
Fall For You

The Alley

"Can I have another glass of wine, please?" Tao gave a flirty wink to the waitress.

"Classic, Tao. Since when you drink wine again?" Chanyeol commented.

Tao scoffed and ignored him. Luhan and Kris were busy talking about some unfinished business they were doing while Kai was busy making fun at Sehun.

"Where's your new girlfriend, Sehun?" Chanyeol asked mockingly.

"I believe it's none of your business." Sehun said with an evil smile.

Kai gave a long sigh. "I wish I met her first. She looks so innocent and pure. I like her."

Sehun glared at Kai. If glares could kill people, Kai would be inside the coffin right now. "Luckily, I met her first."

"Oh, really? As far as I remembered, I met her first." Tao interrupted. He smiled mischievously at Sehun.

"Whatever." Sehun took a sip on his drink. "What's important is that now she is my girlfriend and none of you can touch her."

His friends rolled their eyes. "Possessive kid." Kai muttered under his breath.

"Sera!" Chanyeol suddenly jerked up.

Everyone glanced up and saw Sera by the door. She was standing with her famous killer smile. Sehun looked away directly.

"Where's your soon-to-be fiancé?" Luhan asked while giving his seat so Sera could sit on.

"Thank you." Sera took a seat. "He's meeting with someone but he'll be here soon."

The boys nodded except Sehun. He leaned back and didn't look so interested. Sera took a peek on him and then faced down for a moment. Everyone felt the tense between them.

"How do you feel right now? Are you excited about your engagement?" Chanyeol spoke to loosen up the tense. "Gosh! I can't believe you'll marry someone so soon."

Sera giggled. "I'm so nervous, excited and scared. I keep thinking whether I'm ready or not and if this is what I really want." She shrugged.

Kai, who sat beside her, put a hand on her back. "Relax. We know you're ready, Sera."

"Thanks." She smiled. "How are you guys? It's been a long time since I hung out with you like this."

"We're good." They said one after another. Sehun just kept quiet. Sera noticed he didn't say a thing.

"How about you, Sehun? How are you?" Sera leaned in a little so she could see him.

"Sehun just got a girlfriend!" Tao blurted out.

Sera looked surprised. "Really? Oh, wow! Congratulations then!" Sehun gazed at Tao and mouthed something. "Who is the lucky girl?"

"Chanri. I guess you don't know her but she's a lovely girl." Tao answered again and winked at him.

You're dead, Tao. Sehun mentally said.

"Chanri? I know her! I met her before, at Kris's gallery." Sera stated. "I also invited her to my party. I hope to seeing her again."

Sehun rolled his eyes. He didn't know what was her intention of saying that.

"You will come with her, right?"

"No." Sehun answered shortly.

Luhan kicked Sehun's leg under the table. They exchanged look for a moment.

"He will come with Chanri. Don't worry." Luhan quickly said.


Luhan glared at him.

"Whatever." Sehun shook his head.

Sera smiled bitterly and then checked her phone. "I've got to go. Bye, guys."

As soon as Sera walked out from the room, the boys looked at Sehun with confused gazes.

"Dude, don't be such a jerk." Luhan scolded. "I know she broke your heart but that was long time ago, right? What happen in the past, stay in the past. Forgive and forget, remember?"

"It's not that simple." Sehun told. He grabbed his phone and wallet on the table and stood up. "If Chanri wants to go, I'll go too. But don't expect me to be in a peace mode with her. I forgive but not forget."

He walked out from the bar and headed to his car. Sehun was supposed to be with Chanri after her confession but when he didn't want to interrupt her moment with Eujin who was crying in Chanri's apartment when they arrived.

"I said don't go anywhere, did I? Why do you always have to be such a , huh?! Can't you at least follow my order once, Sera?! Once!"

Sehun heard the noises from the side of the club. He walked towards the small alley slowly.

"I'm sorry." He heard a woman's crying voice. Sera?

"I swear if we weren't in the public place, I would..."

"Hey." Sehun called.

Both of them looked at him. The alley was dark and small but Sehun knew who they were. The guy was pined the woman against the wall.

"Sehun?" The woman softly said.

The guy put his hands down and fixed his suit. Sehun maintained his calm face.

"What's going on in here?" Sehun narrowed his eyes. He looked at the woman and then at the guy.

"Sehun, hello." The guy reached out his hand. Sehun took his hand and shook it.

"I heard shouts. Is everything ok, Changmin?" Sehun looked at the woman who seemed scared.

Changmin put his arm around Sera's shoulder and pulled her closely. "Yeah. Eveything's perfectly fine. Right, baby?" He squeezed Sera's shoulder.

Sera nodded weakly. She looked at Sehun with teary eyes. Sehun could see it in the darkness.

"We have to go now. Good night, Sehun." Changmin and Sera walked passed by him.

Sehun watched them as they got into the car. He had no clue what was just going on. Maybe they just had a small couple fight.


"How's Eujin?" Sehun asked Chanri who looked worried.

"She's fine now. She's sleeping in my room." Chanri replied.

"What happened?"

"Her crush broke her heart."

"Oh." Sehun wasn't good at this kind of conversation. It was girls’ thing. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok. At least she's ok now."

Sehun pulled Chanri down beside him and wrapped his arm around her body. "You look tired, girlfriend."

Chanri giggled. "I am tired. Where have you been, boyfriend?" Chanri relaxed her body.

"I went to the club." Sehun answered casually.

Chanri looked at him with unpleasant look as she heard the word club.

"With the boys. Relax, girlfriend. I'm not Kai or Chanyeol who is playing with different woman every night." He said. "By the way, do you really want to come to Sera's party?"

"I think so. Why do you ask again?"

Sehun shook his head. "Nothing. I just want to make sure. So, I'll pick you up at 6 then."

"Ok." Chanri freed herself from Sehun's hands. He frowned a little. "Are you going to stay here?"

"I want to but I can't. I have a morning meeting. Mr. Shin will pick you up." Sehun stood up.

Chanri followed. "How about Eujin? Can she come with me too?"

"Of course. As long as it's not a he." Sehun kissed her forehead. "Have a sweet dream, girlfriend." Sehun liked calling her girlfriend. It sounded sweet and lovely.

"You too, boyfriend."


"Hello?" Chanri picked up her office phone.

"Chanri, this is Sera." Sera's sweet voice said.

"Oh, hi!" Chanri seemed confused.

"I hope I'm not interrupting you." Sera said. "I just want to make a confirmation. Are you going to come the party? Because I have to make a reservation on the seats."

"Umm, yeah. I will come."

"Great!" She sounded happy. "Will Sehun come too?"

"He will, I think."

"Ok. Thank you."

Both of them hung up.

"Who's that?" Eujin asked curiously.

"Sera. Sehun's old friend." Chanri simply answered.

"Sera? You mean that Sera?" Eujin, who was still broken hearted, seemed having the energy to gossip. "She is Sehun's ex, right?"

Chanri raised her brows. "How do you know?"

Eujin rolled her eyes. "Everyone knows that. It's old news."


"His current girlfriend is hanging out with his ex. Interesting but not good. She can manipulate you by telling you his bad habits or something." Eujin seemed giving her a warning.

"Sera's nice to me so far. She told me good things about Sehun." Chanri defended. What's wrong with Sera? Everyone seems dislike her. 


Sorry for the short chapter and long wait. As for my apology, I'll do double update for today :) Hope you enjoy reading them :)


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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?