Twenty Nine

Fall For You

The Rescuer

“Left, left, hmmm…right, left, right, right.” Kai mumbled to himself as he looked through girls’ profile and pictures from the dating app. It was a normal sight seeing Kai playing with his dating apps. “It’s just for fun” was Kai’s response when being mocked by his friends for having so many dating apps. Despite having an attractive look and an almost-perfect life, Kai was longing for one thing: a serious and committed relationship. He never experienced what real love was or being in a relationship which lasted for than a month. Frankly, Kai was jealous of Sehun for being able to find love; first with Sera and now with Chanri. But he knew that one day he would find his true love. Someday.

Kai’s thought was interrupted with the knocking sound from the passenger’s side. It was Chanri. Kai immediately unlocked the door.

“What happened? Where’s Sehun?” He straightened his seat up with confused look. Chanri closed the door and kept her head down without talking. Kai furrowed his brows and glanced at the front door of Sehun’s house. There was no sign of Sehun which made him more baffled. “Angel, are you OK? Do you want me to go inside and find Sehun for you?”

Chanri shook her head slowly and sobbed.

Oh, . "Uh, Chanri?" Kai tapped gently on her shoulder. Kai looked around and although it was nighttime, Sehun's house was quite bright. Sera. Kai knew very well Sera's car: a bright yellow sedan. It was parked beside Sehun's car. How could I not notice that?

"Just go, please." Chanri spoke in between sobs. Her voice was almost like a whisper.

Kai wasn't very sure if he should go, wait for another minutes, or go inside and dragged Sehun out. He took a second look at the front door of Sehun's house. Nothing.

"Please..." Chanri begged as she wiped off her tears.

"Stupid Oh!" Kai uttered in a very low voice as he drove off.


Sehun froze in his place. He couldn't think or speak a word. All of a sudden, his mind kept repeating the look on Chanri's face when she saw Sera coming out from the room. She was crushed, disappointed, and angry. And the moment Chanri marched off, Sehun knew he should chased her but he didn't as if his feet was nailed to the ground.

The date! How can I forget that?! Sehun cursed himself inside his head. He groaned and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Sehunnie..." Sera caressed Sehun's upper arm. "Let's go inside."

Sehun clenched his fingers and closed his eyes before taking a deep breath.

"Please don't leave me alone here."

Now, it was even more difficult. He obviously couldn't leave Sera alone in this kind of state. She needed a friend after what she had been going through and suffered. At the same time, he had a responsibility to be with his girlfriend and he owed her an explanation more than anything. He didn't want to lose Chanri but he also cared about Sera. She was his first love. In the end, he had to choose, fast.

"I... I have to go, Sera." Sehun said.

"What? No, please don't. I don't want to be alone in here. What if he comes when you're not here? What if he..."

"Hey, hey," Sehun held her shoulders and lowered his body down a little so his face was at the same level with hers, "Look at me. You'll be fine. He will not come here, he cannot. I will be very quick and I will go straight home after I've settled down everything."

"No, please." Sera began to cry. "If you go, I'll hurt myself."

Sehun was surprised to hear such thing from Sera. "I promise, Sera." Sehun reassured her. "No one will hurt you. I'll be back as soon as possible. Please, she's my girlfriend and I owed this to her so much."

Sera showed a pleading look but Sehun was firm with his decision. He heard a car's engine being outside his house. Sehun hurriedly looked outside from the nearby window and found Chanri was inside the car with his friend. "Kai?"

Sehun bid a goodbye to Sera and talked to his butler to watch her before rushing out.


Kai constantly looked to his side, checking Chanri who either kept her head down or stared at the window. After they took off from Sehun's place, Chanri sobbed silently for about twenty minutes and then she calmed down. "Here." Kai offered a piece of candy and she took it without saying anything. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Chanri didn't answer or giving any motion. She just stared blankly at the candy on her lap. "What do you know about Sera? And her relationship with Sehun?"

"Well," Why it should be me telling this to her? That's it, I'm totally gonna kill that Oh freaking Sehun.

"You can tell me."

Kai sighed. "I knew this recently, just a few days ago, that Sera and Changmin were no longer engaged."

Chanri surprised but still avoided eye contact with Kai.

"I don't know for sure who called it off but the boys said it was Sera." he continued. Kai instantly took a quick glance of Chanri. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure Sehun will explain everything like why Sera was there and..."

"How do you know she was there?" Chanri finally turned to him.

"I saw her car before we took off."

"Does Sehun still love her?"

That kid better finds an Oscar-worthy reason for me to spare his life. " What I know is that he loves you."

"If he loves me, he wouldn't ditch our date to be with his ex girlfriend who hurt him."

"He can be a jerk sometimes." Kai spontaneously commented. "Listen, when it comes to girls, Sehun has the least experience among us. He dated only two girls in his lifetime: you and her. So he's still learning."

"He still loves her and she loves him too that's why she called off the engagement." Chanri uttered.

Kai had been driving around without any destination for almost an hour. Then he decided to park his car in one of the parks in the city. There was nobody in there. "Don't you want to pick that up? It's been ringing for many times." Kai pointed at Chanri's buzzing phone.

"No." Chanri shut off her phone.

Kai pursed his lips and picked up his phone that he put on silent mode. There were at least twenty miscalled and a few messages from Sehun. All messages were asking the same thing: where were they.


Sehun drove as fast as his car could. He didn’t care anymore about the speed limit or even the traffic lights. “Come on! Pick it up!” He slammed the steering wheel and threw his phone to the side. Sehun knew it was his fault and all he could do now is hoping that Chanri would understand the situation and most importantly, answer his phone calls. “Dammit!” Sehun also tried to call Kai but he didn’t pick it up either. He was completely clueless why Kai was there and Chanri left with him.

The first destination was Chanri’s place. Unfortunately, he found no one’s there. Sehun was angry at himself for letting this happen, for lying to Chanri, and for getting involved in the middle of Sera’s situation. As much as he wanted to blame Sera and her problems, Sehun knew she didn’t have any choice but to tell him since they were once friends and a couple as well. Sera needed help and Sehun had to help her.

Sehun tried one more time calling both Chanri and Kai. “Please, Chanri. I want to explain everything. Where are you? Please. I’m really sorry. Chanri, love, please…I’m begging you to answer my call. If you don’t want to meet me at least pick my call, please. You don’t have to talk, just listen. I’ll tell you everything. Just…” Sehun paused, “I love you, Chanri.” He ended the call as he finished leaving the voicemail.

The next destination was Kai’s. His place was close to Sehun’s house, only a couple blocks away. Sehun was very sure that Chanri was at Kai’s place.


“Do you want to go home, Chanri?”

Chanri shook her head slowly as if her head would fall off if she put too much energy to it. “I’m sorry for keep crying like a baby.”

“It’s fine. Crying is good, you know. It cleanses your eyes from bacteria and germs.” Kai said in a hope to lighten the mood.

Chanri half smiled and wiped her tears. She didn’t know why she cried so much. Maybe it was because she had been piling up all her emotions and prejudices about Sera and Sehun. Seeing them together, without her knowing, triggered her emotions. She couldn’t help but cry and now she felt bad for Kai as he didn’t deserve to be dragged into this mess.

The time was almost ten. Chanri looked so tired and Kai noticed it. He didn’t know what to do right now since she didn’t want to go home yet he wouldn’t let her sleep in his car in this park.

“How about if we go to my place and you can rest there, rather than in this small car?” Kai offered. “I swear I wouldn’t do anything to you.”

Chanri nodded. It was the last resort: she knew Sehun would be in her place by now and the last person she wanted to meet tonight was him. She wouldn’t take any risk of meeting him.

Kai lived in a five-star apartment and somehow it made Chanri relieved. At least Sehun couldn’t just go up anytime he wants, she thought. The apartment was guarded with two security guards and not everyone could enter the building. There was a lot of luxury cars in the parking lot that was why no wonder this apartment was highly guarded.

“Let’s go.” Kai smiled and unbuckled the seatbelt. “I need to go to the front desk first, OK? They know Sehun already and they usually let Sehun in without my permission…”

“I don’t want to see him,” Chanri stated immediately.

“I know.” Kai smiled again.

as soon as the elevator's door was opened, a guard greeted them politely. Kai just gave a little nod to him and moved along while Chanri followed besides him.

"You can wait here or sit down if you like. I won't be long." Kai hurriedly approached the front desk.

Chanri stood like a lost kid. The lobby was grand and had a high ceiling with a dazzling chandelier exactly above the front desk.

"Let's go." Kai said

Chanri nodded and followed Kai to the elevator. While waiting for the elevator, she asked, "What did you say to the receptionist just now?"

Kai shrugged, " I just told them to inform me if there is anyone wants to meet me and if Sehun comes, let me know first."


"He needed the key to go up and he didn't have one so he needed a permission to borrow the key from the receptionist." Kai explained.

"Does he often come here?"

"Pretty much, yeah. At least, he used to."


"Welcome to my lair." Kai opened the door to his place dramatically.

It was not as huge as what Chanri first thought. The place was a two bedrooms apartment but it still looked like a suite room in any five star hotels. Everything was neat and at its proper place as if the place was rarely lived in. Kai did a great job to make the place aesthetically beautiful and coordinated.

"Your place looks very nice." Chanri looked around the living room. The kitchen was behind the living room along with a dining table made of marble and four chairs. His living room was furnished with a television, a CD shelf with a record player next to it, a fake plant, a drawer beneath the television, and a comfortable looking sofa with a glass coffee table in front of it.

"Thanks." Kai locked the door, took off his jacket and put it in a small cabinet beside the front door. "Make yourself at home, Chanri."

Chanri nodded and sat down on the sofa.

"Are you hungry? I can make you something or we can order some food?"

"No, I'm not hungry. Thank you." Chanri pursed her lips and leaned back.

Kai took out his keys and wallet put it on the counter. He hated seeing a girl cried or sad; Kai just couldn't bear it. Seeing Chanri cried made him wanted to punch Sehun despite of knowing so little of the situation and Chanri herself. "Chanri," he called and approached her. Chanri looked up and waited. "I just want you to know that I'm here for you. If you want to talk about it to someone, I'll be there. You don't have to deal with all of this alone."

"Thanks," Chanri replied with a small smile.

"If you want to, I can punch Sehun for you, you know that right?" Kai joked

Chanri chuckled a little. "I'll remember that." He’s like a prince charming. “Thank you, Kai. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t there. You are my hero.”

Kai laughed. “You’re most welcome, angel. I’m glad I can help.”

Kai opened the balcony door and walked out. The city showed no sign of sleeping; the lights around the city were still so bright and the roads were busy. From his balcony, he could see the main entrance to his apartment building. All of a sudden, Kai's attention shifted to one car that just entered the building. At first he wasn't sure if it was the car that he thought about but when a familiar man got out from the car, he smirked as if he had been waiting for him.

Kai casually walked back inside and found Chanri stared blankly at her lap. He tapped Chanri's shoulder lightly. "Chanri, I'm going downstairs for a while, Ok? If you need anything just call me and if you want to eat or drink, feel free to browse the kitchen."

Chanri nodded without asking. Kai could feel his phone vibrated vigorously inside the pocket but he ignored it. He grabbed his house key and went downstairs.

"Where is she?" Sehun spoke in an angry tone as soon as he saw Kai coming out from the elevator.

"Hello to you too, Sehun."

"Where is she, Kai? I know she's with you."

"She's physically fine but emotionally and mentally...not so good."

Sehun stared angrily at his friend who was a few steps in front of him.

"She doesn't want to see you."

"I need to see her and talk to her." Sehun said. "Don't interfere with our relationship, Kai."

"Says the one who interfere with Sera and Changmin's relationship." Kai never intended to insult Sehun in any way.

"It's different. You don't know anything about them."

Kai rolled his eyes. "Oh really? I know she called off her engagement with Changmin. I also know that Sera's acting crazy again ever since she found that you already moved on."

"No. She's acting like this because of that Changmin guy." Sehun said. "Just let me speak with her."

"She said she doesn't want to see or speak to you. Give her a break, Sehun."

Sehun started to get annoyed. "What were you doing anyway with her? Do you like her? Want to steal her like what my brother did?"

"You forgot your date with her and left her alone for what.. thirty minutes? forty minutes? an hour? You ditched her and turned out it was because of another girl or should I say your ex." Kai furrowed his brows. “You’re lucky she didn’t ask me to punch you.”

Sehun was left dumbfounded. He agreed with everything Kai said. It was his fault and he also had been lying to Chanri. In the middle of his frustration, Sehun's phone rang.

"Sehun, he's..." Sera's voice was shaking. "Changmin's here."


Sorry for keeping you wait! I was writing chapter 30 and it took me a while since I've been busy lately. 

I am planning to write this story until about chapter 32 or 33 other words, it's going to end soon :( 

 It looks like you guys prefer Chanri with Kai more :P and I don't blame you for that. I like how Kai acts around Chanri too. 

Happy reading!


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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?