
The Greatest Emotion

The delicate pieces of fabric desighned with beautiful patterns amazes Seohyun as she glances around the shop. Today was one of the many days that Yuri would be going prom dress shopping. Unfortunately for Seohyun, she had to be dragged along too. This was Yuri's final year, and prom was the main important night that you had to be dressed for your best. Many girls had already seeked dresses and bought them, whereas, Yuri began her search very later on in a secluded area where hardly anyody goes. Looking around the light place, Seohyun was surprised that not many people come here. The company looked so expensive, you would think that they would be flooding with customers every day. But that wasn't the case. As Yuri begins eyeing the racks and looking dilegently for her preffered style and taste of wear, Seohyun was busy near the opening window looking at all the fabric pieces used to create such beautiful gowns.

Teal, Peach, Gold, Crimson. You name any color and they have it. The packs of fabric were stacked high in alphabetical order in their own color size. Everything looksed so lovely, neat, and perfect. Somehown, The soft fabrics reminded Seohyun of a quiet dream, the ones you have when everything in your life seem 'perfect'. She hasn't had a dream like that in a very long time. Almost never. "You look stunning" Seohyun hears her mother say from behind as Yuri comes out in an long olive green dress with one sleeve across. Yuri walks out and looks into the mirror seeing the dress for herself. It was hard to get their mother out the house, harder to even get her to say a word. It took awhile but slowly she is coming back to her senses. "It's alright. I think I might want to try the next dress." Yuri says going back in the dressing room and changing into the next gown.

"It's exciting isn't it?" Umma asks Seohyun. "What is?" She asks back. "Going to prom, finding the perfect dress for the perfect night." Umma says cracking a gentle smile. A smile that hasnt been seen in a long time. "It's okay, I guess." Seohyun answers. "Your father would have loved to see this, well not exactly since he wouldn't like how much money everything would cost." Both of the ladys laugh at her own words. Although it was only a couple of weeks in, our money was low. It made my mother wonder but she pushed back such thoughts. Later on, when she is ready we would have to see his will. To see how much we were left of him. "Yeah, He was always the one to tell us when or when not to use money." Seohyun says rememberig her father. "I know that I haven't been the best right now, but hopefully I didn't make things too hard on you guys. I know that it will be hard adjusting to a life wihtout him but we can make it through this. Remember what he said?" Mrs.Kwon asks. Seohyun nods. "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all."

Yuri steps out again in a short red dress with a nice sequined belt around it. "You look really good" Seohyun compliments. Yuri looks in the mirror and smiles in satisfaction. "Yes, this is the dress". Umma smiles and goes to pay for the dress while Yuri goes back to the dressing room to change. Seohyun begins to remember what her mother had said and smiles at the thought of all. It was true. Family was important and together they have it all. Her phone begins to vibrate in her pocket as she slides it out her back pocket. Looking at the caller it reads "Sooyoung". "Hello?" Seohyun answers. "Joohyun, Come down quick to the school. It's an emergency." Sooyoung states. "School? It's a saturday morning, what are you doing in school?" Seohyun asks confsued. "Just come down, no questions asked." Sooyoung says before hanging up immediantly. Seohyun sighs as she puts her phone back in her pocket and tells her mother where she'll be going before heading back out the door.

Luhan races up the stairs towards his father's work room. The door is slightly open and hushed voices are heard talking, almsot whispers. "What do you infer we do, Mr.Kim?" Someone asks. "We must keep this under low profile. No-one out of this room right now should know of this, not even my son." He says. Luhan furrows his eyebrows as he leans his ear closer to the door listening in on the conversation. "Before any of this can be done, we should firstly fugure out who or what is trying to steal from us, correct?" Someone asks. "Correct. I hope all of you can do this task successfully, you may all be dismisssed." Mr.Kim concludes closing his book. Shuffling noises and footsteps are heard and Luhan scurried off into a nearby room. In the room he sneaked into, Luhan catches his breath thinking of what his father was hiding from him. What exactly was his father up to?

The teenagers surround the teahcer in the gym where a disaster has unexpectedly struck. "Seriously? Look around you all! Who did this?" The teacher asks. The gym was a complete mess. All of the desighns and few decorations put up were torn down and ripped up. It seemed as if a party from hell took place in the school's gym. "No-one want's to confess!?" He yells angrily eyeing everyone out. Seohyun queitly comes in and joins around the students who are also in awe from what happened. "That's just fine. 5 points have been deducted off of everyone's average just becuase of this" The teacher says. The students begin to whine and sigh and complain in usion. Kris and Tao are two of the many students who complain as well. "Lets clean this mess up and get right back to work on the right path instead of this mess" He says walking away. Students moan and begin to help out.

"What happened here?" Seohyun asks as she rushes to Sooyoung's side who is picking up her torn sketch from the floor. "I have no idea. But something tells me it has to do with those guys over there" Sooyoung says glancing to a corner of the gym where Kris, Tao, and now Kai are. "I would think so but c'mon. They put in some work in here too, they wouldn't do all that work for nothing." Seohyun suggest. "Then who did it?" Sooyoung asks. The maknae just shrugs her shoulder. Sooyoung sighs, "It's whatever. Hopefully another stunt isn't pulled like this again anytime soon." Seohyun nods as she too picks up some boards and scraps of what was left from what they had originally up in the gym. "I forgot to ask you, How was the dress shopping? I can't believe next year we will be the ones going to prom" Sooyoung says excitedly. "It was fine. Yuri found her dress and my mother for the first time in the last couple of weeks actually talked and smiled. I hope she can keep up like this for Monday, Were going to see my father's will." Seohyun states.

"Wow. Are you ready for that?" Sooyoung asks. "I'm not sure. I guess I am. All I'm really worried about is how my mother will be. Whatever his last words are can either make her more emotional or just break her." Seohyun states. "What do you think he left you guys?" Sooyoung asks. "Most people have some money left over, I'm assuming that's it. Most of the things my father owned is in our home and we didn't have much to begin with. Whatever is left is good no matter what." Seohyun states. Sooyoung pats her back, "Your strong Seohyun, Stay strong." Kris walks over near the two girls and clears his throat catching their attention. "Hey Sooyoung, I believe the teacher needed you over there for something" Kris says looking down at her. "Really? Don't you think I would have heard him call my name?" She asks with one eyebrow raised not buying anything he is saying. Sooyoung looks over to Seohyun who nods signaling its okay to go. Sooyoung flashes a fake smile before leaving the two alone.

"I know what you're thinking and no, it wasn't me who did this." Kris clarifys. Seohyun just chuckles at his instant defense mode he displays. "I actually wasn't thinking that. I didn't suspect you, Kris." Seohyun answers. Kris smiles at her response. "Kris, I know that we didn't get off on the right start and we weren't as friendly when we first met, but your not as bad as everyone thinks or what you think. You do have this good side that I see and notice everytime your around. Not every bad thing that happens around here is your fault." Seohyun explains. "Was this speech supposed to make me sentimental and emotional or something?" Kris asks. "Not exactly. I just think you should know that your not a bad guy, atleast not to me, Kris." She responds. Kris takes in her words as he steps closer to her. Seohyun freezes in her spot feeling his gaze at her and his breath.

"Do you always do this to guy's you meet. Tell them who they are and hopefully reach their heart with your words?" Kris asks looking down at her lips and then back up again to her eyes. Seohyun looks up to him, staring him back in the eyes, "My words would only touch them if they are true." Kris slowly smirks. "Seriously incredible. Your fascinating, Seohyun. Truly fascinating." He responds. "I'm just me, Kris. Just like you. You are Kris, nothing more, nothing less." Seohyun replys. Tao and Kai call Kris from behind and he slowly leaves his encounter with Seohyun smiling happily. Sooyoung rushes over to Seohyun. "What was that all about?" Sooyoung asks. "I don't even know. Let's get back to work if we want to get out of here early" Seohyun says leaving to go pick up more of the mess left in the gym.

Luhan paces back and forth infront of his friends house waiting for him to open up. Suddenly the door opens revealing a neatly looking Sehun. "What's up?" Sehun asks. "I need your help" Luhan says. Sehun invites him in and closes the door behind him. When both boys are in Sehun's bedroom, Luhan gets right down to what's needed from him. "Pardon me, Will you please restate that again but this time making more sense of it?" Sehun asks. "I need you to hack into my father's computer and find out about his special secretive plan he has going on" Luhan repeats. "Luhan, You do hear yourself, right?" Sehun asks. "Yes, Sehun." Luhan answers sighing. "This doens't sound safe at all and lets not forget to realize that whater it is, it is 'SECRETIVE'." Sehun states. "I know it all, just please help me, Sehun. Please, help me" Luhan begs of him. "I don't know, Luhan. Im not too sure of this. Why are you doing this again?" Sehun asks. "I can help him. Finally for the first time I can actually help. This might be my shot to show to my father what I am capable of, that I can handle the business once he's gone. All I need to find out is what secret project is going on before my plans are set into action. Help me." Luhan states.

With a few minutes of deciding on whether to help Luhan or not, Sehun finally concluded to help his best friend. Luhan makes two cups of coffee as his friend works his magic and hacks into his father computer. Within the first 20 minutes, they reach a wall. "I can't get in. I've been cut off or something." Sehun says typing fast on the computer trying to find a way to get into the software. "Put in some code or something, Do anything that will work." Luhan says watching as Sehun trys to find a way to fix it. "I can't Luhan, Whatever it is, it's cut me off. They must have applyed some type of software to cut hackers out of getting in. Sorry, Luhan." Sehun apologizes. Luhan sighs in frustration and goes to sit on the side of Sehun's bed. "Did you ever think that whatever secret project is kept a secret for a reason?" Sehun asks. My father shouldn't have to hide anything from me, not even work related." Luhan answers. "Ohhh, I got it!" Sehun says getting up from his seat. "I may not be able to help you with this but I think I know someone that can definetly help with a task like this." Sehun states. Luhan smirks excited to meet this person.

*Authors Note*

Hello readers, Omg this chapter was very interesting to write. I know that I don't update as often but hopefully you enjoyed. I have many surprises and good things coming up so please do continue supporting and reading this story. Please share your thoughts and comment down below what you think. I'll update soon :)




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Im finishing up this chapter. Ohhh, I hope you all like it


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Chapter 42: Wow what a cliff hanger indeed. So did you do part 2?
Chapter 30: Wow I'm already at chapter 30 and so much has been going on. Definitely an emotional roller coaster. Arguments, Broken hearts, lost loved ones, separation, confessions, and waiting for what's broken to be whole again. I'm amazed how they cope with all these unexpected challenges thus on to the next chapter.
Looking for something to read and here I am getting ready to go into this completed story. ;)
pipipo27 #4
Chapter 42: wait.. is this the end? are you serious? i dont get it
please update author-nim, oh i need more and guess the rest is agree , please
gina_strawberry08 #5
Chapter 42: Is this really the end? Would you ateast add something about Luhan and the other characters? Ahhh!! Please update author
hereandnow13 #6
I'm still waiting for your comeback despite all of the unfortunate things happened this month☺
Still and always, Seohan for the win!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Seohan0924 #7
Chapter 42: This is the final chapter nonono I want to know what happen when the door slammed open
Owlz_Eyes #8
Chapter 30: Awwww I want Seokris now!!
DBSKlover2704 #9
Chapter 42: OMGGGG!!! i cant wait for it author-nim ! it was an awesome story!
eugenenni #10
Chapter 42: Wow awesome!!! So many things happened!!! Like drama series I'm excited next series!!!
Thanks for author-nim. And I'll waiting for your update PATIENTLY!!! Haha take care and see ya!!!