
Fall For You

Dinner & Confession

"Where were you yesterday? I was waiting for you in the lobby after work and you weren't there." Sehun furrowed his brows. He gazed at Chanri who looked scared. His hand held her wrist tightly.

"I...uh, I went home already with Eujin, I mean Miss Ahn." Chanri's eyes met his but then looked away. She didn't like the furious and angry Sehun, she felt like her boss was scolding her right now.

Sehun looked at her once more. He saw her tense and sighed. He let go off his hand and took a step back. He didn't want to scare her. "I'm sorry." Sehun said. "I don't mean to scare you. I just... I just so worried about you yesterday. I thought you were angry with me because I acted like a moody teenage girl."

"It's ok. I understand." Chanri sincerely told him. Her assumption right now was Sera played a part too. "I wasn't and am not angry with you. Why would I be? You didn't do anything wrong."

Sehun pursed his lips. He was glad Chanri wasn't angry with him. He remembered last night when he was waiting Chanri for hours; Sehun's mind was thinking of every possible crime. He was worried bad things might happened to her and he didn't like seeing her being alone in the street.

"Sir." Sehun's assistant appeared after knocking on the door. "Sorry for the interruption. Your flight has been delayed. There is some problem with the plane's engine."

Sehun nodded. "Ok. Thank you." Sehun didn't know why he said that. He rarely thanked his staffs. He didn't know either why he wasn't being himself lately. He used to be annoyed and disappointed with this kind of situation but not for today. He was calm.

His assistant seemed surprised, her cheek went red and then she went out.

"You're leaving?" Chanri asked with her soft voice. There's a disappointment in her voice. Truthfully, she felt kind of sad; she didn't want him to go but who was she to tell him not to go? Chanri didn't have the authority to make him stay. She wasn't his girlfriend or his family – she was just his employee and a friend.

"Yes." Sehun replied. He wasn't sad when he decided to go but now after looking at her, he felt a bit worried leaving her. "Only for two nights." He added.

Chanri nodded. It didn't matter how many days he would be gone because she would still be alone. Ever since Sehun came to her life, she felt different in a good way. She never thought he would make an impact on her life.

"Come with me." Sehun suggested. He took a step forward.

"What?" Chanri raised her brows. "I can't. I can't leave my work here just like that and leave for three days."

"You can work there. I'll talk to Mrs. Park." Sehun took out his phone.

Chanri hurriedly grabbed his wrist and held it. Sehun was surprised by her sudden action.

"No, don't." Chanri said. "I still have responsibilities on my work and I had left my work yesterday and the other day."

Sehun frowned. He wished Chanri would agree on this because he wanted to spend more days with her so he could get to know her better. "Fine, but in one condition."

Chanri tilted her head.

"I will have my driver to drive you to and from work. Consider him as your personal driver so wherever you want to go, just tell him."

What? Chanri's mouth half opened. This is too much! "I don't need a driver, Sehun. I can go to work by myself."

"No." Sehun immediately said. "You always finish late and I don't want you to go home alone!"

Chanri furrowed her brows. Her hand still held his wrist. "I'm just your employee." Although Sehun showed his affection towards her, Chanri didn't want to trust him so easily. She was scared if she was just one of his 'toys'.

Sehun furrowed his brows. He let his hand down and soon her grip loosened. "I'll wait for you after work. Don't go anywhere!" He threatened.

Chanri nodded and turned around.

"Good day, Miss Jung." Sehun said before Chanri finally went out.

Chanri smiled. "You too, Mr. CEO."


Damn! Sehun lost his concentration. He kept thinking her last sentence. Yes, she's my employee but she's more than just an employee to me! Why I'm acting like this as if she just rejected my confession? Sehun felt Chanri was one step further than before. He didn't want to lose her without fighting for her. He didn't give up easily.

"Jandi," Sehun called his assistant via phone.

"Yes, Mr. Oh?"

"Change my flight to 11pm." Sehun ordered.

"Yes, Sir."

It was easy for Sehun to do what he liked and what he wanted. He had everything he needed, even a private jet. He could simply order someone to get what he wanted but not for one thing/person – Chanri. He couldn't order anyone to get her to be his. He needed to fight for her, he needed to work hard to get her.

For the first time he met her, Sehun somehow knew she was the perfect match for him. He would do anything to get her.


"Oh, Chanri! I can tell he is so into you!" Eujin exclaimed. "The way he looks at you...it's different. He looks at you as if his life depends on you."

Chanri sighed deeply. "I don't know about that. This is too soon for me. I'm here to work and he's pulling me away from it."

"It's good right? So you don't need to work so hard since your boyfriend is the CEO." Eujin gave her a mischievous smile.

Chanri rolled her eyes. "First, he's not my boyfriend and second, I want to earn money because of my own sweat and hard work."

"I get what you mean but if I were you, I would give him a chance. Well, not for being my boyfriend but for giving a try to be close with him." Eujin advised. "Forget about your and his status! Let your inner heart decide what to do. If he's the one for you, you will fall for him sooner or later and vice versa."

Chanri bit her lower lips. Should she listen to Eujin's love advise? She made reasonable points though.


"Hi." Sehun greeted Chanri in front of her office.

"Gosh! Sehun! You scare me!" Chanri placed her hand on her chest. She was lucky she didn't have a heart attack right now.

Sehun chuckled to see her scared and shocked face. "I'm sorry." He let Chanri had a moment to calm herself down first. "I want to take you somewhere."


"Just come with me." Sehun slid his hand to hers.

"You're not taking me to airport, right?" Chanri asked.

Sehun shrugged while smiling. "We'll see."

"Sehun!" Chanri half shouted.

Sehun let out a small laughter. This was another reason why he liked being around her. Although they just had a little argument, they could still joke around as if nothing happened.


Sehun stopped his car.

"Is this..."

"Yes. The famous Han River." Sehun smiled. He stopped his car right in front of Han River so they could see the beautiful view of it and the people who walked along the river. "Have you ever been here?"

Chanri seemed amazed by the view. "No." It was one of her wishes to visit Han River and now it came true.

Sehun got out from the car and walked over to open the door for Chanri. Chanri went out immediately. Her gaze was still at the beautiful view of Han River. There were many people – mainly couples. Sehun brought Chanri to the front where a small table and two chairs placed. There were candles and plates on top of the table.

Sehun pulled out the chair so Chanri could sit down.

"Thanks." Chanri said.

Sehun sat across her and then someone came to them with two plates of food.

"Good evening, Mr. Oh, Miss Jung." The man greeted as he placed the plates.

"Mr. Shin." Sehun greeted back.

"Oh, thank you." Chanri said with a happy smile. She looked at the food like a hungry beast.

"You can eat it, you know."

"Oh," Chanri nodded and began to eat it with small bites. "This is so delicious!"

Sehun smiled. "Glad you like it."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Sehun seemed a little nervous. "Because I want to prove something to you."

"Prove what?"

Sehun silently cleared his throat. "Prove that you're not just an employee or a friend to me. You're more than anything to me."

Chanri stopped eating.

"You caught my attention ever since we met, Chanri. You make me wanting to know you more and this is new for me. At first, I didn't really care about you but I couldn't get you out of my mind. Yes, maybe we hardly know each other but please don't shut me out." Sehun explained sincerely. "This..." He made a hand gesture. "...Is my first time I do for a girl. To be honest, I'm not a romantic person, I'm too shy to do all of this but with you... I am."

Chanri forgot about her food already. She listened to every word that came out from Sehun's mouth attentively. Chanri didn't expect this at all.

Sehun took both of her hands and held them tightly. "For you, I dare to cancel all my appointments and meetings. For you, I'm willing to spend millions of dollars just to make you happy and fulfill. For you, I'll try my best to be your best."

Chanri gulped. She didn't know what to say or how to respond. She never had a boyfriend or even an admirer. She was inexperienced with this.

Sehun's phone buzzed suddenly. He quickly pressed 'end' button. A few minutes later, the phone started buzzing again. He kept it buzzing but it made a noisy sound.

"I think you should pick it up." Chanri pointed to his cell phone. She accidentally saw the caller's name. Jandi. She felt unease.

"Speak." Sehun coldly answered the call. He looked at his watch and cursed under his breath. "I'm busy right now. I'll be there in an hour or so." He hung up the phone.

"Who's that?" Chanri curiously asked. It wasn't her business actually to know who was the caller but curiosity killed.

"My assistant." Sehun replied.

"Oh." Chanri was relieved. "Is something wrong? I can tell it's very urgent."

"Nothing happens. I just postponed my flight for another hour." Sehun calmly said.

"Why would you do that? I thought business was your most important thing in your life." Chanri said bluntly. She once read an article in newspaper, writing that Sehun was very serious when it came to business and he was very dedicated to it.

Sehun leaned in. "Not until I met you. I'm not going anywhere until I finish this talk."

"There are more?" Chanri asked. She had had enough to think but there were still more to take in.

"Just one more." Sehun smiled. "I have been thinking about this for quite a long time. Right now, I know what it feels like to have butterflies in stomach. My hands are getting colder and my heart also beating faster. I don't know why but now I feel so nervous and shy and scared."

Chanri wanted to laugh as Sehun murmured his words. She could see how nervous he was because he was never like this before. As far as she knew him, he was so brave, confident and proud of himself, especially when he gave a speech or presentation. However, now, he was like a little kid asking for a simple permission to his parents.

"Anyway," Sehun took a deep breath. "What I'm trying to say is that I want you to be my girlfriend."

Crap! What should I do?

"What do you think?" Sehun's gaze was full of hope. He looked right into her eyes as if telling her to say yes. "Yes or no?"

Chanri looked away and thought for the longest time. She wanted to take it slow but at the same time, she didn't want to hurt his feeling. He had done so many great things from the beginning and she would feel really bad if she rejected him. It didn't mean she didn't like him. She liked him but she hadn't had enough trust for him.

"Please, Chanri. You're killing me if you don't say anything right now." Sehun pleaded.

"Uh, umm..." Chanri bit her lips. "I need time, Sehun."

"I can wait here." He said. "I can wait for the longest time you need."

"You have a flight to catch up."

"Forget about the damn flight. My priority is you now."

Chanri sighed. "I need time to think. Give me three days, please. I will tell you my answer as soon as you got back here."

Sehun stayed still. He didn't know if he should feel glad or sad. It was an indescribable feeling for him. He lowered his head for a while and then his hand took something out from the side of the table. It was a paper bag. "Here. I bought this for you. I thought you would like it."

Chanri took the bag and took the thing out. It was a medium-size box.

"Open it." Sehun ordered.

Chanri opened the box slowly. She was more than surprised to see a snow globe inside the box. It had a miniature size of Seoul in it. Chanri shook it and snow was falling down slowly. "Thank you so much! I love it, Sehun!"

Sehun smiled weakly. "I'm happy to hear that." He watched Chanri played with her new snow globe. "So, I still need to wait for three days?"

Chanri placed the snow globe back to its box. "Yes."

"Is it enough for you to think?" Sehun looked worried. As much as he wanted to know her decision quickly, he still wanted her to think carefully. "If you need more time to think, I will still wait for you."

Chanri smiled. "It's enough, I guess. I will think of it day and night."

Sehun narrowed his eyes. "I don't like that."

"What? Why? You don't like me thinking of your request?"

"No, no. It's not that. I don't want you not to concentrate on other things."

"I can manage my time. You don't have to be worried."

"I trust you." Sehun finally got up. "Come on." He offered his hand and Chanri willingly placed her hand on top of his.

They went back to where they parked their car.

"Mr. Shin will drive you home." Sehun told her.

"What about you?"

"I have flight to catch up, remember?" Sehun smirked. He patted Chanri's head. "Thank you for listening to all of my not-so-romantic feeling and confession. I hope you think carefully about my request."

Chanri nodded and smiled at him. "Thank you for tonight and this." Chanri held up the paper bag. "Have a safe flight, Mr. CEO."

Sehun smiled blissfully at her. "I like my nickname. I'll miss you."

"It's just three days."

"Three days without you means three decades for me."

Chanri rolled her eyes and got into the car. Sehun knocked on the window and Chanri rolled the window down.

"Keep your phone close to you. I'll text you every second." Sehun said.

"Yes, Sir." Chanri replied.

Sehun nodded and then turned to Mr. Shin.

"Don't leave her out of your sight and report me everything she does if you still want to keep your job." Sehun whispered.

"Yes, Mr. Oh." Mr. Shin politely bowed.

"Good." Sehun waited until the car went far enough before he headed to the airport.

This will be the longest three-day trip ever. 

[A.N] Sorry for taking such a long time to update! Hopefully I'll be able to update the next chapter tomorrow :) 






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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?