

Yuri walked down the road trying to stay as normal as possible she looked towards Yoona who stayed at a distance. Yoona nodded trying to give Yuri some confidence that she wasn’t alone. Yuri swallowed as she reached the broadcast station. She exhaled as she reached for the door, she opened it sliding in. She walked towards the desk, which she thought might help on how she may be able to get the news across. Yoona smiled watching from the door as she snuck into the building trying to stay unseen.

                “Hello, uhm” Yuri stuttered lightly which garnered the attention from the secretary. She looked up from her computer looking at Yuri with curious eyes. Yuri knew what she had to do; Yuri smirked as she made eye contact with the young lady. “Sorry to bug you but if someone had a potentially news worth story, where would they be directed to?” Yuri leaned against the desk trying to put her arm on overload. The girl smiled slightly getting a little awkward form Yuri’s body language.

                “Well depends what news worth is, it would take several days to be screened by our people here to see if it is indeed news or not.” The girl stated confidently, Yuri smiled taking the hint that the girl wanted her gone.

                “Well at least here me out, wouldn’t be fair if you didn’t right?” Yuri winked at the now awkwardly blushing girl. Yuri swore she heard someone stomp from above, possibly the roof but everyone just kind of brushed it off.

                “Okay I suppose, come with me I’ll show you too one of our directors” The girl stood up from the desk leading Yuri to a room. Yoona sighed knowing this was going to be harder to get the timing right.  “Excuse me Sir, this woman claims to have something that we would be interested in.” The man turned around eyeing Yuri, Yuri smiled trying to look charming for everyone in the room. The secretary took her leave and Yuri sat in front of the man.

                “So what is it you think we should air” He sighed still looking Yuri over.

                “If I said it had something to with the government, would you dare to air it then?”

                “What are hinting at?”

                “Well let’s say the government was planning to kill over a species none of the city has heard of”

                “You expect me to believe such blatant lies?”

                “Well that’s not the entire story. What is I said that species was actually created by the government?” Yuri smirked leaning back in her seat. She crossed her legs trying to draw attention to her attractive qualities trying to lure him in.

                “You should come in saying such claims miss” he mumbled looking at Yuri’s legs now.

                “Oh well what can I do” Yuri shrugged getting up from her seat. “You may have just blew it, but I might give you another chance” Yuri smiled exiting the room into the lobby where the secretary looked at her with a smile. Yoona saw Yuri look towards the doors which Yoona was trying to stay hidden. Yuri nodded and Yoona knew what she had to do. She opened her phone locating the files Seohyun had managed to wire to her. She entered the address of the director, she smiled sending the files. She sighed as she opened the next file, the video exposing the powers. She typed the address of the director again regretfully sending the powers they had captured on video. Yoona nodded towards Yuri as she exited the building. She walked behind the building greeted by Jessica who didn’t look all that happy. Yoona chuckled catching on to what that loud bang was earlier.

                “You got one of the others to listen to Yuri?” Yoona couldn’t help but laugh even in this situation.

                “Shut up” Jessica crossed her arms waiting for when Yuri was going to come out. “Just be ready to get out of her when he sends the officials after us, you’ll be a target too.”


Yuri smirked crossing her arms as she heard the director call out to her. He looked stunned from all the news he had just taken in. Yuri walked towards him pushing him back in his office.

                “Run the news now, with me here I need to monitor how this goes. There are many lives at risk, many of those lives I’ve grown to care about. The government ruined them, don’t you dare hide this because they could ruin you.” Yuri said taking over the mask she had to lure them in. She showed how threatening she could be now, and she used it to get her way. The man gulped readying himself for the news break of his career. 


Tis i with an update. Hope you all enjoy this~! I hope i didn't make to big of mistakes, i don't really have time to read over because i have so much work. 


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)