

“Have you guys stopped talking yet” Yoona sighed as she walked into a room filled with blushing faces. “Have I missed something” She looked towards Seohyun who avoided her gaze.

                “I really need to stop reading Yuri” Seohyun placed her hand on her forehead regretting ever deciding it was a good idea to read their minds. Jessica looked at Yuri putting her hand up to smack the girl.

                “Stop thinking now she knows!”

                “How was I supposed to know she can read minds?” Yuri grabbed Jessica hand to avoid being hit. Tiffany nudged Seohyun curious to what she now knew about the normally secretive Jessica. Seohyun leaned in whispering about how she knew of the kisses Jessica and Yuri had shared. Tiffany looked up, making eye contact with Jessica.

                “Glad to know your happy” Tiffany winked standing up, getting ready to run away from Jessica.

                “WE’RE NOT DATING” Jessica yelled trying to go after Tiffany but Yuri held her back. Taeyeon looked at everyone confused; this was the kind of people Tiffany hung out with? Tiffany opened the door to be greeted with a smirking Hyoyeon.  Taeyeon glared at the girl hoping she didn’t want to join in on this embarrassment fest. “Who are you” Jessica yelled as Hyoyeon stepped into the room stopping Tiffany from leaving.

                “I’m Hyoyeon.” She saved smiling at everyone. “Okay now that my introduction is over. Sooyoung wants to speak with you all. So I think you all should get your emotions in check.”

                “I don’t know what you’re talking about” Taeyeon tried defending everyone.

                “Okay well in other words. Everyone just date for god’s sake.” Hyoyeon smiled as she held the door for everyone to exit. Yuri followed behind the group she wondered why none of this was freaking her out. She looked towards Jessica trying to think of how the girl wasn’t just like her. But she knew all the people within this camp had the ability to kill her faster than she could even blink.

                “Yoona, I did as you asked, it seems like we have less time than we thought” Sooyoung sighed sitting down in a chair, as everyone sat as well. “Wait you’re the human right” Sooyoung pointed at Yuri. Yuri’s eyes widened as she nodded not sure of what to do. Sooyoung smirked looking towards Seohyun whose brain was already hard at work with constructing a plan.

                “If you don’t mind my input, but I think I have plan” Seohyun stood up, Sooyoung smiled knowing she was right about the feeling she had for Seohyun.

                “So I was right you are the brain. Go ahead”

                “Well from the information you gathered today, yes sorry for reading your mind. We need to start moving tonight, knowing my father your threat caused him to want to get this done with quick. We need to disrupt his power, show that we all have the control he lacks. Yuri the only human here can go to the news outlets; this will reach to other cities close to our own so if we need help we’ve reached it. But that’s not what needs to happen first, that’s our back up. Taeyeon is our best bet here, she can go in undetected.”

                “I’ll do it” Taeyeon smiled awkward as she stood up ready to take the task Seohyun would give her.

                “Great, I’m going to give you important information on how to crash the computers in the labs.” Taeyeon nodded knowing she had to wait till after the plans were made. Seohyun took a breath closing her eyes thinking of what else to do.

                “Sooyoung, this is the most dangerous job. Can you pretend to be my father, although you have not seen him?” Seohyun looked at the now shocked girl, Seohyun knew this was going to be hard. Seohyun closed her eyes trying to stretch her power, she tried to inject Sooyoungs mind with the images of her father that she could remember.

                “Woah” Sooyoung said as she felt Seohyuns memories of her father come into her mind. Seohyun fell back into her chair; Yoona looked towards the weak girl.

                “I’m okay, Sooyoung did it work?”

                “Of course it did our leader” Sooyoung smiled as Seohyun opened her eyes to see the image of her father.  “Seohyun you’re a great leader, don’t let what this guy or anyone else says about you. Use that brain of yours.”


Seohyun is leading~! Taeyeon finally has a big roll to fill, everyone else will have rolls soon don't worry. They need to stay very secretive, luckily Yuri is there if anything blows up in their face. 


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)