Personal Assistant - It's Not a Big Deal, Right?

Oppa, I Hate You! [오빠,난 니가 싫어!]

I’m waiting. Waiting for a reply from Manager Kang.


I know it’s quite late at night now. But I really need it. I don’t want to see Rachel’s cry anymore. And also, I don’t want to be a huge burden for her.


“Hello?” Finally, he did pick up my call! I’m really excited now~


“Hello, Manager Kang-shhi. It’s me, Yoon Dae-mi. I don’t know if you’re still remem-“


He quickly snapped my sentences. “Ah yes, yes! Of course I’m still remembering you. You’re quite special. The only girl who is braves enough to fight against uri Zelo.”


I let out a chuckle. Then, I look to Rachel. Satisfied that she’s not awake with my chuckle, I continue to the main point – the reason why I called him this late.


“Manager Kang, firstly I’m really sorry because call you at the late of night. Actually I’ve just made my mind. I’m going to accept your offer. But, is the position still empty?” I expressed my worry.


I’m really worried if I can’t get this job…


“Don’t worry, Miss Yoon. The position as B.A.P’s PA is still open for you! I really hope that you’ll accept it so I’m already reserved it for you.” He laughs loud and it did hurt my eardrum a little bit. Well, I guess this job will be easy?


A reminder to myself; don’t ever think a job will be an easy one.


Because it is really not an easy job. It’s a hard job indeed.


Now I’m in the training room, shortly after being shown the way by Manager Kang, who was already wait for me in front of TS Entertainment building. He looks very gentled plus excited to introduce me to all B.A.P’s members.


This is the hardest step to go through.


“Annyeonghaseyo, choneun Yoon Dae-mi imnida. Nice to meet you.” I bowed 90 degree in front all of the members – include Zelo. I can sense his eye is looking at me with a death glare.


“Well, well~ You guys are extremely lucky today because we’ll be getting a young yet energetic personal assistant-to-be! Well, eottae? Agree to have Miss Yoon as your PA’s?” Manager Kang asks all the B.A.P members with a broad smile.


There’s a lot of reaction that I get from all B.A.P members.


“Nice to meet you here~ I’m Kim Himchan, omma in B.A.P” He gives out a beautiful smile that will easily charm the girls out there. And he is the ‘omma’? That’s hilarious!


“Hey~ Can I just call you as Dae-mi? I don’t like to be so formal. I’m Jung Daehyun and I’m in vocalist position with him!” He said to me in a friendly tone and he’s even grabs neck of the other vocalist beside him.


“Yaa, Jung Daehyun! You don’t have to grab my neck! You’re choking me, y’know? Well, hi Dae-mi! I’m Yoo Youngjae~ But you can call me as ‘oppa’ rather than Youngjae-sshi. That’s sounds much better! Hihi~” Wow…it seems he’s really straight-forward in his sentences..


“Ne, arasseo. Annyeong Youngjae oppa~” I smiled. It’s never been a thing like this could make me feel want to smile. But surprisingly, it does.


“It’s now my turn now right hyung? Wait! We had met, isn’t it? You’re the girl who get mad at the airport week ago right?” His eyes sparkle and shine - as he gets a jackpot – looks towards my eyes.


Our eyes met each other. Suddenly I had butterflies in my stomach.


“Ne, it is.” I turn my head as to avoid his gaze. “I’m the one who made you guys surprise at that time. I’m so sorry.”


“Well, you shouldn’t have to apology for it.” He chuckles. And that’s the nicest chuckles I’ve heard… “I’m Moon Jongup and my position in this group is dancer.” He gives me an angelic smile of his.


Will he be my first love? Perhaps?


“Hello, Miss Yoon. I’m Bang Yongguk and I’m the leader in this group.” He looks at me as if he wants to swallow me up. I feel a chill of a sudden. Seems I’m unwanted in his eyes.


“Well here~ Hello witchy! We meet again, huh? I wonder if you still wanna know my name but since all my hyungs had already introduce themselves…I’m Zelo and my true name is Choi Junhong. I’m rapper and dancer in this group.” He smirked at me. His angelic face is turn into a VERY evil face in a short time.


Manager Kang seems to be pleased with all B.A.P members. “It seems you guys are accepting her now right? So now Miss Yoon, you’ll be-“


“Aniyo. Wait up, hyung. I can’t accept her as our new PA. She’s seems too young for that job.” Yongguk oppose Manager Kang’s idea to make me as their PA.


Then, Zelo is also agreeing with his hyung. “Ne! Besides, I don’t want this witch to arrange my personal life schedule! I’m afraid what will she does to me in the future…”


Round Two! DING!


“I’m sorry to interrupt you, Zelo-sshi but I’m not a witch and I’ll never be a one. Plus, I have my own name. You can’t simply call me ‘Witchy’!” I’m mad with him again. Why he always want to have a talk-fight with me?


“Is that a BIG problem to you?? From my eyes, you’ll always a witch. Shoo~ Shoo~ Go away, witchy! Oh damn, I forgot! You don’t like me to call you witchy right? Okay, I’ll call you Dae-mi the witch then.” He laughs sarcastically and it’s very annoying. Especially when he says ‘Dae-mi the witch’.


It’s unforgiveable ever, you kiddo!


Just when I want to reply his rudeness overload sentences, Manager Kang are able to stops me.


“Hold it for now, Dae-mi. Zelo, you shouldn’t talk to her like that! Where’s your manner?” He scolds Zelo in front of the other members. I’m sure he’ll be embarrassed so much.


Is this a pity feeling? Why should I? Serves him right!


“And Yongguk.” Manager Kang turns his gaze to Yongguk who is sitting on the fluffy chair in red colour. “She maybe seems young but I think she can do this job better than anyone else. Don’t you agree with me?” He asks Yongguk with a well-built sentences in order to convince him to believe in me.


Yongguk being quiet for a moment. He’s thinking about it, I suppose. “Well, if you say so… Okay… But! I’ll give her a month to prove to us that she can be a good and trustworthy PA. I don’t want a bossy and irritating PA like before.”


And Zelo is really disagreeing with Yongguk. “Hyung!! Shirou! I don’t want this witch to be our PA!!” He’s really acting like a kid.


‘…this witch...’ again. This rude boy… I can’t believe that he’s got same age with me.


“Zelo, enough. Dae-mi will be our PA for now. We’ll see whether she’s different or just the same like our four former PA’s.” Yongguk stops Zelo’s cried with his deep and stern voice. Automatically, Zelo stops his cry.


“Well~ Okay, let us welcome our new PA from now on, Miss Yoon Dae-mi!” Manager Kang happily informs in front of B.A.P about my current position now. All the B.A.P’s member claps their hands and being so jovial.


And this means, I’m employed! I got a job!


Can’t wait to tell Rachel about this! She’ll be so happy~


“And…as from today you’re just be B.A.P’s PA, you’ll actually have to stay in B.A.P’s side in the most time of the day. This work will make you be very busy as it is an unlimited time works. Maybe you’ll be home in midnight or even in the next day morning. Are your parents know and agree with all these?” Manager Kang explains to me a little bit about my works.


Okay…It seems SO hard. But I won’t give up!


“Yes. They know and they’ll absolutely agree.” I lied. I didn’t have parents that will concern about my home time or what. It’ll be only Rachel, my chingu that will be concern about all these. But I’m sure she’ll understand.


“Alright! So any last words for our B.A.P members here, Miss Yoon?” Manager Kang seems so satisfied with my answers.


“Yes it is. I’ll work hard with my very best effort. Please cooperate with me and treat me well.” I look at all the faces of B.A.P’s member in this training room while whispering to myself..


‘I’ll make they will not even once feel disappointed. They’re my responsibilities from now on.’


I can do this! This is not a big deal. Yoon Dae-mi, hwaiting!


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*edited - 16/6/2015* Dear my lovely subscribers, I'd edited several part of 'Oppa, I Hate You' :) Thank you for reading and I love you till infinity~


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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 23: Omfg I loved this, but I can't bring myself to read the last chapter; I just can't. BUT I LOVDDD ITT <33333
Rose_56 #2
Chapter 23: OMG OMG I read this story non stop I have to go to sleep I have exam tomorrow ㅠㅅㅠ please wish me luck. No let's stop talking about me and let's talk about u omg you are somthing!!!! U are an amazing writer each chapter touched my heart!!! I love this story so much u did a very great job!! Keep up with ur good work.
Chapter 23: the happy ending disappointed me though ㅠㅠ i didnt want to dare to read the sad ending to not let me dissapoint even more haha :/ authornim :((( i wanted more fluffff ㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 24: I love the happy ending....
But i think the sad ending would fit the story better....
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 22: Her Mom is in Mokpo?? O.o but why??
Chapter 21: OMG NOT THIS CANT BE TRUE??!!! OMG NOOOOO!!! ㅠㅠ shes too late ... againnㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 21: Oh God...
I feel sorry for her TT^TT...
Yoe_chan #8
Chapter 20: What??!
Zelo wrote it O.o ??
No wonder it's sounds wrong....
But why Zelo??
And Jongup, I think he stop being like that but now i'm really curious about you Uppie!!
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 19: I don't believe it!!!
Why he said he has no money for her and her mother while now he has a new wife and 2 child??
It's weird -___-"
If he has no money, he wouldn't marry again.....
And if he didn't care about her why he bothering to take her photo when she was 14 ??
It's not the real you ahjusshi.... I know it...
Chapter 19: omggggggg i am so shocked right now o.o but i think he didnt tell the truth...