Happy Ending : Love Again

Oppa, I Hate You! [오빠,난 니가 싫어!]




[Dae-mi's POV]


“I want....to go back home. Our home. In United States.”


I sighed. I went back home in United States since I requested it from mom. I just couldn’t bear to watch his face anymore. Not even once.


I was totally mad at him on that time. His wrongdoing to me was completely unacceptable. But....


He’s not the only one who deserved to be put in blame....


Mom. My one and only mother had also been one of a reason that I couldn’t meet dad. But, I could forgive her easily. Maybe because of she’s my biological mother. My family.


I touched my chest. It’s hurts whenever I thought about it. It’s like there’s a deep cut in the bottom of my heart that couldn’t be healed. This kind of feelings...was same like when I was searching for dad.


A feeling of something’s missing inside me....


I didn’t know. Maybe it’s just my delusion.


“Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has the fasten seat belt sign. We are now going to landing at the Incheon International Airport. Please return your seats and keep your seat belts fastened. Thank you.”


It’s already a year later. It’s now 2013. And this time, I was not running away from house like before. Mom did give her permission to me to go back to Korea, my birth country.


“Dae-mi ahh...” Mom was looking at me from the kitchen patio.


“Mom...what’s wrong? I’m okay, don’t you worry.” I smiled to her. “I’m not having a fever anymore!”


“No. It’s not that. I know you’re recovering from fever yesterday.” I looked at mom with a weird looks. If it’s not about my fever, what could it be?


“Mom...so what’s the thing that you want to talk about? I’m waiting~” I thought it may be a gimmick from mom just to tease me along. But her eyes – her gaze; doesn’t seem as it was.


Her pair of eyes looks wet and sparkles.


“Don’t you...want to go back to Korea?” I startled. Korea?


I haven’t heard of it for a long time...


“Korea?” I laughed. “Maybe not! You’ll not give me a permission to go there once again, I’m sure!” I was too lazy to think about it. Korea. The place that haunted my life


And did give me 1001 memories that I couldn’t forget...


“I’ll let you go if you want to.” I looked at mom carefully. Mom was just now saying that? Unbelievable! “I know you can’t forget about him, right?” I quickly bowed my gaze as soon as she said the word ‘him’.


Him. Choi Junhong.


The plane was already touchdown the ground. A little bit of shakes could be felt and the airport building was slowly reached my sight.  Incheon International Airport – the first place where I meet him and also B.A.P....


Will I meet him again here?


Suddenly, when I was on my way to go out of this plane, I could see his back. Even though it’s from behind, but I could sense that was Zelo.


Was it true?


I closed my eyes for seconds and try to look back to the position where Zelo was. But he was no longer there. I held my head. It felt dizzy.


Oh my....what on the earth happening to me? I was just now imagining him....


[Zelo's POV]


I looked to the scenery outside of this plane window beside me. There was blue sky with fluffy clouds light up the panoramic landscape that unfolds into the outback.


It’s already morning.


Finally! We will arrive in Korea soon~~ A journey from America to Korea was really far and took a lot of time...


I wonder was this Dae-mi feelings when she was running away to Korea?


“Man, I’m so tired! Woohoo...our Jello here had already waked up!” Yongguk hyung was strangled my neck and smiled. I was also gave a smile to him.


“Ne, hyung~ Morning!” I said half chocked with his strangle. Then, he broke the strangling things, and looked at me with his wide eyes. “Yaa! Choi Junhong! I think you should go to the toilet. Your face is just so...messy....”


My eyes widen. Yikk??


“Oh-oh... I’ll get going to the toilet first of you say so, hyung!” I quickly stand up from my seat which was located at second row in front, left area. I walked through the aisle when then I saw a girl, who looks like Dae-mi were walking through the right aisle, in the opposite way.


I stopped myself for seconds. Dae-mi?


And I turn back to see the girl – but she wasn’t there anymore. Where is she? Eventhough I could just look her face side for a while but I was quite sure that was her.


Or...was I just having a daydreaming?


As I wanted to chase and find her, suddenly there was an announcement. “Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has the fasten seat belt sign. We are now going to landing at the Incheon International Airport. Please return your seats and keep your seat belts fastened. Thank you.”


I stood there dumbfounded and went to my seat with a gloomy face.


“Jello, that was hurry! Hmm? I think you didn’t wash your face yet, won’t you?” I touched my face.


I was totally forgotten about it!


“Oh my! I forget about it!!” I was just wanted to stand up when Yongguk hyung pulled me down back to my seat.


“Wear your seat belt. We’ll arrive soon. Don’t worry, your looks not that bad anyway...” He chuckled and I quickly pouted.


This hyung is really....


Then, I thought about what I saw just now for a moment. I’d searched for her in United States before. And I had seen her....just for a moment.


I walked alone in the street. This city was just too big. How could I find Dae-mi in this place. Besides that, my English was not as good as Yongguk hyung. I sighed hard.


“Hey, Demi!!” I startled. Demi? I quickly shifted my gaze to where the voice was.


And there’s her. I was sure that was her.


“Stephanie! Hey! Did you get the scholarship yet by the way?” She’s saying something in English, so I couldn’t figure out what was she’s saying.


“Nope yet... Ah~ How I wished I was born in a rich family like you Demi. At least, I didn’t have to worry about the scholarship and bla..bla...bla...” I could see her laugh.


She’s fine. I was glad that you’re fine, Dae-mi...


“Geez...you don’t have to worry about that though! I had something for ya! Ta-dah~” She took a white big envelope and gave it to her friend.


“Demi...what’s this?” I just looked at her smile.


But I couldn’t get the smile from her anymore, right?


Then, I slowly left Dae-mi and her friend there. I just...didn’t deserve to look on her anymore... And now – in this plane, I saw her again. But maybe that’s just my delusion. Why she wanted to go back to Korea anyway, right?


Slowly...I whispered to myself...


Yoon Dae-mi, I love you so much....




[Dae-mi's POV]


Home sweet home. That’s right. Home was the best place than anywhere in the world.


“Dae-mi yaa!!! Long times no see you~ Miss you girl!” Rachel gave me her warm hugs. I smiled.


“Yeah, it’s great to see you again, Rach!” We laughed in unison.


“By the way, as I knew you’ll come back to Korea, I’d already tidied up a bit this house so that you could live comfortably here~” She said it with her sparkle eyes.


“Ne. But I’ve to live alone right? As you are moving back to your parents’ house...” I pouted. My bestie was not gonna live here with me like last year.


“Geez...no worries. I can always visit whenever I had free time. Besides, your mom had already bought this house for your birthday this year... So, this house is yours!” Rachel held my hands and clasped it tightly.


“Yeah...seems it is.” I giggled. “I’m sure you wonder why I go back to Korea ne? Look this~” I handed her out a big white envelope.


“What’s this?” Rachel slowly opened the envelope and startled when she saw it. “Oh my goodness!! You’ll study here? In S University??” I nodded. “Same with me! Yeay!!!”


I laughed. It’s nice to see Rachel’s lively energy. One hour later, she went back to her home and left me alone in this house...




Geez...my stomach needs to be filled though. I quickly went out from house to go to the nearest restaurant. But as I climbed down the stairs, I suddenly remember that moment.


Our first kiss...it does happened here.


I quickly closed my eyes and shook my head. Dear heart, did you probably...


...love him; until now?


I quickly went upstairs and entered back my house back. My lunch appetite had already vanished.




Urmmm...maybe just a cup of ramyeon could fill up this empty stomach?


[Zelo's POV]


I guess I just missed her very much. I let out a sigh.


Yoon Dae-mi...You’re really something precious for me...


I cursed to myself in last year who was so immature and too evil towards her. I shouldn’t do that to her. Ever.


Served you right, Choi Junhong!


Now I was like a mad man, thinking of her whenever I felt guilty. I guess I’d to go to that place to relax my mind.


She was already like my nightmare...


I went downstairs and suddenly Jongup hyung was calling for me. I turned back to see him.


“Zelo yaa~ Where are you going?” Jongup hyung approached me and pat my back.


“Ermm...just somewhere. Shop, maybe?” I glanced towards Jongup hyung.


If just I let her be with Jongup hyung.....maybe both of us wouldn’t be like this...


“Hey!” Suddenly Jongup hyung shook my shoulder. I was startled. What? Why? “Are you listening to me or not?”


“Ah? Uh...I think so?” Then, Jongup hyung smiled while looked at me. “Hyung? Why are you smiling?”


“Do you possibly...thinking about Dae-mi?” I startled. This hyung can sometimes be so mysterious....


“N-no! Why I should think about her? We are already having the other PA that even more better than her!” I lied. I didn’t want him to know about my relationship with Dae-mi before.


He chuckled. “Well...I just guess about it. By the way, good luck! I’m sure you’ll found something precious today!” He went back to the kitchen, continue back eating his lunch.


I quickly bowed to Jongup hyung and went to the place – Dae-mi’s house. I used to always come here whenever I missed her.


And today, I miss her more than usual.


After several minutes of running, I finally arrived in front of her house. I was panting heavily and I can felt there were a lot of beads of sweat running down my face. Then, I just stared to the front door.


And that’s what I was doing since she left me a year ago....


I stared at the door, hoped that a miracle will arrive and the door would open, revealed my something precious.... It does sound ridiculous, right?


I let out a heavy sigh. I guess that’s enough for today. Something precious that Jongup hyung said would never came back to me for sure....


Then, when I just wanted to go back to the staircase, I heard a sound of door been opened. I glanced back to the door and my eyes nearly popped out.


Dae-mi’s front house door was opened!


Then, I saw her. Right in front of my eyes. Yoon Dae-mi that I missed for year. Yoon Dae-mi that I hurted her heart last year. Yoon Dae-mi that this heart cannot simply forgot easily.


“D-Dae-mi? Yoon Dae-mi?” I rapidly asked her. Then, as she was also just discovered my existence here, she’s also startled.


“Junhong? Choi Junhong?” I nodded while smiling. Yes, it’s me. And I’d found you- no, we’d found each other finally. We were now smiling to each other like nothing’s happened in the past.


Can we just....love again someday in the future until forever and ever? I hope so...


Because it seems that we loved one another until now....in this miraculous moment.


#Feel free to comment for this chapter~ :)

P/s : The song that I put on the upper part of the chapter is TVXQ! - Love Again~ ^_^


Author's Corner~

Hi~ I'm Petite_Star~ ^^ *bows*

This is the happy ending for 'Oppa, I Hate You!' story. If you are interested to read the sad ending for this story, please click here → Sad Ending : Love Pain

So, now this story is finally complete!! *throws confetti*

Btw, there's two part of Special Chapters that I've made special for you~~ I hope that you're enjoy when reading these Special Chapters~~ Below are the links :)

[Who's The Greatest Spy (Part 1)]

[Who's The Greatest Spy (Part 2)]

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*edited - 16/6/2015* Dear my lovely subscribers, I'd edited several part of 'Oppa, I Hate You' :) Thank you for reading and I love you till infinity~


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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 23: Omfg I loved this, but I can't bring myself to read the last chapter; I just can't. BUT I LOVDDD ITT <33333
Rose_56 #2
Chapter 23: OMG OMG I read this story non stop I have to go to sleep I have exam tomorrow ㅠㅅㅠ please wish me luck. No let's stop talking about me and let's talk about u omg you are somthing!!!! U are an amazing writer each chapter touched my heart!!! I love this story so much u did a very great job!! Keep up with ur good work.
Chapter 23: the happy ending disappointed me though ㅠㅠ i didnt want to dare to read the sad ending to not let me dissapoint even more haha :/ authornim :((( i wanted more fluffff ㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 24: I love the happy ending....
But i think the sad ending would fit the story better....
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 22: Her Mom is in Mokpo?? O.o but why??
Chapter 21: OMG NOT THIS CANT BE TRUE??!!! OMG NOOOOO!!! ㅠㅠ shes too late ... againnㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 21: Oh God...
I feel sorry for her TT^TT...
Yoe_chan #8
Chapter 20: What??!
Zelo wrote it O.o ??
No wonder it's sounds wrong....
But why Zelo??
And Jongup, I think he stop being like that but now i'm really curious about you Uppie!!
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 19: I don't believe it!!!
Why he said he has no money for her and her mother while now he has a new wife and 2 child??
It's weird -___-"
If he has no money, he wouldn't marry again.....
And if he didn't care about her why he bothering to take her photo when she was 14 ??
It's not the real you ahjusshi.... I know it...
Chapter 19: omggggggg i am so shocked right now o.o but i think he didnt tell the truth...