Twenty One

Fall For You

The Talk


Chanri continuously looked around, searching for a figure missing among the crowd, but he couldn't be seen in anywhere. Her curiosity and anxiety were slowly killing her. She tightened her grip on her clutch. Where are they? What are they talking about? Chanri didn't want to overthink about it but she couldn't stop worrying.

"Sera is tamed, Chanri. She will not hurt your boyfie." Chanyeol gave Chanri a little nudge and a wink, trying to calm her down.

Chanri awkwardly smiled and nodded. It's not it that I'm worried about. Knowing Sehun talked privately with someone he used to date and love, making her scared of losing him. But Sera is engaged now, she wouldn't cheat on her fiancé, right?

Chanri's feeling for Sehun was sincere and pure. She was developing a stronger affection towards him each day and she was happy that it wasn't an unrequited love. Chanri never felt what she felt when she was with him; she felt protected and safe.


Sehun stood a few step away from Sera with his hands on his pockets. For a moment, they just stood besides the swimming pool in silent. The sound of the party inside and the water from the pool filled the silence. Sera looked at Sehun with hopeful eyes; hoping that he would return the same gaze as hers but Sehun's gaze was blank and cold.

Yes, he missed their togetherness and moments but now he was with Chanri and he was more than happy being with her. Every time he looked at Sera, there was only anger, disappointment, and hurt in his heart. If Sehun knew this would happen, he would rather being single.

Sera took a little step closer, which made Sehun frowned and stiffened. Sera then showed begging and almost crying eyes that she knew Sehun couldn’t resist. "I'm sorry for what I did to you. It was my greatest mistake for hurting you. I truly regret it, Sehunnie."

Sehun snorted and tried not to make an eye contact with her. "And you just realized it now?"

Sera moved closer and her hand reached out Sehun's arm. "I regret it more than anything, Sehun. I... I shouldn't have done it. The day I came back here, I began to recall everything we used to do. It was a sweet memory to me – a really sweet one – but then I chose the wrong path and left the good one. The guilt keeps haunting me and even more when you keep shutting me out." Sera paused for a breath.

"Straight to the point, Sera. I don't want to hear your bull. What do you want?" Sehun's tone was sharp. "It was a bitter memory for me and don't cry over a spill milk."

Sera looked like she was about to cry the next second. She lowered her head and breathed deeply. "I know it was all my fault. I just want you to know that my feelings for you were and are true."

Sehun closed his eyes and took a deep breath. No, Sehun. Keep her away from you and your heart. Don't let it enter your mind! She's manipulative and a liar.

"I know I'm too late. I'm engaged now and you have a girlfriend." Sera continued. She placed her hand on Sehun’s face and tried to make him face her. "I believe in destiny and I know you do too. I believe that we are meant to be together. Every time I look at you, all I want to do is to hug you and claim you as mine. Somehow, I know you still have a feeling for me too. Am I right?"

Sehun avoided her gaze. Right now, his feeling was mixed up. He didn't even know and understand his feeling right now. Few minutes ago, he was sure he was in love with Chanri and was different. A part of him wanted to be with Chanri–the innocent, sweet and pure woman, but another part of him wanted to stay with Sera–his first love. “Look, Sera…”

"Is Chanri your rebound?" Sera cut. "You seem taking everything too quickly with her. The way you look at her... I don't not love, I think." Sera shook her head immediately. "I'm sorry for interfering your relationship with her. It’s totally none of my business."

"You are engaged, Sera." His voice was soft and almost like a whisper.


He didn’t reply. Sera caressed Sehun’s cheek slowly and then moved her hand to hold Sehun’s hand. “Sehun, there is something I want to tell you about Changmin. He is…”

Sera was interrupted by the sound of door opened. Sehun turned around while Sera moved to the side. Chanri was standing by the door; her eyes were locked at the sight of Sera’s hand on Sehun’s. She could feel blood rushing through her cheek and her hands clenched so tightly. At this moment, there were only two options she had: walked towards them and slapped Sera so hard for holding her boyfriend’s hand without her permission or walked away.

"Sorry for interrupting. I just...I… I’ll just go ... You can continue your talk. Sorry." Chanri chose the latter.

Of course she didn’t have the gut to hurt Sera. It was her party and she didn’t want to ruin it. I shouldn’t have come there. I should just wait with the others. Stupid, Chanri! Instead of going back to the party, she went straight to the ladies room and locked herself on one of the stalls. Chanri let out a big sigh and shut her eyes so tightly. “Think of something else, think of something else.” She spoke quietly to herself. The image of Sera holding Sehun’s hand and how close they were standing together won’t go away. It became clearer. She wanted to be mad and threw a tantrum but Chanri couldn’t. There will be some explanations, right? Sehun wouldn’t cheat on me and Sera wouldn’t cheat on her newly fiancé.


Chanri avoided talking with Sehun for the rest of the evening. She kept herself busy talking about random things with the boys while Sehun looked guilty and stressed. His expressions made Chanri felt uncomfortable and sad as well.

"Are you ok? You look stressed." Chanri asked worriedly as they went out from the building. Chanri made a promise to herself that she will ask for an explanation before going mad at Sehun.

"No, I'm fine." Sehun tried to smile. He was confused and dilemma. His first love just confessed to him but he had someone else with him.

"What were you talking about?"

Sehun shook his head. "Nothing. It's not important." He opened the passenger door for Chanri.

Lies, Chanri thought.

Throughout the ride, Sehun and Chanri didn't talk much. He seemed so focused and absorbed with his own thought while Chanri were also busy with her own thought. Chanri knew something was wrong and she had a bad feeling about it.

Chanri is the one. She's not my rebound or whatever. She's my girlfriend, Sehun made sure to himself. He didn't want to fall into the same trap again and opened his old wound again.

"Do you want to come in first?" Chanri asked when the car stopped in front of her apartment.

Sehun smiled weakly. "No, it’s fine. I think I want to go home. There is still unfinished business with some companies."

Chanri nodded few times but she didn’t move an inch. She bit her lower lip, contemplating whether or not she should ask. “Tell me,” Chanri turned her body facing Sehun. His expression was stiff. “Why was she holding your hand? And why did you let her?”

“It’s nothing.”

Chanri couldn’t hide her disappointment and annoyed face. “I am your girlfriend and I have the right to know why. What if you see another guy holding my hand? You will go mad and angry, right? I tried so hard not to let my emotions took control when I saw…it. And now you are telling me it’s nothing when there is definitely something going on between you two?”

Sehun grabbed and hold Chanri’s hands. He looked at Chanri with a smile, “Chanri, I love you and that’s the only thing you should think of. Nothing else matters.” He then pulled Chanri closer and kissed her cheek.

Chanri sighed. She didn’t want to push him too far. “I love you too and I trust you.”

Sehun kissed her again. “Goodnight, love.”


They were all looking at Sehun with wide eyes and mouth half opened.

"You're in deep , dude." Tao commented.

"Well, she is the brave and confident Sera who always speaks of her mind." Kris added.

Sehun sighed and shrugged. They were looking so serious right now.

"You just got a new girlfriend and then your ex confessed her love to you." Kai said, crossing his hands. "It's not a big deal unless..."

"Unless what?" Sehun narrowed his eyes.

"Unless you still have feeling for Sera." Luhan continued Kai's sentence.

"Bingo!" Kai flicked his fingers.

What the?! "No way!" Sehun replied. "I don't love her anymore." His voice seemed unsure.

"Maybe you don't love her but you miss her and your memories with her. Maybe deep down in your heart, you want her back but you just don't realize it." Kris's words hit Sehun. It made him think. "Look, whatever your feeling is... We just want you to think carefully and decide what's best for you."

The others nodded.

"There are two girls involved in here and in the end, you will have to choose only one and breaks the other's heart " Chanyeol spoke.

"Don't leave someone who loves you for someone you love or used to love." Luhan looked at Sehun who seemed lost and puzzled.

"I know I'm a playboy and never have a serious relationship with a girl but I just want to tell you one thing. Be with someone you need, not with someone you want." Kai put his hand over Sehun's shoulder.

"We support whatever your decision is. Just don't make a stupid mistake." Tao warned.

Sehun ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't know what to do or what to think. Everything step was like a bomb for him. Now he could just stand and think what he would do next. There were always choices for him but the problem was whether he could live with the choice he made or not. Everything depended on him right now.


Here's another one! Please don't be the silent reader. Leave a comment so that I know what's your thought about my story. I would love to hear them! 

By the way, if you have any ideas for stories about your favorite kpop idols and want me to write it down for you, feel free to visit my Story Request. I have written a few so go check it out :) 



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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?