Our First Kiss

Oppa, I Hate You! [오빠,난 니가 싫어!]

I was panting heavily. My whole body was drenched with sweat. It’s felt very hot as sun was really on top of my head – what I meant is, it’s already afternoon. Finally I make it until here. I was now in front of Rachel’s house building.


I opened up my spectacles and climbed up the stairs to get up until 3rd floor.


‘Fortunately, Rachel’s house is just in 3rd floor....’ I mumbled to myself.


It was a real crazy moment ever! I’d almost bumped up with the person that I’ll never wanted to. I sighed hard. Seriously at this moment, I need water....


I’d never run this far and fast...even in marathon...


I went to the Rachel’s house door and entered the password code given by Rachel.




Yeay!!! Home sweet home~~~


I immediately closed the door and lie down on the loveseat. Oh my, what’s this feeling?


Feel better and mostly relieved...


Without my intention at all, I slept there about 2 hours.




I opened my eyes. Where am I?


This place...it felt so familiar. It’s my house when I’m in my childhood, right?


Yeah...that’s right...


I woke up from my place just now and went to the living room. It’s weird.


Did I just hear someone’s crying?


I sneaked from my position where I’m standing. Suddenly I saw myself. Yes, I was there. But not as the person who cries, instead I’m the watcher.


Shock struck me like a thunderbolt.


The weirdest moment here was I’m not even tried to calm that person...but I’m just smirked. Me...smirked? My clone there looked so evil, until my feet’s became shaky.


“Hajima!” That person suddenly rises up from the sofa. I could just look from behind. It’s a woman. But who?


Is it probably Mom?!


“It’s your fault! It’s your entire fault! You’re the one-“My clone was suddenly cried and yelled like crazy. But then there’s someone hugs her from behind.


It’s a man arm...


I can’t get to saw his face clearly but I could saw that he’s whispering something into her ear. Then, she got really mad.


Like a beast. The side of me that I never saw before. Even I’m so scared to saw it...


The woman continued to cried, the man like- yeah, like try to calm my clone there and my clone...well her eyes was really red, looks like full of rage.


I stepped back and I’d hit something behind me – maybe like a vase – then, everything was shattered into smithereens.


Darkness suddenly engulfs me...






I opened my eyes. Okay, this is for real. I’d scanned everything in my sight and I’m now in Rachel’s house. But who’s the person that rang the doorbell??


“Wait a minute!” I scooped my face and tidy my messy hair a little bit before opened the door. “H-How...” I closed my mouth that started to make out an ‘O’ shape.


I’m dead! I totally forgot about him!


“Dae-mi yaa...how can you just ran away and left me out there ALONE??! You’re really a witch!” Zelo’s pouted while panting heavily. It looks like he had found me until he was sweating all over.


“Mianhaeyo, Zelo-ahh~ I didn’t mean to. Whatever it is, I’m really sorry!” I bowed 90 degree in front of him. Ahh~ Ottoke? He must be so mad at me...


“Hey...tell me one thing. Are you really forget about me, Dae-mi? I searched for you like crazy, you know!” Zelo let out his anger towards me. Wait...he searched for me?


“Yes, it’s all my fault. I’m sorry once again. Here, come in.” I let him entered Rachel’s house and gave him immediately a glass of water. “I thought you will just go back to the dorm..” I lower my voice while saying it. But Zelo heard it.


“You paboya! Of course I worry about you, Dae-mi. After all, you’re our PA. I’m glad that you wear weird outfit today, so that’s how I can find you here!” He drank the water until it finished. He’s surely tired.


I felt so guilty towards him...




“Is that sound come from your tummy?” I laughed.


“Yeah...” He scratched his head. “..I think so. I’d used up a lot of energy just now... Time to fill up my tummy!” He smiled.


“Okay then! Let’s go out! My treat.” I decided to pay back my fault by buy him something good to eat.


“Jinjjayo?! Gaja!” This Zelo...was seriously like a kiddo.


He straightly went to the front door and holds my hands tightly as he didn’t want me to go away from him again after this like before.


Since when we’re became like this? It’s like we never had any fights before...


As I’d finished locked the door and check my wallet for my money left. It’s more than enough. I chuckled.


I would treat this kiddo for the first time ever!


We walked together – hands by hands – like brother and sister maybe? Okay, I admitted that I lied. It’s more like a couple.


But there’s something...something that make my eyes nearly popped out when we walked towards the staircase.


It’s mom...once again!!


I stood there dumbfounded. Come on, Dae-mi....think of something please!!


“Dae-mi yaa~ Waeyo? Is there something wrong?” Zelo asked me with his innocent face.


“Urmmm...I think I want-“ I was speechless. Mom is getting near! Along with Rachel too... I stood at the corner of staircase and looked towards Zelo.


Felt guilty once again...


“Wow! This is your house buildings looks like Rach? It’s pretty. Especially the view from this staircase place.”

I heard mom’s voice; so clearly! There’s no other exits. Damn!


Suddenly I did something that I shouldn’t...


Without a second thought, I straightly tip-toed my feet and moves my face closer towards Zelo’s face. And our lips met each other.


I just kissed Zelo.


“Wowie~ What we’ve got here... Err..Rachel, let’s go to your house faster. I don’t want to disturb this cute lovey-dovey here~” I glanced to mom secretly. She was climbed up the stairs while looking at us in amazement. And Rachel did follow her too.


Phew...save for now...


I finally pulled up my lips from his and just discovered what I have done to Zelo. Omo!!!


I seriously could not meet his gaze towards me in shock. I touched my lips.


It’s my first kiss.


We’re both stood there speechless for a minutes. Then, Zelo clasped my hands tightly and bring me down the stairs, headed towards the nearest restaurant from Rachel’s house.


He didn’t said anything. Just nothing. Then...


“You’re still gonna treat me right, Dae-mi? We’ll go somewhere here to eat.” He said with a shaky voice.


And I can’t even say anything. My face right now must be red like Zelo’s favourite cherry tomato!




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*edited - 16/6/2015* Dear my lovely subscribers, I'd edited several part of 'Oppa, I Hate You' :) Thank you for reading and I love you till infinity~


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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 23: Omfg I loved this, but I can't bring myself to read the last chapter; I just can't. BUT I LOVDDD ITT <33333
Rose_56 #2
Chapter 23: OMG OMG I read this story non stop I have to go to sleep I have exam tomorrow ㅠㅅㅠ please wish me luck. No let's stop talking about me and let's talk about u omg you are somthing!!!! U are an amazing writer each chapter touched my heart!!! I love this story so much u did a very great job!! Keep up with ur good work.
Chapter 23: the happy ending disappointed me though ㅠㅠ i didnt want to dare to read the sad ending to not let me dissapoint even more haha :/ authornim :((( i wanted more fluffff ㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 24: I love the happy ending....
But i think the sad ending would fit the story better....
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 22: Her Mom is in Mokpo?? O.o but why??
Chapter 21: OMG NOT THIS CANT BE TRUE??!!! OMG NOOOOO!!! ㅠㅠ shes too late ... againnㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 21: Oh God...
I feel sorry for her TT^TT...
Yoe_chan #8
Chapter 20: What??!
Zelo wrote it O.o ??
No wonder it's sounds wrong....
But why Zelo??
And Jongup, I think he stop being like that but now i'm really curious about you Uppie!!
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 19: I don't believe it!!!
Why he said he has no money for her and her mother while now he has a new wife and 2 child??
It's weird -___-"
If he has no money, he wouldn't marry again.....
And if he didn't care about her why he bothering to take her photo when she was 14 ??
It's not the real you ahjusshi.... I know it...
Chapter 19: omggggggg i am so shocked right now o.o but i think he didnt tell the truth...