
Fall For You

New Intern

Sehun buttoned up his white T-shirt but let two upper buttons opened, and in one swift movement, his upper body was wrapped with another layer of clothing – his dark blue suit. He matched his clothes with a dark blue pants and a shiny, black shoes. Sehun did a quick move to make his hair up, as usual.

"Good morning, Sir."

One of the maids greeted and bowed as Sehun made his way out from his bedroom. Sehun nodded and walked downstairs to the dining room.

As soon as he was in the dining room, he took a seat on his usual spot. The two maids, who had been waiting for him, bowed down. Sehun didn't reply like before since his stomach was growling for food.

"Good morning, Sir."

Sehun glanced up. "Mr. Shin."

Mr. Shin was the longest and most loyal servant in the house. He had been with Sehun since the day he was born so no doubt if Sehun placed him in the most prestigious position. He was Sehun's personal servant whom Sehun respected and closed with.

Sehun was living a dream in this wealthy family. He had a loving parents and brother. Despite his family's wealth, Sehun didn't want to take an advantage of it. Instead, he built his own company without any help of his family as soon as he finished his bachelor degree. He dedicated himself to his work and goal. It was a pure success for him that now he was titled as the youngest and richest man in Korea.

"How's everything?" Sehun asked while eating up his food.

"Everything's in order, Sir." Mr. Shin replied.



"No, we haven't made a decision yet. We still put it on hold... A meeting? When? Yeah, sure. Ok. You're welcome, Mr. Lee." Sehun put his phone down on the table and laid back to his comfy chair. He reached out his hand and pressed a button on the telephone.

"Sir?" A female voice responded.

"I have a meeting with Mr. Lee tomorrow, 1pm." Sehun told and without waiting for her reply, Sehun hung up the call.

He gazed at his luxurious and big office room. Everything in it seemed very expensive; a painting from a notable painter, a globe made from crystals and diamonds on the table and a comfortable couch that looked liked he was the only person who could afford it. There were still many decorative things in it but Sehun could care less about them.

Everything seemed so perfect. He was young, rich, handsome and famous – every woman's dream man.

"Yo, Sehun!"

Sehun looked up and put his annoyed face. "Have you ever heard the word knocking?"

The man hissed and sat down across him. "Chill, man."

Sehun rolled his eyes and began reading the paperwork.

"You are definitely a different person when you're at work."

Sehun raised a brow. "What do you mean by that, Tao?"

His friend, Tao, shrugged. "You always seem to have a bad mood."

"And you are the reason why." Sehun's eyes focused on the papers.

"See! As your good friend, I suggest you to free yourself from all this papers. Have a drink for a while or go outside, enjoy the sun." Tao said with excitement. "Look at me! I am a businessman too and I can enjoy myself."

Sehun ignored him. He didn't really like to be interrupted when he was working, everyone knew that.

"Come on, Sehun! You missed good parties, lately."

"I don't do parties, anymore. I have so many work to do."

It wasn't a lie. For the last few weeks, he spent most of his time either at the company or at his house, working for hours. His business grew rapidly which meant more work to be done. He canceled all his plans with his friends every weekend and he even didn't attend a family gathering.

His attitude had changed too. He became colder and arrogant than usual. The staffs were the victims of his changes.

"There's always something to give up when you give in."

Tao scoffed. Even though he was Sehun's closest friend, there wasn't so much he could do. "Whatever, Mr. Oh." He stood up and walked towards the door. "Tonight." He said before opening the door. "9pm, usual place. We'll drag you with force if you don't show up."

Tao opened the door and went out. It was only about two seconds after the door shut, it was opened again and Tao's head popped out.

"Oh, just so you know. Your new staff is pretty." Tao closed the door again, leaving Sehun in confused state.

New staff? What new staff?


Chanri held out a deep breath before finally stepping in to the building. She held tightly the folder on her hand while coming in. Chanri could see the company's name written big enough in the lobby. Many people were walking around to different directions, looking as busy as ever.

I think I wear the wrong costume, Chanri sighed. She was wearing her only blouse and a skirt with flat shoes whereas everyone else wearing business attire – pencil skirts, suits and ties, and heels.

Today was her first time working in a company after two years working as a part-time worker in a mini market. She didn't think she really needed those clothing until now. Seeing all the female workers wearing her best clothes made Chanri shrink.

"Ms. Jung Chanri?"

Chanri turned to her side and found a woman in her early thirties. She was wearing the business attire, just like the others. Her hair was pulled and tied in a low ponytail. She looked like a very diligent woman with her glasses on.

"Are you Miss Jung Chanri?" The woman asked again.

"Yes." Chanri's voice cracked for no reason. She cleared out quietly. "Yes, I am."

"Great. I am the manager of this company as well as your mentor. You will be working as my second secretary, along with Miss Ahn." She spoke. "You can call me Mrs. Park. Come, follow me."

Chanri nodded and kept all the things in mind. She walked behind her carefully not to bump anyone. Mrs. Park brought her to the lift.

"You will be working in 16th floor, just under Mr. Oh's office." She informed.

Mr. Oh. Chanri was aware of his wealthy and fame but she never ever met him. She supposed meeting him during her interview but sadly he had something else to do. Chanri would like to meet the most respected young man in Korea and maybe she got a chance since she was working in one of his companies.

Mrs. Park entered the lift as soon as it opened. Chanri stepped in nervously and stood beside Mrs. Park. There were two other persons who joined them.

"Good morning, Mr. Huang." Mrs. Park slightly bowed to the man beside Chanri.

He didn't look like a Korean, he looked more like a Chinese. His outfit was bold, daring and fashionable. He was a tall man.

Chanri stole a glance at him and stared at his eyes with three piercings. She was sure he didn't work in here because the company was quite strict with the workers' appearance and piercings for men was prohibited.

"Like what you see, Miss?" Mr. Huang gave Chanri a playful smile.

Chanri blushed and realized who he was.

He's the famous designer! Ohmygod, ohmygod.

Chanri quickly looked down,

"Are you new here? I don't remember seeing you in here before." Mr. Huang asked.


"Yes, she's the new intern, Mr. Huang." Mrs. Park informed.

A ding sound of the lift made the three of them looked up at the numbers on the screen. 16th.

"Good day, Mr. Huang." Mrs. Park bowed again before went out.

Chanri bowed too without looking at him. She felt so embarrassed and shy.

"You too, Mrs. Park. Nice to meet you, Miss Intern." Mr. Huang smiled and smirked at the same time.

The door closed and Chanri let out a relief breath.

"He was Mr. Oh's good friend and also our loyal costumer."

Of course Mr. Oh has many connections.

Chanri nodded and followed Mrs. Park. She brought her walking along the corridor where on her right side; she could see the beautiful view behind the glass wall. There weren't many rooms on that floor, only Mrs. Park office and her teams.

Mrs. Park opened the door after unlocking with some codes at the side of the door. The office was quite big with two office tables in it. The room was simply decorated yet very sophisticated. She could see the other side of the town from the window glass but it wasn't as fascinating as the outside.

"This is your office and Miss Ahn's too. She will not be around today so for today, I will tell you what will you do." Mrs. Park told Chanri her jobs in details. Chanri took a note while she was talking. "Remember, don't make a mistake, even the smallest one. Mr. Oh will kick you out directly." She warned.

Chanri nodded innocently.


Sehun gathered all the papers on the table and put it on the side. He shifted his head to the small digital clock at his desk. 8.44pm. He still got fifteen minutes to go to his hang out place. His work was finished earlier than he thought and he was extremely tired right now. His bones felt like an old man's bones, stiff and cracking. He needed a home massage to relax his muscles and nerves too.

He went down to 16th floor to grab a file, which he forgot to take in Mrs. Park's office. The workers went home already as the company closed at 9pm. Sehun didn't want his workers stressed out because of the long working hours so he cut down one hour of the working hours.

Sehun walked out from the lift and passed by the corridor in the darkness without any fear. Only his footsteps could be heard. Sehun stopped immediately when he noticed a room with the lights on. He was about to open the door when his phone vibrating in his pocket.

From: Tao

Yo! You are coming, right? Don't be late or else...

Sehun looked at his watch and quickly made his way to Mrs. Park's office.


"Here comes the mighty Oh Sehun!" Tao stood up and raised a glass of drink.

The four other boys turned around.

"Looking good, Mr. Oh." One of them .

"Where have you been, dude? We miss you!" The tallest guy tried to hug Sehun but he escaped.

Sehun finally took a seat and ordered a drink. He actually liked hanging out with his friends thus they were the only real friends for him.

"How's everything? Good?" Kai, who owned this club, asked.

"Yeah." Sehun drank his drink in one gulp.

"Woa! Take it easy. You don't want to get drunk, right?" Chanyeol, the funniest one, spoke.

Sehun chuckled a little and ordered another drink. He missed this, being around his friends and talking about other things other than business with them. It was a bittersweet escape for him. A bitter escape because he usually ended up getting drunk and not be able to go to work the next day. He knew his limits though. He went to clubs for hanging out only, not playing around with some random girls.

There was one thing that Sehun didn't have it yet – love. He never fell in love or felt attracted to a woman. He saw love as something not important and silly.

"I heard you have a new, pretty employee, Sehun?" Kris, the tall guy, stared at Sehun with raised brows. He was the second richest man in Korea after Sehun. "Mind to introduce her?"

Sehun furrowed his brows. What's this about? "I don't even know I have a new staff."

Kris turned to Tao and glared at him.

"What? The manager said she was the new intern!" Tao quickly explained.

Intern? Oh.

Sehun remembered about the internship program in his company. He didn't involve much in it because he still had many things to do besides taking care of the interns.

"I will come to your office again and find out her name." Tao happily announced.


"What? Why? I only want to know her name! She's so pretty and young." Tao cried and pouted.

"I will tell the security to kick you out if you come in." Sehun threatened playfully. 


Welcome, welcome! I hope you like it :) I'll post the second chapter (hopefully) in a few hours. 


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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?