Ice Princess


Tiffany plopped down on bed after the eventful day, her red hair spread on the pillow. She stared at the white ceiling, imagining all the things that could cover the blank space. She put her hand up into the air, lighting each finger on fire. Fire was soothing for her, she pretty well can validate that she would have be a fire bug in the past. Tiffany made everyone feel warm, whether it was due to her power or just her tender nature no one really could decide. Jessica walked into the room, groaning to the heat that hit her body. It didn’t take much to make Jessica feel overwhelmed by warmth; she walked over clasping her hand on top of Tiffany’s.

                “Stop please” Please was a rare word for Jessica to say, mostly because she was cold literally and figuratively. Jessica walked into the washroom having enough pressure for one day, just sighed as she slipped into a nice ice bath. Jessica was the opposite of Tiffany, the cold calmed her. Jessica felt her hair tickle her neck as more fell into the water, sometimes Jessica wonders what her hair would like if the injections hadn't effected it, althought she does think the blonde suits her. She smiled to herself has she traced her finger on the water, she paused for a moment realising nothing felt like liquid anymore. She looked down to see her encased in her own ice, she groaned as she tried to pry herself away.

                “Tiffany” She yelled weakly embarrassed of the situation she now found herself in. Tiffany walked in nervously wondering what Jessica could possibly want her for. “Melt me please” Jessica rolled her eyes as she avoids eye contact with Tiffany. Jessica was supposed to have the most control over her powers; she was supposed to be the good example for the others she led. The only one who ever saw these weaknesses was Tiffany, they figured out early on that Tiffany and Jessica needed each other. They evened each other out, and if they were together there was no way they could lose control. Tiffany carefully returned the ice back to water, looking away as she passed a towel to Jessica.

                “Thank you Tiff and I’m sorry about today. Everything has just been crazy and now with more tests” Jessica sighed, as she secured the towel around her.

                “It’s okay no worries, you are right I really need to start pulling my weight. Everything is just hard for me; you’ve been here longer than I have. I’m just glad I didn’t have to go through this alone like all the others, and I had someone who is really like my sister with me” Tiffany smiled, she truly felt as though Jessica was her sister even though the other wouldn’t say out loud she felt the same.

Seohyun stared at her own test results, and rememberd the man who she had just tested. She sighed trying to figure out what made them so different from her; even someone like Seohyun couldn’t even tell the difference at least on a molecular level.  

                “Seo Juhyun, is that right?” Seohyun closed her file, focusing her attention on the voice.

                “Seohyun if you will, what would you like Yoona” Seohyun said sliding her glasses back into the right place. Does she actually think she’s human? Acting as if I need to give her respect – “Yoona?” Seohyun said having enough of Yoona judgemental thoughts.

                “I’m here to make sure the tests get done, your father said I will be able to use whatever force necessary” Yoona said pulling out package from her pocket. Seohyun has seen those packages before, they were sedatives.

                “I assure you it won’t be necessary, I’ve already run my own tests. I must say though the results came out inconclusive, I’m not entirely sure what he’s searching for”

                “I think it’s safe to say, we all know the answer here”

                “I’m sorry if I sound like I’m disrespecting you, but what makes you think the answer is so obvious. I assure you I’ve studied every test that’s been taken in this lab, before and after I came in charge”

                “Don’t play dumb, it’s to make sure the public is still safe from the likes of you” Yoona said looking out the lab door, disgusted. Seohyun broke her rule, and invade into Yoona’s mind. Seohyun pictured things when she entered into people’s minds, thoughts were one thing but memories were entirely different. Seohyun saw a door into a memory and took the opportunity to invade Yoona’s privacy. Yoona sat on a chair in what seemed to be a living room, a girl walked in with a smile on her face. As the scene progressed Seohyun has found what she needed, Yoona had gone too far insulting everyone she cared for.

                “I think it’s safe to say I am not the uneducated one, you on the other hand. Your girlfriend seems to have done a great job of cheating on you hasn’t she” Seohyun stayed stone faced, as Yoona walked into Seohyun’s personal space.

                “Seohyun, what’s wrong you’re not one to be spiteful or mean” Jessica walked in angered by the normally innocent Seohyun’s actions.  Seohyun backed away from Yoona removing her glasses; she closed her eyes searching for why she allowed herself to succumb to such immature actions.

                “I apologize for my immaturity Yoona, I’ll be certain it won’t happen again” Seohyun sighed, looking back towards the two girls. “Jessica please Yoona to the room we prepared for when the Official arrived for testing this week.”

Jessica walked silently with the girl she was assuming was called Yoona. She opened the door allowing Yoona to walk into the room; she heard a sigh from the girl.

                “I’m sorry about Seohyun, she’s honestly the most level headed person you’ll meet here”

                “I don’t plan on meeting anymore people like you” Yoona said gesturing for Jessica to walk out. Jessica stood outside the room shocked; it didn’t take her long to know why the normally calm Seohyun had snapped.

Jessica snuck outside to enjoy the cold winter air, she breathed in finally allowing her to relax. The elites weren’t allowed in public for fear of exposing the truth of the government. That’s why the elites were in place really to stop the other injected people from coming in sight after being banished. Jessica was knocked from her thoughts as she felt something hard in front of her.

                “Oh I’m so sorry” The hard figure said before Jessica fully grasped the situation for what actually was happening.

                “Oh no it’s probably my fault, I’m not used to these crowded places” Jessica immediately scolded herself for saying that, if she lived in the city of course she would be used to all these people.

                “Yeah I stay inside too, especially during the winter months” Luckily the lady didn’t question what Jessica said. “Oh I’m Kwon Yuri by the way” She smiled offering her hand to Jessica; Jessica took the hand lightly shaking it.

                “Jessica Jung”

                “Wow you’re freezing, you should really get inside”

                “No I’m alright; I don’t really mind the cold actually”

                “So you’re some what of an Ice Princess” Yuri said clearly trying to make the other girl smile. Jessica frowned a little to herself.

                “I suppose that’s one way to say it… Again I’m sorry for running into you but I really should get going”

                “Hey ice princess, do you have a phone number?” Yuri smiled trying to be charming. Jessica felt her hands getting colder; clearly she was nervous about this Yuri character.

                “Sorry” Jessica said dashing away, trying to get away as fast as she could. Yuri stood their dumbfounded; she had never met a girl like Jessica. She shivered as she continued on her path back to her house.

                “I hate the cold” She breathed out watching as the Ice Princess blurred from sight. 

Oh look i've updated again. Ahh more characters introduced, I wonder why everyone views the project subjects as monsters, I suppose because the ones that are banished have been very violent, i'm sure in later chapters you will see just how violent. Thank you guys for reading, i really hope i'm not letting anyone down. :D love you all!


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)