What To Do.


Jessica woke up and rolled over to see the clock, it was now 12:49. Jessica yawned wondering what she was forgetting. Then she remembered Yuri wanted to meet at one, and Jessica was nowhere near ready. She jumped from bed startling the sleeping Tiffany.

                “What is happening, are we fighting. Is there a fight already” Tiffany sat up her eyes still closed; Jessica laughed not thinking about how Tiffany said ‘already’.

                “Go back to sleep, I just have to go somewhere” Jessica gave Tiffany a motherly smile, and ran towards the bathroom to clean herself up a little. After Jessica quickly threw on some clothes she ran towards the Café. She entered the café and saw Yuri sitting in the same table they had previously sat in, Yuri looked a little panicked. Jessica sat in front of Yuri smiling awkwardly not knowing what to say. “Sorry” she mumbled fixing her hair from the run she had just taken. Yuri had dressed for the occasion Jessica could tell, her hair was straight and her outfit was nice a clean. Whereas Jessica was wearing jeans and a baggy shirt she had found.

                “Don’t worry about it.” Yuri smiled feeling awkward now herself. “Did you just wake up?” Yuri asked noticing Jessica’s sleepy eyes.

                “Kind of” Jessica tapped the table nervously, as Yuri chuckled. “So why did you want to hang out?” Jessica asked bluntly.

                “Well I thought maybe sense you liked the cold, you could teach me how in the world someone could have fun in the freezing cold” Yuri smiled trying to get a reaction from Jessica.

                “What did you have in mind” Jessica sighed.

                “Why don’t we go skating?”

                “I never have gone”

                “Well I guess I can teach you”

                “How will taking me make you like the cold if you have to work?”

                “Because you’re there” Yuri smiled slightly as Jessica got up from the table.

                “Well aren’t we going?” Jessica said trying to get away from the strange Yuri.

They arrived at the skating rink, and Yuri was helping Jessica put on her skates. Jessica began to get a little anxious wondering if anyone would catch on to her leaving the building. Yuri grabbed Jessica’s hands helping her to her feet and leading her towards the ice. Yuri had a smile plastered on her face the whole time; she slid in front of Jessica. Jessica stood completely still on the ice not wanting to fall. Yuri laughed at the clearly afraid Jessica, she reached out her hand and Jessica gladly took it.

                “Just do what I do” Yuri said helping Jessica get to a wall so she could hold herself to watch Yuri. Yuri demonstrated how to skate, although she wasn’t the best either. She cursed herself for choosing such a cold destination as he hands now felt like the ice they skated on. Jessica nodded understanding what to do, and she tried. It seemed that Jessica was a natural and in no time was up to Yuri’s speed.

                “This is actually fun” Jessica smiled looking towards Yuri; Yuri was shocked by the beautiful girl in front of her and somehow managed to fall on her . Jessica giggled even more skating away from the now embarrassed girl.

                “Still so cold” Yuri mumbled, getting up chasing after Jessica.

Tiffany sat up in her bed as she heard a panic from the lab down the hallway. She ran into the lab to see Seohyun staring at the computer in horror.

                “What’s wrong?” Tiffany yelled as she walked towards Seohyun. Seohyun placed a finger on Tiffany’s lips to silence her. The wide eyed Tiffany stood there confused as Seohyun picked up the phone dialing a number that was on a card.

                “Yes Yoona, I need your help.” Seohyun hung up without waiting for a reply; she knew that it was a long shot too call Yoona. “Tiffany has anything weird happened lately” Seohyun said as she picked up her glasses. Tiffany shook her head still confused as to what’s going. “They called saying someone is in the city limits” Seohyun said blankly as Yoona rushed into the lab.

                “Seohyun what did you want?” Yoona asked a little annoyed.

                “Do you know anything about the girl?”

                “What are you talking about?”

                “The girl my father is planning to kill, she snuck in on the east of the city. She has invisibility” Seohyun said. Tiffany’s eyes widened, they had already entered into the city.

                “Seohyun you know I can’t say anything.”

                “They’re testing the weapons I made on her; I know you don’t want death to come to anyone. We may be viewed as monsters, but why hasn’t the president told us he hired us to get rid of them”


                “Tiffany go get Jessica, I’m going into the city to help tonight. Yoona go tell your head advisers that there is no new weapons, I’ve destroyed all my files on them and all the prototypes” Seohyun slid her glasses on her face. Seohyun threw her lab coat on her chair, leaving the lab. 

Tiffany ran down the street trying to find signs of the girl she had met last night. She had warned her, why she wouldn’t listen. Tiffany saw Jessica approaching her with a strange girl.

                “Tiffany why are you out here” The blonde said as she saw the panic in Tiffany’s eyes.

                “Seohyun came out too, there’s a problem at home” Tiffany was better at lying than Jessica, the red haired Tiffany looked towards the strange girl. “Who’s this?”

                “Oh I’m Kwon Yuri” Yuri smiled offering her hand to Tiffany. Tiffany looked at her hand, and then continued on with Jessica.

                “Jessica we need to find our cousin” Tiffany lied again hoping Jessica would catch on, and it seemed she did. Jessica turned to Yuri saying something in a hurry and left running in a different direction than Tiffany. Tiffany continued down the road until she felt a tug on her arm that pulled her into an ally. She looked around for someone but no one was there, then Taeyeon appeared in front of her with tears in her eyes.

                “They’re going to kill me right?” Taeyeon said trying to up her tears, Tiffany grabbed Taeyeon’s hand.

                “I know a place they would never think to find you, stay invisible.” Tiffany smiled at the still very distraught Taeyeon. Tiffany ran as fast as she could still feeling Taeyeon’s hand in hers, Tiffany finally stopped running. Taeyeon looked up, only to see the government building what was Tiffany thinking. 


It's so cold where I live now, blaah Canada. I hope everyone is enjoying time of, and everyone has happy holidays.  :D and again thanks to everoyne who is reading my story it means a lot. 



Here is a good song just to keep you calm, i've used it in one of my other stories. http://youtu.be/qHbET_8iQZc

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)