?" Sehun moved to a quieter place in the middle of the party which was full of businessmen and business women. When he found Chanri calling him, he quickly picked it up on the first rang. For the last three days, it was always Sehun who made a call or contact first. So it surprised him to see Chanri calling first.

"No. I just want to make sure if your arrival is at seven."

"Yes. You will pick me up, right?"

Chanri didn't reply for seconds. "I will but..."

Sehun frowned.

"I don't think Mrs. Park will approve my excuse."

"Leave that to me. You just need to come on time. Mr. Shin will drive you to the airport."

"I will still talk to Mrs. Park." Chanri insisted. "Wait, I'm not interrupting you, am I?"

"No. Of course not! I'm happy you call me." Sehun admitted. He imagined seeing her in front of the arrival gate. "You're not working?"

"I'm done with my work." Chanri told him.

"Go home then. Take some rest. I want to see the fresh Chanri not the dull and tired Chanri." Sehun spoke. His other hand held the small box. "I have something for you."

Chanri sighed. "You have given me so many things, Sehun. I won't accept any other gifts."

Sehun laughed. "It's not a gift, it's a souvenir."

"It's the same!"


"Yes." Chanri giggled. Then she stayed silent for a moment. "Sehun."



"What is it, Chanri?" Sehun asked worriedly. Please, please.


"Seriously, Chanri! What is it? If you're not going to talk soon, I'll go hom..."

"Chanri!" A female voice shouted her names from next door.

"Mrs. Park is calling me. I've to go now!" Chanri informed hurriedly.

"Wait!" Sehun half shouted but Chanri already hung up. Sehun called her again but she didn't respond.


“Hey, do you know that new intern girl? The one who works as Mrs. Park’s second secretary?”

“Chanri? Yeah, why?”

Chanri didn’t move or make any sound when she heard her name being mentioned. She was just standing still in the toilet stall while listening to the other female workers.

“I don’t like her.” The first woman stated. “She was seen with Mr. Oh several times and I heard things about her.”

“Oh?” The other female seemed interested in knowing the gossip. “What kind of things?”

The first female shrugged while fixing her hair. “Someone said that she seduced Mr. Oh to get a high position and some other people said that she’s a gold-digger.”

Chanri was upset. Now she knew why some people gave a cold stare at her every time she passed by. They had been talking and gossiping about her just because she was quite close with Mr. Oh, aka Sehun.

“I heard also that she’s now demanding to be Mr. Oh’s personal assistant.” The second female added.


“I know right. I mean, she’s not really even that pretty and attractive enough to be Mr. Oh’s girlfriend or whatsoever and not to mention, she is just an intern. I think she is really seducing Mr. Oh. In fact, how can she get that position so easily? Right?”

The second female nodded. Their topic changed as soon as they went out from the bathroom. Chanri didn’t come out right away. She stayed for another few minutes. She felt wrong and wretched. Her reputation was falling to the ground. All she wanted to do right now was hiding herself from everyone. There was nothing she could do to make her reputation better. They will not believe me. Is this some kind of a sign?


There were many people waiting at the arrival gate. Chanri had to move around so she could see who was coming out from the gate. She looked around carefully. It was 7.20pm, Sehun was supposed to be out right now. Chanri climbed up the bench, not far from the gate. She could see much clearer.

"Will you come down, Miss Jung?"

Chanri looked down and saw Sehun with his sunglasses below her. He had his luggage along with him. Sehun helped her getting off from the bench.

They stood in an awkward silence. Sehun wanted to hug her and plant a kiss on her but he couldn't.

"I miss you." Sehun took off his sunglasses and smiled. Chanri gave a quick smile to him. Sehun grabbed her hand while the other dragged the luggage. "Let's eat. I'm hungry."


They went out to a fancy restaurant in the downtown. Chanri and Sehun enjoyed their simple conversation about those three days. Sehun didn't want to bring up Sera to their conversation otherwise his mood would change. Sehun wanted to know her answer to his confession but before that, he needed to give the souvenir. He took the box from his pocket and shoved it to Chanri.

Chanri's eyes were glimmering. "Can I open it?" Chanri politely asked.


Chanri opened the small black box. It was a necklace with a letter C in it. From the box itself, Chanri knew it was not cheap. Chanri felt her gift was nothing compare to this little box.

"Oh! Thank you so much! I really like it." Chanri's fingers trailed the necklace carefully. Truthfully, Chanri felt even worse about herself. She wasn’t really excited to get the present as what she just heard earlier in the afternoon stuck in her head. Seduce. Gold-digger. Not pretty. Not attractive.

Sehun got up from his chair. He took the necklace from the box and helped her to put it around her neck. "I want you to wear this everyday, every time, every where." He sat down again. "Now we have matching necklace." Sehun showed the necklace he wore. The feature was the same; the difference was only Sehun's necklace had a letter S in it.


Sehun watched Chanri's fingers playing with the necklace he gave. She seemed happy with it but he noticed something weird. Yes, she was happy but she didn’t look so sincere.

“Are you happy?” Sehun asked.

Chanri turned to him and smiled, weak and fake one. “I am. Thank you, again.”

“You’re most welcome.” Sehun then gazed at the outside view from the window car. He was still dying of curiosity. "Chanri." He called softly. Chanri turned to him. "What were you going to say this morning?"

Chanri faced down. She knew he would remember it. "It's nothing."

Sehun narrowed his eyes. "I don't believe you."  He said. "Tell me. What is it?"

Chanri still kept her eyes straight, avoiding his eyes. She surely didn't have guts to tell him. She didn't know what would be his reaction to her – it could be either very bad or just bad. "I don't think I can be your girlfriend."

Sehun didn't move a bit. He stayed still, gazing at her with surprised look. He held his breath for the longest time and let every second passed by just like that. Sehun felt like his brain stopped functioning and his heart stopped beating slowly.

No. Sehun kept repeating the word in his mind. This wasn't like what he had expected from . He was sure enough after several days they had spent together, Chanri would come up with a good answer. No, no! He wouldn't care if she was another girl, he wouldn't do everything he did for her if she wasn't Chanri. Chanri was the first girl that could make him felt different. Even Sera couldn't do this to him. She was like a fire that could melt his cold heart.

"Why?" Sehun stuttered. He stared at her with sadness and painful in his eyes.

Chanri clenched her hands together. Although she felt attracted to him, Chanri wasn't ready to be his girlfriend, yet. "I don't think I'm qualified enough to be your girlfriend. We are two completely different people." Chanri took a deep breath. She didn’t think she could stand any other false gossip about her anymore. She was being friendly and polite to him, is it wrong?

Sehun shook his head slowly. "What are the qualifications you think?" His voice was low, broken and sorrow.

Chanri shrugged. "Beautiful, like a goddess, have the perfect body, smart, popular, everyone's favorite and rich enough." She explained, "Like Sera."

Sehun's face became hard like stones. He glared at her with furrowed brows. What the hell? Does she approach Chanri again and brainwash her?

"If I was your girlfriend, what people would think of you? Having an ordinary intern as your girlfriend?" Chanri murmured. She was so insecure about herself when it came to people's opinion of her.

"I don't give a ." Sehun's tone was bold and sharp.

"I do." Chanri replied.

Sehun closed his eyes and sighed soundly. "What can I do to make you mine, Chanri?" His heart had been broken once and once was enough for him. "Please. I'm suffocated being away from you. You are the one that I want, not anyone, not even that dirty woman."

Chanri knew whom Sehun meant.

"Among all the women I've met in my life, you are the only one who has reached my standard, my qualifications. I don't know what you heard from that woman but I just want to tell you that you are so much better than her in every angle." Sehun placed his hands on top of hers. "You don't have to be beautiful for others because you are beautiful in my eyes. You don't have to have the perfect body because your body is perfect for me. You don't need to be smart or popular because you already are. Lastly," Sehun gazed at her eyes. "I don't want you to be everyone's favorite because you are my favorite and only mine."


"No," Sehun cut her. "Do you know how crazy my friends were when they met you? They even wanted you to be theirs, to steal you from me. They keep asking me about you like stalkers."

Chanri gasped but still couldn't say a thing.

"Chanri, what can I do to make you mine? Because I'll do everything and anything to make you mine. I'll fight for you." Sehun squeezed her hands gently. "I don't want you. I need you."

Need, not want. Chanri gulped. She was confused with her own feeling right now. Half of her wanted to accept him but the other half was still doubtful. She turned away from him and looked at the street outside.

Sehun gave her gently squeeze to her hands before pulling them away. Chanri felt empty when his hands were not on hers anymore.

"You need time to think, right? Take how long you need. I will wait for you but please think carefully." Sehun pleaded.

"I'm scared." Chanri finally said.

Sehun furrowed his eyes. "What are you scared of?"

Chanri's hands turned into fists. "I'm scared that someday you will broke my heart and leave me. I never have a boyfriend and I don't know how to be a good girlfriend."

"Chanri, you know I will not leave you or break your heart, no matter what happens. It's supposed to be me who scare of such things."

"How can I trust you for not leaving me or breaking my heart?" Chanri looked at him. She was a very careful person so she had to think very hard before she said yes.

Sehun smiled to her. "I'm still here. I actually can leave you anytime I want but I choose to stay with you." Sehun's hand tug Chanri's hair behind her ear that made her blushed. "And you just broke my heart by saying no. It's me who should scare of you leaving me and breaking my heart, Chanri."

"Sorry." Chanri looked down and pursed her lips. "I didn't mean it."

"I know. You have your reasons and I understand." As much as it hurt him, Sehun still managed to show his warmest smile.

The car stopped in front of Chanri's apartment. Mr. Shin turned around and said, "We've arrived."

"Thank you." Chanri gave a polite nod to Mr. Shin. She shifted her head to Sehun who looked blankly at the front. "Thank you, Sehun."

“If I ask you one more time now, does it change your answer?” Sehun closed his eyes, hoping.

Chanri stayed silent. She didn’t want to hurt him even more. “Sehun, I ­– ”

Sehun nodded. “I get it. It’s a no.”

Chanri pursed her lips. She wanted to explain why it was a no but if she told him about what she heard, it would be risky. Chanri didn’t want anyone to lose his or her job, especially not because of her. “I’m sorry.” She muttered. Chanri opened the door and got off from the car. Sehun was facing the other side, avoiding her gaze. Chanri understood his feeling right now. “Good night.”

I’m sorry, Sehun.

[A.N]  :) Don't kill me, ok? HEHEHE. Next chapter, we will see the other side of Sehun ;) 

Check out the first chapter of my new story Three  (Subscribe, Comment and vote :D)


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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?