New Way To Hide


Tiffany woke up walking into the center of the camp where she saw Taeyeon. Taeyeon waved like a dork at the approaching Tiffany, and left the group she was talking with.

                “Morning” Taeyeon smiled looking down at her hands.

                “Morning, you left early this morning” Tiffany said smiling brightly.

                “Yeah I promised I would help Sooyoung with getting lookouts set up” Taeyeon said as she fixed her hair, feeling awkward.

                “Taeyeon I really need to ask something”

                “Sure what is it?”

                “Would you mind not telling anyone where I’m going?” Tiffany asked as she grabbed Taeyeon’s hand walking away from where all the people were.

                “Tiffany you can’t go back in there if what you think is right.” Taeyeon tried to convince Tiffany.

                “Well I have to go see if they know anything more, I need to know how my friends are” Tiffany said getting angry. “You won’t be able to stop me; I’m going because I can’t sit here and not know what’s going on anymore”

                “I’ll go”


                “I’ll go, I can be invisible I’ll try to hold out longer than last time.” Tiffany sighed as she looked at Taeyeon.


                “So you stay here, I’ll be back.  I’ll look for the Ice one; I know what she looks like.” Taeyeon said grabbing Tiffany’s hand.

                “No one is going anywhere.” Hyoyeon walked over to the two girls. Taeyeon pulled her hand away from Tiffany as Hyoyeon smiled. “Unless you’re going back into Taeyeons house, in that case I’ll keep my distance for a few hours” Hyoyeon winked at Taeyeon as she walked over taking both girls by the hand.

                “I’m not going anywhere I’m going to check on my friends” Tiffany said pulling her hand away. Tiffany was angry she was done with all this worry, she had to know what was going on and she needed to know now.

                “I swore I never would use my healing powers for bad, but hey when you need to induce a coma you can’t really argue” Hyoyeon smiled placing a hand on Tiffany’s shoulder. Taeyeon watched as the red head drifted to sleep, Hyoyeon looked at the confused girl. “Well are you going to carry her or not?”


“Are you just going to stay in the back of the kitchen all day” Yuri said walking into her cafés kitchen. Jessica nodded as she began to snack on some of the pastries Yuri had made. Yuri wagged her finger at Jessica as she walked over taking the pastry from her. She took a bite, and smiled at how well she did at making it.

                “So you can eat it, but I can’t?” Jessica groaned leaning against the wall. “Plus it’s not safe to be out in the open” Jessica stole the pastry back, enjoying it some more.

                “Well at least you’re here with me. Now that I know everything, I’m not sure if I’ll let you out of my sight” Yuri smiled taking the last bite of the pastry from Jessica hand. Jessica made a face wiping her slightly messy hand on Yuri’s shirt.

                “Where else would I go?” Jessica shrugged walking closer to Yuri trying to .

                “Well” Yuri thought getting nervous as Jessica got closer to her.  “Places?” She smiled awkwardly hoping that was a good answer.

                “Well right now I’m going to get another pastry” Jessica smiled as she leaned against Yuri reaching the pastries on the counter behind her. Yuri held her breath as she felt Jessica body against hers, she finally exhaled when she saw Jessica’s face in front of hers. Yuri chuckled making fun of her own reaction; Jessica stood confused but still stuffed her face. Yuri smiled ruffling Jessica’s hair going back out to serve customers. Sunny smiled as she saw the smiling Yuri walking towards the counter.

                “So you really like her don’t you?” She nudged Yuri as she winked. Yuri just smiled and nodded, as she made a coffee for a customer.

                “Look at you all shy and stuff, she’s done a number on the charming Kwon Yuri” Sunny smiled, she looked over and saw Jessica standing behind Yuri. She widened her eyes, and laughed as she went to give customers their orders.  Yuri turned around wondering why Sunny was acting so weird, there she saw Jessica. Every time she found herself looking at Jessica she just stood in awe, words stopped forming correct sentences and everything just stopped.

                “I just came to get a drink.” Jessica said pointing towards the cold drink fridge that was behind the counter. She rushed passed Yuri and began looking for the right drink. Yuri closed her eyes wondering how she could become such a dorky person. She leaned against the counter looking out at the customers trying to avoid contact with Jessica. She made eye contact with Sunny and saw her doing some weird action towards the door. Yuri turned and saw the official that was with the girl Jessica had called Yoona the other night. Jessica stood up unaware of the danger; Yuri grabbed her wrist turning Jessica around. Jessica looked at Yuri confused; Yuri leaned forward gently placing her lips on Jessica’s. Jessica’s eyes widened wondering why this dork was kissing her; Yuri placed her hands on Jessica waist. Yuri turned them to make sure the official wouldn’t catch any angle of the blonde’s face. Sunny walked up to the official trying to make small talk, she smiled awkwardly as she saw Yuri’s attempt at hiding Jessica.

                “Is your boss here? We’d like to speak with her again” The man said, Sunny smiled and shook her head thinking how much Yuri owes her for this.

                “Well as you can see I’m the only one working” She gestured to the couple who was still awkwardly locking lips.  “If you’d like I can give you a call when she’s around?” Sunny smiled as the man gave her card with the number.

Yuri pulled away from Jessica expecting some slap or some kind of bodily harm. Her hands still rested on Jessica’s waist, Jessica smiled at dark haired girl.

                “Well that’s definitely a way to hide”

This is my way of avoiding doing my five essays, so thank you all for being the reason.~ Trying to add in some cute stuff, because everything can't always be serious. I hope you're all still liking this~! 


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)