My Idiot

1970 Boys
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"Aish... Where did she go?" Sehun rushed out of the gates that were fortunately open for him. He didn't bother getting his belongings since he was going to bring you back. 

"SEHUN!" He heard Baekhyun shout from what he assumed was the classroom window. He turned around where he could see Baekhyun cupping his mouth, "WHERE'RE YOU GOING?"

Sehun stared back at his hyung. He gave no reply and turned his back to him, rushing off in the distance.

Baekhyun scratched his head in frustration, retreating his head back in the classroom. He faced the boys, "He went."

Chanyeol placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Relax, if it's for love... then I guess it's fine for him to be running off like that."

"I think we're all really worried about where Jisun went too," Kyungsoo bit his lip, agreeing with Chanyeol. Baekhyun blew a sigh. If it was for love, he would let it go. 


Sehun panted for air, resting his palms on his knees like he had just finished running a marathon. He pushed his hair back, making it more disheveled than it was before. He had ran for about 10 minutes now, and there was still no sign of you. Sehun flung out his phone. He frowned when he hadn't received any text messages or calls.

With heavy shoulders, he sat down on a nearby bench. He looked like one of those high school dropouts who would ditch school. Old ladies passing by would whisper when they walked pass Sehun. He didn't seem to care. 

"Where would she go if I were her?" Sehun traced back to the numerous places he had been with you. Bucheon? No way, wasn't that a bit far? Home? Nope. Shopping mall... playground...-


Sehun got up from the bench, dashing off to Hongdae. The arcade, why didn't he think of it earlier? Only someone like you wouldn't go to cliché places like the park or something. While running Sehun couldn't help but think about what the BAP boys had said earlier. Only 2 days were left until they had to move. You had made so many memories with them, it wouldn't be the slightest bit easy to leave. If all of you were to be seperated, Sehun knew there would be big scars in all their hearts.

He wanted as much time as possible, but he knew if he dragged the days too long you'd be in trouble.

"3! 2! 1! K.O! YOU LOSE!" 

The arcade machine flashed the words in bold red letters. Your hands stopped pressing buttons furiously. The joystick built on the game looked like it was going to break really soon. 

"Stupid machine..." You muttered under your breath. The stinging pain from your jaw could be felt again. You didn't feel it earlier when you entered the arcade, but it started to hurt now. Sumi could really pack a punch. Stuffing the extra tokens in your pocket, you exited the arcade to settle for a cold vanilla ice cream.

Various people passed by on the streets of Hongdae. Most of them were couples, either cuddling together or sharing food. You started to feel quite lonely yourself now. You glanced at the empty seat on the bench, picturing Sehun sitting there on his own ice cream cone. 

You debated with yourself whether it was the right time to go back now, or maybe not at all. You could send a text message to Myungsoo asking him to take your stuff for you. You figured he'd reply with capital letters since you hadn't picked up any calls from him or Jongsuk. Plus, you didn't want to suffer the punishments from Mr. Kim. But since you stood up for him just now would he cut you some slack? Nah.

"You idiot..." A familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts followed by a pair of arms circling around your waist.


Sehun enveloped you in a hug as soon as he spotted you sitting on the bench alone. He rested his head lightly on your shoulder, not caring whether you were shocked. He found you, and that was what mattered now. 

"Oh Sehun..." You muttered in shock, wondering how the boy had known you were here.


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ZELO WON THE POLL ON CHAP 29 :P I hope you readers take a look at the story that'll be posted up later!


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hyegun #1
Note : Hellohyegun , JongSukfics here with another fanfic! :D Please support it and subscribe! Leave comments too! ^^

when U said's like U saying it for me...Haha..maybe because my Korean name is park hye gun.. btw... nice story author-nim..
Chapter 13: Hy new readers here, I love Sehun attention for Ji Sun here. He is so care about her. Keep writing & FIGHTING!!!
Sharissa #3
Chapter 11: 12.48 am and still couldn't stop reading thanks to someone who recommend this story on her arranged marriage myunsoo N of story
Jems123 #4
Chapter 19: Cool story ! :D
Chapter 15: B.A.P!!! OHMEHGEEERRDDD!!!
I'm debating with my self. *save the picture.. NO. I can melt right away! Saaavee~~ No. SAVE!!*

Chapter 13: FINALLY!!! B.A.P!!!!!!
*Okay. Because the end of their band name is not a vocal letter, so I can't just write B.A.PPPPPP, right?? Huehehe

Will the other 4 appear as well??

Chapter 11: He stole her kiss.
And she didn't agree~
Mwehehee *kicked by Sehun
Chapter 10: Hah! Plastic beach! :p
Chapter 7: HAHA!! Photobomb! ;D
Myungsoo is REALLY cute too!
L right??
Chapter 4: Uuu~~ I see it now!
How about B.A.P then?

Okay Author-nim, you can just slap me if you'll feel better
with me shutting up about B- *Slap