Devilish Side of an Angel

Oppa, I Hate You! [오빠,난 니가 싫어!]

“What? So, do you mean that…” He put his skateboard aside and walked up to me with a death glare. “..I have to be concern about you?”


Mwoya? I couldn’t believe my ears.


“Hey.” I clenched my fists in frustration. Can I just punch this boy up? Well, I’ll try to cool down. I don’t want to make any riot on my first day in my birth place for sure.


‘Keep calm, Dae-mi.. Gwenchanayo…’


“I don’t mean to be rude but, you are the person who is responsible for hitting me and caused my bruised legs. So, why are you claiming all these things happen as my entire fault?”


‘Nice shot, Dae-mi… You did a great job…’


But he didn’t try to be polite with me. Not even once. The next sentence that came out from his mouth had made me infuriated. I was totally furious.


“Well, you want me to make a list for you miss? Oh! I forgot. You must have shortsighted problems right? So let me say it. Firstly. You’re the one who is hampering my way.”


“What?! Hey, you’re the one who speeds up your skateboards until it HIT ME! I’m the victim!”


“Your reason is invalid, miss.” He shook his head. “You’re the one who hurts my baby. You’re the one who walks in this busy street without using your eyes. It’s all…YOUR FAULT.” He pointed his finger right in front on my face.


I couldn’t control my anger anymore. How dare he talked to me like that!


“I try to keep silent but not now! You’re really a jerk! You’re speeding up your skateboards like crazy. You not even use your eyes to see ME, right in front of your way. Your baby? Oh please! Is your skateboard is more important than everything in this world? Then, why you speed up? Say, are you trying to run away from something?”


I burst out all my anger, not even stopping for once. It sound a bit like a rap. Maybe I should be a rapper in the future..


“Yes, it is. My baby is more precious than you. More and more than you, LOSER.”


At that moment he said ‘loser’, I lose all my rationale thinking and I just want to lurch forward, strangling him with my bare hands.


“Hey!! ZELO!!”


Suddenly, there’s a husky voice calling out for someone’s name. It’s his name. The boy’s name. As his head turned around to see the caller.


“H-Hyung! Ottoke? How do you know I’m here?” Suddenly, his facial expression of absolute anger turned to fear. 


No way… Does he tried to run away from this guy? I see….


“You are running away again for the third time, Zelo! How many times I’ve told you to not run from practices!” The man scolded Zelo with a slow but stern voice.


“Hyung.. I’m not run-“


The man suddenly turned his head to look at me. “Oh my! Miss! Are you okay?”


Thankfully, there are still nice people here…


“Me?” I replied. I’m quite surprise by his sudden question. “Yeah...I’m okay. Thank you.”


Zelo stared at me with his blazing eyes. “You’d said before that you’re NOT okay. Are you messing with me just now?”


“Yaa! Nappeun saram! (Bad person!) How dare you say that I’m lying! You must say sorry for everything!!!” I yelled as much as I wanted. I don’t care what people will say. This person, right in front of me was really foul-mouthed!


Surprisingly, he looks scared. While as for his hyung or whoever it is, he looks like excited and amazed somehow…. Weird.


“Okay, okay. Take it easy, both of you. People are looking at us now” The man tried to calm this stiff tension. He looked at Zelo. “Zelo, go inside the van with your skateboard. Now.” Zelo on the other hand looked like a kiddo that had to obey his parent’s word for a while.


He looks cute. Wait! What??!


I tried to throw away the sudden nonsense feeling and suddenly the man finally introduced himself.


“I’m actually Zelo’s manager. You can call me Manager Kang if you want to.” His hands were searching something inside his thin jacket. “Here is my card.”


I held the card and took a glance of it.


TS Entertainment. Manager Kang.


“Why do you give this to me? For the incident just now? I don’t need anything. It’s okay. I-”


“No, no! That’s not it. Actually…you see, B.A.P already had four times change of their Personal Assistant. All of their PA’s before mostly couldn’t stand Zelo’s harsh words and err… I think you can be their new PA. Will you accept this offer?” He said with a slight hesitation in his voice.


I’m totally dumbfounded. Like a pabo chorom.


I don’t understand anything that happened around me lately. Plus, what was he exactly talking about? B.A.P? PA? Seriously, I need Rachel now.


“Well, Miss..” Manager Kang seemed hesitating to continue his sentences as he didn’t know my name.


“Dae-mi. Yoon Dae-mi.”


“Ah, Miss Yoon. If you feel interested with this proposal or even want to ask any questions, you may contact me through that number in the card. I’m so late right now so I’ll leave it here.” I nodded automatically to his words.


Manager Kang then joined the rude boy in a black van which looked very exclusive. I gazed at the card once again.


Oh my… I’m totally blurred to figure it out!




Finally, I had arrived at Rachel’s house. Thankfully, Rachel was going to mall with her mom and she found me. A miserable and pathetic me. Like a child who had lost her mother.


Oh my life… T~T


“Dae-mi ahh~ Does it still hurts?” Rachel asked me while she’s giving me a ‘VVIP’ massage (she’s the one who gave the name) to my bruised legs.


“It’s getting better.” My eyes scanned through her bedroom. Even though her room was not as big as mine at the mansion in US, but I could feel the coziness as well as bright happiness in this room.


Like the one that I used to have a long time ago…


Suddenly, there’s something that interested me a lot. It was a poster that she hanged onto the wall. I looked at it carefully. Its written there – B.A.P.


“Hey, Rachel. Who’s that?” I ask Rachel that was already done massaging my poor legs. She looked to the poster that I pointed with my fingers.


“Owh..that’s B.A.P, a rookie Korean idols from planet Mato.”


“Wait up, Rach.. Planet Mato? Are they aliens? How can I don’t know about it in news?”


Rachel knocked my head. It’s damn hurt. I touched the hurting area and moaned. “I’m joking! They’re humans of course. It’s just their debut introduction as six bunny aliens~ Do you really believe they’re aliens? Oh gosh~”


I went nearer to the poster place to see carefully the faces of the member one by one. Then I saw him.




Rachel explained about them more to me. “They’re just back to Korea yesterday. Let me introduced the members to you~ This is Daehyun, Youngjae, Himchan, their leader Yongguk, Zelo and-“


“Jongup.” I interrupted her introduction for a moment. My angel, Jongup~


“Bingo! How can you know his name? Daebak!” She was really astonished to hear it.


“Well..That’s secret. Can you tell me more about…him?” I pointed to Zelo’s face. I need to get to know more about my enemy before he knows about me.


“Zelo? Choa~ His real name is Choi Junhong. Maknae of B.A.P and have the same age as us. He’s very lanky and slender. He also called as genius maknae and his personality is quite like an angel~ Actually, all B.A.P’s members is more like angel rather than aliens.” Rachel chuckled a bit at the end of her sentences.


An angel, huh? You can lie your fans but not me, Choi Junhong.


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*edited - 16/6/2015* Dear my lovely subscribers, I'd edited several part of 'Oppa, I Hate You' :) Thank you for reading and I love you till infinity~


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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 23: Omfg I loved this, but I can't bring myself to read the last chapter; I just can't. BUT I LOVDDD ITT <33333
Rose_56 #2
Chapter 23: OMG OMG I read this story non stop I have to go to sleep I have exam tomorrow ㅠㅅㅠ please wish me luck. No let's stop talking about me and let's talk about u omg you are somthing!!!! U are an amazing writer each chapter touched my heart!!! I love this story so much u did a very great job!! Keep up with ur good work.
Chapter 23: the happy ending disappointed me though ㅠㅠ i didnt want to dare to read the sad ending to not let me dissapoint even more haha :/ authornim :((( i wanted more fluffff ㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 24: I love the happy ending....
But i think the sad ending would fit the story better....
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 22: Her Mom is in Mokpo?? O.o but why??
Chapter 21: OMG NOT THIS CANT BE TRUE??!!! OMG NOOOOO!!! ㅠㅠ shes too late ... againnㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 21: Oh God...
I feel sorry for her TT^TT...
Yoe_chan #8
Chapter 20: What??!
Zelo wrote it O.o ??
No wonder it's sounds wrong....
But why Zelo??
And Jongup, I think he stop being like that but now i'm really curious about you Uppie!!
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 19: I don't believe it!!!
Why he said he has no money for her and her mother while now he has a new wife and 2 child??
It's weird -___-"
If he has no money, he wouldn't marry again.....
And if he didn't care about her why he bothering to take her photo when she was 14 ??
It's not the real you ahjusshi.... I know it...
Chapter 19: omggggggg i am so shocked right now o.o but i think he didnt tell the truth...