I'm Leaving

The Greatest Emotion

Correct. Seohyun successfully answers the math question on the board earning an applaud from the teacher. "Great job Seo Joo Hyun, now onto the next question". She makes her way back to her seat which is right next to Sooyoung, who is slowly falling asleep half-shutting her eyes close. Seohyun knudges the girl waking her up. "Did you not get enough rest last night?" Seohyun asks concerned. Sooyoung yawns before answering. "Yup. Last night there was this huge party at Yonghwa's place. Despite its awesomeness, I didn't get home until 3. I would  have stayed in but my mom literally rushed me out the house." Seohyun pouts. "Hey, I know that it not being able to enjoy all the fun, but now that your off of punishment officially I think that you can experience more fun now" Sooyoung says trying to cheer her up. "Your right. You are always right Choi Sooyoung" Seohyun states. The bell rings, students flood to the hallways.

Both tall girls approach Seohyun's locker. Sooyoung's eyes slowly fall until they reach what is hanging around Seohyun's neck. "Oh my god, where did you get this? It's so beautiful" Sooyoung compliments as she touches the delicate dove charm hanging on the chain. Seohyun blushes, "Luhan gave it to me." Sooyoung eyes widen at the stunning piece of jewelry. "How much did he say that this cost?" Sooyoung eyes widening when she spots the diamond placed as the Dove's eye. "He didn't say. But it so beuatiful and meaningful, It's perfect." Sooyoung nods agreeing with her. "I'm happy for you two, It's so adorable when he is around you and becomes so sweet and caring. I've never seen him with anyone else the way he is with you." "I guess he really has changed" Seohyun concludes. Sooyoung looks at the time on her phone and gives Seohyun a quick hug before rushing off to class. Seohyun continues to get her books for the next class until a pair of hands cover her eyes from behind.

"Luhan?" she guesses. He chcukles behind her as she turns around to see his handsome face. Seohyun greets him with a hug, a hug that she hasn't been able to give him due to personal problems with her family. "I missed you so much. I mean, now I can see that perfect face that I haven't seen in what seems like forever" He states caressing the side of her face. Just the feeling of his touch cuases an amazing feeling to go through her body. Whenever Seohyun is around him, everything just feels different. It's like they are the only two in this world and everything else doesnt matter. A good emotion came from this feeling that cuased Seohyun to only fall harder for him. He looks down at her chest where the necklace lies proudly. Seohyun notices his gaze and touches the memorable item. "It's perfect." She states. "Just like you." He responds. Luhan slowly leans in. Their lips touched...And then next they knew, their lips were embracing in a long, loving kiss. Moments like these made Seohyun never want to leave his side. Once they both run out of breath and the late bell rings, He gives her one last peck before heading off. Kisses like that, just him, made her go crazy for him.

The two lovebirds cuddle on the sofa watching one of the variety show on demand. Yoona looks up at Taecyeon snapping out from her thoughts. "Taecyeon, Do you like this? I mean, this type of living?" She asks. Not moving his gaze from the T.V, "Its a high type of luxury. Seems really good." She smiles. "I think we could have this all to ourselves, We could actually live like this!" Yoona exclaims happily. "And where do you expect to get money to get 'live like this'?" He asks now adverting his eyes on her. "Well your making money right now and I think that I could get some out of Luhan. We could have a perfect living together." Yoona states. "It sounds like a cool idea, but I think I have something a little better." He says. Yoona listens in cutely as she lays on his chest. "Youve been staying here for awhile and my friends and myself miss you back home. Why don't you come back?" Taecyeon asks.

Yoona looks up. "Go back? Im not sure, How could I just dissappear again, they will think that something is up?" Yoona responds. "You don't want to come back?" He asks. "Its not that. I enjoyed my life while over there but I don't want things to go bad like how they were last time. I hate fighting with you like that." Yoona confesses. "Things will never be like that again. Come on, Yoona. I promise things will turn out the way they are supposed to be. Just come back home, We accept you unlike these rich people who cant look past someone's past." He states confidently. Yoona looks down in though, until Taecyeon tilts her face up by her chin and kisses her passionately. "Just tell me you'll go" He whispers between the kiss. Slowly opening her eyes from the kiss she whispers back, "I'll go."

The school bell rings for dismissal and the students begin to rush and flood out the building. Sooyoung and Seohyun stroll slowly along the sidewalk laughing over Sooyoungs new celebrity boyfriend this week, Nickun. Luhan runs up from behind and back hugs Seohyun. Sooyoung starts teasing the new couple as he walks beside her hand in hand. "Hey, I got to go do something really important at the school, right now, at this moment. See you later love birds" Sooyoung says walking a different direction from the two. "So are you finally free today?" He asks with a pleading tone. She giggles. "Yes, I am finally at last free today." He smiles in excitement. "Well since your finally able to be free, why don't you come over to my place?" He asks. "Sounds like a good idea." Seohyun responds happy as he swings their entwined hands.

The door to the big house opens as Luhan invites Seohyun in. "Even though I've been here before, Your house seems bigger everytime I come here." Seohyun says as she looks up in awe at the beautiful desighning of the home. "You could hold a big ball/party here" Seohyun suggest. "We do. Thinking about it now, we have had quite alot of balls." He admits. The two walk into the empty living room where it smells like liqour and has a sweet scent to it, like a sweet colonge or perfume. Seohyun places her bag on the couch and removes her sweater. "Is your father here?" Seohyun asks. "Nope. But I bet Yoona must have been playing around with some of his colognes" He suggest. "She goes through your stuff?" Seohyun asks surprised. "Sometimes, but I've scolded her for doing so. Hoepfully she stops. Anything you want to drink,eat?" He asks. "No thankyou" She replys taking out her homework from her bag.

Luhan goes to the kitchen to get something to drink. As he opens the refridegerator and sips on a bottled juice, he eyes Seohyun from where he is. She sits perfectly on the couch her perfect long legs comfortably stretched out, and her slim figure up straight, her hair straight down with her eyes fixed on the book placed on her lap. Looking at her perfection drives him insane but the feeling of protection comes over. He was her boyfriend, not some erted man. He was to look after her and make her feel like the most important women in his life. Seohyun already was. She pouts her lips as she reads, those kissable lips. Again, looking at her undesireably makes him go insane.

Seohyun queitly reads her book until she sees Luhan walk in. He looks at her with a deep mesmerizing look that she hadn't witnessed before. Seohyun gets up and before she could say anything, He rushes to her and pulls her tightly by her waist and crashes his lips on hers. This kiss was much different from the others. It was more passionate and lustfull. Seohyun wraps her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. His tongue slips into where they battle and explore freely. He lowers his hands down and succesfully lifts her up. She smiles and continues kissing him. He moves over to the couch where he lays her down gently before planting small kisses down her neck. He then trails back up and kisses her one last time before the moment is interrupted by banging noises. The couple looks up and see's Yoona stomping down the stairs purposely.

"Ya know, this house has a ton of rooms. You two should get one. And Seohyun, where did you learn to do that, such a naughty girl" She says sarcastically teasing them. Luhan gets off of Seohyun and looks at Yoona. "What the hell do you want now, Yoona?"  He asks upset that she ruined the moment. "Well, I just wanted to tell you Luhan, well actually both of you that I'm leaving. Right now" She states. Both Luhan and Seohyun look at eachother confused.

Authors Note:

HEEEEEYYYYYY! So this week I am having my exams, and the weeks before I have been studying really hard. Hopefully my work has payed off and I do well. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed and I will be updating again soon. Thanks for reading, i will update soon.



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Im finishing up this chapter. Ohhh, I hope you all like it


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Chapter 42: Wow what a cliff hanger indeed. So did you do part 2?
Chapter 30: Wow I'm already at chapter 30 and so much has been going on. Definitely an emotional roller coaster. Arguments, Broken hearts, lost loved ones, separation, confessions, and waiting for what's broken to be whole again. I'm amazed how they cope with all these unexpected challenges thus on to the next chapter.
Looking for something to read and here I am getting ready to go into this completed story. ;)
pipipo27 #4
Chapter 42: wait.. is this the end? are you serious? i dont get it
please update author-nim, oh i need more and guess the rest is agree , please
gina_strawberry08 #5
Chapter 42: Is this really the end? Would you ateast add something about Luhan and the other characters? Ahhh!! Please update author
hereandnow13 #6
I'm still waiting for your comeback despite all of the unfortunate things happened this month☺
Still and always, Seohan for the win!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Seohan0924 #7
Chapter 42: This is the final chapter nonono I want to know what happen when the door slammed open
Owlz_Eyes #8
Chapter 30: Awwww I want Seokris now!!
DBSKlover2704 #9
Chapter 42: OMGGGG!!! i cant wait for it author-nim ! it was an awesome story!
eugenenni #10
Chapter 42: Wow awesome!!! So many things happened!!! Like drama series I'm excited next series!!!
Thanks for author-nim. And I'll waiting for your update PATIENTLY!!! Haha take care and see ya!!!