

Seohyun sat in the corner waiting what she knew would come; she felt it was her time. The door creaked open and a familiar head popped in.

                “Seohyun” Yoona said with wide eyes seeing the bruises that showed on Seohyun’s skin. Seohyun tried to stand up, thinking it was her turn to be terminated. “Come with me” Yoona said grabbing Seohyun’s hand lightly leading her from the room. Seohyun was only wearing a t-shirt and pants, Yoona placed her jacket on Seohyun. Seohyun began to get confused as the hurriedly exited the building. “Try to cover your face the best you can” Yoona whispered as she continued to lead Seohyun. Seohyun did as she was told, was Yoona actually saving her? They arrived at a small apartment, Yoona opened the door ushering Seohyun inside. Seohyun sat on the couch trying to warm up from the cold, as Yoona ran to start some warm coffee.

                “Yoona, why did you bring me here” Seohyun finally spoke as Yoona passed her a cup of coffee. Yoona sighed thinking to herself of course Seohyun remember her promise to Yoona.

                “They killed everyone else.” Yoona said looking at Seohyun. Seohyun nodded seeming almost like a robot now.

                “Can’t I die with them?”

                “I’d rather you not.”

                “Why not, you do view me as the same”

                “Do I?”

                “That’s what you said before”

                “Seohyun you’re smarter than that”

                “Jessica and Tiffany…” Seohyun muttered. Yoona put her coffee on the table sitting next to Seohyun.

                “Missing” Yoona said simply looking at Seohyun hoping that news would ease her worries.

                “How long was I locked away?”

                “Two days now.” Yoona leaned back on the couch. “Stay here for now okay?” Yoona sighed wondering why she even got involved in all this in the first place. Seohyun sat back with her coffee leaning like Yoona.


Yuri had taken Jessica home after the whole event. Jessica woke up in a strange room; she shot up from bed walking out of the room. She smiled as she saw a messy Yuri sprawled out on the couch. Jessica coughed loudly trying to wake the girl up. Yuri rolled off the couch and mumbled something and she waved her hand into the air.

                “Thank you for last night.” Jessica said walking over to Yuri who finally got off the floor.

                “You never said why they were looking for you” She pouted rubbing her eyes trying to fully wake up.

                “You wouldn’t believe me, plus you know I might have to kill you if I did” Yuri smiled thinking it was a joke, but Jessica actually said it kind of seriously.

                “Tell me Sica”


                “Shhhh it’s not important, so now tell me” Yuri said placing a finger on Jessica’s lips.

                “I suppose you could say my friends and I work for the government. Special project if you may” Jessica said casually walking into Yuri’s kitchen trying to change the subject. Yuri smiled walking after Jessica playfully hitting her on the shoulder.

                “Hey no food until you tell me” Yuri smiled trying to fix her messy hair. Jessica smiled helping Yuri fix her hair.

                “I’m cold” Jessica shrugged hoping Yuri wouldn’t understand exactly what she was sharing. Of course Yuri didn’t because shortly after Jessica felt arms wrap around her waist.

                “I’ll warm you”


Taeyeon woke up immediately feeling the pain in her neck; she held her neck as she got up from the small chair. She looked at the sleeping Tiffany who was spread crossed her bed, she grunted jealous of how comfortable she must be.

                “It’s not polite to stare” Tiffany said rolling over smiling towards the frozen Taeyeon.

                “Staring? At you?”

                “Why not I’m hot right?”

                “Pffft hot” Taeyeon said as she began to laugh loudly.

                “Taeyeon stop drooling at the poor girl, you were staring at her all night.” Hyoyeon entered Taeyeon’s room tapping Taeyeon on the shoulder. Taeyeon just stared at the girl, as she faded away in embarrassment.

                “Don’t worry about her, she’s still there” Hyoyeon said taking a look at Tiffany’s wounds. Hyoyeon smiled as she stuck out her arm to touch Tiffany’s face she stopped before she made contact. “Don’t burn me like you burnt the others” She smiled as she continued to touch the wound; Tiffany felt a light tickle as the wounds fade. Hyoyeon smiled to herself “I never get tired of that”.

                “Taeyeon, something’s wrong” Tiffany remember yesterday’s events shooting up from the bed.

                “What’s wrong” Taeyeon asked concerned coming back into view.

                “The government, they’re planning something. They took one of us, someone special to me. I was coming to warn you and Jessica, but it seems Jessica didn’t take you all the way to your camp with you like I asked.” Tiffany pushed her hair away from her face pushing through Hyoyeon and Taeyeon to reach outside.  “I’m going to go warn them, thank you for everything. Well despite the abuse from those idiots” Tiffany glared at the people staring at her from the camp.

                “Well if it’s dangerous you can’t leave” Taeyeon said grabbing Tiffany’s hand. Tiffany froze at the touch from Taeyeon, she felt safe in the hands of Taeyeon. Although Taeyeon wasn’t the bravest of people, she was caring.

                “I agree with Taeyeon” Sooyoung said as she walked over towards the red head. “If what you say is true than this means we’re at danger now too?” Sooyoung said leaning on Taeyeon. Taeyeon glared up at the girl taking a step closer to Tiffany.

                “I think we all are, Yoona wouldn’t tell me much.”


                “She’s one of the officials that was part of the team that watched us, she was there when a friend of mine was taken in” Tiffany tried to explain.

                “Before we do anything, we need to come up with a well thought out plan. Meaning you fiery young girl, need to just sit and wait until we know more” Sooyoung said trying to maintain her leadership.  Tiffany sighed knowing she was right; she squeezed Taeyeon’s hand that was still in hers.

 Tada, nothing to exciting happened in this chapter in terms of drama. There probably wont be for awhile this is a perfect time for everyone to get to know each other~ sorry if i made any big mistakes, i was to lazy to read it over again. whoops~


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)