

Tiffany peeked from behind the tree after hearing voices. She looked to where she was once standing and now there was a group of people, they started arguing about something. Tiffany wanted to run, but everything was holding her back. Could she trust Taeyeon? Taeyeon then reappeared in front of the group of people.

                “God Taeyeon you need to warn us when you go invisible” A guy lifted a hand as if he was going to hit Taeyeon but quickly retrieved it. “There all separated tonight, it could be a trap” He sighed, the rest of the group you could tell was in deep thought. Taeyeon looked towards the woods worried they might catch onto to her hidden friend.

                “It could be I don’t think we should go in for supplies tonight. Tomorrow should be safer, as far as we all know the plan is for me to sneak in.” Taeyeon said trying to sound confident.  “Thanks for showing me around tonight, this is my first time out from the camp. I’m really looking forward to being able to help” Taeyeon lied; clearly she hated the idea of putting herself in danger. The tall woman from the group stood in front of Taeyeon crossing her arms. 

                “Taeng you’re brave” She said ruffling her hair, and then gestured for the rest of the group to follow her back to camp. Taeyeon finally let out a deep breath; she her invisibility just in case anyone was watching. Taeyeon reappeared in front of the still shocked Tiffany.

                “You’re safe now. Thank you for not killing me as well” Taeyeon smiled a big grin; Tiffany had no choice but to return as she started feeling more at ease.  “You’re hot” Taeyeon thought aloud, then realized how bad that sounded. “No I mean like, you’re physically hot. I mean of course you’re hot, like pretty hot. But like yeah, no.” Taeyeon quickly turned invisible in shame. Tiffany laughed finally gaining the courage to stand up.

                “You should get out of here before my friends come looking for me, and if I could give you advice. Stay at that camp you mentioned, don’t come out to face us. I promise you it won’t end well” Tiffany said as she began to walk off.

                “Wait what’s your name hot girl” Taeyeon stayed invisible.

                “Tiffany Hwang” Tiffany waved to the air hoping Taeyeon was there, how could they be considered monsters?

Taeyeon walked back to camp with a smile on her face thinking of the red haired Tiffany, there the tall girl popped in front of her again.

                “Ahh Sooyoung, I’m the one with invisibility. But you’re better at it than me” Taeyeon said holding on to her heart.

                “Are you sure you can go tomorrow, I know it’s a lot to ask. You’ve never gone outside of camp, but if we ever want to gain the freedom we must all fight.” Sooyoung smiled lightly. “Promise not to get into trouble, remember no matter what they’ll kill you” Taeyeon thought as Sooyoung finished, if they always killed them, why didn’t Tiffany kill her.

Seohyun was working on how to improve the weapons for the officials, going over all the results. She felt Yoona stir by her feet; Yoona had been sleeping all day.

                “Good morning Official” Seohyun said mechanically continuing to go through the results; she closed the files on her computer as Yoona stood from the floor. Yoona coughed trying to regain her cool attitude; Seohyun looked at the tired official. She reached her arm towards Yoona fixing the mess that was Yoona’s hair. Yoona stood their awkwardly, trying not to think too much she didn’t want Seohyun reading her mind.

                “I should get going; it seems I’ve stayed more than intended.” Yoona said as she shoved her hands in her pockets. Seohyun nodded her head as a goodbye gesture returning to her work, Yoona hated the silence Seohyun was giving.

                “Seohyun, here if you want call me.” Yoona said placing a card in front of the still silent Seohyun.

                “Yoona I’m positive that’s not part of your duty”

                “Well my duty is to keep you in control. So when you feel the control slipping call” Yoona finally smiled genuinely. As much as Yoona disliked the monster the elites were, she still didn’t want to see them die. Seohyun was also a special case to her, no matter what Seohyun had been told she stayed nice and Yoona happened to admire that.  Yoona walked out of the elites section of the building as another official waved her over.

                “Im Yoona, you’ve spent lots of times with the elites. Little monsters aren’t they?” The girl laughed taking a sip of her coffee.

                “Sure” Yoona sighed, dismissing herself from the conversation.

                “Hey Yoona, you do know there’s a meeting with the President today” The girl yelled after her, Yoona stopped in her tracks.

Yoona sat in the room with all the other officials awaiting the arrival of President Seo. He walked in with a smile on his face; Yoona could sense something wasn’t right.

                “Welcome my controllers” President Seo chuckled lightly, as he sat in front of them all. “The elites that we have in the building watch them. With the new election going on I don’t need any trouble, although we all know I’ll be re-elected who would dare run against me?” He paused letting everyone understand that this would be a serious matter. “I’ll just get down to the point; we have plans of terminating the elite project. One of the subjects working in the lab there is creating the weapon to do this; she doesn’t know what will come of it though. Keep this from them, I suppose you could say they’re aiding in their demise. You all know the damage they have caused; they’ve killed your fellow officials. I must tell you if they weren’t locked away, you would be dead to. They are unstoppable killing force, but we all know who can finally put an end to the terror. I trust you to follow through with your duties, and when more information comes in my assistant will direct it to you” President Seo stood up, leaving the officials. Yoona looked towards the door the President had just exited, does that mean what Seohyun has been working on will be the ending of them. It took Yoona by surprize when she felt herself worry for the girl from the lab.

                “For monsters they sure seem more human” Yoona whispered trying to gather her thoughts. 


So the banished elites are planning a secret  'attack' and president seo seems to be losing it. I hope you all enjoyed it, i meant t post this last night but i guess i fell alseep. 


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)