All Together


Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon as she noticed the shorter girl bringing her some toast.

                “Breakfast in bed?” she smiled lightly, grabbing the plate from Taeyeon so she could sit on the bed.

                “Well I thought I should be nice” Taeyeon grabbed the plate from the clearly sleepy Tiffany. Tiffany grabbed a piece of toast, nibbling on it a little bit watching Taeyeon eat her own piece.

                “Stop looking at me” Taeyeon mumbled as she shoved the last of her toast in . Tiffany smiled and continued eating her piece.

                “Just finish your own toast” Taeyeon glared jokingly at the red head. She noticed Tiffany’s hair was rather messy so she began to fix her hair. “Oh sorry” She smiled awkwardly realizing what had happened, and how it may have crossed a line.

                “How’s your hand?” Tiffany asked picking up Taeyeons injured hand; she smiled once she saw it had healed. “You got Hyoyeon to heal you didn’t you” Tiffany eye smiled. Taeyeon nodded knowing her plan to stop Tiffany’s worry had worked. “You should have come to me, I’m the one who hurt you” Tiffany pouted as she rubbed her sleepy eye.

                “Sleepy Tiffany is cute” Taeyeon smiled knocking the pouting girl on the forehead.

                “Wow flirting when your friends are here” Taeyeon looked towards the door knowing it was Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon winked as she lead two people with a suitcase and contianer into Taeyeon’s little home. “Well say hello to your friends” Hyoyeon stared at the awkward two sitting on the bed. Tiffany looked confused at the girls with the containers.

                “Friends?” Taeyeon asked before noticing the glare from the girl she knew to be Yoona. Taeyeon jumped up quickly changing her expression. “Yeah friends, ahh I’m just a little tired sorry. Uhm Hyoyeon can you leave us to catch up, thank you by the way for showing them to us” Taeyeon scratched the back of her neck, as she watched Hyoyeon leave.

                “Tiffany what the heck are you doing” Jessica popped out of the container scaring Taeyeon more than Taeyeon would admit.  Tiffany looked towards the messing looking Jessica, giving her a strange look. She stood up hugging the blonde girl right away missing the girl way more than she had previously though.

                “I hate to interrupt, but may I have a hand getting out of this thing” They turned towards the suitcase after hearing it speak. Yoona smiled awkwardly as she ped the bag revealing the girl that Tiffany was the most worried for. Tiffany jumped away from Jessica rushing towards Seohyun.

                “Why are you guys here, wait how are you guys here”

                “Well my father seems to have been up to no good. Yoona actually has a plan.” Yoona looked confused at Seohyun now knowing she had read her mind.

                “What do you mean?” Tiffany asked as she walked over to the awkward Taeyeon, grabbing her hand to see if she was okay.

                “Well it seems that the weapons he had me design were a cover. He was really hiring other scientist to create a weapon that would get rid of us.” Seohyun looked down trying to calm herself so she could deliver the rest of the news.

                “You promised you wouldn’t read my mind Seohyun.” Yoona looked disappointed at the girl. “Anyway to my knowledge it’s a chemical that will react with your mutated genes” Yoona sighed, patting Seohyun on the shoulder.

                “Wait so; basically we can’t do anything to stop this?” Yuri finally spoke up standing behind Jessica.

                “Who’s that” Taeyeon whispered to Tiffany who was equally as confused. Tiffany thought she looked familiar but she really couldn’t find out how.

                “Well I do have a plan, it involves that tall girl” Yoona looked towards Taeyeon.


I wonder how Sooyoung comes into the plan? How much time do they have till president Seo releases it! 


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)