

Yoona stood still in the same place thinking over what to do; she wasn’t sure what was right. All she had been told was how terrible the elites were, but now she had a hard time believing anything. All she knew was her chest felt heavy at the sight of Seohyun being dragged off. Yoona ran towards the direction of the government building hoping she would reach there to warn the others about Seohyun, and what might happen to them. She saw a red haired girl running towards her, Yoona stuck out her arm to stop the girl in her tracks. Tiffany felt something hit her chest, automatically triggering her heat the arm pulled away as Tiffany heard someone wince in pain.

                “You’re Yoona right!?” tiffany asked clearly still panicked from the whole ordeal with Taeyeon. Yoona held her arm which now was burnt; Tiffany had managed to go through her jacket.  “Oh my, I’m sorry” Tiffany pouted hoping Yoona wouldn’t hate her.

                “They have Seohyun, I don’t know where they could have taken her. I want you to try to get all of the elites out of the city.” Yoona warned, she couldn’t give too much information away as she still had to be loyal to her job.

                “What, why would they capture her”

                “You can’t ask questions, because I can’t give answers”

                “I swear to god if you hurt her, or anyone of you hurt her” Tiffany said clenching her teeth, she turned away running to where she knew Jessica was taking Taeyeon. Tiffany knew she had to try to get everyone out of there, she knew Seohyun would find a way to protect herself in the meantime.

Jessica walked Taeyeon to the edge of the woods, looking over her shoulder every five minutes to see if anyone was following.

                “You know what to do, right kid?” Jessica crossed her arms.

                “I’m not a kid. I just haven’t been out in the field that much” Taeyeon scratched her neck, Taeyeon sensed someone coming. All of a sudden a random tree began to approach them, Taeyeon looked at Jessica. Jessica raised her eyebrow, was she dreaming? The tree all a sudden transformed into Taeyeon’s long-time pal Sooyoung. 

“Sooyoung!”  Taeyeon yelled with a smile. Sooyoung patted Taeyeon’s head clearly making light of the height difference.

                “Shape shifter?” Jessica slightly tilted her head to the right studying Sooyoung. Sooyoung looked at the girl who had just spoken confused.

                “Who are you?”

                “Jessica Jung” Jessica said glaring towards the tall girl. Jessica waved to Taeyeon and rolled her eyes as she walked off she had done what Tiffany had asked of her.

Tiffany made it too the woods where she thought they might be, she looked around seeing if she may have missed them. It seems Jessica was a little faster than Tiffany gave her credit for. Tiffany took a deep breath as she took her first step in the forest; she closed her eyes steadying herself as she ventured further.

                “Who are you, and why is your hair like that” She heard a male voice and stopped in her tracks.

                “She’s one of the one of the elites” Another one yelled, she felt many people circle in on her. She closed her eyes trying to think of what to say, as she felt a sharp pain on the side of her head. 

Taeyeon turned to Sooyoung when they reached the camp.

                “We can’t go through with the attack” Taeyeon said trying to sound serious but I suppose it just came off as weak.

                “Taeyeon we all know you’re scared but seriously, we all need this. You know we can’t go on foraging for food and what about our safety? Are we safe? Just waiting for them to kill us?”  Sooyoung sighed running her hand through her hair.

                “Sooyoung I think Taeyeon is right” Taeyeon looked towards her friend Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon was the closest person to Taeyeon, they always have been and she part of the reason Taeyeon has never been out in the conflicts.

                “So you’re both ganging up on me?”

                “Sooyoung, we captured one of the elites” One of the other girls in their camp yelled out as they saw the red hair being dragged into the middle of them. The banished people began to surround the girl crowding together just to catch a glimpse of her.

                “Tiffany” Taeyeon looked towards the girl, suddenly feeling brave as she pushed the guys away from the beautiful girl. Taeyeon held Tiffany up, and faced Sooyoung.  “This is why we can’t do it, because we’re not them. Trust me they’re not even what we think they are, it’s the government” Taeyeon yelled fed up with all the violence that day, she walked Tiffany over to her home. Tiffany winced in pain as she entered the little shack, Taeyeon sat her on the slightly uncomfortable bed but it was the best she had.  Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany moving her hair away from her face.

                “Taeyeon” Tiffany tried to smile, but ended up crying as she did so. Taeyeon nodded and smiled back and began to look for bandages. “You saved me again” Tiffany laughed as she wiped her tears.

                “Don’t worry I think we are even by now” Taeyeon smiled brightly, pulling out the bandage and wiggled it in front of Tiffany. Tiffany giggled at the girl trying to cheer her up allowing her to place the bandage on the wound on her forehead. “You might have black eye, but over all I think you’ll live” Taeyeon poked her nose immediately cursing herself for the action.

                “Why do you have all this medical equipment in your house?” Tiffany asked looking around to remove the awkward atmosphere.

                “Oh part of the reason I’ve never been involved in the fights is, well I guess I’m the resident doctor in the camp” Taeyeon smiled putting away the garbage.

Jessica walked down the street unaware of the danger that was around. She saw Yuri’s café and knew she should apologize for earlier. She opened the door walking towards the counter greeted by a shorter girl.

                “Hello I’m Sunny, I’m server for today!” she said excitedly causing Jessica to cringe.

                “Hi, is Yuri here?”

                “Yup just one second~!” She smiled and quickly ran to get Yuri. Yuri came out with flour on her face, and god knows what on her clothing. She blushed seeing Jessica, she walked over trying to look semi presentable now. 

                “Hey princess” she smiled looking down at her feet.  Jessica laughed looking at the messy Yuri.

                “I’m sorry about earlier, just a lot of issues” She smiled lightly tempted to wipe the flour of Yuri’s cheek.

                “Would you like to help me make some pastries for the shop?” Yuri asked pointing towards the kitchen; Jessica smiled following Yuri into the kitchen.  Yuri smiled at Jessica passing her a bowl with a spoon in it.  “Our mixer broke, I suppose you’ll have to be it” She winked leaving Jessica to try to mix the dough. Jessica struggled trying to mix it; she felt a hand on hers and looked up see Yuri. Yuri smiled at her as they worked together to mix the tough dough.

                “YURI” Sunny yelled running into the kitchen.

                “What” Yuri yelled jumping away from Jessica, Jessica giggled at the antics.

                “There are men here, they’re asking if Jessica Jung is here and they showed me a picture of your friend” Sunny asked. Jessica thought to herself wondering why they’d be after her, she looked towards Yuri with a worried face.

                “I’ll be right there” Yuri smiled. “Jessica I’m assuming something’s wrong. Explain after I get rid of them.” Yuri smiled walking out. Jessica panicked she wondered why all this was happening, everything should be fine Taeyeon was out of the city they did what they were supposed to. Jessica crouched to the floor, running her hands through her hair. Yuri walked back into the kitchen looking at Jessica on the floor; she crouched in front of her.

                “They’re gone, now tell me why government officials are looking for you”


Well Hey there hope your holiday time was good :D haha, well another chapter done. hope you all are enjoying it still. 


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)