What I Now Know


“We just received an official document confirming the death of Seo Juhyun” Yoona passed the document to the assistant trying to stay calm. Yoona had just faked Seohyun’s death, she wasn’t sure if they would believe this but it was the best she could do to buy Seohyun sometime.

                “What about the others” President Seo raised his eye brow as the assistant studied the documents.

                “We know that the other two missing elites have not been seen in the city. As we all know the situation with the banished subjects, they would not stand for any of the elites to be near them. It’s safe to assume they’re dead.” Yoona said monotonously as she walked back towards her chair in the corner. Yoona hoped that they believed the documents; Seohyun had used her photographic memory to forge the signature of one of the head lab technicians.  Yoona sat focusing on her on her anxiety; she was too lost in thoughts to listen to plan President Seo was building.

                “The problem of how to execute all the other mutants has been solved by our lovely tech team” A proud official stood up handing a carefully sealed vile to the assistant. Yoona lifted her head having just broken away from her thoughts.  The assistant whispered to President Seo, and Yoona made sure to study the facial expression of the sick President. He smirked uncrossing his arms; he stood tall with confidence even though he wasn’t the tallest man.

                “Everyone this solution is all we could hope for. Non-violent” He smiled taking the vile from the assistant. President Seo tuck the vile into his pocket, he grabbed the bullet from his same pocket show casing it to everyone in attendance. “This is the last time we have to use such” he paused staring at the bullet, as he rolled it around in his hand.  “Barbaric methods of war, I welcome all of you here to the new age” He placed the bullet down on the desk in front of him; he smiled once again showing off his charm. He patted his pocket where the vile had been placed. “This time silence is our weapon, they’ll never see it coming. All they need to do is take a breath” He said with a smile sending chills down Yoonas spine. Yoona gulped knowing that this was some kind of violation against the rules that were set in place when city Seventeen had been formed. Yoona shook her head knowing her thought was silly, how did they get rid of all the animals that were attacking the cities. She sighed knowing the answer was similar to that of what will happen to the banished elites. The elites were nothing but wild animals to the government, and there was no room for anything wild.


Yoona walked down the street looking up upon the screens that were showing a smiling President reinforcing his message in humble ways. She looked at all the civilians rushing around trying to get to where they need to be in they’re busy lives. Yoona never once had questioned her upbringing in the city; she understood that everyone had a place in making the city become great. She tucked her cold hands into the pocket of her jacket as she tried to stop herself from thinking any longer. Yoona’s dream job was to become an official, serve the government that she had idolized as a young kid. Now she understands that’s exactly what they want is for her and everyone else to idolize the government, to not question how things are. Yoona opened the door to her apartment seeing a smiling Seohyun in front of her. Yoona walked past Seohyun as she made her way to the bedroom. Seohyun followed the girl confused as to why she was acting this way.

                “Yoona” Seohyun mumbled trying not to be a bother. Seohyun knew this situation must be hard on Yoona, to be truthful this whole time Seohyun has snuck little glance into Yoona’s thoughts andmemories. She knew if Yoona would know too much her world would seem to crumble, Seohyun didn’t want that for Yoona because Seohyun knew all too well just how much it could hurt.

                “You’re officially dead” Yoona said as she s her top, wanting to remove anything that reminded her of her terrible job. Seohyun looked towards the window avoiding the changing girl.

                “I suppose I got what I wanted? Although it feels weird, the only person I’m really alive to is you.” Seohyun sighed leaning against the door frame. Yoona smiled at Seohyun, although Seohyun didn’t buy it. “You don’t have to smile I know how complicated and impossible this must seem to regular citizens.”

                “I think I accepted that this is real the moment I allowed myself to wonder about you” Yoona mumbled as she plopped down on her bed. “Seohyun, they’re planning something big”

                “What do you mean?”

                “The weapons they had you prepare, although you deleted them what were they?” Yoona asked as she closed her eyes picturing the sick smile of the President. Seohyun was taking by surprize as she walked towards the bed wondering why Yoona was asking.

                “Well they were mostly energy. How should I say this to simplify things? Almost stun guns but imagine if they contained the power of some elites have.” Seohyun sighed hoping that was the answer Yoona was looking for.

                “Nothing in the form of a chemical?”

                “Chemical weaponry is against the law set, after the big chemical leaks that lead to the forming of Seventeen and many other cities.”

                “How did they get rid of the mutated animals that happened because of those leaks? That’s why the city was formed; it has all the necessary components to protect us from them.”

                “They released a special chemical that would only affect that of which had previously been exposed to the other chemical”

                “So do you honestly think they wouldn’t do that again? Only instead of animals it was something more human” Yoona sighed sitting up looking at Seohyun, Yoona watched as Seohyun walked towards her. Seohyun sat close to Yoona sighing as she reached for Yoona’s hand.

                “You’re smarter than how you appear. But stop protecting me with all this word play.” Seohyun smiled already knowing what was happening. Yoona looked in Seohyun’s already tear eyes and thought to herself. Seohyun don’t die, how can I stop this attack from happening.


                “Yuri wake up” Jessica poked the dark haired girls forehead. Yuri lifted her head from Jessica’s shoulder smiling silently trying to hide her embarrassment. “You ask to watch movies with me, but you fall asleep?”

                “Sorry, I haven’t been able to sleep recently” Yuri scratched her head, as she sat up yawning.

                “Why is that?”

                “Honestly, I keep thinking something is going to happen to you.” Yuri looked into Jessica’s eyes. Jessica pressed pause leaning towards Yuri, with a smile.

                “Honestly I think I can protect myself” Jessica winked freezing Yuri’s half empty drink. Yuri pouted nodding her head knowing Jessica was right. “But thank you, for everything”

                “What can I say I’m er for beautiful blonde girls?”


                “And they’re name must be Jessica”

                “That’s odd”

                “Jessica Jung to be exact” Yuri smiled as she noticed Jessica was blushing in front of her. Jessica shook her head; Yuri smiled at the cute action. Jessica stuck out her tongue as leaned more towards Yuri. Jessica leaned further shocking the dark haired girl, Jessica smiled as she gently kissed the girl. Jessica jumped up from the couch with a proud smile. Yuri sat shocked, with a dorky grin as she realized what happened.

                “Good to know”

                “What is?”

                “I now know how to shut you up”


Tada~ how was that?


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)