Maze-like Hunch

Oppa, I Hate You! [오빠,난 니가 싫어!]

The sun rays were already illuminating my bedroom until my eyes felt its’ lights. I opened my eyes slowly and discovered that I already on my bed, slept after hours of crying all over. Just because of a picture – picture that can united me back with dad.


But I did think about it. Very much.


How can dad got my picture? Was he in United States before? Aniyo. I don’t think so.


The more I thought about it, the deeper the question that lingering in my mind. I did wonder too much as these things seems like a complicated secret.


Like I was trapped inside a maze.


But there’s nobody that can answer it. I have to find the answer for all these by myself. And I need to meet dad. Thankfully, there are no weird dreams last night. Or else, I would already felt like I had to give up.


But I won’t. Never.




There’s a knock on my room’s door. Then, the door was opened and I could see Rachel was looking at me with her worried face.


“Dae-mi ahh~ Are you okay? You didn’t seem fine enough this morning. Like you have been cry for hours last night. Mind to share your probs, maybe?” Rachel suddenly sat beside me on my bed and look at me with her teary eyes. What? I did look that bad?

“Is it too obvious?” I asked her and she nodded. Then, I continued. “Okay, spare me an enough time, can you? I want to take a shower and I promise I’ll tell you...everything.” I knew that Rachel won’t stop asking me then, so I would tell her about it.


“Okie. By the way, you want me to call Manager Kang? You didn’t well enough to work for today.” Oh yes! I totally forgot.


“Rach, thanks but no thanks. I’ll call him by myself and tell him I’ll go to B.A.P’s dorm in afternoon.” I insisted her offer as I didn’t want to be look as a weak person.


I would be just fine...




Told Rachel everything that I was kept deep inside my heart was as easy as water flowed out of tap. I did cry for a bit but I felt very good and fine than before.


It’s as half of my problem were gone by the winds...


Then, it’s time to go to work. Rachel did worry about me until she did offer to accompany me to B.A.P’s dorm. But I insisted it.


I have to be strong.


As I walked to the dorm, suddenly there’s someone hugged me from behind.


“You didn’t seem fine today. Appa? (Sick?)” I shook my head. And I turned myself to let me drown into Zelo’s hugs. It’s could soothe my feelings a little bit.


“I’m not sick. Can we just stay like this for five minutes?” I speak slowly like I was whispered to him. He tightens his hugs.


“Sure thing. Everything for my love.” I smiled feebly at his answer.


Gomawoyo, Junhong ahh~ I love you...


Five minutes later, we went together inside B.A.P’s dorm. Today, they would have a comeback performance on various music shows. And usually, Manager Kang would be the only person in charge to accompany B.A.P.


“I want Dae-mi to accompany us too~” Zelo suddenly grabbed my hands and told Manager Kang to bring me together with them to the first music shows.


“Ne... I will bring Dae-mi with us. Is that okay?” Manager Kang said with his usual cheerful tone.


I nodded. It’s a part of my job to accompany them after all.




At F Broadcasting Centre which was located in Daegu, B.A.P had their last music show for today. I glanced my watch; it’s already in the midnight.


And they still did their best eventhough they’re already tired....


“Huarrghh~~” Suddenly, I yawned and I realize that every staff near me were looking at me with an uneasy looks. I quickly excused myself to go to the toilet to wash my face.


‘Aigoo~ I’m still feeling sleepy...’ I thought. On my way to the toilet, suddenly I saw a beverage vending machine by the side of the corridor. Aha! I want to buy coffee~


As I wanted to insert money note needed to buy them, suddenly there’s an old hands holding my hand thus make the money note fell weightlessly to the floor.


“Dae-mi yaa~ Yoon Dae-mi, right?” I surprised to see a quite old lady in about her fifty years old holding my hands with her feeble hands and looked at me with her teary eyes.


Mostly surprise was when she said my full name...


“I’m sorry but...did I know halmeoni?” I tilted my head. I was sure I never met her before.


But then she hugged me with all her might and cried as if she’s longing for me. I stunned there for a second. She’s saying my names for several times.




“Halmeoni!!!” There’s a lanky young man who called the old lady that was hugging me right now. He was trying to take away his grandmother but she refused it.


“Dae-mi ahh~ Ppalli go back home. I’ve been waiting for this second since a long time ago. Your dad never forgets about you – I mean, he always waiting for you until this second. Dae-mi ahh-“ I startled. How can she know about it?


“I’m sorry, Miss. But my halmeoni always talk nonsense like this. Well, you know-“ The young man tried to explain everything about his grandma to me but then the old lady start to hold my hands.


“Aniyo! I’m not telling you a lie! Dae-mi... I know you. But maybe you don’t recognize me. You had grown into a beautiful young girl now...but you’re more beautiful than in the picture that I saw before.” She shook her head and started to find something inside her purse.


The young man starts to get mad with his grandmother but I stopped him.


I need to see whatever things that she brought....


“Here it is!” She exclaimed herself and gave something into my hands. “This is your ribbon, right? Your dad said that you always used to wear it when you in small age.”


I glanced to the ribbon. There’s my initial on it. DM.


“Halmeoni...ottoke? This was mine. How can you-“ I can’t understand all these things happened around me lately.


“Your dad gave to me my granddaughter loves this ribbon very much. But I know he actually didn’t want to give it either..” I muted myself. Then, the young man suddenly gave my money notes that fell down to the floor to me. I said thank you to him.


“Mianhae...but I had to bring my halmeoni to our house as fast as possible. Halmeoni...gaja! Jebal, uh?” The old lady seemed hesitated to let me go. But I reassured her to follow her grandson to their house.


And finally, she went away with him. While me, I was still here...thinking of something while looked at the ribbon in my hands.


Some bright ideas....




As Daegu were quite far from Seoul which is 235.81 kilometers, we decided to stay in one of hotels in Daegu.


I got my own room while the six boys have to share one suite with Manager Kang. I felt very happy to get a big room all for myself~


What a heaven~~


The suite was so tidy and tranquil. I tied my hair with the ribbon that the old lady gave to me. I had took a warm shower and was get ready to have a deep sleep as its already 1 a.m. in the morning. But then, there’s a loud knock on my suite room’s door.


“Who’s there?” I shouted in order to get a reply from the person who knocked my door. But there weren’t any response though. Once again, there’s a knock. I brave myself to open the door.


Then, there was a big hug that hugs me thus slammed the suite door.


“Mwoya? Yaa!! Choi Jun-“ I yelled when I saw the person that knocks my door and now hugged me.


“Shhh....I came here to sleep here with you~~” I quickly slap her muscular arms several times.


“Have you out of your mind? If they know this, we’re dead you know!” I snapped out. I was so afraid if this secret love would be revealed because of him.


But then, I accidentally bumped into my bag, then he was trying to keep me from fall but finally both of us fell down on the bed; facing each other and he was on top of me.


His eyes...shone on me with soothing feelings.


Then, he leaned down for a kiss on my forehead then on my lips. I was turned into speechless. I sense that his eyes stared straightly at me.


“You know, I don’t want to sleep there with my hyungs. I want to be here, with you.” Then, he’s hugged me affectionately and his hands were touching my neck.


“Aniyo! You! I mean we can’t do like this, Junhong ahh...” I pushed him aside to be beside me. Then I get up from the bed and went to the door. “Mianhae...I’m not rea-“


“Gwenchanayo~” He smiled. “Me too, actually. I don’t know what happened to me just now so mianhae, ne? Goodnight, my love.” He pecked me on the lips before he headed to the door.


I hugged him from behind just before he opened my suite room door. “Hey Junhong~ I’d give a thought about this. I didn’t even tell you my problems that haunt my life. I think maybe you need to know this..”


He turned himself to face me. “Dae-mi ahh~ I wait for this second actually, you know? I know that you’d problems. If you want to tell me, it’s my pleasure to be a good listener for you. I don’t want you to be hurt.” He hugged me and kissed my forehead.


“Gomawo, Junhong ahh~ Saranghae...”Then, I sent him out of my room with a big smile.


I believe in you, Junhong....


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*edited - 16/6/2015* Dear my lovely subscribers, I'd edited several part of 'Oppa, I Hate You' :) Thank you for reading and I love you till infinity~


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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 23: Omfg I loved this, but I can't bring myself to read the last chapter; I just can't. BUT I LOVDDD ITT <33333
Rose_56 #2
Chapter 23: OMG OMG I read this story non stop I have to go to sleep I have exam tomorrow ㅠㅅㅠ please wish me luck. No let's stop talking about me and let's talk about u omg you are somthing!!!! U are an amazing writer each chapter touched my heart!!! I love this story so much u did a very great job!! Keep up with ur good work.
Chapter 23: the happy ending disappointed me though ㅠㅠ i didnt want to dare to read the sad ending to not let me dissapoint even more haha :/ authornim :((( i wanted more fluffff ㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 24: I love the happy ending....
But i think the sad ending would fit the story better....
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 22: Her Mom is in Mokpo?? O.o but why??
Chapter 21: OMG NOT THIS CANT BE TRUE??!!! OMG NOOOOO!!! ㅠㅠ shes too late ... againnㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 21: Oh God...
I feel sorry for her TT^TT...
Yoe_chan #8
Chapter 20: What??!
Zelo wrote it O.o ??
No wonder it's sounds wrong....
But why Zelo??
And Jongup, I think he stop being like that but now i'm really curious about you Uppie!!
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 19: I don't believe it!!!
Why he said he has no money for her and her mother while now he has a new wife and 2 child??
It's weird -___-"
If he has no money, he wouldn't marry again.....
And if he didn't care about her why he bothering to take her photo when she was 14 ??
It's not the real you ahjusshi.... I know it...
Chapter 19: omggggggg i am so shocked right now o.o but i think he didnt tell the truth...