Tell Me The Truth

Oppa, I Hate You! [오빠,난 니가 싫어!]

I was bathed in a profuse, cold sweat....


“DAD!!!!” I shouted at the top of my voice. My eyes widen and I could feel my sticky palm under a blanket.


Where was I?


“Yoon Dae-mi! Gwenchana??” I stared to Jae-hyuk oppa’s face with a weird looks.


“Jae-hyuk oppa...” My lips trembled as I said his name. And I had remembered back what happened before I was collapsed. “Is this a joke?” The tears suddenly roll down my cheeks.


“Dae-mi ahh.....” He was speechless and just staring at me. Then, he wiped my tears and gave me his hugs.


And I cried in agony.... It’s just....very hurt to bear alone though....


Several minutes later, I stopped crying on Jae-hyuk oppa’s shoulder. Suddenly I felt guilty as Jae-hyuk oppa had to sat uncomfortably just because of me.


“Oppa. I’m done.” I pushed him slowly and nodded as he’s giving me a ‘Are you sure of it?’ looks.


“Do you still want to be here? I’m afraid if-“ I cut his sentences.


“Don’t worry. I promise that I won’t faint after this...” I smiled feebly to him. I still need to see dad’s home...


...eventhough he was no longer there....


“Oh! You had waked up already, Miss Yoon? I’d make this tea for both of you. Please drink it and suit yourself in my little house.” Jae-hyuk oppa and I nodded unisonly. I slowly sipped the tea and put it back on the table.


“Ahjumma. May I know what your relationship with my dad is?” I still remember of the letter’s contents.


“Now, I’d even married with another woman and got a happy family here.”


Was it for real?


“Ah~ I’m just his neighbor. My house was just in front of his house. That’s why we’re close with each other. Especially when my son is really loved to hanging out with late Dae-han.” She suddenly muted herself. “You know, I didn’t mean to say his name-“


I shook my head. “It’s okay. Besides, I would like to know about dad daily life when he is still...alive.”


Don’t cry Dae-mi! Please be strong.....


“Oh...okay. Late Dae-han had already thought my son as his own son. He always welcomes my son to visit him every day.” She smiled. I bet dad was so kind to her son...


As how much he cared of me before....


She continued. “But as my son was getting busy with his career as an artist, he couldn’t have much time to visit him as often as before.” I startled.


Her artist?


“Excuse me ahjumma but....what your son’s name is?” Why I felt as I had known well her son before?


“Oh. He’s still a rookie...and he’s one of B.A.P’s members. His name is Choi Junhong.” I was completely taken aback.




“B.A.P’s Choi Junhong?!” Jae-hyuk oppa was also surprised by it as he looked at me with a confused looks.


“Yes, he is. Waeyo? Do both of you know him-“ I still can’t adapt this... After one, there’s another one thing that make me startled.


Suddenly, there’s someone cut her sentences.


“Very much. Too much. In and out.” Three of us were looking to the person that was standing at the front door with a deep glare.


“Junhong ahh~ My son is finally back! But...what do you mean by that, Junhongie? Are they your chingu?” Mrs. Choi was asking about us to his son. His glare still onto me...and I quickly bowed.


I couldn’t look into his eyes...


“Omma... Yes, they’re my friends. My special friends.” I felt so uncomfortable when he said the ‘special’ words.


“Dae-mi ahh~ Are you okay? Your face looks pale...” Jae-hyuk shifted his gaze towards me and then to Zelo. “Zelo...I’m so surprise to see you here! I bet that B.A.P schedule are busy these days right?” Jae-hyuk oppa held my hands tightly.


Jae-hyuk oppa had already know about everything. I told him....




“Hey Dae-mi? Why you’re so quiet?” Jae-hyuk oppa asked me after 30 minutes in journey to Mokpo.


“Ah? Oh, am I?” I let out a heavy sigh. “Oppa. I’d already resigned from being B.A.P’s PA. Today is not a holiday actually. I’m sorry because I lied to you...”


“What? But why? You don’t like the job that much? But...I’m sure you have your own reason right? Tell me. I’m actually suspecting you, Dae-mi. Do you possibly hide something from me?” I just bowed my head. I couldn’t meet his gaze even for a second.


“I-I actually... Yes, I had hid something from you, oppa.” I shifted my gaze to the front. “But, I’ll tell you everything now...”


“Kim Jae-hyuk! Don’t touch her!” I surprised by Zelo’s shout.


What were you thought of about me and Jae-hyuk oppa right now??


“Urmm....Junhong? Why you’re so angry, son? I actually call you before for the key. I bet Miss Yoon here would like to see his dad’s house. He does give his spare key to you, right?” Mrs. Choi tried to stop her son from being into a fight. And her way was really good though.


“I’m sorry, omma. The key? Oh...I see... I’ll just take them there, omma.” I looked to him in disbelief. He knows my dad for a long time. How could he didn’t even told me about dad?


Even once?


Jae-hyuk oppa and I quickly finished our drinks and followed Zelo from behind. Jae-hyuk oppa still clasped my small hands into his, as if to give me a support for all these things that happened right now.


I looked Zelo’s back view carefully. His moves looks slow and not energetic – it’s not like Zelo that I’d known before. But if I thought about it back again, I really didn’t recognize the man who was in lead right now.


You’re just a stranger to me now, Zelo...I didn’t know who you were anymore...


“Here it is. Dae-mi ahh...” Zelo suddenly turned back to look at me. “Are you sure...that you still want to enter this house?”


I smirked. “What? Why? Am I gonna knows all the truth....that completely opposite from the letter that you wrote before?” I gripped Jae-hyuk oppa’s hand tightly.


I need strength....


He was like hesitated to talk. “Okay. But Dae-mi, I still want you to know feeling towards you is real...” He quickly inserted the key to the handle of the door. And I could hear the click well enough.


Was dad house like a Pandora Box? If yes, I still did want to enter and discovered about it...


Zelo was looking at me with dismay and slowly walked away so that I could open the door. I took a deep breath and finally turned the door’s handle. Suddenly, I can felt the winds from the house were blows softly to my face, as if I could felt presence of dad for a second.




As I opened dad house door, I entered it slowly and I closed my eyes when I was in the middle of the living room.


Trying hard to imagine about dad’s life....and also smell dad’s scent...


Suddenly, my concentration interrupted as Jae-hyuk oppa called for my name from a room that was not far from where I was standing right now. I quickly went inside the room and I stood there dumbfounded as I saw the walls of the room.


There’s a lot of my picture frame that hanged on this room wall...


My picture. Since I was in fourteen years old until now. How dad could possibly got all these pictures? Did there was something that I didn’t know about?


That was still remained as a secret?


Then, I saw a teddy bear lying on the floor, right at the corner of the room. I knew the teddy bear very much.


It’s mine.




“Dae-mi! Ppalli!! We have to get moving by now!” Mom shouted for my name from outside of my room.


“Shirou! I don’t want to go anywhere!! I want to stay here! With dad!” I yelled at the top of my voice towards mom. I hugged my teddy bear tightly.


Suddenly, mom entered the room and tried to pull me to follow her. I tried as much as I could to escape from her grip. As I did that, the teddy bear fell from my grip.


“Mom! I don’t want to be with you!! I want to be with dad!!!”




Mom was slapping me for the first time ever. And the pain still stings me even now...


“Who told you to talk like that to mom!!” Then, I burst into cry and she slowly hugged me and caressed my cheeks. “Mianhae...I didn’t mean to slap you, Dae-mi ahh.... But please...I do all these for you, my dear...”


And, she also was crying hard in front of me. That was the first and last time I saw her tears.


As she succeed in making me fell asleep, I officially - eventhough I was not completely agreed to be taken away by mom, were following mom to somewhere far from here...


To United States.


“Mr. Teddy Bear....” I bit my lower lips, tried as much as I could to stop myself form crying. Then, I took it and hugged it into my arms while cried my heart out.


Dad was never forgetting even once about me... I can felt it....


I couldn’t stop blaming myself as I was arrived here too late. If just I went straightly to Daegu and then found out that dad was here.... If just I was here a bit early....


I could meet dad....


Suddenly, I heard Jae-hyuk oppa yelled and hit someone, I guess? I quickly went to the living room while brought Mr. Teddy Bear with me. As soon as I was arrived there, I saw Zelo was lying to the floor with his blooded lips.


“STOP IT!!” I quickly prevented Jae-hyuk oppa from hit Zelo once again. “Jebal...I’m begging you, oppa...” I can felt Jae-hyuk oppa was hugging me and I cried once again.


Was my heart still loved and cared for him? I don’t know...


“Dae-mi.” I looked at Zelo. His voice shook as he said my name.


“What do you want from me??! You had lied to me!! Dad was never forget about me! Even once! Why you don’t tell me that you know my dad!! Why don’t you tell me where dad is??! You’d know how much I suffering just to find dad! I’d told you everything right? Why you didn’t have some mercy on me, Choi Junhong?! Why?? Then, why you could...write the fake letter to me!! Why??!!” I felt a throbbing pain in my mind, heart and soul.


“Your dad!! Ajeossi did give me a task to make his daughter hate him! So, I wrote the letter and kept silent about ajeossi from you. And...I even just realized that Dae-mi that he always used to tell me before is you! I was also the victim here!” He yelled at me.


Mwo? Victim?


“Junhong....I don’t know how to believe you anymore.... You’re a victim? A task for me to hate him?” I gave a glare to him. “Tell me the truth, or maybe I’ll hate you forever....”


“I had told you! Ajeossi don’t want to you live with him! He wants you to just stay in United States with your mom. And the letter....I made that so that you’ll just forget about him and starts a new life. I don’t want you to cry....if you know that he was already dead. I did all these because I love you, Dae-mi...” He slowly bowed himself and kneeling in front of me and Jae-hyuk oppa.


“I love you, Dae-mi...”


The words keep echoed in my mind. Love? Was this a love??


“Love? How dare you say that you love me??” I fumed irritably. “If you love me, then you’ll never do all these!!! I-I start to feel hatred towards you.... I hate you, Choi Junhong! I hate you!!”


My tears fell down.... It’s so hurt....


“I don’t want you to hate me...because I love you...” He slowly stands up and leaned to my face when I just pushed him aside and looked at him with sadness, frustration, despair and anger – all utterly mixed.


“I don’t want to see your face anymore! Go!! Go away from here!!” I yelled as much as I wanted to. I couldn’t stand this any longer...


Just then, suddenly there was a person came approached me and gave me a hug. I couldn’t see who the person was as my tears blurred my vision.


“Dae-mi ahh..... Please don’t be like this....” I could hear that the person was sobbing too. This voice.....




#Feel free to comment for this chapter~ :)

Btw, the bold sentences were the tagline used for this story. You can see it on the poster =)

And please read the last chapters uncovered for this chapter, Ae-mi's POV~ ^^

Btw, here is a little author note for all my beloved readers, subscribers and also upvoters - as this story had almost reach it's ending~

But, you can choose the best ending for this story! There are 4 choices that I made and I hope everyone can participate in the poll~! Jebal juseyo~~ ^_^

I'll be waiting for the poll's results in 3 days - starts from 18 January 2014 until 20 January 2014 :D

[Poll Link] *Poll has been closed. Thank you.*

Thank you for participating~~ Love you! *big huggles*

~~~Lots of ♥, Petite_Star2014~~~

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*edited - 16/6/2015* Dear my lovely subscribers, I'd edited several part of 'Oppa, I Hate You' :) Thank you for reading and I love you till infinity~


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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 23: Omfg I loved this, but I can't bring myself to read the last chapter; I just can't. BUT I LOVDDD ITT <33333
Rose_56 #2
Chapter 23: OMG OMG I read this story non stop I have to go to sleep I have exam tomorrow ㅠㅅㅠ please wish me luck. No let's stop talking about me and let's talk about u omg you are somthing!!!! U are an amazing writer each chapter touched my heart!!! I love this story so much u did a very great job!! Keep up with ur good work.
Chapter 23: the happy ending disappointed me though ㅠㅠ i didnt want to dare to read the sad ending to not let me dissapoint even more haha :/ authornim :((( i wanted more fluffff ㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 24: I love the happy ending....
But i think the sad ending would fit the story better....
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 22: Her Mom is in Mokpo?? O.o but why??
Chapter 21: OMG NOT THIS CANT BE TRUE??!!! OMG NOOOOO!!! ㅠㅠ shes too late ... againnㅠㅠ
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 21: Oh God...
I feel sorry for her TT^TT...
Yoe_chan #8
Chapter 20: What??!
Zelo wrote it O.o ??
No wonder it's sounds wrong....
But why Zelo??
And Jongup, I think he stop being like that but now i'm really curious about you Uppie!!
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 19: I don't believe it!!!
Why he said he has no money for her and her mother while now he has a new wife and 2 child??
It's weird -___-"
If he has no money, he wouldn't marry again.....
And if he didn't care about her why he bothering to take her photo when she was 14 ??
It's not the real you ahjusshi.... I know it...
Chapter 19: omggggggg i am so shocked right now o.o but i think he didnt tell the truth...