

  Tiffany stood on the balcony of the Government building, that building also being the tallest in the city probably to remind the citizens that they’re always looking over. Tiffany was not anything to do with the government; instead she viewed herself as a puppet that the leaders pull each and every way. The atmosphere turned colder as Jessica approached Tiffany.

                “Tiffany, we have to go on guard now” She said as simply as she could. Jessica's cold behaviour mimicked her special ability given by the chemical injected by the government. Tiffany slowly turned pointing her finger towards Jessica, lighting the tip of her pointer finger on fire.

                “Bang” She said smiling, trying to lighten Jessica's chilly mood. Jessica was the one with the most control over her special ability, although whenever something was wrong you knew she wasn’t focusing on hiding it.  “What did Seohyun say?” Tiffany leaned against the edge of the balcony.

                “Her father wants us to bring one of them back. I don’t even know if they’ll try to make into the city limits” Jessica groaned running her slender fingers through her blonde hair. “Come on lets go, it’s just you and me tonight. The other elites are watching their own sectors tonight” Jessica mumbled shoving her hands in her jacket packets.

Tiffany and Jessica made their way to the forest on the east side of the city. Tiffany felt her heart racing; her nerves were on high alert tonight. When they reached the forest, they stood there readying themselves for whatever may happen. Tiffany reached forward grabbing a branch of one of the nearby trees. She felt a sudden gust of wind, her red hair moving slightly.

                “Tiffany did you feel that?” Jessica said taking her hands from her pockets; the wind began to pick up just as Tiffany’s heart felt like it was going to burst. Before they had any time to react, Tiffany now found herself on the ground and a strange man standing where she once did. Tiffany looked up making eye contact with the man; he let out a little chuckle smiling as he approached her. Jessica once realizing the situation put her power to good use. The ice forming in front of their eyes is something Tiffany had still yet to get used to. Jessica grabbed the sharp icicle she had created lunging towards the man; Tiffany closed her eyes hating the next part.  Tiffany has been a part of the elites for some time, she still hasn’t witnessed any death, nor has she been a part of it.

                “God, Tiffany. Seriously this is enough I understood when it was the first month but it’s been a year! Pull yourself together; this is why we’re here. You could be one of the, those monsters. Do your job, and be glad you had a chance to survive” Jessica glared. Tiffany felt chills spread over her body, as she looked away from Jessica and the body. “Seohyun, we got one. Let’s get this guy out of here before anyone starts questioning.”


Back at the lab once Seohyun had received the body, she began to start her test. Seohyun was the daughter of the president. Although being the president’s daughter didn’t make her exempt from also being a part of the project. She feels the distance from her father now, deep inside she knows she is viewed just as he views the ones that have been banished. Seohyun shook the thought of her father viewing her as a monster off, but she knew she was only lying to herself. She looked at the data she had collected from the deceased man, what could her father possibly want from this? She sighed placing the data into a folder, waiting for a government official to pick it up. Seohyun was the brain behind the elites, this was mostly due to the face her power wasn't physical it was very much internal. The secret to Seohyun’s IQ is her photographic memory that has greatly been improved by the injections. Now all she needs to do is look at a page for a mere second before storing the information forever. There also is the added bonus of her ability to enter into people’s minds. Although her power can’t cause harm to people, it seems to be the only one people really get harmed over. She often finds herself pushed away because people fear her wandering through their thoughts and memories.

                “Excuse me your father sent me to retrieve the data he requested” Seohyun looked over towards the entrance to her lab. There stood a woman probably around the same age as her, whatever age that was. Ever since the injections, no one around her remembers much about their lives. The only reason Seohyun knows she’s the daughter of the president is because he passed the news to her.

                “Ahh yes” Seohyun passed the folder to the woman. “May I ask what your name is? I usually know all of the officials working here, but you must be new” She hardly even blinked as she focused on not entering the woman’s mind.

                “Im Yoona, nice too meet you” I can’t believe I’m working with the monsters. Seohyun had let her guard down allowing her to hear Yoona’s actual thoughts. Seohyun blinked before being a bit spiteful, entering into Yoona’s mind to try to find out more. “Well I’ll get going then” Weirdo. Yoona left like that leaving Seohyun alone, and that’s just how she liked it.

Seohyun called a meeting of the elites, and left Jessica to make sure they gathered. As the elites entered the room Seohyun clenched her fists trying not to break her promise to everyone in the room.

                “What did you have to say Seo” Jessica mumbled chewing on her gum. Tiffany stood in the corner, still afraid of almost everyone in the room.

                “My father would like us all to undergo testing, before you ask I must say I have no clue as to why.” Seohyun smiled lightly trying to ease everyone into the idea of more tests. Tiffany felt herself stiffen; last time during testing Tiffany lost four days. She has no clue what happened those four days, but those four days don’t scare her as much as the life time before now she doesn’t remember. Seohyun took a step back hearing everyone’s complaints inside her head; she had just broken her promises. “The testing will be done over the next few days on your own accord, make sure you make time to see me in the lab. Officials will be coming in and making sure this job gets done, you all should go get some rest now” The rest of the angry elites left, leaving Jessica and Seohyun alone.

                “We can’t keep pushing them”

                “I know”

                “Control is all we have.”

                “The sad thing is this control is what they want us to view as freedom” Seohyun said walking back to her lab, where she could let her brain rest. 


First chapter, and oh god i'm having such an easier time explaining this in third person. oh the endless possibilities ^^. I hope i didn't let anyone done, and you all enjoyed the first chapter, this is more of an explaining chapter, as the first chapters should be. Love you all~!


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 31: Wow good
i never thought i would actually like this story but you proved me wrong! i really enjoyed reading this. thank you for writing this story!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #3
Chapter 31: Dooooneee! This is so good!! Thank you!
Chapter 31: i like this, author.... wuhhuuu.... seohyun is leader :D
bye bye president seo!
Chapter 31: Awww that was new to read! Good story!,
Chapter 31: This is a beautiful story!! Well done author-ssi

Keep up the awesome work
Chapter 22: Maknae leading the troops!!! Yeah-ya!!
Chapter 21: Confession flying left and right. Hehe This is a very sweet chapter.
I am really enjoying this story!!
Btw where dis Yoona go during the last scene.
(Sorry for the typos during my last comment, i wanted to leave a comment and move to the next chap so bad that i didnt check what i wrote, hehe)