

Taeyeon arrived back at camp not knowing what Sooyoung had got herself into. Tiffany smiled upon seeing the short girl walk over to the lookout. Taeyeon smirked opening her arms wanting a hug, she really didn’t care if this was crossing a line between her and Tiffany, and she really wanted a hug. Tiffany smiled running into Taeyeon giving her hug glad to see she came home safe.

                “Tiffany” Seohyun yelled towards the pair’s direction. Tiffany was incharge of the lookouts on the west side of the camp, well Jessica was position east. “Change of plans my father is on to us, Sooyoung's cover was blown.” Seohyun tried to catch her breath when she reached the girls. Taeyeon looked towards Tiffany then back at Seohyun hoping what her thoughts were saying weren’t true.

                “Sooyoung is she…” Taeyeon asked, Seohyun tried to smile but Taeyeon could tell her thoughts had been correct. Tiffany looked towards the shorter girls face noticing the girl trying to hide her sadness; the red head grabbed Taeyeon’s hand trying to comfort her.

                “Yoona is telling Jessica and Yuri. It’s going to get more brutal than we thought we need to move now. We need to head the military base, the airplanes he would use would be kept there.” Seohyun said thinking aloud. “I think he would use the planes, what else would he use. We disabled the weapons that would be detonated by the technology”

                “Seohyun calm down.” Tiffany sighed trying to stop herself from panicking right about now.

                “You and Taeyeon take the other subjects that are here at this look out. Leave behind ten, take the rest with you.” Seohyun smiled looking over towards the many people that stood around not knowing what to expect yet, they just knew they had to protect their camp.  “Give me your phone” Seohyun said snatching the phone from Taeyeons pocket before Taeyeon could respond.


“Yoona it's Seohyun” Yoona heard as she picked up the phone, she looked at the shocked Yuri in front of her.

                “Yes Seohyun, I’m here with them. I told them what had happened and what you think is going to happen. No not think, we trust you; I trust you and you’re right. Now tell them what they have to do” Yoona looked at Jessica as she put the phone on speaker phone. Yuri stood in disbelief everything hitting her at once, how had she even got involved in something so unbelievable she honestly thought this was a dream she couldn't wake up from.

                “Yuri I want to speak with you first, we’re going to have to ask you to go and report what you know. That being said Jessica and a group that you guys are with are going with you, I’m saying the same as I did to Tiffany keep a few on the grounds to protect the camp. Yuri I know this is new to you, we need you to stay strong.”

                “I understand I’ll try to do my best” Yuri stutter trying to gain more confidence. Jessica looked at the dark haired girl.  

                “Jessica this is going to be hard you’re going to have to fight as hard as you can. Make sure as many people get back safe as they can, you’ve always been great a keeping people in line. You’re going to be Yuri’s protection, once Yuri enters and sends the broadcast. You’re going to need to be prepared to fight. Let Yuri go in first and the rest of the elites stay hidden as well as they can.” Seohyun paused taking a breath.

                “I got it boss” Jessica smirked trying to stay strong, as she always was.

                “Yoona, were the only ones with phones. You go with Jessica, I’m going with Tiffany to face my father.”

                “Seohyun let me go with you, wait even better you should stay back at camp”

                “Yoona trust me, call me when everything’s done and you’re safe. I’ll call you as well, Yoona we’re heading out now. Take Yuri there now.” Seohyun hung up the phone leaving a much shaken Yoona. Yoona breathed in looking at the others who now looked upon her.

                “Jessica you heard her, get the others. Yuri come with me.”


Well should i update again tonight, or not hmmmmmmmmmmmm


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)