Chapter 47

(ED. C4) SEIJIRA ACADEMY 세이지라 아카데미
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                Kai gave us back all our things, but not before using my own medical kit to put a bandage on my wound. He said it would only stop the bleeding for a while, but we need to have it checked by a doctor for any infection. He suggested using duire-invented medication on me, but I refused even just the thought of it. I wouldn’t want to waste such a valuable thing on a simple wound that can be fixed by mortals. Instead, I urged Kai to let Sehun have a whiff, just to improve his senses so we can travel in a faster pace. He did so effortlessly, because even if Sehun doesn’t want to have it, he hasn’t got the strength in him to struggle. I would have done it instead of Kai, but I had the slightest impression Sehun wouldn’t like it. He couldn’t even look me in the eye, and the silence between us was dragging. Such are facts that didn’t go amissed by Xiumin and Kai. I’m just glad they didn’t voice out any of their thoughts and instead, just put the questioning for later. If it was Chanyeol, I think he wouldn’t have given Sehun and I the time to make up a story.


                Sehun and I both used towels to dry ourselves and put on comfortable clothes. Of course, with them around, it would have been difficult for me to change, so I first circled the towel on top of  my wet clothes, and then put on a long-sleeve dress which I found out Xiumin stole from someone’s cloth line on the way to the track. It was a wise move on their part because wearing mortal clothes would conceal my scent from the enemies. They also stole some for Sehun. We waited for the rain to lessen in strength before we started again on our feet. Kai and Xiumin gave us rain coats, similar to theirs. I guessed D.O. prepared everything before they set out to find us.


                The walk to Sewoong Hospital was silent. Nobody was talking. Kai briefed us that he can sense shadows lurking nearby, which is why we need to keep quiet unless we want to accidentally let out significant information. The talk, he said, would have to wait once we reached the hospital were the other warriors have set quite the protection to keep them safe. To think about it, I haven't inquired yet why they are in the hospital, or how Luhan and Kris are doing. All I know so far, is that they used the medicine on my bag for Kris, the one for severe cases, because they highly doubt doctors could do anything about his case. I said it was completely okay, more than okay in fact. I didn’t also mind that they looked through my bag, as long as they have it. I was really worried Kai wouldn’t have gotten it out, with the fight that suddenly broke out. Apparently, a miracle must have happened, because they are still alive, and he got back all my things, even the earrings Krystal gave me that I thought would have been so hard to find once buried in soil. I immediately wore them back and they sent a warm tingle on my ears, letting me know that they are still working. The medallion was now also hanging on my magical necklace, a small figurine that seemed to be nothing but design on my otherwise-dull necklace. It’s for safe precaution, for I don’t want to waste the pain we suffered back on that boulder by losing it.  


                Every once in a while, I feel eyes watching my every move, tempting me to look around, but Kai, close beside me, kept on telling me to just look straight. Xiumin was supporting Sehun, who, though can walk properly, undoubtedly needs more rest. It was still raining but I can feel warmth around me. I thought it weird at first, but I realized that Xiumin is using his shield, like an invisible bubble around the four of us. Kai, on the other hand, though he looked like he’s just slacking, seems to be hitting unwanted onlookers, a.k.a. shadows. I noticed this when I heard a branch crack and a loud thud like something big fell followed when we were almost at the foot of the mountain. I turned to look at Kai then. He wasn’t really doing anything, but the mark at the back of his hand was glowing. I averted my gaze and commended D.O. once again. He fixed the proper arrangement for this. Xiumin is the best one for defense, and Kai is the best one for attacking. Sehun and I couldn’t have been safer with them around. I also realized that Kyungsoo wasn’t joking when he talked about the shadows. They really are everywhere. I believe they want to deliver the medallion to Ji Hye as soon as possible, and probably a dead me, if they could help it.


                It took us about half an hour to reach the end of the track and another half to reach the hospital by cab. I didn’t speak a word until we entered the hospital vicinity. Xiumin and Sehun continued to walk, heading for the elevator. I would have bet on my wound Xiumin asked him if he wanted to stop for a while but Sehun refused. The thorn that was removed from my heart before when he said he didn’t hate me has now been replaced by a much larger thorn. I would have to speak to him later. He couldn’t ignore me forever, not when we are in a life and death situation. The bickering from before sounds so nice now than the space that grew between us. However, I couldn’t do anything about it. Not yet.


                I hold up Kai as I tore my gaze from Xiumin and Sehun who have just entered the lift.


                “Why exactly are we in the hospital?” I asked, already dreading the answer as I clutch his arm.

                Kai scrutinized my expression first before answering. His dark orbs once again pierced through me. “We used the medicine on Kris and it worked good on him because what pained him was all magic. As for Luhan…” Something seemed to be blocking my throat at this point, my heart was beating mad with worry at the sound of his name. “He lost a lot of blood and needed transfusion.”

                “Now? Is he okay now?” I asked, looking at the closed elevator and thinking if running my way up is better instead.

                “He’s fine,” Kai assured me and I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. Still, I’m not fully complacent until I see him with my own two eyes. It’s been a really long time… “The doctor said he just needed to rest. It’d be faster if we have a healer. However, Kyungsoo said it’s actually better this way for at least, all of us could relax even if it’s just for some days.”

                “Yeah…” I quickly agreed with Kyungsoo’s thinking. Afterall, he’s the genius in this group and obviously, I am biased.


                All other thoughts were swept to the corner of my mind then. All I wanted to do now is see how Luhan is doing.


                Kai and I entered the elevator and stepped out on to the fifth floor. We rounded on a corner and I immediately saw where Sehun and Xiumin are, now accompanied by Kyungsoo. I was so elated to see Kyungsoo that I ran and hugged him. It was awkward on his part, most probably, because he just patted me comfortingly on the back, careful not to show too much affection. There are a lot of questions I wanted to ask him, but my eyes were drawn to the door behind them which carries Lu Han’s name. I looked at Kyungsoo and a moment of understanding passed between our eyes. He nodded his head, and then opened the door.


                I had a glimpse of Luhan reading the book I first read about Amnyunae, before he turned his head to look at who entered. He couldn’t have done anything else after because I immediately covered his vision by jumping on him. Luhan was surprised, definitely, but he hugged me back almost instantly, a smile creeping on his face. I was so happy he’s alright. I thought that maybe it was already too late, and I might never see him again… The ecstasy that’s flowing through me is way too incomparable to the feelings I’ve been holding on to for days…


                Speaking of feelings, I let go of Luhan quite hastily, like I’ve been electrocuted. I just heard the door shut and was reminded of something. I looked behind me and saw Kyungsoo smiling. Kai was watching us too with that poker face of his while Sehun was just looking at the window like there’s something interesting out there. Xiumin did not enter. I couldn’t help but be flushed. I’m just so careless sometimes, and so inconsiderate…


                I should have thought of Sehun…

                What a sensitive fool I am.


                Luhan must have noticed something, but he just continued to smile gently at me, as I to him.


                “How have you been?” Luhan was the first to ask, thumbing my cheek.

                “Are you insane?” I asked him as I sat on the space next to him. “You’re the one who’s in the hospital. Are YOU okay? Anything hurts?” I asked urgently as I took his hand on mine.

                “No, nothing,” he assured me. “I’m just waiting to be discharged.”

                “I’m sorry,” I let out. I’ve been holding this for too long. “I’m sorry! It’s my fault. You shouldn’t have been hurt in the first place. I shouldn’t have let him in in my head—“

                “It’s bound to happen,” Luhan interjected. “If not me, then it would have been one of the warriors. You did great there, Mi Yeon.”

                “That’s not me...” I immediately countered.

                “Just the fact that you held Seijira’s power means you’re improving,” he encouraged and I couldn’t help but smile at him. He always makes me feel great.

                “Dude, we’re here too,” I heard Sehun spoke from behind. Luhan looked past me and let out a chuckle. He raised his hand as if he’s going to wave and said, “Hey there, mate. Glad to know you’re alive.”


                I rose from my sitting position on the hospital bed as Sehun walked forward and stood beside me. He was not looking at me, just at Luhan.


                “Yeah well, almost dropped off though,” Sehun said as a matter-of-fact, gripping hands with Luhan for a second as though a sign of friendship. “Thunder boy is a little too feisty.”

                “Chen?” Luhan questioned, his eyebrows furrowed a little and a frown now stuck on his face.

                “No need to worry though,” Sehun said airily. “I taught him a lesson.”

                As much as I don’t want to defend Chen, I hated Sehun’s tone. He knew I didn’t like what he did. I told him clearly. That’s why I wasn’t able to stop myself from saying “Sehun” in a stern voice.

                Sehun looked at me briefly then he faced Luhan once again. “And this person here gave me quite a headache. You don’t know how happy I am to be back, mate.”


                This person? THIS PERSON? When did he ever addressed me like that? Is he that disgusted of me now? Does he hate me for real now? I know I shouldn’t be bothered because he’s always been rude to me, but why does it hurt?


                Luhan only chuckled as though it was a joke. And maybe it is. But I can’t think of it that way. Not when Sehun’s not even talking to me directly. I stayed silent, once and for all. What could I even retort to that? Maybe I was really a bother to him these past 6 days.


                Sehun was happily chatting with Luhan while I was just silent there, thinking of throwing bubble tea to his face. Luhan kept on giving me sideway glances, as if worried if I am sick too. The wound on my neck was beginning to throb again, but I didn’t voice it out. However, I knew I would have to go out sooner or later to get it checked before it starts bleeding like mad again and the others wouldㅡ


                Sudeenly, a weird feeling gripped my insides. It was almost similar back to when Chen suddenly attacked Sehun. My eyes roamed around the room in haste. Luhan’s and Sehun’s voices were suddenly miles away. My eyes paused on Kai, he was looking out the window. His face was serious. Kyungsoo looked okay, but that changed in a matter of seconds. I watched his expression changed. He opened his mouth as if to warn me but I beat him to it. I acted before anyone else can.


                I pushed Sehun strongly down to the floor and pulled Luhan out of the bed.



                “Mi Ye—“


                “Get down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I shouted, mostly for Kyungsoo and Kai.


                It happened all in a heartbeat. The glass window broke, scattering to a thousand pieces all directed towards us. The room was suddenly bathing in red light as I raised my hands to shield myself. It was all I’ve been planning to do while thinking how to save myself. I felt a strong pulse rushing through me and all the glass shards stopped in midair, inches away from my face. I felt like a circular force was making them hang. When I pushed my hand, all of the shards came crashing out the window that was now just a rectangular hole.


                The red light that was surrounding me vanished as footsteps were heard gathering outside the room. Someone opened the door, stepped in, and locked it once again. I turned my head as soon as I can to see a panting Xiumin.


                “Guards are coming. They heard the noise,” he reported. “Movements from shadows outside the building. Tao, Kris and Chanyeol are after them.”

                “The shield?” I asked. I thought we’re being protected by Xiumin. My mind was running at least a hundred thoughts, but the word telekinesis is drowning them all. I’m sure it wasn’t Luhan who acted. It felt like me…but how could I?


                I turned to look briefly at Luhan, but he was exchanging knowing looks with Kyungsoo.


                “I’m sorry, Mi Yeon,” he said in a haste, but the sincerity was there. “I don’t know how it broke.”


                I was just about to respond when we heard knocks from the door.


                “That would be them,” Xiumin said.

                “Wait!” Luhan said just for all of us to hear. The knocks were still coming through but Luhan sat again on his bed, raised his hand and brought the shards back to the room. Of course, I thought. It would be weird if the mess is outside. We would have gotten into trouble for breaking the window if so. Luhan then snapped a branch from a nearby tree with a twist of his hand, and put it messily on top of his bed.


                “Pretend,” he ordered, and we got what he meant.


                He fixed himself on the corner of the bed, away from the shards. Sehun went to the other side, as Kyungsoo, Kai and I on the other. I fixed my expression to look like I’m really scared, and signaled for Xiumin to open the door.


                As soon as he did, a male doctor and a female nurse entered, accompanied with two hospital guards.


                Mr. Lu—“ the doctor started, but he noticed the wreck inside and a cowering Luhan on the corner of the bed.

                “The branch fell through the window…” Luhan explained.


                Immediately the guards called for maintenance. They asked for complete details and asked if anyone of us was hurt. I quickly removed the bandage on my neck and pretended I was hit. It would have been weird if not any of us was pained. Sehun also showed his yet unhealed cuts from his encounter with Chen. He must have gotten it from tumbling down the hill onto sharp stone edges. There were a lot of them on the path. My woun

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minjee4236 #1
Chapter 61: I came to reread this story after remembering a scene from it and damn... I spent all day and night reading everything. I ignored my work responsibilities and starved myself a few times to read as much as possible. I should regret it but I don't. This is a really good story. I don't know why I didn't remember it so well. I realise that I hadn't really felt Mi Yeon's emotions the first time I read. I don't know if I was too young or too focused on Kai but now that I'm rereading, it all makes so much sense and ..the pain. I get it now... This story did mark me from the beginning though. Even if I never came back to it before, I would always remember some scenes (fondly? I don't know).

I'm gonna take a break now to get my life back in order 🤣 Then I'll come back to read the sequel! I still remember parts of it! The rush, pain, danger especially. I can't remember the details though. It's all a bit of a blur 😅
Chapter 54: Ok so Sehun likes Miyeon? Why didn't I remember that? Lol. I thought he was talking about Choi Sunhi, turns out it was Miyeon he was giving his heart to? Since when did he start to like Miyeon anyway? That's weird. Even though Sehun is my bias (Kai too) I didn't ship him with Miyeon lol. She somehow looked great with Luhan XP so it's a good thing Miyeon didn't like Sehun back HAHAHAHA
Chapter 5: Hi, Vivien! I'm reading this again after so long! If you didn't know I'm one of your earliest reader! I used to follow this story very closely even waiting an update almost everyday! My username back then was mayakirana lol Idk if you remember but I'm just commenting to let you know I'm reading this again just to bring back the nostalgic feelings I bet we readers used to have back then! And indeed I do feel nostalgic with all the terms and powers you wrote! Really missing Exo in the MAMA era hahaha lol. There's quite some bits that I already forgotten so it's a nice feeling to be able to recall them back once I read certain parts. It's just great!

Anyways, I wish you a belated happy new year! May this year be great for you and all the other readers here. Good luck!
angeliesyy_ #4
Chapter 67: I AM TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY?. The way you created the words, the plot, the whole story. Though being a romantically hopeless I am, I still can't get to know why Miyeon has to really depressed about Luhan's first love because well, as Sehun said, she has already dead. But nonetheless, this story is sooooo good. Soo good that even I sacrified my time to do other things to just reading this fanfiction. Thank you for making a good story!!
Chapter 63: Oh God.. That .. Why did he left? Hurting her like this wasn't enough? I hope he won't join Ji Hye.. Or else I'll kill him..
Chapter 61: You better have the best reason for leaving
Chapter 57: Miyeon you dumb idiot your bracelet turned gold
Chapter 63: Wow I finished this already !!