Losing Control


President Seo sat in his office reading over the results his daughter had taken. He sighed leaving back in his chair; he clenched his fist trying to control his anger. The results had come up perfectly normal; he knew that all his work could fall apart if anyone ever came across this. The elites wouldn’t function if they knew they were the same as the people they had to kill. He slammed his fist on his desk hoping Juhyun hadn’t tested many people by now; he picked up the phone advising his assistant to call off the testing. He stood up from his chair walking over to the window, looking down on the city. How would the population react if they ever found the news of the government project? How would the elites react when they know the truth of why they’re still here? He tucked his hand in his pocket, pulling out a single bullet he keeps in his pocket as a reminder. He viewed himself as a gun and his control was his bullet. He could tear anyone down, and you better know he could make you disappear. He stared at the bullet rolling it around in his hands; he remembered quite well how he had got the bullet.

A young President Seo stood anxiously in his new lab, it was one of his first weeks as the president and he wanted to make a lasting impression. His first ruling was something that everyone would love to have, and only movies had ever created before. He wanted his army to be super human, that way his power could build. After the news of the chemical leak when he was a boy, he always dreamed of leading the weak people that allowed it to happen. He passed the papers to the lab technician, with a smirk on his face.

                “I hope you will meet my requests, this nation will be powerful again. Seventeen will be the leading city of the nation” He laughed looking towards the new computers. “One day” he said leaving the technician. The lab worked night and day trying to come up with the right chemical concoction, once it finally happened president Seo became over joyed. In his joy he left his good thoughts behind, he didn’t care of the risks this may cause to the people. He quickly ordered the study to be done, and if no one would volunteer he was ready to send the officials to collect. Many were children stolen from their families, and some were teenagers that lacked sense. President Seo even sacrificed his own daughter for his selfish needs, but he saw no harm in the deed. After the injections were done several had died off, and those who lasted the month dealt with severe bouts of anger and pain. The powers were tested daily; the needles they received were endless. President Seo even recalls when a young red haired girl cursed him for being a tyrant. He laughed at everyone’s criticism he was the President after all, and he knew once his army was put in place they would have to respect him. Then the final day of testing everything turned around for him the new army that he wanted so bad had him in one of the bouts of anger. One thousand elites charged the officials desperate for freedom from the harsh treatment. The officials brought their weapons to the fight, many elites died in the battle. As the young Seo stepped into the area where the attack took place he saw a single bullet on the floor, he picked it up chuckling shoving it in his pocket.  The elites that didn’t die or didn’t even go through with the attack were shipped off into the surrounding woods. He expected them to starve or better yet kill each other, but that wasn’t the case. That’s when he sent out for them to pick up a hand full from the woods, and he made sure they were young at that.

President Seo laughs thinking about the past; he placed the bullet back into his pocket.

                “Sir, Juhyun would like to speak with you” His assistant had come back after relaying the message.

                “I suppose I should talk to the thing” He grumbled as he took off towards the guarded section of the building. There he saw Juhyun waiting patiently for him to enter into the elite’s home.

                “Father, I’m just wondering as to why you’d cancel the testing after being so adamant about them being done.”

                “Juhyun, you’re not here to know anything. You’re here to do as I advise, as is everyone in this city. Without me you wouldn’t be here, you should be thankful I keep you and this city alive” He said turning on his cocky attitude.

                “Father, I’m sorry I even thought to question your better judgement”

                “Juhyun, who said you, could call me that. I am President to you; you lost the right to be my daughter.” He said looking into Seohyun’s eyes. Seohyun smiled bowed to the president and walked off back into her faithful lab. She felt the tears slide down her cheeks, as she sat in her chair. She looked towards her screen, and swiped her finger across it deleting all the files she had taken that day. She tried to hold in the tears but they just continued to fall.

                “Seohyun” She heard a stern voice, she just slouched more in her chair not wanting anyone to see her tears. “Thanks for putting the room together for me last night, I will be leaving now that the testing has been called off” That’s when she knew it was Yoona. Doesn’t even have the decency to look at me, doesn’t she know I’m in charge of her. Seohyun stood from her chair walking up towards Yoona.

                “I would enjoy it very much if you would leave, don’t thank me you should thank yourself after all you’re in control of me right? You do everything the President wants, and you think you’re entitled to assume you’re better than me? Oh would you like me to thank you for the freedom you all have given us? The freedom that keeps us encaged in this building. I believe you need a brain to even begin to fathom what I’ve been through to allow you to have your comfy job as the officials, I didn’t choose to be like this nor did most of us in the elites.” Seohyun spilled out all the words she could fit in before breaking down some more. Yoona stood shocked, feeling sorry for her thoughts. Just leave, please leave, Yoona stepped back hearing the voice in her head. Seohyun looked up at Yoona, “Did I just enter your mind, I’m sorry. That’s never happened before I can’t speak in people’s minds; it’s not something I can do. I can’t do this, what’s happening” Seohyun began to panic; she felt her head lighten up. She knew she was about to faint, she grabbed Yoona’s wrist as she lost consciousness. Seohyun had been forced into a corner, and simply lost control. 

Hopefully next chapter will finally be the Tiffany one, i just need to explain a lot and that is hard to do. I wasn't really in a writing mood, but i had to get this done. I know this chapter lacks, although i think it did a great job getting into the mind of the President.


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)