Chapter 36

Married to an Idol

Chapter 36

Jung Kook pulled Soyeon to the back of the bus as soon as the bus began to move. A small sigh of relief escaped his lips. To be honest, he didn't think they could make it. But they did. 

Soyeon scooted closer to the window to wave her dumbfounded friends goodbye. She was still giggling and Jung Kook can't help but to giggle along. Oh how much he missed her. Missed her smile, her melodic laughter, her cute shocked expression, her--

Wait what?

"The picnic basket!" She exclaimed and pulled Jung Kook closer to the window. Just where they had left them, six boys huddled together to peeked inside a very familiar looking picnic basket. The very same picnic basket he had borrowed from his manager.

"O'oh." He breathed.

"What are you going to do?" Soyeon asked frantically. Her hands was quick to the leather bag she was carrying and she took her smartphone out and searched through her contact list before finally deciding to call Chanyeol and tap the call button. "Hello?" She chuckled sheepishly to the person on the other line. 

"Yah, there's nothing left! Soyeon ate everything again!" Soyeon could here Xiumin whined in the background. Jeez this baozi.

Chanyeol put the phone on loud speaker and the boys immediately cleared their throat in an intimidating manner. "So you guys lied and left us behind." Chen said.

Soyeon half glared at Jung Kook as he tried to listen in to Soyeon's conversation. He was almost cheek-to-cheek with her. "I didn't know that I would be ditching you guys. It was all Jung Kook's idea!"

Soyeon could hear them clicked their tongue. "Tsk, who does he think he is? That jerk." Kris said.

"Well, you guys shouldn't follow me on my date in the first place!" Soyeon defended, slightly blushing at the word 'date'. Hihi.

"You know we just wanted to protect you." It was Suho's turn speak. His tone much gentler than the others. "So this is it huh? You chose your boyfriend over us?" He pretended to sulk.

"Okay now, tell us where you're going or you can say goodbye to the picnic basket." Chen commanded.

"I don't know where we're going. This is all Jung Kook's plan!"

"Then ask him, idiot." Suho rolled his eyes. 

Oh yeah. Soyeon mentally face palms herself at her stupidity. She turned to face Jung Kook as he gave her a glare. Is she serious about this? She really want her friends to our date?! He thought. His eye brows twitched, battling with his inner self whether to be stupid and give in to her or be selfish and have her all to himself for that day.

Of course he chose the latter because he knew Soyeon would choose to be with him too. He could tell from the reluctantness in her voice. Jung Kook deep gaze penetrates Soyeon's dark orbs, tring to send a hidden signal for her to choose her next words wisely - to either pick him or her friends.

"Where are we going?" She asked innocently, following her friends' order.



Wrong question, Soyeon.


"Not telling you." Jung Kook spat coldly.

Soyeon half-nodded at his answer with her bottom lips jutted out and she cupped her phone back onto her ear. "Guys, he wouldn't tell me."

"Well, tell him--"



Tooooot. Tooot. Toooot.  The line was disconnected.





Soyeon blinked her eyes at her smart phone which is now in Jung Kook's hand. She did not see that coming. And she also did not expect Jung Kook to seemed so... angry"What about your basket?" She asked as she tried to pull her phone out of Jung Kook's firm grasp.

"I don't care. I'll buy hyung a new one." He answered with the same monotonous tone. 



Gulp. He is mad.

Why is he mad? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? Soyeon went through her previous words in her head when it finally hit her. Those pleading gazes Jung Kook gave her while she was on the phone - he wanted us to be alone. Of course he would. He worked so hard for today.


Soyeon suddenly did not know what to do. She didn't know Jung Kook well. Unlike her friends, Soyeon knows very well how to handle them when they're in situations like this. She knew who liked it best to be left alone or who preferred the attention and wanted her to comfort them.

With Jung Kook, she couldn't tell. This is the first time she has ever seen him get mad and to be truthful, she never thought that Jung Kook is capable of getting mad because he is always smiling and she couldn't even imagine someone so adorable could get mad.


Jung kook is human afterall, of course he would get mad that his wife choose her friends over their first date. 

"I'm sorry." Soyeon was the first to brake the pregnant silence. "I'm new to all of this-- this whole dating thing you know." She admitted shamefully.

Jung Kook had to turn his back on her to kept her from noticing the scarlet blush on his cheeks as he bite the inside of his cheeks to prevent the small smile that tried to curl up his lips.

Realizing that Jung Kook wasn't about to give her any response, Soyeon hung her head low in guilt. Carefully, she pulled her phone out of Jung Kook's grasp again and this time, he lets go. He was annoyed and slightly mad at her before but as he cools down, he really couldn't stay mad at her any longer. Yes, she was wrong for being so senseless and naive but who knows what she's actually feeling. Maybe she didn't want her friends to tag along as much as he does but she's just so nice to people.

Jung Kook desperately wanted to tell her that it's alright and its not her fault but he wanted to be selfish right now. He eyed her through his peripheral vision and call him sadistic, he likes seeing Soyeon guilty-ridden and all nervous. So cute.

No, adorable.


Without realizing it, Jung felt heat rise up his cheeks again. Damn, why do I always blush when I'm around her? Not to mention that his heart was pounding hard and fast against his rib cage. He wasn't nervous or embarrassed. It's just an automatic reaction he had whenever he is around her - even before he found out that he likes her.

After a few minutes of silent and awkward ride - to Soyeon that is, Jung Kook enjoyed every moment of it - the bus came to a stop. Jung Kook had finally realized that he did not check where the bus was heading when they boarded it. But to his luck, it stopped several blocks away from where he meant to take Soyeon.

"It's our stop." Jung Kook said with a much softer tone. Soyeon did a little mental cheer, relieved that Jung Kook wasn't mad anymore. Soyeon followed Jung Kook and get off the bus. Some girls who were lining up to get on bus eyed Jung Kook suspiciously and Soyeon could see Jung Kook adjusting his cap and mask as he turned his body away from them.

The girls giggled and whispered something to each other. They sensed that he was a celebrity but couldn't be sure as they couldn't get a good look at him. Soyeon immediately distanced herself from Jung Kook. It's risky to get close to him. Even with him dressing up like this they could tell he is a star. What if they recognize him? Soyeon thought.

To her surprise, Jung Kook slid his hand and interlaced his fingers with her's. "It's okay." He said, giving her a reassuring smile behind his mask. "They don't know it's me."

"But what if they do?" Soyeon asked warily. She's afraid of the consequences he might face.

"What if they do?" Jung Kook repeated her question with a shrug. What if they do? Jung Kook repeated, this time asking himself the question. Would it be okay?




"Two adult tickets please." Jung Kook showed two fingers at the lady behind the ticket counter before retrieving some notes from his wallet and handed it to the lady. The lady smiled as she wished the couple an enjoyable trip. Working behind that booth, she must have said it over and over again. But does she really meant it?  


'Enjoy'. Can she truly meant what she said if she herself doesn't enjoy her time behind the booth?  Her smile says she's enjoying it but her eyes says otherwise.

Nonetheless Soyeon smiled in return. Not that she need to - because her lips is permanently curled upwards ever since Jung Kook pulled her into this humongous mall in Gangnam, Coex mall.


They had made up - although they didn't really get into a fight in the first place. No matter how many times Jung Kook assured her that he didn't blame Soyeon, Soyeon could not help but to profusely apologize to Jung Kook. Knowing how stubborn Soyeon is, Jung Kook lets her have her way by admitting that they did in fact get into a teeny tiny tinsy dispute and that he acknowledges Soyeon's apology.
Soyeon didn't know how much Jung Kook disagrees with that. If someone is to apologize, it should be him. But if both of them were to argue who was in the wrong here, the debate would never end. Jung Kook finally gave in to her and admit defeat. His wife is good with words and she's not the school representative for public speaking for no reason.


Soyeon was so happy and giddy that no matter how she tried to conceal her feeling by masking a nonchalant expression, her beautiful eyes gave it away as it lights up magnificently. Jung Kook sensed the mixed of emotion displayed on Soyeon's face. It's cute that she was trying to hide her excitement but remorseful all the same that the gleam of worry painted her face because Soyeon can't help but to worry about her idol husband. 

"Stop worrying, there's not many people around." Jung Kook assured her for the umpteenth time as he handed her a brochure he took from the brochure stand. "Plus, I have this mask on. No one can tell it's me."  He gave her a playful wink.

Seeing how happy Jung Kook is at the moment, Soyeon felt bad that her weariness might dampen the mood. "Urgh, fine. Just be careful." With a cute, curt nod Jung Kook lead the way into a world that he knew his wife would love. "Ahhhhhhh~" Soyeon squealed.


Cue to his new favorite sound in the world. Her adorable and content squeals.

Ever since their mini zoo trip , Jung Kook found out that Soyeon is an animal lover - fishes too apparently because her round eyes lights up like a child on Christmas morning and it brings joy to Jung Kook to watch over her. It's okay if he couldn't see the fishes and other sea animals, because the sole reason he brought Soyeon here is because he knew how much she would enjoy it.

"Look at these." Soyeon pointed to a display of crabs, both foreign and domestic. She watched everything intently as she read the information written on top of of the display case. It took her several minutes to go over the frogs and butterfly fish - and they haven't even got into the aquarium yet.

As they step further into the aquarium, both were amazed with the unique collection of features that can better be described as an art gallery. Everything was too amazing and should be captured with a camera - especially Soyeon's enthusiastic reaction. But to Jung kook's displeasure, he had forgotten his camera back at his dorm. Well, he remembered setting it aside last night, but completely pushed it to the back of his mind when he's anxiety got the best of him that morning.

With only the limited megapixel that his smart phone allowed, Jung Kook captured every moment of it nonetheless. There were not only fishes and penguins, monkeys and beavers were seen roaming around in specific areas. Jung Kook could not see the point to the addition of the animals but Soyeon was more than glad that she did not only visit an aquarium, but also a mini zoo.

Jung Kook was more than happy that he chose the right place for their first date. Soyeon seemed to like it very much. He can't lie however, that he's slightly jealous that the fishes, mammals and animals receive more attention than him. Hurmp. Am I that childish? Or is it because of her I became childish? Jung shook his head amusingly as he took a picture of Soyeon trying to communicate with a penguin.




As soon as the path narrows down to a dark hallway, Jung Kook knew that they were approaching the highlight of the day. Jung Kook tore his gaze away from the tank above his head to observe Soyeon's reaction. Her eyes sparkled in anticipation as her dark orbs took in the school of fishes swimming above them. The short walk under the tunnel ends when they finally came to a huge hall with a giant tank - the largest tank in the building - lining on on side.

The hall was dark, with only some spotlights illuminating from the corners of the room and from the bright fluorescent lamp glowing from inside the aquarium. Countless number of fishes swirled around to counter the predators of the ocean. Sharks and stingray swam all the same, through beautiful selection of corals.

Soyeon found a bench just in the middle of the almost empty hall and took a seat. She sighed in relaxation at finally being able to rest her tensed muscles. Even amidst the dark hall, the sparkles and glows in Soyeon's eyes never seemed to fade. "Beautiful isn't it?" She asked, when Jung Kook took a seat next to her.

Jung Kook wasn't sure what was more beautiful at the moment; the beautiful ocean view or Soyeon. If he were to be honest, he would choose the latter - but his head went ahead of him and he nodded in agreement."It is."

They sat in silence side by side, admiring the beauty before them. Until Jung Kook had to answer nature's calling that is. He excused himself from Soyeon and make his way to the men's toilet. Just as he stepped in, a familiar female walked closer to Soyeon. The older woman squinted her eyes in the dark and scrutinize Soyeon's small figure.


"Soyeon?" The elder called out.

Not sure how she could tell that it was Soyeon in the dark. Perhaps by her small curvy figure, or by her lengthy flowy locks or maybe, because Soyeon has always have this attractive air around her that only she possesses.

Soyeon turned to face the caller. "Sunbae?" She smiled and stood up from the bench. 

Minhee walked closer towards Soyeon and gave the petite hoobae a warm hug. "Can't believe I bumped into you here!" 

"Are you here alone, sunbae?" Soyeon asked as she returned the hug.

"No, I'm with a friend. He just went to the toilet awhile ago. What about you?" Minhee asked as her eyes scanned the area for an unknown person. "Wait, don't tell me... that you're on a date?!" She held up her hand to ruffled Soyeon's hair. Noticing Soyeon's blush, Minhee knew she was right. "Lee Soyeon has finally found herself a boyfriend? I can't believe it! Where is he? Who is he? Do I know him?" She threw Soyeon those multiple questions before scanning the area again - this time for any familiar face at all.

Minhee's eyes finally landed on Soyeon again and she gave her an expectant gaze. Soyeon diverted her eyes away so that Minhee couldn't see the blush on her cheeks or the fact that she was fidgety and nervous. Minhee didn't fail to notice her change in expression, her lips nibbling, her cute jittery dance and her fingers playing with the diamond ring of a necklace she wore around her neck.

Minhee subsconciously let her eye lingers on the ring for awhile. She could hear the wheels in her head turning as she tried to recall where she had seen the familiar ring before. No, it wasn't that she has seen any ring like it before - but perhaps the way that it is hung around her neck, it reminds Minhee of someone.



"Err... actually..." Soyeon began, cutting Minhee's thoughts.



Tap. Tap. Tap.

Soyeon turned as she heard the familiar sound of a footstep. It's weird how she could tell it was Jung Kook just from the sound of his footsteps. It almost seemed like she's obsessed with her husband to the point of being able to recognize his footsteps. But that was not on the top of Soyeon's concern at the moment. Jung Kook was yet to wear his mask and he's slowly approaching Soyeon and their school ex-sunbae.


Jung Kook was walking slowly with his brows furrowed as he stare at something in his hand. He didn't seem to notice his surrounding as he let his feet bring him to the spot he came from.



Jung Kook huffed at the dark mask in his hand. He was never a fan of wearing one because it is too hot and stuffy for his liking. Oh how he wished he could walk out of the toilet as a normal person without the mask on. He could if he wanted to but how could he explain to the nation if pictures of him caught with a girl is out in the media? I can't risk to let Soyeon get hurt.

Funny. Just weeks ago, all that was in his mind was his career. His dreams. His future. Now that he knew that there is someone else that is more important than himself, he wanted to protect her with all of his might. If they were caught together, Jung Kook doesn't mind the attention he will get from the media, scolding for the company or the anguish from his fans. But he wouldn't forgive himself if Soyeon received hatred from fans and netizens. He won't let even a single negative comment hurt her.


Because Jung Kook knows all too well how a small comment typed away on a computer by an anonymous stranger could hurt people.


Soyeon should not experience the same pain. She doesn't deserve it.

Jung Kook shivered as the thought left him. He didn't realize that he was too deep in his thoughts until he was already by Soyeon's side. "You didn't wait for long did you?" He asked, his voice slightly muffled as he put his mask on. Jung Kook knitted his brows when he received no answer from Soyeon before realizing that someone else is with them.


Minhee rounded her eyes at Jung Kook when the latter turned his full attention towards her. "Jung Kook?" Minhee did not realize that she wasn't breathing since the moment Jung Kook walk over to them with the mask halfway secured on his face. The smile Jung Kook flashed at Soyeon knocked the breath out of Minhee. Jung Kook used to flash her those same smiles all the time. But this time, it was directed to someone else.

Minhee also didn't fail to notice the major element that differentiate the smile Jung Kook gave her, and the one he gave to Soyeon.

The smile Jung Kook gave Minhee lack affection and the one he gave Soyeon was only meant for her.



Author's Note

O'oh. Minhee found out. What do you think she would do? What would she say?

Okay, I have a problem. Not a problem really, but it bugs me a lot.
I'm not sure what font should I use. I like this font, yet I don't mind the simple ones. If I were to stick with this font, what size should it be? I'm using 16, but it's too small for desktop version. But if I were to use 18, it would be too big on mobile.
So which would you prefer?

Also, I'm thinking of starting a new story. It's interesting and somewhat new so I would love to give it a try. Would you read it?

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Thank you!


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 41: It’s so nice to read this story again
PiKai_chu #2
Chapter 41: I love this story so much. why didn't i found this story sooner. v.v hmmm
keep doing good works authornim xD
Now that i've finished the story I'd like to know how Jungkook told his fans he was dating, no, married.
ritonatu #4
Chapter 41: i love this,,,, too much tbh
Chapter 41: At first it seems like a common story, arranged marriage, they fall in love with each other. Sure, this is same. But it's more well written than usual. Their love progress is not choppy, and you solved everything at the end.
But i don't understand L.Joe's character means. Is he supporting cast? Or is he just a cameo? It seems like he and his sister is there, but not there too. Like he seems important but he's not important.
But overall it's a great written BTS fanfic, despite it's common main plot. Great job!
zSecretz #6
Chapter 41: What a well-written fanfic, good job!!!
kawaii_anime1004 #7
Chapter 41: This is seriously one of my favorite book! I love the way they interact and how cute this story is! Thank you for an awesome book!!
HakitarunEka #8
Chapter 41: OK... I am done reread this story for..... herrmm.. I even don't remember it...I keep coming here when I feel want to read something good... and this story is the best ever... I'll anticipate if you make another story... thank u,author-nim...
princessswan #9
Chapter 41: I reread this whole story again and I still love it just as much as the first time I read it!! It is SOOO hard to find such amazing stories.. especially one with my bby Jungkook as the main, so THANK YOU SO MUCH dear author! I LOVEEE this to pieces. Hope to see you write other ones with him in the future!! :3 <3
Chapter 41: Awee this was so cute!! I loved it <3
...waiting for those extra chapters now.