

Tiffany sighed as she got up from her bed; she noticed Jessica wasn’t sleeping which was weird considering how early it was in the afternoon. She ran her fingers through her hair, tying it up lightly just to keep it out of her face. She yawned as she stumbled towards Seohyun’s lab; she peeked into the lab and stopped as she saw a strange woman with Seohyun. Seohyun was asleep in her chair; well the other woman was sprawled out on the floor. Tiffany smiled and her slightly puffy eyes almost closed. She rubbed her eyes and sighed knowing they were swollen from lack of sleep.

The night before Seohyun had fainted into the arms of Yoona, Yoona thought quickly placing Seohyun on the chair. The faint girl soon opened her eyes, only for her to break down into tears. Seohyun was breaking, and she knew no one could know of her lost control.

                “What happened?” Yoon asked genuinely concerned.

                “Nothing, just my power sometimes gets to me. Although I do in some ways have the weakest” Seohyun thought to herself, she knew of course Yoona had to know of the special abilities to be working with the elites. 

                “That’s why were different” Yoona sighed saying this lightly not wanting to make Seohyun worse. Seohyun cried nodding her head; she had now accepted that she was a monster. Seohyun remembered the first time she went out with Jessica, and watched the kill. Her brain could hardly handle the thought of killing them, before now she never thought of them as the same. Now her thoughts have been twisted, she knows she deserves to end up like all the other banished elites that dare to step foot into the city. She wanted to die.  “They told me how dangerous you all were. The things you do, and the things you’ve done” Yoona clenched her teeth. “All the deaths the elites have caused, that’s not human is it?”

                “An eye for an eye” Seohyun stared into Yoona, Yoona unclenched her teeth feeling as though Seohyun’s eyes were reading into her soul. Her eyes were so clear, almost like Yoona could sense the caring nature Seohyun possessed. 

                “What do you mean?”

                “What did they tell you we did?”

                “They briefed me about what happened during the attacks, how brutal you all were. You had no compassion, no fear, and definitely no control. They told me of the death of the vice president at the time, how one of you made sure he couldn’t speak anymore” Yoona shut her eyes trying not to imagine the details of how they could have done this.

                “Kill me, as I have killed all them. Torture me as the monster you see me.” Seohyun whispered standing from the chair. Yoona grabbed Seohyun’s hand stopping her from going anywhere.

                “I may see you as a monster, but I am not one” Yoona pushed Seohyun back down to the chair. Yoona took Seohyun’s hand and mustered up a smile “I’ll be honest tonight, so don’t read my mind. Okay?”


Tiffany continued to stumble down the hallway to the meeting room where she found Jessica finally.

                “Tiffany, could you sit for a bit please.” Jessica said avoiding Tiffany.

                “What do you want Jessi” Tiffany smiled poking Jessica’s hand as she sat at the table.

                “You’re on your on tonight, it has already been ordered. Were all protecting our own different sectors” Jessica continued to look at her paper; she growled slightly rolling it into a ball. She frozen the paper ball to such a temperature as she threw it against the wall it shattered. “Were dead” She muttered to herself.  Tiffany sat in shock; she got up from the table not wanting to hear anymore. As she exited the meeting room she stopped clenching her fists holding in her tears. Tiffany felt her body heat up; she then felt a sudden tap on her shoulder.

                “Ow jeez Tiffany keep control of your heat” Jisoo smiled towards Tiffany. Jisoo was one of the twins his brother being Jisuk, He was known for his charming attitude and his sudden entrances. “I just wanted to say good luck tonight; you know we all have your back!” He smiled as he suddenly left the building. Tiffany sighed feeling herself at ease, sometimes Tiffany was jealous of everyone else’s powers. Imagine being Jisoo being able to teleport around at ease, or even Jisuk his speed was unreal. The person Tiffany was most jealous of was Seohyun, she didn’t have to deal with all the death. Tiffany began to ready herself for tonight; she prayed nothing would happen during her time alone.  

Jessica sighed as she looked around the city, she hated sneaky around but it was the only way to get into the winter air. She smiled as the light flurries hit her face, she sighed looking for a place to sit down. She saw a nice little café, and smiled walking into the store. She looked at the menu looking for something colder to drink, once she decided she walked towards the cashier.

                “Oh hey there Ice Princess” Jessica looked and saw the annoying Yuri girl. “Let me guess, you want one of our special smoothies” Yuri winked hoping she had got it right.

                “Uh yeah” Jessica smiled slightly feeling awkward. She pointed to the one she wanted, and Yuri smiled.

                “Alright, go take a seat and I’ll bring it to you in a minute.”

                “How much?”

                “Nothing, all you have to do is sit and talk to me” Yuri smiled, as Jessica nodded and walked to a table in the corner.  Jessica sat their anxiously going over in her head what not to say to the human girl. “Here you go~!” Yuri chirped as she sat down in front of Jessica, sliding the smoothie over towards her.

                “Thanks, its actually really good” Jessica said taking another sip as Yuri sat with a proud smile on her face. “I can’t stay for long, I have an appointment tonight” Jessica applauded herself for the lie.

                “Okay okay, how about you come eat lunch with me tomorrow? Does one sound okay?” Yuri smiled standing up from the table.

                “That’s a little early” Jessica groaned, scratching her head.


                “Yeah don’t you ever sleep?”

                “Well of course I do”

                “Clearly not” Jessica scoffed, then regretting her decision to get angry over waking up. Why would a normal person not be up by one?

                “So you’re sleeping beauty now” Yuri said trying to be smooth, Jessica choked on her smoothie. “Alright, see you then princess” Yuri smiled going back to work.

                “YA” Jessica yelled after her.


Tiffany crossed her arms as she waited near the woods; she was early for her shift to start. She walked up to a tree breaking a branch off; she smiled as she exercised her power burning the branch to ash. She giggled happy she could know control it as much as she good, she felt she could finally make everyone proud. Tiffany started to hum to pass the time as the night goes darker; she passed back in forth through her area she had to protect. She heard a noise from the woods; she turned to face the direction the noise came from. She felt a hand cover pulling her towards the forest. She was pinned against a free, the hand still covering .  She clenched her eyes not wanting to see her attacker; she began to try to heat her body up. The attacker jumped back being quiet and Tiffany fell to the ground in shock.

                “It’s okay I won’t hurt you” She heard a female voice; Tiffany felt hand on her cheek. Tiffany opened her clenched eyes, looking upon the girl. The girl had a cute face, and bangs that slightly parted. Tiffany could tell she was taller than the girl, she began to think how she could overtake her but her body wasn’t cooperating. “I’m Kim Taeyeon, please stay quiet I will be back in a minute. Please, promise you’ll stay.” Taeyeon’s eyes begged Tiffany; Tiffany nodded still unable to get over the shock. Taeyeon smiled slightly as she began to fade away.

Tada, i wrote again, and its so much better than the last chapter so woot~ Haha hope you all like it, i love you all ^^


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)