Typical Monday

1970 Boys
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♫♫♫ - K. Will - Love Blossom 

The sound of pages flipping echoed through the classroom as you tapped your pen on your desk, looking out of the window. Studying wasn't your most favourite thing in the whole world. Who even cared about good grades? You didn't have anyone to impress and you'd have no one to praise you for all your achievements. You sighed and spun your pen while the teacher talked on and on, not stopping to answer a single question. You glanced at your friend Jong Suk who sat next to you, his cheek resting on his palm while he jotted down notes slowly.

You averted your attention back to the window, watching as the cherry blossom leaves fall on the floor gently. You felt a piece of paper lightly touch your hand and stared at Jong Suk, who gave you a quick glance and stared back at the note before proceeding to jot down notes. You placed it infront of your textbook as you read the note.

"Stop daydreaming or Mr. Kim's going to give you detention  "

-Jong Suk

"Psh, like I'm ever going to get detention," You muttered under your breath as you crumpled the note and put it in your pocket.

You stared back at the window and saw a giant billboard in the distance, advertising EXO-K's new clothing brand. *Why can't I be with guys like them?* You thought to yourself. You only had two friends and those were Jong Suk and Myung Soo, your childhood friends who didn't bully you while everyone else did. 

"Lee Ji Sun!" Mr. Kim shouted while pointing his teaching stick at you.

You flinched at the sudden shout and glared at him, "What?"

"How dare this gir- Do you want detention!?" Mr. Kim said angrily while getting a detention slip pass from his desk and showing it to you. He was mad on how you didn't apologise and just glared at him.

The whole class turned their heads, some smirking and some looking at you expressionless. *What do they need to look at?* You glanced at Jong Suk who facepalmed himself.

"Whatever, it's not like I have anyone waiting for me at home," You stood up from your seat and snatched the detention slip from his hand like you couldn't care less and sat back down. Mr. Kim sighed and resumed teaching the class. You felt another piece of paper brush gently across your hand. You looked back at Jong Suk and back at the paper, crumpling once again and placing it in your skirt pocket.

"Told you so. Guess I can't walk you back home today T3T I have tutor classes too. Typical Monday for you again..."

-Jong Suk



The shouts of street vendors and the smell of food polluted the atmosphere of 1970 Seoul. Adults and students purchased a small snack first before going for their activities. Farmers carried things here and there, delivering their crops to busy groceries. School students chatted as they they munched on their snacks on a normal Monday.

The sun shone through Sehun's window as he removed the creases from his neatly washed school uniform. His hair was messy, but it still made him attractive. No one would have time to gel their hair just for a boring Monday. Sehun stood infront of the mirror and winked to himself, his gold buttons shone and stood out on his plain black school uniform. He took a look at his room and grabbed his black leather satchel.

"Umma, I'm going first!" Sehun swiftly grabbed a piece of toast and put it in his mouth. He rushed out of the house before his mother could catch him and tell him to eat breakfast properly.

"Oh Sehun! You better be back before dinner!" He could hear his mother shout as he stood outside and ran down the steep slope of the quiet neighbourhood.

"Oh Sehun!" Sehun heard a cheerful voice call and turned back.

Baekhyun waved at him while riding on his bicycle. Chanyeol was by his side with Kyung Soo too. Baekhyun cycled towards Sehun

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ZELO WON THE POLL ON CHAP 29 :P I hope you readers take a look at the story that'll be posted up later!


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hyegun #1
Note : Hellohyegun , JongSukfics here with another fanfic! :D Please support it and subscribe! Leave comments too! ^^

when U said this..it's like U saying it for me...Haha..maybe because my Korean name is park hye gun.. btw... nice story author-nim..
Chapter 13: Hy new readers here, I love Sehun attention for Ji Sun here. He is so care about her. Keep writing & FIGHTING!!!
Sharissa #3
Chapter 11: 12.48 am and still couldn't stop reading thanks to someone who recommend this story on her arranged marriage myunsoo N of story
Jems123 #4
Chapter 19: Cool story ! :D
Chapter 15: B.A.P!!! OHMEHGEEERRDDD!!!
I'm debating with my self. *save the picture.. NO. I can melt right away! Saaavee~~ No. SAVE!!*

Chapter 13: FINALLY!!! B.A.P!!!!!!
*Okay. Because the end of their band name is not a vocal letter, so I can't just write B.A.PPPPPP, right?? Huehehe

Will the other 4 appear as well??

Chapter 11: He stole her kiss.
And she didn't agree~
Mwehehee *kicked by Sehun
Chapter 10: Hah! Plastic beach! :p
Chapter 7: HAHA!! Photobomb! ;D
Myungsoo is REALLY cute too!
L right??
Chapter 4: Uuu~~ I see it now!
How about B.A.P then?

Okay Author-nim, you can just slap me if you'll feel better
with me shutting up about B- *Slap