Chapter 24

Loosen Up


Auditions were right around the corner. Kibum and I had been preparing nonstop for today and neither one of us could sleep at night without worrying or stressing over the auditions. I was sweating, even as I took a shower today. That’s how nervous I was. While eating cereal, by the time the spoon got to my mouth everything was already back in the bowl. I was freaking out.

Even though what happened with my parents wasn’t too long ago, I didn’t want to let that bring me down. There wasn’t any time to sulk and cry when I had better things to worry about. Things that could change from where I am now to one step closer to somewhere. Just somewhere. Kibum was surprised that I made such a decision and so were his parents. Nonetheless, they took me into their care. One day for sure, I’m going to repay them back. I owed them for saving me countless times.

“Stop shaking,” Kibum told me, entering the lobby of Pearl Entertainment. “Look confident when you display yourself in front of the judges. Let them know you really want this opportunity and be yourself. Stand tall. Don’t let the other people here discourage you. Also – Are you even listening to me?”

I took a long, deep breathe, trying to restore my face to its natural color, “Forget about listening, I can barely even breathe.”

“Chill, dude,” Kibum assured, though it was kind of hard hearing him through the rambunctious cackling groups of teenagers surrounding us. “Just do your best.”

Kibum and I walked pass the lady at the front desk and followed a sign that pointed towards a vast area which I presumed was where we were supposed to wait and be called. We found seats located near a garbage can in case I felt like emptying out my system so I wouldn’t have to in front of the judges. I glanced over at Kibum. He looked suspiciously calm for someone who was just as new to auditioning as I was. We’ve tried out for parts in school plays before, but this was totally different. It had a whole different atmosphere. Not to mention level of pressure. My heart was beating faster than my eyes could blink.

“Hey, aren’t you nervous?”

“Hell yeah, I’m nervous as .” Kibum murmured. He must’ve really meant it because he rarely swore without a reason. I noticed his right leg twitching up and down as I observed his movements closer. “I’m just trying to conceal it so people think I must be really confident because I’m not breaking down unlike half the people here. Making a fool out of myself is that last thing I want to do.”

My eyes scanned the proximity and found children crying in their guardians’ arms saying ‘I’m not ready’ or teenagers hyperventilating and breathing into plastic bags. Compared to them, I guess I looked 10 times better soaked in sweat and all.

A lady was walking around, collecting everyone’s audition forms. She then handed back a number. Mine was 26. Kibum’s was 25. Once the auditions officially began, I never realized how fast time few because of my frequent habit of spacing out. The speaker lady was already calling out numbers in the twenties.

“Number 25… Number 25.” A lady said on the intercom.

I look over to Kibum to cheer him on, but abruptly froze to the horrified expression painted on his face. He stiffly returned my gaze, body now starting to tremble. Seeing his true terrified emotions finally revealed through the mask he wore was unexpected, yet reassuring in some way that he had human anxiety too. I snapped out of my shock. “25, they said 25. Now go. Before they call the next number,” I pushed him to give an extra boost. He got up and looked back at me while facing the door. “Go.” I mouthed and he swallowed hard and made his way into the next room, where the judges were. I waited restlessly for his return. All while preparing for my own audition. My forearms rested on my thighs and I let my head just hang. As soon as I heard the sound of a door clicking, I stood up immediately. Kibum’s face showed relief that it was over.

“How was it?” I asked.

“I think I did well. I saw the same guy that scouted me in there. Just so you know they’ll be recording you.”

“Number 26… Number 26.”

Kibum gave me a pat on the shoulder, “Good luck.”

Those words were all I needed. I got up and walked through the doors without looking back.

It was Monday. Auditions were over and now all that was left was to wait for the results to be mailed in from the company.

“Donghae-hyung!” An energetic little punk shouted, “Wait up!”

I looked over my shoulder to see who was calling me while I was taking a little stroll through the hallways of SM. It was Key.

“Yah! No running in the hallways,” A teacher scolded him. “No shouting either.”

“I apologize.” Key bowed, but right when the teacher resumed walking in the opposite direction, Key began to speed walk until he was caught up to my side. “Hyung, good morning.”

“Morning.” I replied.

“I heard that you kissed Hyuk–”

I quickly covered his mouth, “Shhhhh, not so loud.” I said in a loud whisper. Even though some people already knew about the little skit we preformed, I was still embarrassing to bring up the kiss scene or even hear how ‘ally y’ it was as Hyoyeon puts it.

“Sorry – Anyways, I heard that there was tongue involved. Are you guys… Ya know? Dating?”

I was taken aback for a second. What on Earth was this kid talking about? Aish, these rumors…

“Key, I have no idea where you heard that from, but there was absolutely no tongue involved and we’re not dating.”


“Really.” I assured.

“Awww, that’s a shame. I was gonna ask you for some advice too.” Key pouted while holding the straps of his backpack.

“Advice? What kind of advice could I possibly give you requiring me to be dating Hyukjae?” I questioned, making a left turn to avoid walking into a wall. Key turned with me and we continued to walk in circles within the hallways.

“Uhh, you see… I was going to ask for love advice.” Key blushed. I flashed my eyes over at him wondering if he had already found himself a crush. I couldn’t help but think about the type of person he would fall in love with. Innocent? Fierce? Nerdy?

“Alright, but how does that related to Hyukjae and I being a thing?”

I heard him swallow. His walking pace started to slow down and then eventually came to an absolute stop. I turned back, checking if there was something wrong. “Key?”

“You won’t judge me if I told you, will you?” He seemed uneasy and worried in a way. I gave him my most honest answer.

“I’ll for sure have an opinion, but I won’t ostracize you for also having your own. So, tell me anything. I’m listening and I’m here for you.”

Key smiled, relieved, but not completely. He was fidgeting with backpack straps. “I wanted to ask you advice on approaching a student.”

I shook my head. “I’m still lost.”

“A male student.”

I was caught off guard, but I held a poker face. After what I said I didn’t want to risk upsetting him since he trusted me. Okay he’s gay, nothing wrong. Hyukjae’s gay too, and I freakin’ kissed him. Whoever he likes does not affect me. Give him your best and honest reply. I said to myself.

“Which male student?” I asked.

“H-His name is Jonghyun.”

My eyes widened to the size of golf balls. I cleared my throat to try and not act so shocked. Not only did I just discover that Key was crushing on a male student, it just so happens to be someone I knew well too. My little Dino fellow…

“J-Jonghyun? The sophomore?”

“Yes, you know him?”

“Quite a bit.” I pressed my lips together.

His face lit up. “Great! So do you know how I can approach him? I’m practically invisible around him and I can’t find the confidence to walk straight towards him and say hi and when I do, I always end up freezing and looking stupid.”

I get it now. Key thought I was dating Hyukjae so he wanted some advice from someone who he thought had experience in a gay relationship. Only one thing, I’m not gay and I’ve never been in a relationship with another guy. Though, giving him advice from a straight perspective could still work, probably. How different could it be? It would just be like approaching a girl, right? Do some flirting, be seductive, flatter her and make her blush, that might do the trick.

I felt like slapping my forehead from thinking so stupidly. This isn’t a her. It’s Jonghyun. Stuff like that wasn’t going to work on him. How do you approach a male?

“Ummm, just walk up to him and introduce yourself.” I suggested.

“I’ve already tried that, it didn’t lead me anywhere.” He sulked, genuinely troubled. It seemed that he must’ve really liked him.

“How about I introduce you to him?” I tried again.

“And then what?” Key further asked. “What am I going to do afterwards? Stand there and stare at him?” I never knew there were so many problems to deal with just to approach someone. I’ve only ever been with Jessica and we already knew each other to begin with even before we started going out, so there were barely any complications. How was I going to help this crushing teenage boy out if I’ve never experienced the same conflictions? Suddenly, I saw my answer, literally.

“Hyukjae!” I called as he passed by us. He twisted his neck, confused on who had shouted his name. He started towards us once he realized that it was me.

“You called?” He said, pleased.

“Help this kid out, I’ve got nothing.” I said, nudging Key towards him. He looked over at Key and Key explained everything to Hyukjae.

“Have Donghae be with you when you try to talk to him. If you can’t do it alone, bring company.”

“I don’t think I can do it.” Key whimpered.

“Why not?” Hyukjae said.

“Well, what happens if I freeze up? I’ll just make a fool out of myself again.”

Every time we gave more suggestions, he seemed to argue back about his low confidence.

“Key, can I see your arm?” He asked.

Key showed it to him, inside facing upward, and Hyukjae searched through is backpack and pulled out a tube with some red stains on it. “Roll your sleeve up.” He commanded and uncapped the tube. A red, watery liquid started dripping down onto Key’s arm. It was like blood.

“Ah! It’s cold!” Key quietly shrieked.

“Deal with it.” Hyukjae deadpanned.

“Why the hell do you have fake blood with you?” I questioned.

“I got it from drama class when we were learning about special effects.” Hyukjae smiled, which I thought was kinda disturbing. Considering that he was pouring artificial blood on someone.  

“Wait, weren’t we supposed to return that fake blood? D-Did you steal it?!” I said in disbelief.

“That’s one way to put it.” He smiled guiltlessly. “But yes, I took it without permission. Now hush, I’m trying to concentrate.”

He finished and capped the tube and began dragging Key somewhere. Without a word, I followed them to see where he was leading him. I caught on to what he was up to when we discovered Jonghyun near the art classroom with Amber. Key resisted once we got closer.

“Why are you stopping now?” I said.

“A-Amber’s there.”

“So what? Here, I’ll get rid of her.” I made my way to my Dino siblings and greeted them. “Oh hey Amber, Krystal’s looking for you. She has tacos too.”

“Seriously?! Where she at? Tell me!” Amber eagerly drooled.

“On the other side of the school, go look for her.” I told her. She dashed off like the hungry beast she always was, leaving Jonghyun alone. Ahhhh Amber, nothing could separate her from Jonghyun like tacos and Krystal.

Hyukjae forcefully dragged Key over and made a dramatic entrance. “Jonghyun, quick! Key’s bleeding and he needs you to take him to the nurse’s office!”

Jonghyun looked confused. “Can’t you take him?”

“No.” Hyukjae replied bluntly.

“Then can’t he go alone?”

“He can’t, he’s dying. What if he faints? It’ll be all your fault.”

“Wait, why would it be my f–”

“Just go – Look, he’s turning pale! He won’t make it unless you take him right now. Go! Jonghyun this is your duty! Save him before it’s too late!” Hyukjae shoved Key towards Jonghyun and accidentally got fake blood on his white shirt.

“I’m sorry!” Key bowed, holding his bloody arm.

“Oh look, both you guys should head to the nurse’s office and wash off that blood.” I helped.

Key and Jonghyun looked at each other. Smiling slanted like he always does when he goes with the flow, Jonghyun held Key’s ‘injured’ arm with one hand and wrapped his arm around Key with the other. “So, you need some help to the nurse’s office?”

Key’s face flushed, but he nodded.

“Come with me then.” He guided, supporting Key with every step.

I sighed. My job here is done. The rest was up to Key now, but I could tell that things were going to work out. I knew for a fact that Jonghyun was biual. So he had a chance.

The corners of my mouth lifted into a smile, “That was incredibly stupid but also really kind of you, Hyukjae.”

“Ahem, how ‘bout a thank you?” Hyukjae nudged me.

“Ever heard of being humble?”

“Doesn’t ring a bell.” He said.

“Speaking of bells, we should start heading to class.” I said.

We walked together, but when we were half way there, Hyukjae suddenly grabbed me and pushed me against a furry zebra printed wall.

“What are you doing?” I gasped, disoriented by the sudden closeness of our bodies.

“How about we practice a kiss?” He leaned in, suggestively.

I threw him an incredulous look.

“I can’t get that kiss out of my head.” He confessed almost shy.

“Hyukjae, I’m not gay like you.” I reminded him.

“I know, but another kiss wouldn’t hurt would it?” His eyes were begging for me. There was something strangely satisfying about the thought of someone as arrogant as Hyukjae wanted something he couldn’t have and that only I could give it to him.

“No.” I said firmly.

Unsurprisingly he wasn’t listening. He leaned in and kissed my ear. I could hear my heart beating like a bass drum. My arms were in between us to help keep some distance, but that didn’t stop him. He moved on from my ear to the side of my head. I tried to push him away, but he slid his hands onto mine and pushed them outward pinning them to either side of my head. I couldn't fight the gentleness. He was taking more time than he should for a simple kiss.

“Hyukjae, what if people see?”

“Oh, so you’re fine as long as no one is watching?”

“That’s not what I me – H-Hey!”

He kissed my cheek. “The hallways are empty. No one is going to see.” He whispered.

“We have to get to class or else we’ll be marked tardy.” It surprised me how docile my voice sounded to my own ears. It was disturbing, but I felt no actual disgust.

“We still got time left. Let’s just share a quick kiss and then we can go.” He promised, moving closer to my lips and made another kiss. The closer his lips got to mine, the more tense my body became. I closed my eyes, ready to just get it over with. I felt the heat of his face, he must’ve been close to kiss me, but I felt the presence of it disappear. I opened my eyes, wondering what happened.

“Relax,” He cooed in my ear. My face was flushed from feeling his hot breathe. I didn’t realize that his hands had already moved to my waist and my arms somehow ended up on his shoulders. When did we get into this position? “Look at me.” He ordered in a low voice. I obeyed, feeling weak to that voice. Something was strange. Why wasn’t I resisting? I had a girlfriend, but that matter seemed so insignificant when I was so close to being kissed by him. My mind couldn’t focus on anything else but Hyukjae.

He made his move and we were kissing. Our mouths touched. I felt the familiar plumpness and shamelessly indulged myself to feel more. I even dared to nibble in his bottom lip. There was something seriously wrong, yet so thrilling about this.

“Donghae! You lied! Krystal wasn’t looking for me,” It was Amber. I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and shoved Hyukjae away. Softly panting, I wiped my lips with my sleeve, repentant at my lack of self-control when something so wrong made me feel so hungry for more. Jessica couldn’t know about it – She absolutely couldn’t. Without a second glance back, I started marching to my first period class. “She didn’t have any tacos either. I’m really disappointed and – Whoa, hello there.”

I walked passed Amber, my face blushing. What the hell is wrong with me?


Pearl Entertainment Auditions have passed and Kibum and Donghae are anticipating for the results! Key has fallen for Jonghyun and the side love story begins! Though, I don't think it will show up too much, just occasionally, maybe, I don't know. Hyukjae makes a move too, it's so random, but that's just how Hyukjae is. He just does whatever he wants 'cause he's a spoiled, sadistic little brat Cx I'm officially on summer break now, but can't guarantee I will be totally free, but I definitely have more freetime now. Please enjoy, thank you~

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Superjunior21 #1
Chapter 41: Been a year and I only found this story today and read the whole thing! This is really really good
Chapter 41: Authornimmmmmmm....
When will it be updated??????
Im gonna wait for it....
hyukhaes #3
Chapter 42: going to read it all over again after the story is completed ^^
Chapter 42: Thanks for the notification. I will reread after you've uploaded chap 39 ^^
pilikpoplove #5
Chapter 42: Kkkkk perfect excuse to re read it whole~
Chapter 14: Once u revised or edited all chapter will u let us know? I wanna reread all this thing over but it would be better if i wit till u coplete all the edit version >.<
CandyFish #7
Chapter 41: Cant wait for their musical perf, it's will be so great u.u and isn't eunhae is the sweetest couple~ ♡
Hope after the gonna be amazing hae's musical perf hae's parents accept hae again, and realize what an amazing son they have...
HanBaram #8
Chapter 41: Niceeeeeeee
MeinAltire #9
Chapter 41: OOhh My...great...thanks for the update
Chapter 41: "So then follow my lead" --> HYUKJAE! <3333
That sentence made my heart skips a beat.

What are you talking about? We're already in chapter 38, I can't retreat now. I want to know the end. But don't be pressured on the scheduled update. Just follow your own time. Love. XOXO