Chapter 29

You & I, Don't Deny Our 'r² π' U-KISS FanFic

Kiseop and Sunhee arrived at her home. She opened the door and saw her parents sat in the front room. ‘Appa, why aren’t you at work?’ She said watching Kiseop’s reaction.

‘I’m here today to meet your boyfriend.’ He answered and looked towards Kiseop. ‘Hello.’

‘Hello, I’m Lee Kiseop.’ Kiseop bowed 90 degrees and looked towards Sunhee with a reassuring smile. ‘Nice to meet you both.’

‘Wow, you’re a handsome young man.’ Sunhee’s mum said looking him up and down. ‘What do you like about my daughter?’

Sunhee cut in before he had a chance to answer. ‘Omma, stop it he’s only just arrived.’

‘Yes save the small talk for dinner.’ Her dad said smiling. ‘Please put your bag down and take your jacket off make yourself comfortable.’ He smiled towards the two of them.

After a few minutes the door opened and in came Sunhee’s little sister, Sunmi. She was a middle schooler just a couple years younger than Sunhee. ‘Oh you’re home.’ Sunhee said towards her.

‘Yep.’ She said walking upstairs without greeting Kiseop or even acknowledging him.

‘Sorry about her…’ Sunhee said towards him but he just smiled happily.

‘It’s fine.’

‘Dinner is done.’ They heard from the kitchen and slowly they all made their way to the dining table. Her mum laid out the food nicely, main being classic chicken with lots of luxurious side dishes. ‘Sunmi, Baekho dinner!’ She called up the stairs. Baekho came running first he sat at the table, he was a 10 year old elementary school student, he then noticed Kiseop.

‘Who’s this?’ He said not taking his attention away from the chicken.

Kiseop smiled and introduced himself. ‘I’m Lee Kiseop, Sunhee’s boyfriend.’

‘How much is she paying you for that?’ He teased then received a smack over the head from their dad. Though her mum giggled. ‘Sorry.’ He said wanting to eat, like now.

Sunmi came down and took a seat next to Baekho leaving two empty seats together for the couple to use. ‘Let’s eat.’ Her dad said happily staring at the chicken with hungry eyes.

After digging in her mum couldn’t hold back anymore. ‘So what do you like about my Sunhee?’

Kiseop straightened up. ‘Well, I love that she intelligent and pretty, she acts natural around me… and I feel she’s just perfect.’ He smiled then ate some more kimchi. ‘By the way this kimchi is really good, do you make your own?’ He said complimenting her.

‘What Korean doesn’t.’ She said rolling her eyes. ‘So she’s clever and pretty… there’s plenty of girls like that, why is my Sunhee special?’

The atmosphere in the room became thick… ‘Yeobo, ask more than just one question, we can get more in depth answers next time he comes for dinner.’ Her dad said smiling.

The mother took a sip of her water and cleared . ‘Okay, why are you attending the school?’

‘Well in U-Kiss we have foreign members, Xander is from Hong Kong and Eli & Kevin are from America… we get a lot of criticisms about their Korean language and knowledge, so it was a decision made so we could better ourselves as people as well as idols.’ He answered truthfully. ‘Also a chance for myself and the other members to get a full chance of proper education, though before we would get tutored it wasn’t the same.’

‘Oh…’ She said, now treating this as a two person conversation. ‘You know how to put the blame on people…’

‘Omma.’ Sunhee choked.

‘What? He just said it was because of his foreign members…’

Sunhee rolled her eyes. ‘This is why I didn’t want to bring him back here…’ She got up and looked towards her mother. ‘He is a nice guy, I like him a lot. So this interrogation is pointless… in fact it’s just showing me how much I want to be with him… putting up with all this.’

‘Sunhee it’s fine.’ Kiseop said tugging on her arm to sit down. ‘I can understand them wanting to know more about me.’ He looked to both her mum and then dad. ‘I am an idol, and up until recently I was a greedy one… honestly it took me a long time to debut, rejections here and there… eventually I found someone who wanted me, there at U-Kiss… and I felt happy and became a lazy person thinking the hard part was over. But after coming to school again and having to build up everything all over again I’ve realised if I worked harder we might not have had too… but I don’t regret being lazy or selfish because I met Sunhee… I truly like your daughter.’ He smiled.

Her dad nodded. ‘I acknowledge your relationship, I like this boy.’ He said towards her mum who had fury written on her face.

She looked towards him. ‘So you’re telling me when you leave the school you’ll still want my daughter?’

Kiseop nodded. ‘If that’s what you’re worried about don’t be, I’m planning on loving Sunhee for a long time.’ He took Sunhee’s hand and smiled towards her. ‘Until she gets tired of me.’

Sunhee blushed and then in the cute moment…

‘Ack-ergh’ Baekho started making vomiting noises. ‘Oh sorry but something really cringey just made me gag on my high quality chicken.’ He smirked.

Sunhee kicked his leg under the table and turned to Kiseop who was laughing at him. ‘And you said he’s 10?’

Sunhee laughed with him nodding.

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aww it's a nice ending, I liked it ^^
do a YG story, that should be fun :D
Nice update!!!!!!! Wahh, so cool.....
Nice update!!!!!!! Wahh, so cool.....
>< Where's Hyunok and Soohyun's bit you promised me??

But other than that your doing great Dongsaengie ^^

Saranghae <3
cute and fluffy chapter, I like ^^