Visiting Her Parents

1970 Boys
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Sehun opened his wadrobe. Some sunlight was coming through the windows so it wasn't hard for him to see at all. He shared 1 wadrobe with Kai and Chanyeol. He couldn't understand how Chanyeol and Kai had way more better clothes than him. Maybe he just wasn't good with fashion. He picked a grey shirt with a graphic design on it along with some short pants. He grabbed his phone on the bedside table that he treasure so much since it was a gift from you.

Sehun rushed down the stairs, hoping that you had waited for him. His mind let out a sigh of relief when he saw you going through the compuer. Quietly, he sauntered behind you, Sehun bent down abit to see what to you were doing. His face inches away from yours, his soft breathing could be heard in the silence besides some cars outside honking. Sehun wondered when you would stop being so concentrated on your emails to notice he was here.

"I'm done," Sehun said softly. He had to admit, he almost let out a small grin when he saw your reaction. You had jumped out from your chair because he was so close to you. 

"Oh, let's go then," You said, but first you took a piece of paper and wrote something on it. Sehun saw you walk over to the fridge, taking a magnet to stick it on. You turned to Sehun and gave him a warm smile, "Ready?"

Sehun nodded. But first, he looked over at the note on the fridge. A warm smile crept up his lips after he finished reading it. It read :

To : 'EXO-K' boys and BAP boys

Sehun and I are going out for a little bit so take your time at home okay? Don't go anywhere! I'll get really mad... Young Jae, Yong Guk, Chanyeol, Kai, I know what you'll do if I'm not around so don't even try to explore by yourselves. Suho, Daehyun take care of them! ^^

Sehun shook his head, *caring as always.* He thought. That was one thing he loved about you, you were caring. You weren't trying to be fake but how you cared for people was sincere. How you smiled at Jong Suk and Myung Soo when they could copy your notes, totally sincere. *Different compared to other girls in our class.*

Sehun locked the apartment door after he had read the note, hurriedly following you. He wondered where you would take the both of you... perhaps somewhere romantic? *Keep dreaming Oh Sehun...* Sehun thought disappointed. Plus, you had said that you were taking him to your parents; not really, Sehun had just asked to tag along. *But don't most couples visit the parents?* Sehun's mood brightened, but slowly deteriorated again, "You didn't even confess to her yet, Oh Sehun..."

"Yah, Sehun hurry up!" Sehun saw you waved from a distance, you were already standing at the bus stop. Sehun was about to go to you when someone popped out in front of him.

"Eh, Sehun? It's a coincidence meeting you here!" Na Eun, a girl in you and Sehun's class was standing in front of Sehun, her eyes twinkling to have met the most well known boy who was friends with other well known boys in their school.

"Ah, Na Eun?" Sehun shifted his eyes uncomfortably, trying to make it look like he was focusing on Na Eun. He took a glance at you behind Na Eun's shoulder waiting for him at the bus stop. Your face sure said alot of questions from what Sehun could tell.

"I can't believe we met each other here, it's called something..." Na Eun tried to remember what she wanted to say, "Ah, it's like fate isn't it?"

Sehun nodded hesitantly. Did she mean they were meant to be or something? If so, it totally wasn't fate. Sehun believed his fate was with another person. People shouldn't go around using the word fate like that when it totally isn't. Sehun couldn't stay still, the bus was approaching now and althought it didn't look like it, it was coming FAST.

"Ahaha, I can't believe it either..." Sehun was out of words to try to flatter the girl already. Na Eun kept on blabbing on how Sehun could bring the EXO-K boys over to hang out with her because she was the most popular girl or something like that. Sehun didn't bother about those things. 

*When will she stop talking?* Sehun kept quiet as Na Eun went on. The bus couldn't wait. He would totally miss it now. He couldn't just cut her off like that. Seriously, why did his father have to teach him about manners?


"Aish... Why is Oh Sehun taking so long?" You muttered under your breath. You thought he had followed you but it turned out he was just trailing behind. Maybe he was too dazed to even notice that you had walked way faster than him. You turned your head to the direction you and Sehun had walked in and Sehun waved, giving his signature eye-smile. 

"Sehun doesn't just eye smile at anybody! If he really likes you he does that Ji Sun* You remembered Kai had said that before. Your face reddened. You wondered if Sehun saw it... It would be so darn embbarassing! Wouldn't it? Well you were positive he didn't. The oh so popular Song Na Eun had just blocked his sight.

You watched blankly at what Na Eun was telling him. It seemed like a never ending chat. Your eyes fell on the road the bus would be expected to come from. The bus had just turned round the corner. You didn't catch Sehun glancing at you that time as you were too focused on the bus. You gave a last worried glance at Sehun, would he be able to get on the bus on time? You couldn't afford to miss the upcoming bus, you'd have to wait for another half an hour.

"Bus 5 to Bucheon!" The bus driver said. The door automatically opened. Few people were seen on the bus, which was

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ZELO WON THE POLL ON CHAP 29 :P I hope you readers take a look at the story that'll be posted up later!


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hyegun #1
Note : Hellohyegun , JongSukfics here with another fanfic! :D Please support it and subscribe! Leave comments too! ^^

when U said's like U saying it for me...Haha..maybe because my Korean name is park hye gun.. btw... nice story author-nim..
Chapter 13: Hy new readers here, I love Sehun attention for Ji Sun here. He is so care about her. Keep writing & FIGHTING!!!
Sharissa #3
Chapter 11: 12.48 am and still couldn't stop reading thanks to someone who recommend this story on her arranged marriage myunsoo N of story
Jems123 #4
Chapter 19: Cool story ! :D
Chapter 15: B.A.P!!! OHMEHGEEERRDDD!!!
I'm debating with my self. *save the picture.. NO. I can melt right away! Saaavee~~ No. SAVE!!*

Chapter 13: FINALLY!!! B.A.P!!!!!!
*Okay. Because the end of their band name is not a vocal letter, so I can't just write B.A.PPPPPP, right?? Huehehe

Will the other 4 appear as well??

Chapter 11: He stole her kiss.
And she didn't agree~
Mwehehee *kicked by Sehun
Chapter 10: Hah! Plastic beach! :p
Chapter 7: HAHA!! Photobomb! ;D
Myungsoo is REALLY cute too!
L right??
Chapter 4: Uuu~~ I see it now!
How about B.A.P then?

Okay Author-nim, you can just slap me if you'll feel better
with me shutting up about B- *Slap